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Come out with summary about your opinion on what the difference
between male and female leaders (500 words max)

In some organization, there must be a leader who lead the organization further
towards success. But, some leaders is a men and some of them is women. Today I
will explain the difference between male leaders and female leaders.
In my opinion, women tend to have a more cooperative and assertive,
participative leadership style while men tend to have a more controlling and
commanding style. In other words, male leaders provide direction to their
employees, while women encourage employees to find their own direction. This is
called communication style. Both of these styles are in one purpose, it is to make
employees can go further towards the success they want to aim for. Second is the
difference between their reward systems. Women often motivate their
employees by helping them find self-satisfaction and self-worth in their own work
so that they can reap their own rewards. But for male leaders, men are more
likely to use a transactional leadership approach to provide incentives to succeed
and will be penalized if they fail. This will prevent employees from making the
same mistakes and never give up on the work they are doing. Next is self-
branding between male leaders and female leaders. Men tend to be good at
branding themselves to people, meaning they tell others about their successes
and strengths. Women are more likely to be secretive or modest about their own
achievements. As a normal person, we will see that the woman's style is good
because she doesn't pretend. But really, leaders should learn and dare to brand
themselves by sharing their achievements and skills with others. It is difficult for a
person to advance as a leader if people do not know what we are capable of.
Otherwise, people will lose faith in us as their leaders and leaders. Branding can
bring a leader more respect in their current position.
In conclusion, male leaders guide leaders more while female leaders are leaders
who support from behind. But, it's not because both sexes are better leaders. The
reality is that the difference between male and female leadership styles can
broaden the innovation and creativity of a company group. Both leaders want
their organizations and companies to be more successful in the future. And also
both sexes have their own style in leading their employees. Whatever gender you
choose, identify the different skills you bring and how to use them to get the
attention of a potential or current employer. It will give an advantage to whoever
leads wisely.

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