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Mean-Field Theory of Spin-Glasses with Finite Coordination Number

I. Kanter
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, and
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel 52100^

H. Sompolinsky
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, and
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel^
(Received 1 October 1986)

The mean-field theory of dilute spin-glasses is studied in the limit where the average coordination
number is finite. The zero-temperature phase diagram is calculated and the relationship between the
spin-glass phase and the percolation transition is discussed. The present formalism is applicable also to
graph optimization problems.

PACS numbers: 75.50.Kj, 64.60.Cn, 64.60.Fr

The mean-field theory (MFT) of spin-glasses usually M F T of dilute spin-glasses which is appropriate for all
refers to an infinite-range system of TV spins; each one of temperatures T and solve it in the limit of T—+ 0. The
them is connected to the remaining TV — 1 spins. ! In this phase diagram and the properties of the various low-T
paper, the M F T of dilute spin-glasses is studied. If, phases are discussed.
after dilution of the bonds, the average number of bonds We consider an Ising system described by the Hamil-
per spin remains of O(TV), the dilution does not affect tonian
the behavior of the system. If, however, the average
coordination number is finite, some new physics is ex- H — - ^ Jij St Sj, (1)
pected to emerge. In particular there will be an interest- 1
ing interplay between the statistical-mechanical frustra-
tion and the geometric connectivity fluctuations. Also, where 5,-= ± 1 G' = l, . . . ,TV), and the / , / s are infi-
one might expect that some features of the diluted sys- nite-ranged random interactions. Their probability dis-
tem are closer to the realm of the short-range spin-glass tribution is
(SG) system.
Besides the relevance to the low-temperature proper- p(Jij)=(\-c/N)8(Jij) + (c/N)f(Jij). (2)
ties of spin-glasses, the theory of dilute spin-glasses has
important applications in graph optimization problems. 2 It describes a network of bonds which is highly diluted:
Some of these problems can be mapped into random, The average coordination number of each spin is c which
frustrated Ising models with highly diluted infinite-range is taken to be on the order of 1. The distribution of the
interactions. 3 For these problems, mean-field theory surviving bonds is given by f(Jtj) which is normalized to
should yield exact results in the thermodynamic limit. unity. Because the average number of bonds is cTV/2
The M F T of dilute SG's has been previously systemat- (and not N2/2) the scale of Jy must be on the order of 1
ically studied only in the neighborhood of the transition to achieve the appropriate thermodynamic limit.
temperature. 4 However, some of the interesting proper- Since there are no length scales in the problem, a
ties of the system are revealed at low temperatures. In mean-field theory is expected to give an exact description
fact, earlier treatments of the low-T phase failed to ar- of the system in the thermodynamic limit (TV—• «>).
rive at a consistent theory which incorporates the all- Indeed, using the replica method, Viana and Bray 4 have
important frustration of the system. 5 We present here a shown that the average free energy per spin at tempera-
J ture T ^Z? ~ l can be expressed as

1 - — In Tr 5 «exp ( - / ? / / ) - — In f dJf(J)coshn(pj), (3)

^ r y Z ^ + f Z ^ + f Z.
n Z Z Z
Qhr + -
' a a<p a<p<y

pH = -c ai^QaSa + a2^QafiSaS^a3 £ Qaf>rSaSfiS*+. (4)

a<p a<p<y

164 © 1987 The American Physical Society


The indices a,/?,y,. . . run from 1 to n. The variables Sa In this paper we solve the problem within the frame-
represent n spins at the same site. The constants a^ are work of replica-symmetric theory. The order parameters
are assumed to be independent of the replica indices, i.e.,
ak= f dJf(J)tnnhk(pJ). (5) Qa=Qu Qafi^Qi, Qapr = Qi> etc -> f o r a l 1 replica indices.
U — oo
The quantities Qk are simply the moments of the local
The physical free energy is derived by minimization with magnetizations, ( ^ " " ( ( w * ) ) , where m/^dS,-)^, where
respect to (Qa,Qap,Qa$y, • • •) and taking of the limit (. . ,)T is a thermal average, and ((. . . » stands for an
A — 0. average over the Jy. On the assumption of this struc-
The new feature of Eq. (3) is the appearance of a ture, the limit n—•O of Eq. (3) can be taken explicitly,
large number of order parameters, whereas in the M F T yielding a free energy which is a function of all order pa-
of undiluted SG's [the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) rameters Qk. Instead of dealing directly with an infinite
model l ] only Qa and Qap appear. The present model has number of order parameters, it is most useful to consider
been studied in Ref. 4 near the transition temperatures. the probability distribution of the local fields defined by
There, to leading order, one can neglect all but a few of hi = t&nh~l(Si)T> Note that hi is not equivalent to the
the order parameters which results, not surprisingly, in a exchange field Xy^7 m y- As ^ ~ * 0> ^ l ^ i ' l *s t r i e
behavior qualitatively similar to that of the SK model. minimum energy cost for changing the /th spin from its
Here we focus on the low-temperature regime where all ground state by an arbitrary excitation which involves
order parameters are of the same magnitude. The study the flipping of a finite number of spins. The free energy
of the low-T limit is further complicated by the n—•O can be expressed as a functional of the averaged, local-
limit. Earlier attempts 5 have shown that in frustrated field distribution, P(h). Extremizing this free energy,
systems this limit has to be taken before the T—• 0 limit. we have derived the following self-consistent equation for
the "order function" P(h):

P(h)=e~c f -^-expf-iyA+c f dJfU) f P(x)dxexp{iytznh _1

[tanh(/3/)tanhx]} (6)
%/ — oo 2.JT \ *J — oo */ — oo
Near the transition temperature the local fields are small, and hence one can expand the exponent in Eq. (6) in powers
o f m ( x ) = t a n h x . This leads to self-consistent equations for the lowest moments of m, which recover the results of Ref.
4. For general T, and arbitrary bond distribution / ( / ) , Eq. (6) can be solved numerically. Here we specialize to the
particularly simple case of the discrete bond distribution,
fU)=aS(J-\) + (\-a)S(J+l), (7)
in the limit of T—+ 0. Since in this case the excitation energies are integers, P(h) must have, at zero T, the following
P(h) = ( 1 - g ) S ( A ) + £ Pi+S(h -pi)+X PrSih+fil). (8)

With the definitions P ± = Z / ^ ± » lt i s evident that P + + P~ — 0 , P~*~ ~P~ =m, where Q is the total fraction of
frozen spins, and m is the net magnetization (per spin) of the frozen spins. In taking the T—• 0 limit of Eq. (6) we
note that l i m ^ o I tanh _ 1 [ t a n h ( ^ y ) tanhjc] | is equal to P \ J \ if | JC | > P | J \ and to | x | if | x | < p \ J |. Substituting
Eq. (8) into the right-hand side of Eq. (6), one then finds

P(h)=e~c f_^^exp[-iyh+cQ(x+e+iyfi+x-e-iy0)], (9)

x ± - | ±(m/QHa-{). (10)
Expanding the integrand of Eq. (9) in powers of cQ and integrating over y, one obtains a series of 8 functions in h
which confirms the consistency of the Ansatz (8). Furthermore, summing all contributions to 8(h), and calculating the
difference between the contributions with positive h and contributions with negative h, one obtains the following equa-
tions for Q and m:
\-Q=e-cQh{2cQ(x+x-)xn), (11)

m=cQe-cQfxXyt{l0(2cQ[t(\-t)]l/2)+[4t(\-t)]-l/2h (12)
sre Iv(x) are modified Bessel functions. Evaluating the ffree energy at low T, we find for the ground-state energy
per spin, E, the following expression:
/ * OO

E=~ {c(\-Q)2 + c(a- ±)m2-Tf_oodhP(h)\h\. (13)


We now discuss a few consequences: limit of c—> 1 + , implying that at the percolation thresh-
(i) Dilute ferromagnet, a = l.— In this case P~ =0, old one-third of the spins on the percolating cluster are
and Eqs. (11) and (12) reduce to Q=m=P* where P is frustrated.
the order parameter of the intinite-range percolation, 2 Another aspect of the frustration is given by the
satisfying ground-state energy. Evaluating Eq. (13) in the SG
phase, we obtain
\-P=e~cP. (14)
ESG=-Tc(l-Q)2-cQe-cQ[I0(cQ) + Il(cQ)].
It is nonzero above the percolation threshold c = 1 and
approaches unity with c — °o as P ~ 1 —e ~c. In addi- (16)
tion, Eq. (9) yields the interesting result that P* This energy is always greater than — j c. In fact, the
= (cP)le ~cP/ll Note that by its definition, Eq. (8), Pf quantity TV(£50+ y c ) / 2 is the total number of unsa-
is (in this case of a = 1) the average concentration of tisifed bonds in the SG phase. Near the transition,
spins that can be disconnected from the infinite cluster ^SG+y^H^-l)3.
by cutting only / bonds. For instance, NP\~ =NcPe ~cP The SG zero-T critical behavior near c — 1 can be un-
is the average number of sites on the infinite cluster derstood in terms of the geometrical properties of the
which do not belong to its "backbone." Equation (13) percolating cluster in many dimensions. 6 According to
yields E = — j c for all c which is just the average num- the "nodes and links" model, 6 the typical loops on the in-
ber of bonds per spin as expected. finite cluster are of linear size £, which is the percolation
(ii) Spin-glass phase, a < 1.— For all a < 1, there is a correlation length £~~(p—pc)~v- The total number of
range of c > 1 where a spin-glass phase exists, character- loops in a system with linear size L is proportional to
ized by m = 0 , Q^O. In this phase Eq. (11) reduces to (L/^)d = N(p — pc)vd, which implies that the number of
\-Q=e-cQI0(cQ). (15) loops per site at the upper critical dimension, d = 6 , is
proportional to (p—pc)3. A finite fraction of the loops
It is nonzero above c — \ with Q~- j (c — 1), near c are frustrated and since each frustrated loop contains
~ 1 + . As c—+ °°, Q approaches unity only as a power roughly one frustrated bond, the frustration energy must
law, 1 -Q~-(2KC) ~ 1/2 . Note that for all c > 1, Q is less be proportional to (p —pc)3. Note that for many dimen-
than P as shown in the inset of Fig. 1. The difference sions the finite clusters have a treelike structure with no
P — Q represents the average concentration of frustrated loops, and hence ESG= ~~ jc below (7 = 1. Most of the
spins, i.e., the concentration of spins on the infinite clus- spins which are on a frustrated loop are frustrated since
ter which can be flipped at T= 0 by an excitation with they can be flipped by the movement of the frustrated
zero energy. The ratio (P — Q)/P has the value y in the bond along the loop. Furthermore, the flip of a spin will
cause the flipping of all the spins which lie on dangling
ends attached to it; hence most of the dangling ends at-
l.OI ' 1 ' 1 F^""1 ' r- tached to the frustrated loops are frustrated. The total
L ^ v FM mass of these dangling ends is proportional to PN and
therefore a finite fraction of the spins on the percolation
cluster are frustrated even at c = l",~. Note that Eqs.
(15) and (16) are independent of the parameter a,
PM SG meaning that the properties of the SG phase at r = 0 are
determined entirely by the geometry of the loops on the
infinite cluster and are therefore independent of the rela-
tive concentration of negative bonds. The extent of this
phase does depend on a as discribed below.
(iii) Ferromagnetic phase, \<a<\. — Expanding
Eq. (12) in small m, one finds a transition from a SG
phase to a ferromagnetic phase which occurs at the criti-
O.OIL 1 cal value of c given by the equation
p Q5 0.75 10 H
O.Ol i i l | I i i i I I l-(2a-l)ce"cfi[/0(ce)+/i(ce)], (17)
0.0 Q5 10 Q being the SG order parameter. When 0 < a < y , Eq.
C/(1*C) (17) does not have a solution, implying that when the
FIG. 1. The zero-T phase diagram: a is defined in Eq. (7); concentration of negative bonds is higher than the posi-
PM, FM, and SG stand for paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, and tive ones the SG phase given by Eqs. (15) and (16) ex-
spin-glass phases. Inset: The percolation order parameter, P, ists at r = 0 for all c. For a >: y , a ferromagnetic phase
Eq. (14), and the SG order parameter, g, Eq. (15), as func- appears above the critical c, and is characterized by
tions of c/(\ +c) in the SG phase. q > m > 0.


The full phase diagram at T=Q is shown in Fig. 1. ture of this symmetry breaking in the present model par-
Note that although the undiluted, infinite-range antifer- ticularly at T=0. The present approach can be used to
romagnet remains paramagnetic even at zero tempera- study graph partitioning problems. This application
ture, the dilute antiferromagnet (the present model with which involves extending our mean-field theory to in-
a = 0 ) freezes into a SG state for all c>\. Thus, any corporate the effects of external fields is currently being
arbitrarily weak dilution of the infinite-range antifer- investigated. Details of the calculations as well as the
romagnet pins a large fraction of the frustrated bonds derivation of Eq. (6) will be given elsewhere.
and causes a freezing of the system at low T. A most helpful interaction with A. Zippelius and use-
Many of the above qualitative results, including the ful discussions with A. Bray and D. Huse are acknowl-
general form of the phase diagram, are valid also for edged. Our interest in this problem has been stimulated
bond distributions other than Eq. (8). Perhaps the most by a discussion with R. N . Bhatt during the Aspen
important difference is associated with the value of the Workshop on Glassy Dynamics, July 1985. This
SG order parameter Q. By analysis of the contribution research is supported in part by the fund of Basic
of Eq. (6) to S(h ) it is straightforward to see that if the Research of the Israeli Academy of Science and Human-
bond distribution / ( / / / ) is continuous, the equation for Q ities, by a grant from the U.S.-Israel Binational Foun-
is just 1 — £?=exp( — cQ), which is the same as that of dation, and by National Science Foundation Grant No.
the percolation order parameter P, Eq. (14). This is PHY82-17853, supplemented by the U.S. National
indeed expected. In the continuous case the probability Aeronautics and Space Administration.
that local fields on the percolating cluster vanish is zero, Note added.—Order functions which are related to
and hence all the spins on the finite cluster are frozen at our P(h), Eq. (6), have recently been introduced by
r = 0 . It should also be noted that the critical properties DeDominicis and Mottishaw 8 and by Bray. 8
of the zero-T SG transition at c = 1 depend on the form
of the bond distribution at the origin, similar to a one-
dimensional SG. If / ( / — * 0 ) — / " then, by extending
^Permanent address.
the previous arguments, one expects that the energy 1
S. Kirkpatrick and D. Sherrington, Phys. Rev. B 7, 4384
singularity is £ , s G — ( ^ - l ) 3 + 1 / ( n + 1 ) . 7 (1978).
The present mean-field solution recovers exactly the P. Erdos and A. Renyi, in The Art of Counting, edited by
results of the replica-symmetric M F T of the SK model, 1 J. Spencer (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1973).
in the limit of c—> oo, except for the scaling of the ex- Y. Fu and P. W. Anderson, J. Phys. A 19, 1605 (1986).
change by a factor lA/c~. For instance, as c—• «>, Eq. L. Viana and A. J. Bray, J. Phys. C 18, 3037 (1985).
(16) yields ^ S G M 7 (2/;r) 1 / 2 , and at the SG- A. Aharony and P. Pfeuty, J. Phys. C 12, L125 (1979).
For reviews, see Ill-Condensed Matter, Proceedings of the
ferromagnetic transition line, Eq. (17) yields Vc
Les Houches Summer School, Session XXXI, edited by R. Ba-
x {a — j ) =V;r/2 which agrees with the SK results. The lian, R. Maynard, and G. Toulouse (North-Holland, Amster-
replica-symmetric theory is unstable in the SK limit and dam, 1979).
it might be unstable at all values of c > 1. Indeed, Viana 7
We are grateful to D. Huse for drawing our attention to
and Bray 4 found an instability to the breaking of replica this point.
symmetry near the SG transition temperature for all C. DeDominicis and P. Mottishaw, private communication;
c > 1. It would be very interesting to understand the na- A. J. Bray, private communication.


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