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5 Steps for teaching reading :

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Pre-teach essential vocabulary:
Here are five words from the article along with suggestions on how
to review them with students:
1- Enacting - Explain that "enacting" means putting something into
action or making it official. Give examples such as enacting a law or
enacting a policy. Discuss how the article mentions airlines enacting
lifetime bans on drunk passengers , now ask students to imagine
they are in charge of a school and they want to enforce a new rule.
Have them write a short paragraph explaining how they would go
about enacting the rule and what consequences would be in place.
2- Rowdy - Define "rowdy" as noisy, rough, or disorderly. Discuss
how the article mentions rowdy holidaymakers who consume alcohol
before boarding the plane,then play an audio recording or video clip
of a rowdy crowd or gathering. Have students describe the behavior
they observe and explain why it can be considered rowdy. They can
also brainstorm alternative ways to have fun without being rowdy.
3- Misbehaving - Review the definition of "misbehaving" as behaving
in an unacceptable or inappropriate manner. Reinforce the mention
of misbehaving groups of travelers in the article, after that Provide
students with scenarios involving different types of misbehavior (e.g.,
talking loudly in a library, pushing in line, vandalizing public
property). Ask students to identify the misbehavior and suggest
appropriate consequences or alternative behaviors.

4- Manifesto - Explain that a "manifesto" is a public declaration or

statement of principles or intentions. Discuss how the article ,
mentions a Passenger Behavior Manifesto that will lay out
expectations for passenger behavior, Ask students to create their
own manifesto for a specific context, such as a classroom manifesto
or a family manifesto. They should list the principles or expectations
they believe are important and explain why they included them.

5- Pervasive - Define "pervasive" as spreading widely or being

present throughout. Discuss how the article mentions the pervasive
problem of disruptive passengers and the increasing number of
incidents, show students statistics or data related to a specific issue
(e.g., pollution, cyberbullying) and discuss how it can be described as
pervasive. Encourage students to share their thoughts on the impact
of pervasive problems and possible solutions.
Reading for main idea:
Main Idea Question: What measures are airlines, particularly Jet2,
taking to address disruptive behavior caused by drunk passengers?
instructions for the students:
Read the article quickly to gather key information.
Pay attention to headings, subheadings, and topic sentences to get
an overview of the content.
Skim through the paragraphs to identify the main points related to
airlines' actions against disruptive drunk passengers.
Focus on understanding the steps taken by Jet2 and any potential
consequences mentioned.
Teacher’s instructions:Introduce the article by providing the title:
"Airlines Enacting Lifetime Bans on Drunk Passengers: Jet2 Takes
Display any available illustrations or visuals related to the topic, if
Explain to the students that they will be practicing quick reading and
comprehension skills.
Clearly state the main idea question: "What measures are airlines,
particularly Jet2, taking to address disruptive behavior caused by
drunk passengers?"
Emphasize that the students should focus on quickly gathering
information while reading the article to find the answer to the main
idea question.
Provide a specific time limit for the quick reading activity, such as 5-7
minutes, to encourage efficient reading.
After the allotted time, initiate a class discussion to share and
compare the students' answers to the main idea question.
Facilitate a conversation to clarify any misunderstandings, reinforce
comprehension, and address any challenging aspects of the article.
Now: Students will quickly read the article, paying attention to
headings, subheadings, topic sentences, and key information.
They will focus on understanding the actions taken by airlines,
particularly Jet2, to address disruptive behavior caused by drunk
Students will mentally or physically note down relevant points and
evidence to support their answer to the main idea question.
Reading for detailed comprehension:
To check students' comprehension of the article, we can use a
combination of multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
Here are some sample questions:
Multiple-choice questions:
According to the article, which airline has enacted lifetime bans
on drunk passengers? a) British Airways b) Jet2 c) EasyJet d)
What is one of the reasons mentioned in the article for Jet2's
vulnerability to disruptive passengers? a) The airline offers
affordable package holidays. b) The airline has a strict policy on
alcohol consumption. c) The airline has experienced a
decrease in rowdy holidaymakers. d) The airline primarily
operates flights during the day.
What actions has Jet2 implemented to address disruptive
passengers? a) Verbal and written warnings b) Emergency
landings for passenger removal c) Charging a fee for dealing
with the situation d) All of the above
Short-answer questions:
Why does Jet2 consider the rise in disruptive behavior among
passengers a problem?
What is the British Air Transport Association and Airport
Operators Association doing to address the issue of disruptive
According to the article, how many incidents involving
disruptive passengers were logged by the local Civil Aviation
Authority in 2014?
Divide the students into small groups of 3-4 members each.
Ask each group to read and discuss the article together, paying
attention to the main ideas presented and the airline's decision
to enact lifetime bans on drunk passengers.
Instruct the groups to have a discussion focusing on the
following points: a. What are your thoughts and initial reactions
to the airline's decision? Do you agree or disagree with the
implementation of lifetime bans on drunk passengers? b. What
are the reasons provided by the airline for this decision? Do
you think these reasons are valid? Why or why not? c. Discuss
the impact of disruptive behavior by passengers on the overall
flight experience for both passengers and crew members.
Encourage students to actively listen to each other's
perspectives, take turns speaking, and provide reasons and
examples to support their opinions.
After the group discussions, bring the class together and allow
each group to share their key points and findings. Facilitate a
whole-class discussion based on the following prompts:
-Are there any common themes or opinions that emerged from
the group discussions?
-What are some potential consequences of disruptive behavior
by passengers during flights?
-Can you think of any alternative solutions or measures that
airlines could take to address this issue?
By engaging in this discussion activity, students will have the
opportunity to react to the ideas presented in the article, share
their opinions, and engage in critical thinking and analysis of
the topic. It also encourages them to connect the reading
material with their own thoughts and experiences, promoting
the integration of reading with the skills of listening and

I hired my teacher from high school to give me some helps here
because i was sick a lot and thank you.

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