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RULES, 19 71


NEW DELHI - 110 0 01.


("- __

The E111p loyees' Provident fund Staff (Clt<ssification.<

Control & Appeal )Rules, 1971 1~as· publi s hed in the year 1972
as a p ,, rt o f the E.1n p 7o ye es ' P ,- o v i den t fund Ser v ic e Na// u a 7 ,

• The 5 e r u 1es , ,~er e 7a t e ,- on in 19 8 4 pub 7 is hf:.' d in a s e par a t e

111anual .
With the efflux of ti111e, · tt has
pubJ ish an up to-date version of these rules. The
pubJic•tion is an endeavour to that effect.
b11co111e necessary

( l, There is no gainsaying the fact that for efficient,

cJeiJti and effecti·ve ad1i1inistratio11, the officers and staff
of the Organisaiion should have proper understanding and
knowledge of these rules. I am sure th at this co•pilation
which has been updated ( Dece•ber, 1993) would serve as a
useful reference book for the entire rank and file of the
0 r 9,3n is~.t. ion.

3. Ii n y s u g g es t ion t O· i III pro v e t he qua 7 Uy of th is

co/1/p i 7at ion If OU 7 d al 1fays · b6· 1ve 1 co111e.
A1/V\_/,.i.l ( .A,....-~
l B • N. :lt>)f-}-


[11-1 TEC1 THE 25 Tfl FEBRUf/R r', 1.994.


( i )

Ch.TION, CON'.i'.'ROL & ~.PPE,">L )
.i:-J~·l..·.'~1't'-i: ·.'< ..1rTc '1:1,-.',
RULES, 1971 •.


---·--·- ----
-~----- -- -- - - - - - -


2. OEFil';ITIQNS. 1,
3. APPLIChTIOilJ. 2.



PhRT-I :'"_"'.=_:-_ /-,PPOINTI1'G /.7JTHORITY,



6. SliSPENSION, 3.


_ _ _ _ _N..!,"'!?,Y AUTHORITY.

. --







____ P_E_N_l,LTIES_:.., - - - - -



TIES. 18.
,,..... 13, COMMU~·,IC: .TI OH OF ORDE:1S. 20.
14. COM:·!Oi-l i?ROCtEDil(GS. 20.


Ofi.G/.,tHSi,TioNS E'.f'C. 21,
CENTR,\L, ST,.TE GOVEru:rME:~TS, ETC,. 22.

Contd. , , ( i i )
,,......, .

S.NO. co:w1·:s:tr::3. :'i'.,GE NO .

--· ---.'- -~-·- -------

PJ..RT- VII - J.,PPE.:~LS.

' ' -- -
18. ORDE;1S i.G.'-.H1ST W:-!ICH NO At·1- El-.L Ll ES • 23 ,

L" 19, OHDE:·:s ;,Gi.I NST ViHIC!-l i.PPEi.L LIES. 23.

(~' 20• ,,,i?PELLJ.TE .:.UTr:o,UTIES . 2 5.

~ 21. PERIOD Ol:~ Lil1ITi'.TION FOR hPPEhLS. 2 5.

22. FORM i.ND CONTa!'I'S· OF i,PPEi..L. 26 •


24. IM?LEMEi·1Ti,TI0N OF ORDER/OF /1.PPEi.L. 2 7.

,...... 2 5. HiJ:VISION. 27.
26. REVIEW, 28,
' ---- ------ ·-





29 .
-. 30, REMOV.1\L OF DOUBTS. 29 .


CONTROL ii.ND i.PFEl,L ) RULES , 1 S 71. 31 •


c ,· n l:d. , , • (iii) •

IMPORTl,l..JT ORDERS/Cii'l.CULl...~S •
*~*********************** **

S.NO • . SUBJECT. ?.l.GE l'~O.

,-.._ :1 . • l,?FLI ·.:;:J.'IO N TO THE COMMISSIONER


TIES. 35.

3. DELF:G:,. TIO N OF .?OWERS •ro THE :CENTr,,\L


in-Cli!,R.:3E 01'' THE . S:Uc-REGION,:.r, OFFICE

4. DELE.:;;,TION 01'' :C' OWE:1S TO CENTit;.r,




MilJOR ;?ZNALTIES •. 38 .



• r

RULES, J:21l._.

r 1. SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT$- (1) These rules may

be called the Employees' P;rovident· Fund Staff Classification,
Control and Appeal) Rules, 1971.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of

. their publication in the official Gazette~


2. DEFINITIONS: - In these rules, unles·s the context

otherwise requires -
(a) 'Act' means the Employees' Provi dent Funds
& Misce'llaneous Provisions l1.ct, 1952 ( 19 of 195 2 ) 1
(b) 'Appointing huthority• · in ~elati on to an
employee means -
(1) the a~thqrity empowered to make
r app01ntments to t h e . grade · tn which the employee i s for the
time being included, or
(ii) the· authority empowered to make
appointment to the post which the emp·; oyee for the time being
hoids, or
(iii) the authority which appointed the
employee to such grade or post, · as .toe case : mny be;
-.,...,, (iv) where tbe employee, , h aving been sub-
stantively appointed to a grade, hav~ng held a permanent post
has been in..,continuous employment of Central Board , the
authori.ty which appointed him to thnt grade oi:· pos.t;
which ever is the highest authority;
(c) •central Board' means the Bow.rd o f Trustees
c ·· nstituted under secti'on SA of the .11ct;
(d) ' Chairman• n~~ns Chairman of the Central
( e) deleted.

Contd •••• , 2/-


( f) ' Commi;ssione r' means th'e Central Pr o vident

Fund Commissione r or an hdclitior!u.l Central Pro v i dent Fund
Commis~ioner or a Re gional Provident Fund Corrmissione r
appo inted under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of secticn
5 (D) of the A.ct,

(g) · 'Disciplinary Authority' means the authority

competent und0r thQSG rules to impose on an employee:; any of
the p~nalties specif ied in rule 7:
(h) 'Employee' means every pers_on, othe r than a
Central Provident Fund Commissioner and Financial J..dvisor &
Chief Accounts Officer appointed to a po5t under the central
Boa.rd and includes a person whose services are tempo rarify
piaccd at the disposal of a Company, Corporation, a Local
Al...'thori ty or an office or Department o.f t.he Central Govern-
ment or that of a ota te Government on foreign serv i c e or
deputation terms: ·
(i) 'Gov~rnment' means the - Central Gove rnment;
( j) 'Post' means~ post under th8 Central Board:
(k) All other words and expressions used herein-
after but!po.t defined herein shall 'have ·the meaning s as ~igned
to them in the releva nt rules ap:rlicable to the corr::sponding
classes of Central (.k)vernment/serv~nts .
(1) 1 Schedule' means the schedule to th e se rules.

• 3. 'APPLIC/,TION: - (1) Except as othe::rwise provided in

sub-rule (2)~ these rules shall apply to every employee of
the Central Boar.d.
( 2) Nothing in these rules shall apply t o-
( i) any person in casual e r,p loyment;
(ii) any pGrson subject t o c1 ischarge
from se.rvice on less t han one ·rronth' s ~otice:
(iii) any pe=son for whom spc cia:
provision is mad.e, in r espect of matters covered by t hese rul,.:} s,
by or under an agreement entered into by or with the approval
of the Central (.k)vernrrent/Central Board before . or afte r tho
commencerrent of these rules, in regcrd to . matters cove red by
such ~pecial provi~ions;

Con td •.• •• 3/-


- ( 3) Notwithst.~ nding a;-iythins conte.ini.::d in .sub-

r-..ile (i): -
(a) t0e CGntral G::;Nern.mcnt may exclude
any class of employees from the operation of all o r any of
this rule.
...... (b ) The Central Provident }und
Commissioner may wi th the . approval of the Central C':0Vernment/
Central Board,
,, by order, exclude any cl~ss of emp l oyeos from
the operation of all· or any of these rules .


(4) If cmy doubt arises· whether .these rules or
any of them apply to any person , t.rie matter shall be referred
· to the Central Prov ident Fund Commissioner, who s h all decide
the sam,;::.


4. CLhSSIF'.ICI.TION OF POSTS :- The posts under the

• Central Board oth8r than thqse ordin~rily held by person to

whom these rules d o not apply sha ll be calssified as follows,-
( i) GROuP 'l.'
(ii) GROuP IBI

(i'i i) GROUF 'C' and

(iv) · GROU1? 'D'


s. (1) Deleted.

( 2) AppointmGnts to posts shall be mnd c by the

authorities tn .whom the powers to make such appoin tments have
r.>Qc;;in/may: bCll a~:.iegated by the Cen tral Board or the Comnissioner
as the c~se rnny be.
. I


•._, 6• . ( J.) . Tho appointing aµthority or any a u thority to

which i t is subordinate or the disciplinary authority or any
other authority empowered in beha~f by the cen t ral Govt./ Board m:1y p lace an under suspensio n : -

Co ntd •••• 4/-


against hi:"c contcmr,la·i:ad oY i.s pen<:2.Lng; o r

( aa) Wh.;i ..n . . ~r. t:;1.~ open i on of the autho-

rity aforesaic., he has engc',J0d himself in activities pre-·
judicial to the in terest of the security of th<) State; or
(b) W'nere a case against him in re3p8ct
of any criminal offence i .s und8r investigation, i nquiry or
Provided that where tho order o f suspension
is made by an autnority lower than the appointing auth".:'rity ~
such auth0rity shal l forthwith report to th~ appointing
authority the circumstances in whi c h the o:.--1 er was ma(\e,

(2) A1:_. emp_loyce shc.:J,_l be_ deemed to _ h ave been

plnced under SUSpC:?nsicn by an order of appoint 4.'1g authority;-

(a) with effect frcm the date of his

detention, if he is dctc:.ined in custody , whether on a criminal
charge or oth orwis e -for a pGriod exceeding forty-eight 1:°urs.

(b) ·with effect frorq the elate of his

convictio n~ if, in tho c~.rc1:t· c.,f c. conviction:i:o:i; an offence,
h~ is sent~nced to a term of imprisonment oxce;,eding forty-
..: ight hours and is no t tor~h.with dismissed or rerro ved or
compulsorily retired consequent to suc h conviction.

!:XPLl'.NATION; - Th o period o f forty - eight hours referred to

in clause (b) -c f this pub-rule shall be computed from the
-- . *"_..:.. ·~- - - · - - · - - --- --~-
corr~~nccment ~ f the imprisonmen t after thc ' convict1on and
( f~r · t.hi::; p urpose, in termi ttG~'~ poriods of impriso nme nt, if any,
r shell o~ takep into uc count.
(3) where a penalty of dismissal, rernoval or com-
pulsory retirement
.. from service . .imposed upon an employee unc:cr
suspension is 1 set in appeal or on review under these
rules and th~ case is remitted for furtner inquiry o r action
or with any o rth L,r di;r-cctions, the order of his suspension
shc1ll be de:o!T}cd t o have c ontinued in force on .end from the
L drite ot
the. o,riginal order of dismissal , rerrovul.. or compulsory
retirement arid shall remain in forct::: 1mtil furth ,:,r orders,

Contd, •• 5/ ..

~ . .. ....... - --··-- .____ .

( 4) Where a pena'.L ty of disrni ssal', remova l or

compulsory retirement f rom seryice imposed upon an employee
is set aside or declare d or rendered void in con-sequen ce of
or by a decision of a court of law ru1d the disciplinary autho-
rity, on a consideratio n of the circumstances of the case,
decides to hold a furth er ~nquiry against him on the a llegations

on which the :penalty o f dismissal, removal or compulsory retire-
ment was originally
.. imposed, the employee shall
- be deemed to
have been placed under suspension by the appointing authority
from the date of the original order of dismissal, rcm:,val or
compul~ory retirement and shall continue to remain under
suspension until further orders • .
Provided that no such further enquiry snall
be ordered unless it is intended to meet a situation where t:;c
· ·,..Court has padsed an order purely on techenu:al grounds without
going into the merits of the case .

(5) (~)An ord er of suspension made or deemed to have

been made under this rul e shall continue to remain in fo rce
until - it is rrndified or revt)ked by ,the authority competent to
( - - - - --do . so,

.{b) Where an employee is suspended or is deemed f

. .,
to have been _suspended, (Whether in connection with any disc;l.-
plinary proceedings or 'otherwise)' and any other disciplinary
proceeding i~ .commenced against him during· the continuan ce of
that suspension, the authority competent to place him under.
suspension may, for reasons to .be -recorded by hirn in writing,
direct that the employee shall co,ntinue ti;; be under suspen-
sion until the. terrnination · of" ·all or any of such proceedings.

(c) An order of -suspension made ·or deemed to have

been made unde:r this rul e may at any time be modified or
revoked by the'· authority which made or is deemed to have made
the order or by· any autho rity to which that authority is
• subordin_a te,
~ ,
Contd • • •• 6/-

·· \....

- -.,.,.
, In Rule 7 below column (Iv) ttie rollowTng NO'il:.shaTf be inserted: ·
"where appointing authority in respect of any employee happens te be Central Government that authority shall act
as Disciplinary Authority for the purpose of imposing major penalties I.e. (v) to (Ix) under Rule
ol.lI dated 30th March 1996.

In rule 7, after clause (ix) of the penalties, the following provision shall be Inserted, namely:-

"Provided that, in every case In which the charge of possession of asset$ di~onate to known sources of lnoome or the
charge of acceptance from any person of any gratification, other than legal remuneration, for doing or forbearing to do any
official act is established, the penalty mentioned in Clause (viii) or Clause (Ix) shall be imposed.- ·

"Provided further that in any exceptional case and for special reason recorded in writing, any other penalty may be imposed."

Note: Inserted vide notification no. HRD/P-IV/2(6)84/CCA/Vol.II dated 4th June 2005

- ''-_!






7. PENALTIES,- The following penaltiGs may, fo r good

and sufficient reasons a nd as hereinafter provided; be impo sed
on an employee, namely: -
(i) Censure 1
(ii) Withholding of his promotion;
(iii) Recovery from his ,'! pay of the who le

' or part of any pecuniary loss caused by him to the Centr a l

,•• .I
Board by negligence or bre ach of order :
('-"' i ( i~) ( a) Reduction to a lcwer stage in the
1·. time scale of pay~ r15>-ea slperiod not exceeding 3, · without
.,,_... .effect and not adver~ely affecting his pension.
'--- (iv) Withholding of increments of pay
with or wit.:,out ·cumullative efiqct.
~ NOTf - ln.!.U ~c.cL
..... I Ml\JOR PENhLTIES ; -
I * Save as provided for in clause. (iii)
r'- I · -··-·--·---~------·-·-------~-·-·---- . -
( a) , reduct.~on to a lower stage in the timE: . sca le of pay for
. '
a . .speci:Ei.ed period, with f urther directions as t0 wheth~"r or
,--- -

-; ; t th~· ·e~loy~~- will earn increments of pay during the period

. of such roduction and whe t her on the expiry of such period,
' the reduction will -or wil l not have the effect of postp,ining
) - ... ~--- - ·-···"···· ._.,
the future increments of his pay;

~ I (vi) Reductio.n to a lower timc::: -sc a l e of

pay, grade or post which s hall ordinarily be 1J. bar to the
l /

prom:,tion of the amploye::e to the t~me scale of pay J grade 0r

(" ,I
post from which he was red uced , with or without fw: ther di rec-
tions ·regarding condition s of the restoration to that gr ad e
or post from which the employee was reduced and hi n seniority
and pay on such resto ratio n to that grade or post

(vii) Compulsory· retirement ;

~ (viii ) ReT!'Oval from se·r vice which shall not

be 2 disqualification f_or future employment under t he Central
Board ;

( ix) Dis missal from service which shc:.ll

ordinarily r·o a disqualifica tio: ; for future employment under
the Central Board.
f-P,o v·,~,tf'Y) ,,.,·s.._.,..J.c4,
*Insted vide notification No.P-IV/2(6)/84/CCA dt : 11.11 . 93 .
" '"' ·<11 · ··7/-

(., .

~XPLl\.NATION s - The following shal: not a mount to

a penalty within the meal'.ling of this rule, namely: -
( i) ·Withholding pf incr.ernent s of pay o f
an employee for his failure to pass any departmental examina-
tion in accordance with the rules or orders governing the post
which h<:::: holds or the terms of his .appointmGnt ;
(ii ) Stoppage o f ~ employee at the. 13ffi-
ciency bar in the t i me-scale of pay on 'the ground of his unfit-
ness to cross the bar ;

(iii) Non-prorrotion of an employee, whether·

in a substantive ~r officiating capacity, after co ns ideration
of hi_s case, to a grade or post for promotion to wrii ch he is
i .2iigible ;

•'.--..., (iv) Reversicn of an employce · o fficiating

in a hj ,; :he r grade 9r post to L lowe_r grade oi: post, on the
ground that he 'is co n sidered unsuitable for such hi gher grade
or post , .r o n any administrative ground unconnected w1 th his
(v) R8version of an employee, appointed
':r - / on probation to any o ther grade or post , 'lo h:Ls permanent grade
or post during or at the end of the period of probation in

• accordunce with the terms of his appointment or the rules and

orders governing or the rules and orders governing such proba-
tion ;

(vi) Replacement of the .~ervices of an

employee whose service had been borrowed from an outside
authority-Governmental statutory,
. , autonom:ius, etc., a t the
disposal of such autho rity;

(vii) Compulsor.y retirement of an employee_

in accordance with th e provisions relating to 'h is superannua-
tion or retirement;
( viii) Termination of the s e rvices;-
( a) of an employ,:;e appointed on probation,
during or ._:: the end o f tho po_·iod of his pro:Oo.tion, in
accordan ce with the t e rms of his appointment o·:c the rules and
orders governing such probation ;
(b) of tempo rary employ~c in accc rdance
with the p~~visions of sub-regulation(3) of regulation 8 of the
Employees' Provident Fund (Staff a nd Conditio n~ of Service)
Regulations, 1962; or
V • • • • 8/-

In Rule 8 for sub rule 3 the following shall be substituted:

~without prejudice to the provisions of sub Rule (1) and (2) any,of the penalties specified In Rule 7 may be lf11)0Sed
on any employee by (i) the Appointlng_Alrt:!10Jfty (II) Au_~ ty .s~I.~~ 1r:i _the, sqi~:h,1le Ix? this rule or (Ill) by any ,
other authority empowered In this behalf, by general or special order of the-CBT or the Centra1Govemment as the \
case may be." . ~ . . • ,
Note: Substituted vlde notification no. HRD/P-IV/2(6)84/CCA/Vol.Il dated 30th March 1996. !
' " '"

.- '

In Rule 9 for sub rule 1 the following shall be substituted:
"The Chairman, Central Board of Trustees or the Central Government as the case may be, may (I) institute
disciplinary proceedings against any employee, (ii) direct Disciplinary Auttl<>rlty. to Institute disciplinary proceedings
against any employee on whom that Disciplinary Authority Is competent to Impose under these Rules any of the
penaltl6specified In Rule 7.•
Note: Substituted vide notification no.' HRD/P-IV/2(6)84/CCA/Vol.ll dated 30th March 1996.


- _./


-:;;; ·~· - . ···--.

3 ,;reornent in 2.ccordnnce vii th th1:= ·terms '.:if such n greemcnt •

DISCIPLINARY AU'I'HORITIES:-- (1) Tt:e Ce ntral Govt.

m:w ir.19,.;se any .:-,f the penalties specifi8Cl in r u le 7 on an
employ(, ,-:.
( 2) '.rh"-' Central B0arc} may impose a ny of the
J.' ·:nalties specifit:d in rulG 7 on any ·crnploy,:£, f,r whom the
Central Board is the appointing authority under section 5 (D)
(3) of the hct.
( 3) vathout. prejudice to the previsions of Sub-
Rule (1) & (2), the appointing authority or authority speci-
fied in thG Schedule to this rule , may impose any of'thc
penalties specified in rule 7 on any employ0e to the extent
specified in the Schedule.
EXFLANi-,TION: - 'Wh2r0 an empli::>y0e holding a l·.)wcr
po:at is proITl'.Jted, whether on probation or tempcr <J.rily, to a
higher post, he shall be deemed ,for the purpose o f this rule
as holder of the higher post.

NOTE balcw explanation under rule 8(3) D1..~leted.


Government may-
( a) institute disciplinary proceedings

• against any employGe;

(b) direct disciplinary authority to

institute disciplinary proceedings against any ernployc,e to whom
that d~sciplinary authority is competent -to impose unde.!:" these
rules any of the penalties specified in rule 7.

(2) The central Board may_

(a) 'instituto disciplin..iry p rococding

ag;3.inst any employe:e for whom it is thG: appointin g authority
und0r sub-section 3 of section 5(D) of the Act;
(b) direct disciplinary authority to
institute disciplinary against any emplo yeG to whom

the Central . Board is · tl,lc ap~cinting authority provide~ that

suc_h authority is competent ie- impose any of ::hE:: penalti~s on that
cmpl.:;ycc und.::r rule 7.

• •• ,9/-

( 3) Without p rejud ice to the ty of the
provisions of su.b -rul<:: (2), -a disciJPlinary autho rity compe-
tent under these rules to impo .sc ar1y of the pen a l tics specified
in clauses (i) t o (iv) of rule 7 may 'institute d isciplinary
proceedings u •; Jqinst an employee for imposition o f any of the
penal ti8S specified in cl·auses (v) to ( i:x) of rule 7 notwith-
standing th~t such disciplinary . nut_h c.irity is not competent

• under rules to impose o.ny of the latte:r penalties.


10. PROCEDURE FOR IMPOSING r-mJOR PENAL".::'IES: -(1) ro order

imposing any of the penalties specified in claus~s (v) to (ix)
of rule 7 · sl1.J.ll be made excapt after an inquiry held as far
as may be, .. n tho manner proviC...=d in this rule an d rule 11.

(2) Wherever the disciplinary authority is cf

the ..opinion- that there are grounds for inquiring i nto the
truth of any imputation of misconduct 'or misbehavi our against
- an -employee, it may itself inquirG- into or appoint under this
rule en authority to inquire into the truth tl, Breof .

EXPLANJ\TIOH: - Where the disciplinary autl;lority itself hclds

the inquiry, any rufcrcnce in sub-rul8 (7) to sub-rule (20)

and in sub-rule (22) to the inquiring authority shal l be con-
strued as a r~ference to · the disciplinary authority~

( 3) Where i t is proposed to hold an ln quiry against

an employ8e under this rulE.! and rule 11, tr.G disciplinary nuth ~. -
rity shall draw up o r cause to be drawn u p --

(i) the substance of the iml?u!:. ations of

misconduct or misbehavious intn' definite and distinct articl8s
of .charge ;

(ii) a statement of the imJuta t ions of

• misconduct c,r misbehavious in support of ' each artic l e of
,,..i., charge, whicr. shall contain -
( a) ~ statemcn~ of ail relevant facts
,,..... /
. .
~/ any admission or confGosicn made by the employGc;

(b) a li~t .Jf c10cu.rr.0lit1J b) which , and a

list of witnessl'.)s by wh:; m, the articles of charge v.r 12 pror;csed
to be sustained •

• _,,,...., • ••• • l 0/-


,. ..

( 4) Tho d.i.scipl inc1ry .:iuthority sh:il 1 c.!olivcr er

cau:,o t0 bo dclivere:d t ::• the o mployee a c cpy of tbc eirticlcs
.-,....._ :)f che.rgc, th(.; stctemo nt cf the imputations of misccnduct o r
misb2havi,:., ur ::1n d a list of documents and . witncs sGs by which
each article of chc.:cges is propokGd to be sustainod and sh.:111
r equire. the employee t o submit within such tlrn.::? ,' 1S may be
spocifiod, c written statement 0£ his dcf~ncc ~nd to st u te
whethGr he d.(~s ires to be 11eard iri per son .

"( 5) ( a) on rc:ceipt ,1 f the writ ton statement o f

d0f<J;1c~, the disciplinary cuthority may itself inquire into
such of the ;:irticlos of charge ns are not admittGd, or, if
i t considGrs it noccssary so t 0 do , uppoint unL1er sub-rule (2)
an inquiring authority f c,r the. purpo se, u.nd where 0.ll the
articles C£ Chilr gC have "be en .::.dmitted by tho OITT1Jloyec in his

written statement ·of def0nce, the disciplinesry authority

• .-..
shall record i .t.s .. findings o n each charge after t aking such
·cvidencG as it may fit and shall act in thG mann~
laid -down in rulu 11.

(b) If no written ·statement cf defence is sub-

mitted by·the emp loyee, the disciplinary authc,rity may itself
in.quire . i~t.:: the . artid-les . of charge or may, if it considc,r·s
i t necessary to do so, apt=?int , under sub-rule (2 ) an inquir-
ing authority for the pu.r-~ose.

(c) Where the disciplin-:iry auU-1,-:>rity itse lf

inquire into any article of charge or appoints an inquiring
authcrity ·for ho lding an inquiry into such cha rge , it may, by
an c:rder, 1L.-an emp loyee or a Central G•.vex.·n.mcnt servant_/ er
a legal practioner # to be kno wn y.S the II :Prcs Gn ting Officer 0
to present on its b8h~ lf the .cas0 in suppo rt of t ho ar ticle
of charge.

(6) The disciplinary ;).Uthority shall, whGre it

is no t the inquiring authority, forward t'.", the inqu iring

(i) :u. c :)py of the ar~icl os of cho.rgc

and the statement of thc imputations of misccnduct o r _misbeha-
Viour ;

(ii) a c o py of the written .st,1tement of

de~ence, if any, submitt0d by ti1e employee:

Note:1 Substituted vide G.S,R.No •.2891 dtJ 27.L~.19 75 •
• • • • TI/'-


: 11

(iii) c copy of the stateme nts of v,itness<:: 3 ,

if any, referred to insul~-rule (3) ;

(iv) evidence B~oving the delivGry· of

the documents referred :to in s' rule ( 3) to t h e employee ; a'1d

(v) a copy of the order nppointing th~

" Presenting Officer 11

,.....,, (7) The employee: _shall appear in person before
the inquiring authority on such day a'nd at such time within
ten working days from the date o,f recoipt :!.:>y him of the articles
of charge and the statement of the imputat:J.ons of misconduct
or misbehaviour, as the inquiring ·authority may, by a notice
in Writing, spec.i£y in this behal£, or within such -further
time , not exceeding ten days· , as the inquiring authority may

(8A) The employee may take th6 assistance of any

..,.- other employee or Government Servant. posted in any office
either at l;is Hqrs. or at the place where the enquiry is held
to present the ca:;ie on his behalf , but rr.ay not enga ge a Legal
' . Practitipner for the purpose , unless the pre sen t ing officer
appointed by disciplinary ·authority is a u, cJal P r a ctitioner
or the disciplinary authority having regard to the circurnstancc;:s
of the ~ase so parrni,ts •
Provided that .the employee: may take the
-... ass.istancc of any other employE<e . or Government Servant posted
''..,-... at any other station, if the enquiry authority having regard
....., to the circumstances of the c 9 se and for re·z:sons to be recorr1ed
·{ ~ in writing so permits .

NOTE:- The employee shall not take the assistance

o'f cny other employGe or GcN ernrnent Serv~nt who has [two\ pend-

- ing .q.isciplinary cnses on hand

assistanc1:- .
In rule 10, In 'NOTE' below sub-rule (BA) : - · .
in wbich -he has t o give

For the word "two", the word "three" shall be substituted.

Note: Inserted vlde notification no. HRD P-IV 2 6 84 CCA al.II dated 4th June 2005

. . ... . 12/-

In rule iO, .after ruie 8(8), the following 'Note' shall be inserted namely: ·-
NOTE: - "The retired employee or retired Government servant concerned should not act as Defence Assistant in
more than five cases at a time. The retired employee or retired' Government servant.should satisfy the·Inquiring
Officer that he does not have more than
five cases at hand Including the case In question."
Note: Inserted vide notification no. HRD/P·IV/2(6)84/CCA/Vol.Il dated 4th June 2005


( BB) • The employc;=e may also t ;;:i.b.' t 1e a ssi st:mc :c.:

of c1 rcti.r c,d e mploye e o r ~ Gc: ver_n ment Servant t o pre ::::ent t he
cas e o n his behal f subj e ct to t.hG following -cond itions :-

(i) The retired Governmen t Se r v ant/

employGG should h ave retired from service und e r Cen tral Govt ./
or Empl'oy Gcs I P~o vident Fund organisation.

( ii) If the retirod employce/rc tir.:.d Govt.

servant is a lso a Legal Practitioner, the r e str i ct io n on
engaging a Legal Practitioner h~, a delinquent e mp lo y ee to
present the cnse o n his behalf , contained in Rul e lO (SA) of
...... Employees' Provident Fund Stuff (Classification, Control &
Ap'peal) Rul1=s,19 71 , would apply .

( iii)
Servant concerned should not hav~ , in any manner b een asso-
ciated witn the case at investigation stc1ge or : t h e rwise in

• ----.
his officinl capacity •
~ 1'WT6" , .:is~V

• (9). If the employee who has no t odmi ttea any of

the articl :J s of c h arge in his written st n te m;.;nt o f defenc8 or
has not . submitted any .' o/ritten statement of d.;fen c e , appears
befor8 the inquiring ~thority such authority sha ll a sk him
whether he is guilty or has any defence to rn;,.ke a n d if
pleads guilty to uny of ti1e articles of char a e, t he inq~ ir-
ing authority shall record. the plea , sign thC! rec ord ,"Ind

,-• obt':iin the signature of the employee thereon L

( 10) • The Inquiring authority shall r e t u rn a find-

ing of guilt 1n r e spect of those artic,l es of cha rge to which
·the employee plead s guilty.

( 11) • The inquiring authority sha l l, i f the employee

fails to appear wi thin the ' .speci~ie_d time or ref u ses or omits
to plead, require. the Presenting Officer to p r oduce the evi-
dence by which he p ropos e s to p!'."ove the artic l es o f charge,
and shall adjourn the case to a later date no t exceedin g
thirty qayo, after recording an .order that the Gmp J.oyee may,
for thE. purpose of preparing his defeoce.-
( i) Inspect within five day s of the order
or within such further t;µne not exceeding five day s as the
imquiring L\1thority me.y allsw , tl1o documents s pe c i fiGd in the
list r e ferred to i n sub~rulc (3)

•••.•••. 1 3/ ...
•· -

..('..,. ,
' 1 13

( ii) submit iJ. list of v,•itness c s to be e)~ --, -

mined on his behalf,

Note:- If the employee applies orally or in writing f~r

r the supply of copies of the statemen t s of witnes-
se~ mentioned i~ th~ list referred t o in sub-rule
(3), the inquiring authority shall furnish him
with such copies as early ·as possible and in any
case not later than three .days befo~e the ccmmen-
·cement of the examination of the witnesses on pe-

"'(' half of the disciplinary authority,

(iii-) givejapotice within ten days of the order

r·- or within such ·furthcr time not exceed-
p.. ing ten dayi as the inquiring authority
may allow, for the discovery or produc-

tion of ~my document:'; which are i:1 the
possess .i on of Central 3oard but not
mentioneu in the list referred to in
L sub-rule ( 3) ,
Note: - The employee shall .:ndicate the relevance of the
• documents required by hirn ·to be di scovered or pro-
duced by the Central Board.

(12) The inquiring uuthority shall, on receipt of

the notice for the discovery or production of documents,
forward the same or copies, thereof to th~ authority in
whose custody or possesston the documents are kept, with
a requisition for the productirm of the do cuments by such
·, dat~ as may ~e 8pecifiad in such requisition .

Providec that the inquiring ~utho~ity may, for

reasons to be recorded by it in writing, r efu se to requi-
sition such of the documents as are, in it:s c pinion, not
relevant to t h e case. I

(13) On receipt of .t he requisition r e ferred to in

sub-rule (12) every authori·, ./ having the c\.. s tody or posse-
ssion of the requi sitioned documents shall produce the same
.,,..., b 7 fore the inquiring authority;

C,)ntd •••• ,14.


I pr0 vi6 ed t hat if the authority having the custod y or
· posse s sion of the r~quisitioneJ ducuments 'is sat isf ied for
reasons to be reco rded by -it in writing that the production
of all or any of s uch documents would be against public
interest it shall inform the inquiripg authority accordingly
and the inquiring authority shall , on · being so i n formed,
communicate the i n formation to the e·mployee and ,Jithdr c.1w the
requisition made b y it for the production or d i sco v e=y of

• such documents. . ,.

• r
{14) on the date fixed for the inquiry , the oral
and . documentary e v idence by which the articles o f charge are
proposed to be prov e d shal_l be prodv.ced by or on behalf ·of

the die~iplinary a u t hority. The witnesses shall ~ e examined
by or on behalf 0 £ the presenting Officer . and may be cross-
examined by or on behalf~£ t~e e~ployee. The P r esenting
officer shall be e ntitled to re - examine the witn e sses on any
points on \· ~1ich t h ey ha·ve been cross-examined , b u t not on
any new matt3r, wi t hout . the leave of the inquir i~ g authority.
The inquiring authority may also put such questio n to the
witnesses as it thinks fit.
(15) I f it shall apprar rt~ c essary bef o re the close
of the case on beh alf of the disciplinary aut hor i ty, the
inquiring authori t y may; in its discretion, 2.llo w the
Presenting Officer to ·pro~uce evidence not includ ed in the
·list given to the employee or may· i ·ts~lf can. fo r new
e vi~ence or re-call 'and Fe-examine any witness a n d in .such
case the e mployee shal-1 be .entitled .to have, if ~he demands
it, a copy of the list of further · ev.idence propo .::;ed to be

r- .
produced and an a d journment of the inquiry for t h ree clear
days before the p r oduction of such new eviJence, exclusive
o f t he day o f adj o urnment and the day to whichthe inquiry
is adjour ned . Th e inquiring authority shall ' giv e the
empl.o-:(ee an opport unity of inspecting such doc u men ts before
they are taken on the record. The inquiring aut ho rity may
also allow the emp loyee to produce new eviden c e, i f it is
Of the opirij .; n tha t the produc t i on of SUC(l ev.ide n ce is
n e cessary in the in terests of justice. ' ,'·

~~: - New evi en c e shall not b'e permitted or c al led for nor
any witn·e s s recalledto f:i.:11 up ai:iy ga p i n the evidence.
Such . evid ence may be called for only whe n t here i s

inherent lacuna or d e fect in the ··evidQnce which h a s ··=
been prod uc ed origina lly •

contd •••• • 15.

, 15

(16) Wnen the c .s 8 for the disciplinary autho-

rity is closed, the employee shall be ~equired to scate
his ~efence orally or in writing, as he may pre fer. If
the defence is made orally, it shall be record e d and the
employee shal;t be required to sign tne record, In ei·ther
case, a copy of the statement ' of defence shall be given
to the presenti ng Officer, if any , appointed.
(17) The evidence on behalf of the employee shall be produced, The employee may examine hi self in pis
own behalf if h s so pre£ers. The witness prod uced by the
employee shall th en be examined and shall be l iable to
cross-examination, re-examination and examinat:ion by the.
r inquiring authority according to the provision s ap p~i cable
to the witnesses for disciplinary authority.
·(18) The inquirin ,:: authority may, after the employee
closes his , and shall, if the empioyee has not exa-
mined himself, ge~eraliy question him on the circumstances
appearing against him in the evidence for thif'urpose of
enabling the employee to explain any circumst·a nces
appearing in evidence against him.

(19) The inquiring authority may a f ter the comp-

. let ion of the production of the evidence , h e ar the Present-
ing Of fi c er , if any, appointed, an~ the employe e or

• permit them to file written briefs ot their res pective case,

if they so desire.
(20) If the employee to whom a copy of the articles
of charge ha s been c elivercd, does not s ubmit t h e written
statement of defence on or before the clate s pec i fieu for
the purpose o.r does not appear in person b e [ ore the inquir-
in g authority or otherwise fails or refuses to co mply with

the · provisions of this rule, the inquiring authority may
hold . the inquiry ex-parte •

(2 1) (a) . Where 2 disciplinary autho r i ty compe-

tent to impose any of the p enalt ies
specified in clauses (i) to ( iv) of
rule 7 Lbut not ·competent to impose

,.. any of the penalties specif ie d in

clauses (v) to (ix) of rule 7:}, has
itself inqL1.ired into or cau.;..<=cl to be

c on t d , . ~ • • , 16 ,

- )


in q uired into ttJe articles of an y charge

and that authority·, havinCJ ·re , _; ard t o it.s
owP findings or hµving regard to it s deci-
sio n on any of the findings of an y inquir-
in g auth9rity appointed by it, is of the
op i nion that the penalties specified in
cl a uses · (v) to (iX) of rule 7 should be
imposed on the employee, that auth ority

shall forward th"e records of the inquiry
to such disciplinary authority as is compe-
tent to impose the last mentioned penalties.

(b) ·The disciplinary authority to which the

records are so forwarded may act on the

evidence on the record or may, i f it is of
the opinion th/3.t further examination oi any
o f the witnesses is necessary in the inter-
e s t of justi c e, recall the witness and exa-
mine , cr~ss-examine and re-examine the
wi tness and may impose on the emp loyee su:::h
p e nalty as it may deem fit in accordance
wi th these r u les.

(22) Whenever any · inquiring authority, after having

heard and recorded the whole or any part of the e vidence in
an enquiry_ ceases t o exercise jurisd:i,ction therein, and is
succeede::i by another inquiring authority which has, and
which exercises, such jurisdiction, the iriquiring autho-
rity so succeeding may act ,on the evidence r::o recor bd by
its predecessor, or partly recorded by its predecessor and
partly recorded by itself:

•'- Provided that if the succeeding inquiring authority

is of the opinion that further examination of an y of the
witnesses whose e v idence has already been roco .~ rded is
necessary in the i nterest of Justice, ·it may recall, examine
cross-examine and re-examine any such witnesses c s herein-
before provided.

(23) (i) Aft ... r the conclusion of the inqu iry, a

r eport s~<:~J. b,z: .. pr,.Jµ.::..i;.od and it shall
c ontain-----

contd ••••• 1 7.

,,... ,

__ ___.,

( a) the a rticles of c :.arge and the state -

ment of the imputatio ns o f misconduct
,. or rni.sbehavio ur;
(b) ' the defence of the e mployee in respect
of each article of cha r g e;

(c) an assessment of the eviden ce in

respect of each article of charge;
(d) the findings on each artic l e of
charge and th•; reasons the re for.

EXPLANATION:- · I f in the opinion of the inquiring autho-
rity the proceedin gs of the inquiry establish an y a;ticle
of charge different from the original . crti~l~s 0f the charge, it
. .
may rccorc1 thc .: fi~dings on sucp article of ' charge.

Provided ~h a t the fi~jings on such L.::t,icle, of charge

shall not be record ed unless the employee has ei~9 er •
admitted the facts on which such article · of char ge is based
or has had a reason able opportunity of defending himself
,... against s uch artic l e of charge.

(ii) The in q uiring auth o rity, where i t i s not it s elf

the dis c iplinary authority, shall f o r ward to
the dis c iplinary a u thority the records of inquiry
which s h all include~

(a) th e report pr~pared by it under c l ause(i)

(b) t he wr·itten statement of defence, i f any,

·sub mitted by t h e _e mployee;
,. (c) the oral and documentary evidence p roduced
in t he course of the inquiry7

(d) writ ten briefs, if any; filed by t h e

P resenting Officer or the employee or
both during the - course of inquiry ; and

(e) the orders, if any, ma.:, e by the dis c ipli-

nary au~hority and the i nquiring a uthority
in r e gard to the inquiry.

n .. ~CTION ON THE I NQUIRY REPORT:-(1) The discip l i-

nary authority., if it is not itsia!lf the in q uiring aut hority may
fo r reasons to- b e r e c o rded by i t in writing, remi t t l1c cas e ·

• ·co ntd ••. 18/-

,. ( ,{



In rule 11, for sub-rule (2) the following sub-rules (2) and (2A) shall be substiMed, namely: --
• '
(2) Toe Disciplinary Authority shall forward or cause to be forwarded a copy of the report of the Inquiry, if any, held by the W'
Disciplinary Authority or where the Disciplinary Authority is not the Inquiring Authority, a c.opy of the report of the Inquiring ....,..
Authority together with Its own tentative reasons for disagreement, If any, with the findings of Inquiring Authority on any
article of charge to the employee who shall be required to stbmlt, If he so desires, his written representation or submission
to the Disciplinary Authority within fifteen daY5t Irrespective of whether the report is favourable or not to the employee."

(2-A) Toe Disciplinary Authority shall consider the representation, If any, submitted by the employee and record Its findings
before proceeding further in the matter as specified in sub-rules (3) and (4)." ·
Note: Substituted vlde notification no. HRD/P-IV/2(6)84/CCA/Vol.ll dated 4th June 20(?~.



t ~,







to the inquiring authority for further inquiry and report

and ' the inquiring authority shall thereupon proc0ed to hold
the furth,~r inquiry accorciing to the pro.v isions of the rula
10 ns far as may be,

(,2) The disciplinary authority shall, if it disagrc,es

the findings of the inquiring authority or, the article
record its reasons for such disagreement and
its own findings on such charge , if the evidence on
is sufficient for the purpose .
( )·) ~rf:1.~~e discipli.nary authority having regard to
:j.ts findings on all or any of :the articles of chai;-ge is of ·

the opinion that any of· the pe·na.lties spGcified in clau:Se.s
(i) to (iv) of Rule 7 should be imposed on the employee,
it shall, notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 12 1
make an ordeI;" imposing such penalty;

( 4) If the disciplinary authority having regard to its

finding·s on all or any of the .:1rtic les of . charge
and on the basi~; of the evidence a d duced during
the inquir_y, is of thG opinion that any of the
penalties.specified in clau·s cs (v) to (ix) of
Rule 7 should be imposed on the ernp loy~e, it
shall make an order imposing such p enalty and
it shall not be necess·ary to giv0 the employee
any opportunity of making _repn:, sentation on the
pen_a·lty p.rop9sed to be imposed'.

(i) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3) of

rule 11, no order imposing on an employ<:;G c.ny of the
pen~lties specified in clauses (i) to (iv) of rule 7 shall
be made except after:-

( a) informing the employ,2e in writing of the

proposal - to take a~tion ugainst him and
of the imputations of rni!::conduct or mis-
behaviour on which it is proposed to be
taken, ~1d giving him a reasonable oppor-
tunity of mal<ing such Iiepresentation as
he may wish to make again st the proposal;

c011td •••••• 19. ·


(b) holding an .inquiry in the manne r laid-down

in sub-rules(3) to (23) of rule 10, in every
case in which the disciplinary authority is
of the opinion that such inquiry is nece~

( c) taking the representation,· if any, submitted

by the employee under clause ( a) and the
record of inquiry, if any, he l ~ under clause
(b).into consideration;
~· ... ··-
. (d) recording a finding on each imputation .0£
.................. ... miscon.duct _oi:: . misbebaY~our ; .. a nd

(e) deleted. ·

---- --- .... ·-· ....

(.l.A) _ca.n.t.a.ined i n c.tause (b)
··--of ·- sub-rule (:I.}, if in a · case it is proposed afte.r. _il"opsider-.
ing· the rep~csent ation·, if any, . ma~e by the employee under - ·*"'----
clause ( a) of that sub-rule, to· withhold increments . of Pay

and·i thho.l.ding--0,f ioc.x::.eme.nts is. likely .. to- affect ad-
vers~ly the amount of pension payarle to the employee or ~o
.!..:a-·-"· ----·- - w.ithhold- the increments of Pay for a period exceeding three
years or to withhold increments of Pay · with cummulative eff.ect
for any period, an enquiry shall be held .in the manner laid
down in s~--rule(3) .;to (23) of· Rule 10 before ma king any order
imposing on the employ,:-;e ·any suc}1 pe·nalty. _

·(2) The recorc.1:J of the ·proceedings in suc h cases shall


( i) a copy of the intim~tion to the employee

of the proposal to take action against him;
( ii) a copy of the statement of inputations of
misconduct or '. misbahaviow:: delivered to him;

( iii) h is representation, if any;

(iv) the evidence producud during the inquiry;

(v) Deleted
(vi) the findings on each imputation of mis-
conduct ·or misbehaviour; and

(vii) the orders on the case to·gE=ther with the

reasons therefor . ·.

" contd •••• , • 20.

• - ..--

13. COMMUNICATION OF ORDERS:- orders :ncce by the disci-

plinary authority shall be cornnunicQted to the employe~ who
shall also be supplied with a copy of the report of '. the
inquiry, if any, held by the disci'plinary authority and a
copy of its findings on ·· ·e ach article of charge, or, where
the .disciplinary authority is not. the inquiring authority a
copy· of the report of the inquiring authority and a state-
ment of : the findings of the discipliFary · authority together
with brief reascns for its disagreement, . if any, with the
•• ,-.. findings of the inquiring authority(unless they have already

• be~n supplied to him):

14. COMMON l?ROCE:::DINGS:... (1) Where two or more ·employees

are concerned in any ca e,. the Central Government or Central
9ther ·
Board or anyLauthority competent to impose the penalty of
' dismissal from service on all such employeGs, rray make an
order directing that disciplinary action a ,: ;rainst all of them
may be taken · in a comrron _proceeding •

• NOTE:_- If the . authoriti~s cornpe_tent to impose the penalty of
dismissal on such employees are di-fferent> an order
for taking disciplinary action in a common proceeding
may be made by the highest of ~uch authorities with
the consB~t of the others .

(2) subject ·to the provisions of ru l e B, any such ·

order shall spacify~
(i) tl)e authority which m21y function as the
disciplinary authority fo r the purpose
of such common proceeding ;

( ii) the penalties specified in rule 7 which

such disciplinary authority shall be
competent to impose,

.( iii) whether the procedure laid -down in : -

rule 10 and rule 11 or rule 12 shall be
followec in the proceeding.


anything c0ntained in rule 10 to rule 14:-

(i) where any pGnalty is impo&ed on an employee

on · the ground of. c9nd uct. wbich has led to
his conviction on a criminal charge, or
contd, ••••• 21,



( ii) where the disciplinary authority i s satis-

,....., fied for reasons to be recorded b y it in
writing that it is not- reasonably practi-
cable to hold an inquiry in thG ma nner
provided in these rul0s, or

( iii) whc r~ the central Gcivernment · /Central

Board or the Central . Provident Fund
Commissioner is satisfied that in th8
interest of the s~ourity of the S t ate,
it is r10t ·Gxp1:.:d:i.en'b to hc,ld any i n quiry
in the manner provided in these rules,
the authority may consider tho circum-
st·ances of th<::! case and make such orders
thereon a5 it deems fit;

Provided that the employee .may be given an appcr-

tunity of making r0presontation on the penalty propo sed to
be imposwd b~fore any order is rnade in a Caso under clause(i) •
ORG:'.NISATIONS ETC.,;- (1) . Where tho services ' of
an employee are lent .on deputation or on foreign service
( terms to u department of the CGntr~l or State Government
or wn organisation o~ public - undertaking (. hereinaft~r 1n·
this rule refurr~d tc as -the borrowing . authority), the
borrowing_ autlv,rity shall hava the powers of. th0 appoint-
ing authority for tho purpose of placing such employ0e
under suspension arn\cf tho disciplinary· authority for the
purpose of conducting a di.s ciplinary. proc..:h..ding against

Prc,vidod that tho bcrrc:,wtng authority shall fo.r th-

with. inform th.J autho rity which hmt the service s of the
employc..: (hur,:;im1ftC:! r in this rulo refforud to as the lend-

•' ""
ing authority) of the circumstances leading to t:he order
. of suspension of such employee or th~ comm~nccm~nt of the

disciplinary proceeding, as the caso may be.•
(2) In the light of the findings in t h e dis-
ciplinary proc0cdin g conducted -:1gainst :the cmplcy~ c -

( i) i£. the borrowing authority i s of

the opinion that any , of the penal.-
tics specified in clauses ( i ) to
,.,, ' .
(iv) of rule 7 should -be imp osed
on the ~mployec, i t may, after
c0nsultation wi~0 the lendin g
authority, ma~c such ordirs on thu
case as i t dc~ms necessary:
••••. 22/-
·2 2

Provid~d th~ t in the: 0v~ n~cf a diff~r c cf -pini~n

b-.,,tw.:..: ..,n th~ b- rrcwi:i ,;; authr rity and th ,_ L.nding authc:i:ity
.,-..,, th-., s.;;,rvic e: C' f th-:i umplr Y"-" s sr.all be, r ~pl o c ,~d 3t tho dis-
p r s .3 1 r;.f the l ~nd ing authr:.tity;
(ii) if t h0 b(, rr:-.w ing uuthority is r. f t he c pini--·n
th c;i.t. any of th1J pl.m·a lti.::s sp...:cifi.:.;d in claus1.:s
(v) t:-.1 (ix) r;, f ~lG 7 should bu impc, s c d C'n
thL: cmpl,:iyo2, it shell r:..:pluc; his scrvic e s ,:it
th ;._ dispos·a1 -, f thE; lending auth.: ,rity and
tr 3ns mit . tr:;;' i t the .Proc~.::d ings (':, £ the inquiry
and thuruupc,n th..: lending auth,: :1 rit y may, if
it i s th.;: disciplinary: ;:iuthririty I p tlSS . such
orders· thereon clS i t .may d~~m nocG i:.s nry, c.·~,
if i t · is net the d±sciplinary a uth r, rity,,
submit tho c~sc to the qisciplinary authority
,·.:. which shall pass such orders on t h 3 c n se as
it may dc~m n~ccssary:

Prr:- vid.::.-d t hat . before pa c,sing any such crdcr the

disciplin ary a uthc,rity shall comply with the provisions
cf sub-ru_h ,s (3 ) and (4) ,c f rule 11.
{ !2(PLAN/.,TION: - The di~cj i)lincry" authc rity may makq an
' . (:rdcr und..:ir triis clause pn thu · rGcord of tho inquiry
transmit t.j (l tc: it by th<3 . b'.?rr(.1Wing autho rity or
,.- ... aftdr h~ld ing such .. f urthor inc;ii:iiry as i t may de em
., n~ccssary , as· ~ar as may be, in acc::- 'r dancc with rule



STi.-TE--GOVERliMENTS, . c:.:!:£.t-
n--r·wb-cre c2.r10rclcr- of sus-
ponsion is m.od e er a discipl·inary prcc0 ,.ding i s cr nducted
against an e::mpl(", yo-..: whn S8 serv ices have be6n b ;:; rrcw(;:)d from
Central or State Governments or an authority subordinate
th.-;irvt~) or a local or other auth::irity the i'1Uthc rity lc.:md-
ing his s2rvic l.; s (h0r'"'inaft0r in this . rule ·::;f er red t o
us tho l.:.!nding a uthority), shall' forthwith ~tl i nfcrmcd
of the circumst ::inces .lt;ading· t.':' -'..:he ·o rt1 8r of .t hG suspcn-
s ion of the 0mploy£;c or ~f th<2: c0mm..:q1coment- of the disci-
plinary proceeding' as·
tho may be.

( 2) In th-0 light .-, f tho findings in th .,, discipli- ·

·r; nary" proce:-..:ding cc, nduct<ild . ag,: :1inat the cmpl:-:-·Y•- 1.. if the
disciplinary 2.uth.' )rity is of th~ opinicn th.-, t a ny c f the

penalties spGcifi~d in clausus (i)
bu imposeid e n him, it · may,
to (iv) o f rule ? . should
subj~ct t:.:, ·th"' pr::·visi::,ns of

-. Co n t d • ••. • 2 3 •.

• I

,,. I '-'~• ~ •... , .·~, ,. •' , ' '

for sub
In Rule ·1s siiaiibe
ruie (I) the follo~ ing su~tltuted:
"Not withstanding anything contained In this part no appeal shall lie. against any order made by the Central
Note: Substituted vide notification no. HRD/P-IV/2(6)84/CCA/Vol.II dated 30th March 1996.

- .,.


~ ; .. -· ~ ·. . . . ;·...... ',, .
i In Rule ·18 for sub·ruie (i) the following stia"11 ·be substltuted: ·
"Not withstanding anything contained In this part no appeal shall lie. against any order made by the Central
· Note: Substituted vide notification no. HRD/P-IV/2(6)84/CCA/Vol.Il dated 30th March 1996.

sub-rul2 (3) of rul~ 11 and ~ft2r ccnsult2ti,n with the

lending auth-,rity, pati s s~ch o r:::L..:rs r ,n th..: C i:'\ S C as it
may d0~m E~~cssary:

( i) ?rovick,d th-:1. t in the: <Jvcnt --- f a d if-

fur.:::ncc of ,-pini, n between thG b ,:)rro\'1 -
ing ·authc,rity and the lending authc -
rity, th~ services ~f the 0mplcy~c

.__ shall b~ rcplac0d at th~ disp0 sal cf

of th~ lenCing authority;

(ii) if th0 disciplinary auth-,rity is of
th~ p :·inion that any c,f th~ pcma l ties
specifi~d:in clauses (v) tc (ix) rf
rule 7 sh-'.)uld be: imp- sud ('n tho 0 mploy\:!C,
r it sllnQll replace the sGrviccs of such
.·1 . .. '· J. .. ' ·' '

cmploye~ .at the disposal of the l~nd=

ing auth~rity, and trcmsmit tc i t the

•• prrc~.:..din g of the i.n.quiry f,r such action

as it may -d0.::.:m needs ~. ary •

Pl i.RT-VII - l\PPEl'.LS

18. ~pER_;.,t,G,,INST WHICH NO l,l_!:~LIE.S: - Net wi t h~

·- s~anding anything c o ntDin8d in this part , n0 app~~ l

" shall
lie a .ainst--
• ( i) any ,, rdcr m.:ide: by th8 Central Governm.::mt,t='
~ n t ;.ral Board. j
( ii) any ordur of an ,interl::cutory naturl'c! or o'f ·t he
natura o f a step-in-aid er the final d i sp'.)Sal of
r)f a disciplinary proceedi n g , ·other than an order
c,f susp8nsic-n;
(iii) any order pas~ea by an inquiring authority in the
cc; urse c f _ an inquiry ~nder rule 10.

19. ORDE_R_ AGAIKST vrl-lICl-1 APPEAL_~L_JES-!.- Subj~ct t o the

P.rovisions of rule 18 , an empl0yel.:.) may pref e r an a ppec.. i
against all or any of the follr.,wing orders,narnely--
( i). an nrder of suspension made "'.,r deem :~d to have been
made un J .:; r rul8 6;
(ii) an o rdE r im~osing any 0£ the penalty sp ecified in
rule 7 wheth~r made by the disciplin3ry authority 0r
by any appi.:!llage or revising authority,
, , .... , 24/-

: 2 4:

( iii) an C'rd::,r ;.;nhancing any pcno3l t:r, impr: s.::d un d ..: r

~ rul2 7 1
,··:-a. (iv) an 0 r d or which--
( a ) d a ni c s or v~ri 0s t o his a isad v ant age his pay,
all .'.'.1 Wances,pensi0n or c-, ther Cc,nd i ti .::: ns of
S8 rvice as- regul~t8d ·by rul3s or by agr~ement;cr
(b)i n t-=rprets ·to his disc:1dvant c:1 g2> t h e provisions
of any such rulr~ or agreem2nt;
(v) an order--
(a) stopping him at the efficiency b clr in the
time scale of pay on· the ground o f hi.s unfit-
n e ss to cross the bar;
(b) r e verting him while officiating i n a ,3r
grade 0.r post to a · lower grade or post otherwise
t han as a penalty~

(c) _r ~d ucing or withholdinJ the pens io n er denying

t h e maximum pensi·:m admissible t 0 him under the
,,,....,,_- . r u l8s;
(d) d e t z, rmir:iing the subsistence · .::.nd 0 ther allc•wanc 1:,s
t c be pai6 t c him for the p ~riod o f suspension
or fnr the p~riod during which he is da2mec1. to
b e under suspension or · for eny portion thereof;
( c) det~ rmining his pay ~nd allowa nce s --
(i ) for the period of suspensi 0n, or

( i i ) f c)r th~ period from the ·elate of his dismissal

rGrn.") VRl, or C-')mpulsory retir '::!ment fr,..,m
I,.. servi~e or f~o~ the date ~ f h is reduction
r to a lower greda or post, time scalo or
stage in a time ~caie Gf pay , to the d ate
of his reinstatement 0r resto rat ion to his
grade or post; or
(f) determining whether or not the p e riod frr.,m the
d a ta of his suspension or fr o m t h e date of his
dismissal,, ccmpulsor.y l~et i rement Qr
r educti o n to a lower yrade, post, t ime scale or
p a y er st age in a time scale of p ay to the date
o f his reinstatzment or restor a t i on to his
s a rvic2, gr5de ~r post shall b e treated as a
p ~riod spent on Uuty for anr pur po se •

• • . . • . . . • 2 5/-


In Rule 20 for sub-rule (1) (a) the folk)Wing siiajiailbe;:::-;s::iubs~tituted;:-=:

. ::;::--------,---,£./_ _ _ _ _ _ ___,
(a) by the Central Provident Fund Commissioner ID the Vice O'lairman, Central Board of Trustees."
Note: Substituted vlde notification no. HRD P·IV 2 6 64 C ol.Il dated 30th March 1996.
. •: . ___==-=L- -
In rule 20, below sub-rule (I), for sub-rule (a), the following sub-rule (a) shall be substituted, namely: •
"(a) By the Central Provident Fund Commissioner to the Chairman, Executive Commltt~~EPf.n y
Note: Substituted vide notification no. HRD P-lV 2 6 84 C al.II da 4th June 2005. / '


: 25:

Expl~n~ti~ n:- In this rule-

( i ) th(; ,:ixpre :, si ,n 1
~mpl::-. Y'°='=-' includ..::s ?l p ·.. rs ('n
who. h"'s c,.;as,a)d t.::- ~e in th 2 s ,::rvicc.! of th e
C:o:ntral Eo 'i r6.
-~. ( ii) th:; expr8s sio n I
petrsion I inc;:lud~s addi ti".'nnl
tt':j" pcnsion,grc>.tuity and any oth •._ r r Gtir~ment
ben2fi t.

• 20, t.P :;? ELLi-1.TE. _;~UTHOHITIES; - (1) An em9by2e, includ ing a p 2rsr.n
wh~, has c .;:;as:::c; t.··. be in th<= service of the Centr,, l B0ard may
prdfmr an appoal against all or any of th~ orders sp~ cified in
rule 19 if such oraer is made--

/~ r(a) by th 1:: Cc:ntr-: il Pr()vident Fund Commi:;; s i0n:!r tn

, -Ca-ntr ~-,, 1 G:-:-°v·,rn:-:i~nt c-r the Ch::drman, CE'I· as th ,3
. \
- - - - - c :-isc: may b..::;
·(b) by an auth~ ri ty subordin:.}te tc th,= a p pointing
authnrity, t, tha appcinting euthori ty ;

- (c) by _any 0th2r ~uth~rity, t~ the auth~ r ity tc whic~

th~ ~uth~city which m~de th~ order is imna6i 2 t~ly
subr roin.:it~.
( 2) Notwithstanding anything C( -nt~in ed i n sub-rule(l)
( e) an appca.l ago.inst an , in a camrrcn prc,ce~·.:.; ing
h eld unde r rul3 14 shall lie tc th2 auth~rity tn
which the ~uthcrity functicning as th ,2! disciplinary
authority for purpose of thdt proc ~Gdi ng is
imma~iately subordinat~;
where the pe.rson who made tha order ':l ppe.iled Qgain:;;t
b~com~s,by,virtu~ of his · subse~uent appcintm~nt or
~therwise the Dpp0llate authority in respect of such
order, an a;?p~al against such order sha ll 112 t::,
the authority to which such p:.:rson i s immedi.,;tcly

21. PERIOD OF_ LIMI'l'i-\TIC~ FOR .;PPEALS: -No apj_:i:~a l pe:rfcrr,:;d under
this part sh2.ll be ,::ntert::dned unl13ss such alJ)L) '.:! ol is pref ·~rr.:.::d
within a p~rJ ,d r f fort y-five days from the dat~ rn which a co?Y
cf thG order appGaled against is ?elivcr~9.- t0 the ap pellant:
J?rovidod that the appella~ auth0rity may ·.: :nt"'rtain the
appeal after th~ expiry of the sciid period, if it is s ,;:it:isfiad
tmat thG appellant h c::d sufficient causs for not prof ,~rring the
app8Ell in tim2.

• •••. , • 2 6/-


-,""' "-1


2 2.
a n a pp-a l sh :, 11 u r, s c s e par :1t~ly and in his ,:-,wn n.:i.m8 .
, .. (2) The app<? a l sh ~ll b <:: presen~ed t c the ~E:uthor ity t '"' whom
th (:. appeal lie s, a c o py b.::ing fc,rw i.:t rded by 'the:: appellant t':'> the
a uthority which made th~ . ord.1:.::r app,.Hiled agd.nst. It s hall c n ntain
ci ll . mnt o ri -;11• stat(;!m>::m ts · and argum.:nts c·n which th e appellant
r 2 li~s~ shall n o t co n tain any disrespec~ful or impro p er language,
Gnd sh~ll b ~ c0mplct e in itself.

(3) 'I'.h<:i i:luth 0 rity which mac11;: the order app~cJ l od against
shall .on rt:::c.;;ipt of ..? copy of· th-: appeo·l, forwc:rd the sama with
·1 ts cnnurn~nts thcr"1on tr·g <;;· with the ·r.zlavan't rsco r d_s t::- the
~ 'i
a ppe llag0 auth'.'.lri ty with".'.'ut any a vcidabl e del ciy, and without
waiting f 0 r ;;iny oir~ct i::in fr...,m th C:: appellage ,:;uthc.r it y.
2 3. CQ!-JS.~.P-~R}\'f'..fQl'!. .9.E'. _;.:.py_EN!.1- (1) In t;he cas r.;:. of an appcnl
ag.!l inst c:, n order _of . s u sp6nsion, the appGl-lage a uthor i ty shall
c-:insid (~r wh1:::th0r in t he .light of the previsions cf r u l e 6 and
r- . h a ving regard to th~ c ircumstanc ~s ·of the cas ./, th.::: ':'> 0f
susp e nsion is justifi e d or not and confirm or revnke the order
(2) In th.:, c a s e c;.f an app·,:2 a l against an o rd e r i mposing any
of the . penci_l ties sp e c i fied in rul-= 7 · ()r enhancing . an y penalty

•• impc.sed under· thl: rule, · th~ appell~ge auth c.rity shell
(a) whether the pr0cedurc laid d o wn in thes~ rules has
been · compl:i 2d w:I, th, and ' if not, whe~b e r su c h non-c0mp-
liance has r esulted in the failure of just i c .e ;
(b) whe.t her th i:! 't:/,nc1ings , of the ·disciplifiary a u thority are
warranted b y the evidencp . on the rec6 rc1; cind
(c)° wh ;.: the pen.::.lty or the e nhanced penalty imposed is
adequate, . i n adequate or severe;
.and pass order- - - .
(i) confirming e nhancing,reducing,or setting a s id8 1 the
pcnnl ty; or
.,.. (ii) remitting t h :; c -;l.S •.') tl'.'l thE: authority which impcs :::·.:! or
cm,h ancc.:d t h e p-::naH;.y or to any ,:,ther auth ority with
such dirac t i<:,n as i t rnny deem .fit in the c ircumstances
o f the cas e ;
Provided th ,, t.,.

• • ., • •.• • 21/-


. . ..

In rule 23, below sub-rule (2), the provision (fi) shall be substituted with the folk)\'·ing provlsk)n: - .

to (Ix) of Rule 7 and an e ul under ule 1b has been held In the cas
, It may deem fit la appellant has been iven a reasona le o rtun of maldn a
Author! al make such orders as i
tion, within 15
, "If the enhanced penalty which the Appellate Authority proposes to inpose Is one of the penalties specified In Causes (v) I
' aga,ns e proposed and"
Note: Substituted vide notification no. HRD/P-IV/2(6)84/CCA/Vol.Il dated 4th June 2005.


In Rule 25 for sub rule (1) (I) the following shall be substituted·
"The Central Government or the Ch . Ce . : 9·
:e ~se ma~ be" . airman, ntral Board of Trustees or the Central Provident Fund Commissioner as

ot.e. ~l!.bstiM_~_vide notification no. HRD/P-IV/2(6)84/CCA/Vol.Il da~ 30th March l99G.


. . ......'
~ i
t 2 7:

· (i) if the cmh~nced p •:malty wh,ich th •: ;:ipp.::llate

:'!Uth~rity pr0p0.,os t::, imi)QS(:; i::, ~m-~ r,f the .
p .::;n.::il ties· specifi 2c1 in claus :::s ~v) t-; ( ix) of
rule 7 and an inquiry .under rule 10 ho s not alr2aC:y
be.::n h':.;ld in th ,. C<.iS ·.::, th\: appe.l,lat2 a uthority shall
subj .2ct t::i the provisions ,-f rul.; 15, its,)lf hsld
such inquiry or dir2ct th -1t such inq uiry b~ held in
accordanc~ with the provisions cf rul a 10 and
th;:::r;;;a f ter, on :, c'"'nsid2~ati,, n '."'f th<; pr,..,c '!t.:dings 0r
such inquiry and make such orders as it may dc2m fit;

( ii) if th,2 c nhancea penalty which tho 2.p;rnll<1ge authority

prcpoS..JS to im,;x:, s ;:;: is one of tbc penal ties sp1:::cific.:d
in cl3u ses (v) t~ (ix) cf rul8 7 and an ~nguiry under
rule 1 0 has already b0~n h~ld ·in thd cas~ , the
appe;ll c,te authority shall make such orders as i t may
c:::::;i 4,U a.& .
deem fit; anu
( i.:.i) no ord e r imp0si;:g an ,mhunc1e.-c. .J.3ncil ty shall b.::: m::idc
in any ')th.:::r cas,.:: unL-ss th ..:: ap;_:, ,:illant has b2en giv en
·1.__.. a rGas on<lble opportunity as f~r 3S may be in ac~crdcncc
r · with the provisions of rul~ 12, nf making a ropres~nt a -
ti0n a g oinst such e nhanced p8nalty.

(3) In an ap:?~a.l ©,guinst any oth2r order sp ,.:ici ficd in rule

19, th.;) appellage authority shall consiq0r all tl1 --, circumst2nces
of th..:: case and mc:'ke such.· orders e.s i t may d,:.:"-=:m just and equite.blG.

2 4. IMPLEMENTi:.TION OF ORDERS IN. APJ?.E.::..L: - The authority which

made the:: c,rder ap 1)ealed against shall give efL::ct to th<= crdors
passed by th~ appellate authority.
PART-,VIII- REVISION & REVIEW _.________ ---
25. REVISION: /-
· · · · · -- . -·- -
Notwithstandi~g anything contcin u:i in~ h·2s_e rulos: - ,_ a
I c P i=c - a.d .... eCl'...
t. ~ so: may be; or r
_ - (i) ... Th1: Ct':ntnil

r·----·· ..........--

·, ..
or thb Centr ..:,l Board /\asI the

. (ii) the :ipp0 ll:itt.e c1utho.:-ity, within six m~1nt hs of the

d::ite of the order pr.opo·s,;;;d to be:: revisc=d;or
(iii) any othc:::r author.:. ;ty sp<=:cifiscl ir. this b ,.h ulf by the
Central Chvt./CC:ntral B0 ,~ rd by a general or sp,"cia l order, may, at
_, .,_timt:!,
. . eith2r
. 0n its r.wn
- motion :::,r o·th.:crwis(.. c ·,.1 1 for th :,.
records of ,,:ny inquiry and r<:.Jvis:::i 2n y order m:idc undGr these rul.::;s

• o~- r~gul~tions rep ealed by Rula 29 £rem which an e ~9 2al is all:::,wed,

but from which n ,:; appeal has bc ::m pr'-'fcr r,,d or fro m which n0

.... , . 28/-

I.' J







In Rule 25-A the foliowlng shall be deleted:
"or the Central Board as the case may be"
Note: Deleted. vide notification no. HRD/P-IV/2(6)84/CCNVol.II dated_~th March_1_996_._ _ _ _ _ _ __ ••


appeal is allcwc-o. , any may--

( a) c onfi-
rm,,. modJ.fy
--· 1?:i,d •., .th'.~_ ...o..rd.?.f ; er·
__c L .~.e:t :..~_

(b) confirm, r;;;:d\.l~~ 1 _,.,nhcn ce: o r set a sid e .th ;;, pc:_n ::1.~t_Y
.,r.._ - - -~·- •
( im~:x)s.,d by .th G 0ruc r ,:, r impos ..., qny penulty wh \; c nr; ponalty
f' . ha;--b~~n imp;;:..;d .. ;r:
:--- ·(·; -)--- ;emit · th -_ .cas o ta the auth-::,rity which maci.c the ord3r
r:r tr any cth e:r authr.; rity dir::.:cting such <.1uth0rity tr. make such
,·- - . ··-
furth .::: r '"'nguiry as i t may c0-nsid cr pro90r in th e ci rcums tnnc ~ rf
·. o"r.
(d-) pass such o thc!r orders a,s it J!lay der::rn f~ 1:-1..
P;r·wi'ded th :::t n-:,· .~rdcr im;,:,.:;sing · o; e nh?,n'cing_ an y panelty
shall be l'T)ade by any- ·; ·s .::vising autho r/ty .\.mless' the emplr;y1.=e
·c,,nc .~rncd has b een giv1im a r.::_a sonablu _opportun i ty o f m;:,king
r~pressntation againsf th~ p e nalty proposud and, where it is
prop:is~d to rmpoSe nny of the p :;na ltieS Speci.fied in cl'e.uses (v)
,, to (ix) of Rule 7 or to enhance the p~nalty-imiJc.!is.:,d b y -the order
• sc~ght to be r~visod to any of th~ ~~naities s ~ ecif ied in those
clauses, no such · penalty shall be imposeci excdpt aft ,.;r an enquiry
in thi.:: manner l a id dr:wn ' in rule 10 but s·ubject tc- the provisions
of Rule 15.
,,. (2) No procc,2dings f,, r r,;:.;vision shall be c::imm.:.ncad until after:
(i) the ex~iry o f the p .,ri o d of limitati o n fr,r an appeal or
(ii) the disposcil of th0 appeal,where any _such appeal has
be e n pre f 0r r;.:¢i.
( 3) An applic a tion f or rsvision shall re dea l t within the same
manner as if it wiare a n .appe·t,l under thE)SG rul e s.

25-A. ~~E~: . 'J)~

.The Ce.E,tr.a],.. Q:-._v_e rn;n~nt pr th,e C..:mtral Bo,,· rd as the cas~ m~y
b e , may at any time, e ither on , its own \ motion er oth e rwisc,revi~w
any . orde_r passed unde r th e se rules when any new mate ria l or avid once
wh ich could not be produce~ or was not available at the time c-,f
passing the ord.:ir und e r rBvi!i:w and which has i'he effect of chan gin g
the .no of th-; cas e , ha; ·come, ~r has' be .,,n brt"\ught to its not_ice,
Prnvided that n 0 order imposing 01: ·enhcincing any pGnalty shall
b0 made by th<:::. Centra l. Governm<:mt/CC:!ntral Boltrd unless the e:rri,:."
con,c,:,:irncd has been given r2asc1?able opportunit~ of i:_riaking .a repre-
s~ntatian against th~ p~nelty proposed or wher~ it is proposed to
impos~ any of th G majnr ~enaltius specifi e d in cl~US 8~ (v) to (ix)

of, Rulo 7 C'r .t ·: enhanc.3 th..:! minor p.::n.::ilty impos-:.-0 by thiJ ord,;;r
s ::;.ught -to . b..:; r c::viowed t o ·a ny of 'che maj0r p e n i:J lties and if a'n enquir:'.)

• und ~ r ruli;. 1 o· h as n'.Jt a lrua1-, y bc .sn h~l;_:i in the case, nc. such p~nal ty

•••• 29/-




A new rule I.e. Rule 28 shall be Inserted namely:

"28 Saving Clause: •
Government of India/Department of Personnel and Training's lnstructlons/darificatlons, issued from tJme to time with
regard to CCS (CC&. A) Rules, 1965 shall also apply to the employees of Central Board mutates mutandis so far as these
relate to and are not in consistent with any of the provlskins of EPF Staff (CC &. A) Rules, 1971."
Note: Inserted vide notification no. l:IB.QL!=IV/2(6)84/CC\/Vol.II da.ted 4th June 2005.

. ...,/




shall b:: im_::,-,,-.J ..:..xc_;_)t ;-..d:t.:..r h,lding en inquiry in th ,_ m.::.nn ._r
d :·. wn in rul..: 10,subj..::ct t.-, th:.., ~::,rovisir1 ns r;f Ri..l.: 15.
- ---·. . . . - . . . ... - ·-·- ·--- --·

26, S.GRVICE OF.Or1DERS_,NOTICES_ETC;-Ev •.::ry oru;:.r,n,...tic..:., una 0th0r
_)rr-c..:iss rr issu8d unde:::r th:::?s-.:. ruL.;;s sh2.ll b-..: s..:rv:.:.,d in ~) , .rs::)n
on th'" 2mi_)lc::y.;.,;.; c 0 nc.:::rn-::d :Jr c ,:;mmunicat~d tr. him by r _gistcr_,c.. p, st,

2 7. PO'i,j'ER. 'l'O RELAX. TIME-LIMIT )':,~.JD TO CONDON_E__ D_E_Lj ~Y:: -
oth"'rwisu 0xpr-ssly jr~vid~d in th~sa rul2s , thc authority comJ~t-.:.nt
undc;;r th~se ~ul ,.:s t,, make any c, rd.:::r may , .far g.0od anc suf ficic:nt
Sav-: ss

ruHs~ns rr it suffici2nt ~aus-..: is shcwn , 0xt~nd th_ tim~ SJ2cifi~d in

th;;!S<c! ruL.:s fzir ,::inythi q roauin.:d tn b0 d':'nc under th ::: rules ~-r
c::mdon-..:· ::ny d.Jlay. ( 28) . ~ tt C.OPY OF -coMMISSIO ERS l,DVICEs (DGietec
291 REPEAL .• Ji.ND _s.-.~rn~f) R..Jgulati•:ms 4(il~i 1, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1 7, 18,
19,20,21,22,23,24,25 and 26 of the Employ:;.:1s 1 Pr,:.vid,mt Fund(Staff
& Conditicns cf Scrvicu) R;;;gul:a.ti:'.'lns , 1962 and th~ First,and thE.:
Fifth and Si:xth Sch,~duL... s thc:rs.;cf 'a rc . h-::r~by,
Pre viced that: -
( a) such .n:?p0al sh:111 not aff0ct th:c ,r~vi,us "'1?2ruticm of
ths Sc'.id regul,::itirns or .r.,rd0r mad;:. 0r anything done,cr
any acti:-:on t"1kc:n the::r-::undcr;
( b) any proc :.. ,Jdings undt;r th0 snid rcgul0tions :_:icnciinc;, ,,t
the: comm.:::nct::!mcmt cf th ::s~ rulus sh~.11 b..:: continuod and
·diSJ?OS<..;d cf as far as may b-::, in accordancu with the
· provisi0ns ~f th~se rul::::s, as i .f such ;_)roc2.:Jdings w2re

•- ( 2)
prr) Cc:;e;dings und"'r thes(l rul<i.s •

Ncthing in thc.:s.::: ruls;s ·shall be ccnstrucd as depriving

any l)c)rson tc. whom thGSt:: rules apply, of any right :)f ai)1.:it!al which
had ~ccru0d t~ him under th~ rwgulutions or crccrs in forcG b0fnr0
thi.: corru11cncem2nt 0f these rules .
( 3) An O.i,)peal pending Dt th_c; comn:it.:nc;.:ment of these rules
against an 0rGer mad2 bef0r~ such commencem2nt shall b8 considered anc
orders th~r~on shall be madu,in accnrdanc~ with these rul~s,as if
such crders war.:} made and the appC:?al wc;r.2 ;,r~f.:.rr-::d under these rules
(4)' As from the: cc,mm~ncum...:)nt ()f thesco ruL::s any ap;_:'<.:al or
application for r_vLiw against ::my ordars made: b:::'f'1 r..i such c0mm.mcefTl..;;r
shall b.,:- pr0f-c:rrud ,:-,r made under thcS8 rules, as if such orders w~re
1nad"' und<:.:r th,."3E rulos.
Pr ,: widGd that n'0 thing in th0so rul,;s shull b,1 c0nstrucd ,?.E

any p~riod cf limitation for any appGal er r...:)viGw pr0vidLJd b~
any· rul-.: in :fcrcc.: b . --: f:,r0 th~ commenc0ment af th.:::s~ ruL.:s.

•- io- • B..fil'!iOV,"..L OF _DoUDTS·: -If any doubt aris...,s ;is to th;;: intorprdtBti o n
of any of th ~ provisi0ns of th~s~ rul~s,the matt~r shall b ~ ref6rr~d

• t~, th~ C1::;ntra1 Gr.v"'rnm1?.nt/C12ntral Boi=!rd wh0s ,J d0:ci s ir,n thor~on shall
.... 30/-
,\:**** .

• : 30:

The Empl ·· y s.· ,~ s' pro v ident Fund Staff ( Classif ic ::. t i,::--n , 0.:-ntr o l
and Appeal)Rules,1 9 71- Applicativh t0 the Co mmissir n~rs o rd e r.

c.s.R.. . · _:-- ... ,-:-:- : .:·:.- ~
In o"f toe pc w1;.rs
.;.., ..... ,.. :·,:.

conferred by sub-s e cti6n "(6) " o f secti;;···sp of th1:.: .Employe ,:. s'

Provident 'Funds and Family p .,msion Fund Act,19152( 1 9 cf 1952),

the Cantral Cc,vern m:;nt her0by directs th .' Jt p 0 n d in g t h,~ fr a ming

of discipline, ccnt r~. l and appeal rules for the Cen tral Prnvident

Fund Commi$sion ~r, Deputy Provident Fund C.Ommissi~n ~rs and

Regional Prr.vident Fund ·0;:immissicn,~r.s, the matt t:: r s c,:,ncerning
the a£cremention ec.t'c fficers in regard fo discip li n e, ccntro l
and appeal shall b e regulated·, mutatis mutanais, i n accordance
with _the relevant p r~v-i sions · C(')ntain ed in the '.Emp lc:yeE!S •
Pr<'vid ent Furid Staf f (Classification~ Control ,and App eal) Rule,
?"-. •

f-- - t
"' _:




- - -·----.,. -- •· • -~- -..- ·' -.,,..:, . _. _
PUbliShed' i n .J?art.:.·I :i:,secti.on ·3(i)
..... __,.,,____

Gazette of :i;_n C:ia d ated the 7th Septernbi:r,1972 vid <::! Notification
No.G.S . R.~--~~~~·
·•-.,.r·•••·· .,. ··- --·-- -·-··--
of E:x-tr a ord i nary



. .... 31/-




f ,.-\


: .:>l:


UNDER ..RULE 7_· OY.:' E. P .F ._ STAFF( C. C. A)RULES., 197:L,,. .•.... . - ~-·
r ..I ;.· : ~ : •• l '.: : ..., .::; .S :• ;· .. , l. L
1fJ.:f o·•.. D esc ·- . - ·-; -- 11p:.ji"6_1n.tii1g- --- . °A"ii."th-orT""t'y· ·c·o-1ii"pe"ferit Yo- 1.iii:pos e- "' ..... -. ·.fi"pp eYfa t e· -. ...
AUthority psnalties & penalties which i t a u thorit y
(vide Rule 5) may irnpose(with reference to (vide rule 20)
item numbers in rule 7 & 8 .
·.tiuthor·i-ty" . . - . ·--. - 'F"en"a"lti"e·s· ..

_(1.)' _(2) (3) . . .<~) -·· ............. ..... . ..(2).________ ~--- · - ·· . . (6) _ · -- ___ ___..
1• f. ;.;.J_IOl\ A;L O_FFIC.8 _GfW)J_r. }D. '.
-Junior J2stetner O:f:ere.tor !-: . F . F . C. -in- i)P.PF C- in-Charge All(Both minor Addl. C. P .F. C.
f ·. r F.egional Office Ch,.1·ge of the of he.gion & Major)
-Eecord Sorter{Senior) ii)RPFCi APFC-in- (Minor) F.PFC-in-Charge oi
·Charge of the i to iv of the Region.
sub.:...fiegional ru_;l.e 7.
-Chowkidar /Helper/Mali/Fr: ash/ ,
·iater Can··ier/Safaiwala\Sweei.,2r)
- --~amad::1.r ('Daf try/F 2cord Sorter
i.Junior J
-Cook:-cu11r-:;uest Hous·e _4ttend....r.-':


.......... 32/-

' ec L ( (-.,J ( ( .J (,, . ~·(.) ( .) ,(_ .( . l ) ( ,(

: 32 :
.'/ <) . . ..... .... . .C?). ··- .. . .. -- ...(,l .. . . . (5) . - - -.....
2. ~0UP 'C'
~section· Supervisor RPFG-in-Charge i)P.-PFC in Olar$?e All(.Both MiJlor Addl. CPFC
-Stenosr'3.pher (Jr .II) of the Region of_ the F. egion - & Major)
-Statistical /1ssistant
-Legal Assistant ii) F.PFC/ APFC in (Minor) RPF.C in charg e
-11a. c hine Operator · Charg2 of i t o iv of of t he Reg i on /SR O
-Hindi Translator (-::;r. II) SPO rule 7
-Upper Division Cler!
-stenographer ( k. III
-Lower Division Cler
-Senior ;] estetm:r Operator
-Lift Operator
-Staff Car Dr iver/Jee_p Dr iv~
Despatch Rider/Scooter Ll iver
-Plumber/Pump Operator
3. :l.OUF 1
-ftfi 0
d!eg~onal OiiiceJ
RPFC in Giarge
of the Region
i) F: PFC in Charge All (3oth Minor Addl.CPFC(for min or
of the Region & Major) Fenalties)
CPFC for Maj '.'r
' J?.enal ti~s) ·- r! .
- .i.,1 forcement Officer/ CPFC i) CPFC All ("Both minor fChairman,
- . • ) ·- I
ceT. II -:·'he.,_.,, E~
I t ~- ,, I
· '>··..v.i:,..
·.4ssistant Accounts Of ficer . & ma Jor
i-i) RPFC in charge ( Minor)
-- - --
G.P .F. C. ·t·
c·..;., A,_)
t2 •.r, as r,0 A.~
of the fl egion/. i to iv of Rule 7
$i0. v,, ;~jC(~ ~,. 1 · 6 /))
-Hindi Transl a tor(Gr .I) .Addl. C.P .F. C. i) Addl. (PFC All(3oth minor C.P.F.C.
& major)
ii) R • P • F • C. in Min or
charge of the (i to iv of Addl.C.P.F. C. "
Region/$0 Rule 7
- Hindi Officer C~F. F . C. i) C.F .F. C: ~11(£?otll minor Chairman, C8T.
1>< Ma.Jar) · .
i.i) Addl. CPFC -ao- C.P .F. C.
iii)RPFC in charge minor Addl.C.P.F. c.
of the Region/ (i to iv of

SF.0 rule 7)

•...•• 33/-
( ,r,
.c c. ( .(.,, ( (_; l. ,( . (J (. ( ( ) ,(

: 3 3:
APF E_t1L)f,ULES 1971. . . .
. .. . ·· · · ···-- -' - .. ···· • ·· - ····-···-~---···· · ··- ·· ·· ·--······- ··
S. i\ 0 • Descrip tion of Service Appointing Authority competent to impose ~ppellate Authority
~uthority penalties & Penal ties which \. v ide rule 20)
~. vide rule 5) it may irnpose(with reference
to it£m numbers in rule . 7&8
Ai..ithor.fty . . . Fen·a iffe·s-·
\:0 (_2 ; . .. : : . \3) _. .. .. (~J. . . . . . : . :.· : . . {!5)" : : .:·: :··. ·._ : . J6) '·~ : ·.·:
-:r·. -Gf. -OUF • 1b· 1 •
-:Tun." io:r: ·.;·estetner Operator f. PFC in Charge r.PF C in Charge ,Hl(·3oth Addl.C.P .F. C.
-? ecord -Sorter (Senior) of Loc3.l Admi- of Local Admi- minor &
-J 2m"1d2..r /Daf·try/F. ecord Sor+er (Junior) nistration . nistration. major)
--Peons~ .* "" -
- Chcwkidar /Help~r /?>",ali/Farash/
:iat,?r Carrier /Saf aiwala (Swe2per)
-Cciok-CUm-::;uest House Attendant.

..... _
'C' u. G1.-eie.1.t.
- ·, - .. •
J I.
+t,-s· •
,y;{J-o-,r -.Assistantf'\\ · . r.PFC ' in Charge RPFC in Charge .411(.Both .Addl, C. P. F. C.
~ C ~-L..u) ·>.-st'enogripher( •:k'. :p) of Local Admi- of Local Admi- minor &
-Hindi 'Ii: ansla tor l Gr. II) nistration nistr::ition. major) ,
-Senior Techenicl'll }sstt./L~g:11 Asstt.
-Li':rrary Information Asstt. ~ CO)
-Stenogrepher ( :k'. II)
-U:p ~2r Division ClerkJt-
. · "· -. · --Lo,., ··Division -el.2-rk
A_" .••,....,••,y,--~~ Librar f ,e1~rktc;t,) i
-Lift Operator
--St.::i.ff Car Dr:iver/Jeep Driver/Despatch f· ider/.Scooter Driver •
. -- ..nect-rician1.,.Jire, Senior Gestetner Operator-,Plur.lber/Pump Operator .
· -.3inder. · ·

• • • . . . . 34/-

( .e. .. ( '"-·'.
.c ( ( (.._ . • c. c ( _JC ( l'
,.,-.. .
( {
-,~ ,.J tr"" J.. <
•., ..
• ( ) ., (~ · (,~ · I
: 34:
~sistan1. • Addl.Cl'FC - i ) Ad-d°i.CPFC . i1 1 ( aofh" "minor· c.; ,F.Y; ·c.· .
.1.-) C~ J i i )F: FFC(LA) tlilft18} )) Addl. CFFC
r4J i to i :,i,_ of rule 7
\. l6 / (6 J
_ GR OUP '3'
:.·s u"perintend2J!t Addl. CPFC i) Addl. CPFC Ali(.3oth minor C.F.F.C.
& major)
gfe,,,_O<rQ.l)NlY (C..-r ll) _,.-St eno g ra:ph2r\. Jr. I) ii) F FFC in (minor) Add 1. C.P, F. C.
I r Per s onal .~ssis tant)
-Junior .~ccounts Officer charge of i t o i v of rule 7
-Res e2rch Assistant. Local Adm.
-Jun i or .!hgin eer
Hindi. Tran:slator~Gr.I) Addl.CFFC i) Addl.·CPFC All ( Both min or C.P.F.C.
. . . .. : : '. & ·m ajor}
_.i.i)RFFC(LA)" (minor) i to iv Add 1. c:r·.F. c~
of rule 7
C:.P .F. C. i) CFFC All( 3oth minor & Chair nian , C 3T
Sr. Fer son a l Asstt.
major) .
ii~ Add 1. O'FC (mi.nor) - C.P .F .c:. . _
iii,RPF"C{LA) i to iv of ri._1le 7 Addl.C.P~F. C.
-t ~ "<D ~ ( OL) .i) CPFC · ·,.,, All_( Both minor ·& - ?, Olairrnan, C3T
-Hindi Officer Jf C.P.F.C;
-; ~ \ ; - · ·, ·• , ·-·.,· ·•' ' ma 3· or . · C.P .F: ~ C.
· i i ( Addl. CPFC
iii) F: . P ;F. C. (LA)(minor) i to iv of Addl. C,P .F, C.
rule 7-
_:_Vigilance Officer,.,.._~ C.P.F. C. i)c'.P.F.C.All (B.o th minor Ola:irlllan, C3T
fYnjl"l\.""'Mey- ---..:;~unior Analyst & major) ..

-,le lf a:re (;ff icer. - ii)Addl.CPFC (rninor)i to iv of C.P.F .C.
~Jr. r~ ,e.. ............... rule 7 · ·
IV. GROU[ 'A I Central Govern-
=~tiddi. C. P .F. C. Chairman, C'3T Chairman Al"l(3oth minor &
=Di.rector (Vi g .) C'3T major) ment.
-L~w O!iicer .
-Super mt enaing !ingineer
-~!J.J:.f, C~\ 'Jl: .I)
- .-••F.:if · G".\ Jr II)
TDy.D~ect or{Vigilanc~) c t or~Trai.~in~)
-S_enior Admn .Officer (NA'IRSS)
- 3enior ftJ1slyst ·
- A;P .1".C. .- C~F.F4<':. C.F.F._C. All{:aoth, minor& · Chairman,C3T
\~ ~ P1iJ/2(,y'i4~110L]. _ [N ~ .~ ~~rL ~ ~c ~

~~ /c~J f:.~. :!t ~ 'p"-'v1- ~ be~~~-~ M ~ · - ~~a;;J. .-.o ~~

e. .
~ A'1

.u-.:io.,.,~"'- · t-F . ~ "'41"' ~ , . e . rt, r.o,i

( ,( ( ( (.; . (
rl , l
. ,).
: 35:

No.Pers.III/1(3)83-CCA. Dated the~6th Septcmber,1 9 84.

·In exercise. ·of the powers conf~rred under sub-

rul~ .(1) or
Rule (6) end :;ub-rule .(2) c-f Rule 8 of t~e
E.P.F. Staff (Class if icaticn, control and Appeal) Rules,
1971 the Central Board with th.e approval of· the Central .
Government hereby delegates the power to the Regional
Provident Fund Commissi~ner to place any of the of f ic e rs
1t1orldn~ under their control in the cadre of Enforcemel)t
Officer/A~sistant Accounts officer/Superintendent under
suspension and to impose on them any of the minor penal-
ties specified in clauses (1) to (iv) of Rule? of th e
E.• P.F. Staff (Classification, ~ntrol and Appeal) Rul e s,
2·. Th,e delegati-:in of these powers takes effect from
the . pate of · i_sue of this order and will r8main in fo r ce
until furtDer orders.

3. The powe~s delegated hereunder shall net be



••• , •• 36/-

__ ,,..-...

; 36;

No, Pers,III/2(2) 84/CCA, Dated th ~ 15th Ncvembar,1984,

0 RD ER,

In exerci.s a of the · ,pc;wers conferr.-d under sub .. rule

(1) cf Rule 6 of the E, P •. F, St~ff ·(classification, Ccntrol
c1nd Appeal) .R ul~s,1971 1 the Central Board with the approvcl
n~ the Central ~vernment hereby delegates the powers to;-
(1) . The central Provident Funu Commi s sioner to place
under suspension the officers in the cad~e of Assistant '
Provident Fund Commissioner/officers of equivalent status
and grades,
(ii) The Regional Provid:nt Fund Commissi0n~r-in-
charg1:1 of a Region t.'.) pl.,c.J under suspension any of the
officers working under them in · the cadre cf Proviaent Fund
Inspe~tor (Gr .. I) /Accounts officer/Hind~ officers and any of

. the officGrs of eguival~nt st~tus/grade , and Hindi Translato r

(~r.I)/any of the officials cf· the .equival•3nt status and
grade., and

(iii) The Regional Pr-:.,vident FUnd Commiss-ioner/Assistant

Providant Fund comnissioncr-in-charge of Sub - Regional office
to place under suspansi-n any of the officers in · the cadre
of Enfcr~~J'T\s)nt o£fi,cer/A~s istant Acc,:unts officar/Hindi
Translator (Gr,I) and other officials of . equivalent rank
and 9racla.

2, Th~ afor~said delegation of powers is subjdct to

the condition that a r~port is submitted ·for:thwith to the
appointing authority of the officer plac~d undBr suspension
indicating inter alia the circumst;;,nces in which the order
cf susp:a:nsion· wus made.
3, Tho delegation of th(:!Se pc,wcrs takes EJffect fr:::,m
the date c,f is sue c,f .this orcler and will rs main in fc; rce
unt1l · further orders,
4, The powers delegated h~rcundor shall ne t b~ re-

Authority:- Ministry of Labc,ur lettl)r Ne . 36019(1)84-85-

III, dat!3d the 3·oth oct,,ber,~ 1984.,) • •.• , , , , 37/-


r;,-,. .... ,
) '


- - - -- - -- - - ~ ~
), / : 37:

No, P,IV/1(3)CPFC/Dal./04. dated the 13th February,1987.

1, All Rogional Provic cint ' Fund Commissioners
' (Including R. C(L.A) • .
2. All officers-in'-char9.::, Sub-Regional offices,

Subjects~ D~legation cf powors t c Central Providont

·Fund Commis ::,ionor for imposing minor
Penaltiras on Assistant Prc.wident Fund
~ssionur. · __ ··· ·· ·· - · · -

. . 1·
I am direct""'(} t:0 int~·r m y, ,u that tho c(:)nt~al
OovQrnment .have c-nvoy~d th~ir a 1 pr~va l under sub-rule (2)
of . rule 8 of the E, P, F, Staff (Cla~sific~tion, Control
and App"'al) Rules, 1·971 to tho propo sal of th~ Central:
Boa.rd of Trust~t, Employocs • Provident Fund f~r emp?waring
t.he Central Provident Funcl c ,.., mmis s ion-3.r tc impcso miner
P'<lnaltios speci'fiud in claus ·· s (_1) to (iv) ~f Rule 7 of
the E, P, F, Staff (Cla .;..sificatie,n, Control tind Appeal) ,
Rulc,s, 1971 on the Assist a nt ·Prc::-vidcnt Fund CornmissionQr s , .

Auth0rity1 Ministry o f Labour letter Ne, A,36019(2)/

86-SS,III/73, dated 2'9:t;h January, ;987),

Yours faithfully,


•••••• 38/-




No.P.IV/2(3)Bq/V0l.II/ Dat ,-,d the 4th June, 1987.

0 FF ICE · _~ RD E_R.

In G:xGrciso of the powers cr,nfe:i:-rcd undor sub-rule

(2) of Rule 8 of th~ Employe~s' Prcvident Fund Staff (Classi-
fication,. Control ancJ App'-'al) Rul.2)s,1'971, th:::i Cc..:ntre.l Bc, a rd
with th..:i c.pprc,val of C-.:>ntrel Govornment, p.:;r..,;by dcleg ·. ;to
th~ power to th~ Regional Prnvid~nt Fund Commissi~n0r-in-
chargu of tho Local.Administrntion in the Hood quart~rs
c,ffic.J the Employees I Prc;,vic!~nt Func5. Organisatir,n to ,

impr.·s~ minor pcnalti"'s specified in .clauses (i) to (iv) of

Rule 7 cf th..J Emplcy'3...;S I Provident E'und Staff (Classifica-
tion, C::-ntrol. and Appeal) Ruks,1971 on any cmpl",yeo upto
the levol ~f Supcrint~ndent working in th~ Head quartGrs
c,ffice of Employ1;:.,;s' Pr?vident Fund organisatir.,n.

2, The delegation of th~se pcwc.:rs take c:ffoct fro1 ;,~·

tho dat(;) c;;f issue of this order and shall rem ·.in inforc e:
until furth.:::r orders.

3. Thi'.:! pc.wars d12loga·tcd horcun,jer shall not be further

dcleg·,t1::d by them to any .:,th"'r officer subc,rdinat0 t0 hi.m •

•"' (


Regional C011'U'llisaiont:;r-in-charge · cf L0cal l>.dmini fl trati0n

(Headquarters) •

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