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PLDT Internet

PLDT Landline
PLDT believes that offering their consumers premium packages is important. As a result, they have
always used a premium pricing strategy, which has been successful for them over time. Even though a
wide variety of products are now available, pricing strategy has not changed. However, the plan also
considers the numerous products and services that rivals provide, whether they are data or telephonic

The list price, the terms of credit, the length of the payment period, and discounts will all be emphasized
in PLDT Inc.'s pricing strategy. PLDT Inc. will have to establish a lower price than rivals if it opts for the
price penetration strategy. Due to reduced prices, the company will be able to gain market share.
However, management needs to be mindful that there could be unfavorable pricing wars as retribution
from rivals.

A thorough explanation of the cause for differentiation and how that differentiation justifies the higher
price will be necessary when choosing a skimming strategy.

The 'price' is no longer what today's consumers are interested in learning, but rather the overall cost
associated with purchasing, using, and discarding the goods.

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