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Answer the ff:

1. Kindly give an example/scenario wherein classical and modern physics is being applied in your
daily living.

Listening to music through earphone and mobile device. The sound that is being sent to my ear
from the device. The current flowing of electric energy into the electrode causing it to transform
into soundwave by the means of parse. The soundwaves find their way to the ear through the
perforations inside the electrodes.

2. Explain how modernization affects physics in several aspects

Modernization greatly affects physics in several aspects such as new method of studying the
natural law of everything, modernized theory and study about the past literature, expanded the
broad scope of everything that are theorized and lessen the limits of study in physics. As
technology keeps improving and innovating in the modern times, tools and equipment such as,
The James Webb Space Telescope is accessible. Having these advanced methods will greatly
enhance the study in physics in an effective matter. In the classical time, literature such as
Newton’s works is a very complex and require a vast amount of time to completely understand.
Modernized works of past figure in physics such as revised literature will be more likely easy and
accessible to take in. As what is said earlier that modernization characterizes the innovating and
advancement of study in physics. The limits of study that are know from the past will possibly be
taken attention now and be relevant.

3. What is the importance of previous studies of several personalities from the past with regards
to physics in our current time.

The importance of previous studies of several personalities from the past in physics in our
current time is that they provide us the concept, theory, and concise explanation such as
equation and formula that is still relevant, informative, and helpful in the existing and pre-
existing theory and study that are established in our current time.

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