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Life Success Institute

Next-generation Personal Advancement system

Your Resource for Life

Ron Sedlak
Copyright Notice – Important

Electronic book, Science of Success, copyright 2009 by the Life Success Institute. All Rights
Reserved Worldwide.

This work was released on 23 June, 2009 as part of the launch of the Life Success Institute
and is intended as a free public service. It is an introductory manual to the Life Success
Institute and is a companion book for its major courses.

This book may be republished and freely distributed at will, providing only that it remain intact,
complete, is not altered in any way and is duly attributed to the author and to the Life Success

Quotes may be taken from the book and used for educational purposes, providing credit is
given to the source of the quote and providing such quotes are not taken out of context in an
attempt to slander or defame in any way. Any such uses or attempts are legally actionable.

This book may not be sold in its current or any other form and may not be re branded under
another name and sold. It is intended to be given freely and without financial charge to anyone
who is searching for their road to success - personally, in business or financially.

This book will become freely available on the Internet in several forms, including in a website.
It is my hope that the book will be passed on from one person to another so that as many
good people as possible may benefit.

This electronic book, the Life Success Institute website and other affiliated websites, forums
and networks were designed to provide educational information to intelligent people to assist
them to have a better life.

They are not intended as specific personal, financial, medical or other advice, as this can only
be given by a qualified professional who has the full information of the particular person´s
situation to hand.

Neither the author of this e-book nor any members in our forums or other related networks are
certified financial advisors or health care professionals. We are social entrepreneurs,
passionate about assisting you to learn what has been working in achieving great success in all
aspects of life for many people, currently and throughout the ages.

Truth has no master, has no secrets and knows no boundaries. It serves anyone who knows it
and operates by its natural laws.

It is recommended to consult with a qualified professional of your own choosing (accountant,

lawyer, etc.) before risking funds in any investment or business. And to consult with your
personal health care professional before engaging in any form of diet or physical improvement
program. Each person's body is different and may react differently to particular foods or types
of stress or activity. In this way, all the particulars of your situation can be taken into
consideration before engaging in any program.

There is potential risk of loss in any business or venture, thus it is wise to only risk funds that
you comfortably can and never an amount in excess of what you could afford to lose.

Any ‘forward-looking’ statements as to gains or amounts of projected income or wealth related

to any of the vehicles or businesses or actions mentioned herein are merely reports of what
has been or may be accomplished through hard and smart work and dedicated application of
skills in this book.

There is no guarantee or promise of future income. Past results do not necessarily guarantee
future performance and often in fact contradict it.

Acknowledgments 5

Introduction 6

Chapter I – A Brief View of Science 7

Chapter II – What is Success? 8

Chapter III – The Laws of Success 11

Chapter IV – Financial Laws of Success 52

Chapter V – Success Formulas 59

Chapter VI – How Well Do You Need to Know this Science? 62

Final Words 63

Our Organization - The Life Success Institute 65

About the Author 66


Many talented and knowledgeable people have been working over the past 100 years or so to
make 'success' a subject that is organized and useful.

Gone are the days where success or wealth are thought to only come through luck or family
ties. It is now becoming more and more obvious that success as a subject is a science that can
be known and used by anyone.

First of all I want to thank my wife for her patience and support over the past 2 years that I
have been finding my way to this point of being able to complete and release these materials.
Without her support and belief in me, the time to accomplish this work would have been much
extended. I want to thank also my family for their love and support in good times and bad.

I want to thank the great minds of the past (and present) for their contributions to the
knowledge of success that I have been privileged to study and learn.

This includes Napoleon Hill for his decades of research and codification of the science of wealth
in relation to the thought process. His groundbreaking book, 'Think and Grow Rich', has sold
millions of copies and is the basic textbook of many self-made millionaires over the past few
decades. It has been a personal inspiration to me.

It includes Wallace D. Wattles with his classic book 'The Science of Getting Rich' and other
works, which are basic texts on the Science of Success.

I want to thank others who have forwarded these works and made their own breakthroughs:
Jim Rohn, Anthony Robbins, Bob Proctor and others of similar stature.

I want to thank L. Ron Hubbard for his great philosophical works and the sciences of the mind
and life from which I have learned immensely.

I want to thank Robert Allen, real estate guru and self-made multi-millionaire whose actions,
challenges and real estate books have inspired me to think big and take action. I will always
consider him one of my top mentors.

I want to thank Mike Litman, Life Success Coach and self-made millionaire. I consider Mike one
of my mentors even though he does not know me. I have been inspired by Mike many times
and learned from him that you don't need to have something perfect before you get into
action. I have used this successfully in my businesses.

Without these great people of the past and present, I would not be able to carry out my
innermost dreams, to be able to share truth and knowledge with the world. And hopefully in a
way that will help to make some small dent in the way things have been and bring a better life
for as many people as possible.

With this book and the new organization the 'Life Success Institute', (LSI), I hope to forward
the message as broadly as possible that success is achievable and that anyone can do it. And
that now, through LSI, the necessary knowledge, techniques and especially support with which
to achieve it are more easily accessible than ever.

Science is something that is discovered rather than invented. It does not depend on particular
people but is based on timeless natural laws that have existed since the beginning of the
universe, and more recently, humankind.

There have always been successful and powerful individuals who have recorded their thoughts
and actions. Much of this information is available and can be read and used.

These are the people that we learn from, since one of the main laws of success is to find
someone who is getting the kind of results you want and copy them. What do successful
people do that others don't? This question has surely been asked endless times in the past. It
is answered thoroughly in this book in many ways.

Life is full of cause and effect relationships between people and things. You do a certain action
and it causes a certain reaction or result. These cycles, proven over time, are the basis of

More and more instances are coming to light of exactly this: that there are in fact direct cause
and effect relationships to success and that they can be known and used by anyone.

This book is an attempt to round up as many of the basic laws and formulas of success as
possible and communicate them a way that is easy to understand and use.

Many of the basic concepts in this book are available elsewhere, in fact in many places. And
that was the whole reason this book needed to be written. The concepts are all over the place
but nowhere did I find everything needed in one place!

I have spent years studying many books, courses, taped lectures, CD´s and doing Internet
research. As I went, I found myself increasing in certainty, recording my goals and plans and
taking action.

I wondered why more people weren´t doing this and then realized that very few people have
the time to sit down and study all this stuff, find the most important rules, align it all and use it
to move in the direction of their goals. There is just too much stuff to study and most people
just get unaligned bits and pieces.

I have done the work for you. You have here compiled in one book the most basic laws and
formulas that will take you to success if you use them.

And if you cannot use them in spite of your best efforts, you are not a failure. You are simply
working against great odds without a support system. That is exactly why I started LSI (Life
Success Institute)

Some of the information herein is hard core and pulls no punches. The truth is not always
pleasant and if you want to be successful you have to face the bad along with the good on your
road to achievement.
Chapter I - A Brief View of Science

Why is physics a science? It is a broad subject that deals with matter and energy and their
actions upon each other in the fields of aeronautics, electricity, heat, light, optics,
electromagnetism, nuclear physics and more.

These things are apparently disrelated, but people over time have decided to organize this
information into subjects or areas, pointing out basic laws, causes and effects.

Because of this we can have electricity in our home, we can fly in planes, have great sounding
stereo systems and tall structures that don't fall down in an earthquake.

Physics is a science and is useful even if we don´t personally understand everything about how
or why it works. Who really understands how electricity works for example? We can measure it
and use it to run our fridges, TV's and computers and that is enough for most of us.

Success as a Science

With success it is the same. We can do certain actions that we know have gotten results for
others (or for us) in the past. And we know that if we duplicate those actions then we have a
good chance of getting a similar result.

We may not know exactly how the Law of Attraction works for example, but we know that if we
have a strong image and intention of what we want and we act on it regularly that we will
accomplish what we desire. Simple cause and effect relationship.

Success is not something we usually think about in terms of science. The words more normally
assigned to success are 'luck', 'good family', 'good background', etc. This makes it seem like
there are no predictable cause and effect patterns or no laws to success. Nothing could be
further from the truth.

Every action you take in your life leads to either a positive or negative result (even if the
negative result is simply that nothing happens). In physics when you put two inert objects
beside each other, nothing happens. In success, when you put a person in a field that he or
she is not interested in, nothing happens.

But when you put a magnet close to a piece of steel, attraction happens and they come
together. This is an obvious result, cause and effect. Likewise, when you put a person into a
job that they love, they will spend endless hours learning about it, creating it and cheerfully
doing it. They will even show initiative. This is also a result, an obvious cause and effect.

What you will find in this short book are fundamental laws and formulas of success. These are
concepts and systems that you can use to predict results and estimate what kind of actions will
help you (or not) to get what you want.

You will find an extension of this work in the Life Success Institute membership organization,
which was launched along with this book. You will find links to LSI throughout this book where
you can get more information and assistance to help you on your path to accomplishment.
Chapter II - What is Success?

Success depends on our accomplishment of those things that are most important to us. It is
not only measured by a bank account (although it helps), since a rich unhappy person is not
truly successful. It is not just measured by happiness either, as a stoned druggie can be high
and happy but he is of no real value to himself or others. It takes a balance.

Success is doing something right and getting what you want. It is deciding to do something or
have something and doing what needs to be done to get it.

It could be winning that guy or girl, getting a sought after raise or promotion at work, getting
engaged or married, taking a vacation to Europe, getting the car or home you have always
wanted, making more money, being competent personally or in your job, doing a project and
seeing results, creating a nice garden, renovating your home or part of it or any of a million
other things.

You can see that all these things are based on action. Doing something and seeing the end
result. Success is accomplished by action.

What are the long-term results you are most looking for? And what are some of the actions
that would lead to those results? Write these ideas down as you go through this book. By the
time you are done, your notes will point you toward your goal and what you need to do to get
started strongly in that direction.

'The Secret' and the Science of Success

The Secret is a very powerful field of data based on the Law of Attraction, the law that states
primarily that you will attract what you dwell on the most, positive or negative.

The book and documentary on The Secret were well done, but left many with questions and a
feeling like it didn't work for them. The field of 'positive thinking' suffered the same fate. These
are powerful fields and techniques when you have all the information needed to use them.

The missing factor (at least not sufficiently emphasized) in these fields was the concept that
ACTION has to follow thought in order for your desires to materialize.

Thought is very powerful and is the precursor to everything that ever occurs, but thought
alone rarely causes anything. The positive vibrations of thought and emotion may bring
opportunities to you (or you to them) or make you aware of them. But you need to act on the
opportunity in order for success to occur.

`Nothing happens until something moves´ (Albert Einstein)

Thought without action is of little value. Action without thought (no goals or plans) is similarly
pointless and random and is not the road to success.

This is all resolved in the Science of Success.

There IS no secret to success!

In our desire to find out what we really have to do to achieve what we want in life, we make
the mistake of thinking there must be some secret, some hidden information.
This misconception gives us a tendency to keep the information hidden from ourselves, even
when it is sometimes in plain sight!

We are forever hearing about secrets to success, secrets to wealth, etc. Well, what are the big
secrets? The biggest secret is that there is actually no secret at all! The information has been
there all the time! Most people just have not known about it.

`The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get
there if you're willing to work. What distinguishes the majority of men from the few
is their ability to act according to their beliefs.´ (Henry Miller)

All you need to know about creating success or wealth has been sitting in books dated in the
early 1900´s! The odd person here and there (a few percent) has gotten hold of these
concepts, have used them for real and became very successful or wealthy as a result!

Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) spent 20 years interviewing the 500 richest people in
America, putting his findings into the above book written about 1940.

And as it turns out, the story line and techniques used by these wealthiest people strongly
resembles the earlier material from the early 1900´s!

In other words, these super successful and wealthy people had somehow learned the
techniques as taught by these earlier masters and had used them to acquire massive wealth
and influence! There were no secrets.

'Don't waste your time searching for a secret to success. Work instead to develop
your own system of success.' (Buddha)

Those are very wise words dating from 2,500 years ago! Buddha developed his own system
per his own advice and ended up helping to civilize huge areas of Asia as a result.

There are no secrets, only knowledge and techniques that work. You know them and use them
or you don´t. I hope this short book helps.

Why haven´t the rest of us learned this stuff?

So what about the rest of us? How did we miss this boat? Why didn´t we find out about this
like those few did?

Why doesn´t everyone learn about this and become successful or super successful?

The answer to that opens the whole Pandora´s Box which led to the Life Success Institute
being formed:

There has been no organized and affordable system for delivering this information to
people at large, in a way that they could actually use it to achieve total success!

The information has always been available over the past 100 years in books, courses, lectures,
etc. But who has the time to chase through all the available books to get the whole picture for

And who has the money to afford all the courses and support required from any one author
who does have a complete and workable lineup?

The systems have been routinely set up to give you a book (affordable, but no support or
follow up). Then maybe a small course - affordable for less people and again without enough
support and follow up to help you get the full results.
Then they go to their high-end course or membership that does have a lot more support and
help but only a few can afford it! And so we are again back to the same small percentage of
people who have a chance to get the whole story and actually make it. The bulk of humanity is
once again excluded.

It is not your fault

Let me tell you straight, NONE OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT. Very few could succeed in a personal
advancement field structured this way. There was just no way to access the knowledge for
most people!

The information is not taught in schools (it is not main stream and does not fit in the
curriculum) and we could not learn it from books and courses for the reasons above. So the
bulk of us were out of luck! Until now that is.

I had been looking at this material for several years and was somewhat stuck on the same
treadmill as everyone else. But I had some idea of what was happening and kept searching,
studying and putting things together, taking notes, taking action, making progress, making
mistakes, learning from them and making more progress.

Phew! Not always easy work but I was driven forward by my vision to create a workable
success and wealth system for others as well as myself.

I took myself offshore and invested in real estate and other things. I compared the offshore
investment, tax and real estate environment with onshore areas I had been.

I learned some hard lessons about scams and businesses with poor structures and learned
many ways NOT to do things. I found out all about how much money one could make and
waste and how credit cards can get used and abused. And I learned how manipulative some
businesses and organizations could be, even some we have come to know and trust.

These hard lessons and gradual progress in my own learning and advancement process led me
to a series of breakthroughs and basic truths that I just had to share with people. The gaping
hole in existing personal advancement systems was suddenly clear as a bell and I saw it was
time for me to finalize what I had been working on.

My forward push was based on a dream that I never lost sight of: to create an organization (or
a series of them) with a model that anyone could immediately plug into and start making
progress with, even if they were flat broke at the start. And it had to be able to take a person
all the way to their highest goals.

The Life Success Institute was thus started after 2 years in the works. It is a membership
organization where ALL the important materials will be available to anyone who is willing to do
a little work and study every day to gradually make their way to compete success and financial

LSI allows you for maybe the first time to take the Science of Success from a theoretical level
into actual and continuous practice in your life. This spells huge potential success.

And, as LSI fully overcomes the problem of no affordable delivery system, the Science of
Success is now 100% available to anyone with access to the Internet.
Chapter III - The Laws of Success

Any science is based on laws, basic statements of truth that clearly show a cause and effect
relationship. A relationship that is easily observable and that enables us to predict with
certainty what will happen so we can get the results we are looking for.

Just as the science of chemistry gives us solutions for cleaning and purification agents and for
the making of cement, steel and many other things, so should a science of success give easily
observable relationships of actions and results that we can use to make the things happen that
we want.

Applied Knowledge is Power

We have heard that knowledge is power but it really only translates into power when we
effectively use what we know.

Some people are super-educated with high degrees and much sophisticated knowledge but are
still not achieving what they want to or could be. Constant action based on what you are
learning is what moves you toward success.

The master chess player knows thousands of chess board patterns and can successfully
negotiate them to win almost any game. He knows the patterns and can use them in action.
The novice in comparison knows only a few. The intermediary player knows many patterns but
can be stumped by the others he does not know.

Similarly, the pro in any field knows more potential results or ´outcomes´ related to what he
or she is doing or creating and knows how to deal with them in various ways.

The amateur or less experienced person has some ideas but little experience that is aligned to
the theory. Situations come up and they don´t know what to do to get the best results.

How many 'patterns' do you know for your field? How many don't you know? Where are these
patterns covered and how can you learn more of them and learn them better day by day?

Become a master of your field through daily self-education that puts a constant flow of new
ideas and patterns into your mind and life. The more good and workable ideas you have, the
more patterns you know, the easier it is for you to act and to solve the inevitable problems and
obstacles that emerge in the pursuit of success.

Competence is a magic ingredient that leads to success

What is one of the foremost qualities that make us admire good business people, superheroes,
good parents, sports stars, famous actors and performers such as singers?

They are good or great at what they do! They are competent.

Some are naturally 'lucky' and are born with more natural talent than others. But many have
worked hard to get where they are. Either way works. Don´t curse your heritage or genes.
Start where you are and go from there.

'If most people knew how hard I have worked to gain my mastery, it would not seem
wonderful at all' (Michaelangelo)
Luciano Pavarotti is acknowledged as one of the best opera singers in history. He had to study
many years under some very good voice instructors to get that good, even though he was also
blessed with natural talent.

Natural talent is not necessary to your creation of success. Gaining competence however is.
Competence is achieved through self-education and practice (including a close and continual
observation of what makes others successful in your field). And it is assisted by choosing a
field in the first place that you have a real passion for.

When I was a kid I used to love taking my bike apart, fixing it, cleaning it and putting it back
together. By the time I was 14 years old, I was able to take a bike completely apart and put it
back together and fix anything on it easily and could fix others´ bikes as well.

Competence is an unbeatable feeling. And best of all it is something you are completely in
control of developing in yourself by study and practice.

Constant learning and practice bring about competence

The Olympian has practiced and worked hard for years before the Olympics. It is their LIFE.
They have a passion for what they are doing that gets them up in the morning and gets them
doing (practicing) their sport, whether it is running, gymnastics, pole vault, basketball or
anything else.

They have a coach (whether it be a parent or paid professional) that watches them and gives
them the exterior view (feedback) that lets them know how they are doing and what they need
to focus on to perfect their performance. They practice and practice and practice, receive
feedback, correct the error and practice some more.

The more you repeat an action, the more certainty and speed you can have with it. Success is
built through practice. And if you have a coach, feedback speeds the process and increases
competence in ways you would not be able to do on your own.

If you want to be competent at something, practice it over and over. Find any excuse to repeat
the action. If you are learning to drive a car, get out there in the parking lot or drive with a
friend every chance you get. Practice parking the car, reversing, using the mirrors, estimating
how far you are from objects, using the turn signals - all the little details over and over.

If you want to help your child be more competent at something, practice it with them. As a
funny example, my awesome little son was approaching 6 months old a few weeks ago and
was not sitting up very well yet, even though he was standing pretty good!

My wife commented that her friend´s baby was 6 months old and was sitting very well and she
was worried that our little guy was still a bit floppy when you sat him up! Well, I had been
playing around with him too much having him standing! Oops! Wrong sequence!

So I practiced with him every day for the next two weeks just sitting and sitting and balancing
and having him stay up and doing various things. Sure enough, two weeks later he was doing
a lot better!

So come on! If a baby can do it, you can too!

Passion breeds greater success

Your ideal life work is found when you can do what you love for a living. When you are doing
what you love, a significant success factor enters in: passion. Passion makes persistence and
discipline easy, getting you over the rough spots that come up from time to time.

When you do not have a passion or real interest in what you are doing, your job becomes
boring, lifeless, a drag. If you are not interested in learning your field, becoming a great
success is not very likely.

When you are passionate about what you are doing, you are more likely to want to know
everything about it. With a passion for something you can study or work for hours without
tiring. You can get 'lost' in your work and the time flies by.

A writer was once asked how he developed the discipline to research, prepare his materials
and write. He answered, ´what discipline´? His passion for his work made him so excited and
interested in doing it that discipline became a non-factor.

If you dislike your field, why stick with it? You may not be able to quit your job today but you
can sure start preparing for the future right now!

`Forget the resolutions. Forget control and discipline...too much work. Instead try
experimenting. Go in search of something to fall in love with...something about
yourself, your career, your spouse.´ (Dale Dauten)

You have a purpose for being in this world. You have a passion for something. Why not
discover it and use it to create the life of your dreams?


The Empowerment by Certainty course is a prerequisite to all other Life Success Institute
courses. As part of this course you discover your true vision and purpose in life and are given
the tools to act on them.

The full course is accessible to you right now for download in PDF format and does not cost you
a cent.

Having a clearly stated vision and purpose increases certainty and power

Have you ever noticed what someone looks like and acts like when they really know what they
want and where they are going? Have you ever felt like that, even for a little while? Would you
like to feel like that a lot more often?

´We succeed only as we identify in life, or in war, or in anything else, a single

overriding objective, and make all other considerations bend to that one objective.'
(Dwight D. Eisenhower)
A person who has no goal or vision is weakened, as they don´t know where they are going
with their lives. They have no strong purpose for living and tend to just go on a day to day

The sad thing is that deep down, they KNOW what they want to be or do. They know there is
more to life and that they are missing something. They know they can be more and do more if
they only ….

Unfortunately they do not know how to complete that sentence and are too bogged down in
their day to day life to spend the time to get a grip on it. Or if they do have the time, they don
´t know where to start.

We all thirst for a deeper meaning in our lives, a feeling like we are doing something more
than a job and that we are making a difference. A feeling of power, a revitalized spirit and a
new drive in life come from finding one´s purpose and following it.

Persistent action based on a plan creates success

Persistence is one of the most important factors of success and many quit just before they
have a chance to see the amazing results they could have gotten.

There is always calm after a storm so never quit during the storm. Ride it out and you will see
that it looks better on the other side! It is always too early to quit.

There is no substitute for hard (persistent) work, although hard work alone is not a guarantee
of success. Results and morale can be stepped up and effort reduced by working smart

Working smart consists of leveraging all available resources and delegating or automating
repetitive or mechanical actions. This includes creating systems to manage processes. Systems
enable duplication and duplication permits growth.

Success is inevitable to the person who continues walking on the road that leads to it! If you
knew you were on the right road and you knew you were moving, why would you ever stop?

The road to success has a certain length and you arrive when you arrive. If you were traveling
across the country and didn´t arrive at the other end when you expected, would you stop? If
you know where you are and where you´re going, you can have a sense of progress which
keeps you going.

A goal, a plan or a project does not always have to be written but it helps to see where you are
at and what remains to be done. That alone can be the encouragement you need to persist
that little but more.

Success is not always easy, but easy things like watching TV or spending nights out partying
never got you anywhere did they?

The road to success is not found in lazy people. But laziness and inaction can be converted to
action by inspired thought, such as finding one´s purpose in life or suddenly finding new
meaning in one´s work.

A single thought is not of much value and is much like a snowflake, melting to the touch and
fading away. But when that thought becomes focused, repeated over and over and aligned to
other thoughts, when it becomes backed by purpose or vision and finally becomes a CAUSE,
amazing things can happen.
'A snowflake is one of God´s most fragile creations, but look what they can do when
they stick together!' (Anonymous)

So if you have felt lazy in the past, there is hope. Locate your purpose and your vision. What is
it that you have always wanted to be or do?

And where something is just too hard, something is wrong. You will find that if you pick up on
the self-education, you can learn how to better and more efficiently do what you need to do.
Maybe you are missing some basic steps that would make things a lot easier if you did them.

Everything is easier once you have learned it and done it a few times, so don´t give up when it
gets a little hard. Persistence itself leads you to the knowledge you need.

I also found it easier to remember that in business or as a social entrepreneur, it´s not about
me anymore. The true motive is what can be done for others, and therein will lie your biggest

Understanding is the key to effective action

Action becomes easier to the degree that true understanding is present. Without
understanding, action tends not to happen and even when it does it contains errors which
render the action ineffective and having to be redone.

But action and practice helps to bring about understanding, so part of learning consists of
actions or exercises that help you gain a true and full concept of what you are learning. This
can be work done with scale models of the associated items or actual work under supervision
on the things themselves. If you are learning about a car engine, have an old one handy and
take it apart and put it back together as part of your studies.

Another effective thing you can do is to make a list of the most important and relevant terms
related to your niche or subject. Study these concepts in a good dictionary, glossary or better
yet a basic text on the subject where you can get the full and detailed concept. Words and
terms are the gates that open the door to understanding.

A normally shy or introverted person can be converted to action through understanding. If you
don´t know what you are doing or what you are talking about, of course you could tend to be
a little self-conscious.

But really come to know your subject and be able to get a result with your eyes closed and you
will see how your feeling and attitude towards yourself and life changes. You can stand tall and
proud when you are truly competent in your field.

A gradual approach is necessary to any accomplishment

Entering a building is done from the ground floor. Start there in any subject. You cannot
master nuclear physics in an afternoon, especially if you don´t understand basic physics in the
first place.

Study the fundamentals, the basics of your niche or subject. Learn them thoroughly, including
the most basic terms and concepts.

You can't enter a building through a 2nd floor window. That's why we have stairs and elevators
that lift you to the next level. The next level is accomplished by walking the stairs one by one.
Sometimes you can jump 2-3 steps at a time and speed the process but this can trip you up
when you go to fast. Confusion is caused when too many steps or too big a step is taken at
once. You have to slow it down a bit.

The key is to maintain certainty as you go. When confusion enters, persist on that step or the
ones just before it until certainty is achieved again and you have mastered it. Then move on.

In this way, you can gradually learn and do just about anything that fits your passion.

Perfect planning is not necessary to action

Action is more important than perfect planning. You may have seen that sometime in the past
you have been so busy planning something and perfecting your plan that you never acted on

And of course nothing happened, as results come from the actions based on your plans.

Plans are necessary but can be overdone to the point you never get started. This is not
´perfectionism´ but procrastination.

If your planning is taking too long, get the first actions going that need to be done and perfect
your planning along the way.

Fear tends to create inaction through paralysis

Fear in its various forms (anxiety, worry, terror, negative anticipation) is one of the biggest
obstacles to success. It is a negative emotion that exudes a low frequency and tends to draw
to you what you are afraid of or anxious about.

Fear tends to encourage a withdrawal from life and action and a person that is in fear of
something is not likely to take much action or participate in the things that would create
success. Fear is anti-success.

Successful people feel some fear or anxiety like anyone else, with one major difference. They
don't dwell on it and let it stop them. They act in spite of it. They have advantages that
perhaps make them less susceptible to fear in the first place, as they know more and
understand more and thus can do more.

Wealth and success are attracted to boldness and repelled by fear. Success does not
discriminate against age, sex, race, color or anything else. Success and money do not care
who masters them or who their owner is – they are completely neutral.

The more you know the less afraid you need to be. True competence really has nothing to fear.
When you understand an investment, a business or a subject, there is a lot less mystery
involved and it tend to be less scary.

As a teenager I used to be very nervous around women. After learning a lot more about them
and being married for some years, I came to understand them a lot better and could relax.

This led to a very valuable life lesson that I have carried with me since. Nervousness, anxiety,
etc., are proportional to lack of understanding and are cured by becoming more
Determining to learn something new every day about your niche, field or subject (whatever it
may be) tends to replace the anxiety with a certainty that allows you to take action.

Don´t be impressed by the obstacles you might encounter. Be impressed instead by the
potential opportunities ahead of you and take on a carefree cheerfulness or serenity as often
as possible.

And maintain faith in yourself and in your goals and dreams. Fear is not possible in the
presence of faith, they are mutually exclusive!

Just keep learning every day. Soon enough those obstacles will be behind you like yesterday´s
headlines and you will be on your way to your greatest accomplishments.

You can act your way into a new way of thinking

We often think of the sequence of learning, thinking and then doing. You can also do it in
reverse. Sometimes you get an idea and just DO it and before you know it you have found not
only a greatly improved way of doing something but a whole new way of thinking.

Some people learn by getting the theory first and then the practical application. Some people
just grab the car and take it apart and put it back together and now they know everything
about the car. They learn almost completely by observing and DOING with minimal theory.

In business or in life we can gain new skills by taking action, getting feedback, adjusting our
procedure a little, doing it again, getting more feedback, etc. This is the basic formula of
success and growth.

You can find whole new capabilities in yourself and new ways of thinking just by making a
habit of action.

Leaders build businesses and organizations, managers run them

The CEO´s of large corporations uniformly make six-figure and seven-figure salaries as well as
other benefits. Why? They are the business builders and decision makers.

A good leader is not in there micro-managing his people to death but is engaged in
establishing the vision, purpose and values of the business. He or she spends their time hiring
people, making sure they get oriented and trained on their jobs and take an interest in every
person in the place.

They are there among the people on the ground asking them how they are doing and gaining a
firsthand view of the company (without issuing orders or jumping channels).

The managers under the leader run the business and the day to day operation. They work IN
the business. The leader is working ON the business and is forever looking for ways to expand,
promote and make the staff more trained and effective so more gets done in less time.

The leader instills the members of the organization with purpose, pride and initiative. Under a
good leader they know they are not just there to take orders but to take initiative and
contribute to the growth of the operation.

Staff in such an organization take pride in their work, are loyal and have a feeling of purpose
and making a difference. They give their best to the business.
Good leaders make good organizations in this way and delegate in a way that eventually does
them out of a job on every function being done. They empower completely the person they
have assigned a function to as soon as they are sure it will be competently done.

Soon enough he or she becomes personally wealthy enough to retire early or take time off.
Being a good leader, especially in your own business, is one of the surest and fastest routes to

As an important side note in case you are thinking of starting a business as part of your
success process, the value of a business is not just the immediate income. There is an equity
value to any business that becomes part of your net worth and wealth.

A business doing $200,000 per year in revenues, especially if the profit margins are high like in
an Internet business, is worth about $1 million on the market. Successful people sometimes
build a large business, sell it and retire from the profits of the sale.

Compare this to being a worker or manager in a business and making $10 or $20 per hour
forever. If you had the resources available to learn leadership skills, wouldn´t it be more


The LSI Leadership Course is done as part of LSI Course #2. It will be a very comprehensive
course based on the winning actions of the world´s most successful and profitable company

Obstacles, barriers or failures are stepping stones on the road to success

Don´t ever be afraid to act because you think you might fail. The fact is, you will have failures
and losses and upsets on your road to success. It´s guaranteed so get used to it and learn to
get over it quickly and learn from the mistakes!

Even the best theory and training will not prevent you from making an error here and there.
Sure, do your best to learn from other´s mistakes and to gain competence as fast as you can
through daily study and practice.

But you will still make a mistake and have a failure here and there. It´s a stepping stone and a
learning process. Consider it as such and let it toughen you up to be a better leader. It makes
you ready for the really big storms that come along now and then.

Can you imagine a sports team that never loses a game? There is no such team anywhere in
the world. Every boxer eventually loses a fight. Every actor, director, artist or business
executive had rough times on the way to stardom. Many self-made millionaires faced bleak
financial times including bankruptcy before finally breaking through and becoming wealthy.

There is a road to success and it can become a highway, but you have to learn how to drive on
the smaller roads where there is less traffic. After a while you get more confidence and you
drive on the main streets and finally on the highway at full speed. You build it up gradually.

The road to success is said to always be under construction, so expect detours, some rough
roads, red lights and stop signs. But remember that the stop signs and red lights are
momentary. There is always a green light after the red and the detour always leads back to the
main road.
Obstacles bring about learning opportunities. You have to study extra hard to find the solution
for the current barrier. But once you have solved that barrier and overcome it, your
competence has found a new level and the next time you encounter that barrier or a similar
one, you will be through it faster.

So don´t flinch and give up when things don´t go your way. You are forging a path to success.
You are making the world come into compliance with your vision. You may get some flack, but
in the end your persistent intention and action will win every time.

You always have a choice

You will not always immediately be able to choose your reaction, especially to a highly stressful
situation, but you can modify it to a more beneficial response after a short time.

There are actually three parts to a reaction-decision process, not only two.

#1. Stressful event happens

#2. Thought occurs very quickly, factors are examined even if only for a milli-second and a
decision is made

#3. Reaction occurs

#2 is often not seen, yet is the cause of continued grief and a feeling that nothing can be done
about a certain situation.

The more stressful the situation, the faster #2 tends to happen and the faster #3 comes into
full play. The reaction can be very heavy and last for a long time.

There is however a step #4 that enters in for the person who is trained in the Science of
Success or who is fortunate enough to be able to step back from the situation due to other
training, religious views or something similar.

#4. Re-evaluate the event from a different angle, finding the positive aspect to it or how to
use it to advantage. Find the learning experience in the event and thus come to have a
reinterpretation or ´re framing´ of the event. Examples of this are covered a bit later in the

This allows one to return to a positive state of mind, seeing possibilities and returning to

Some events are loaded with emotional stress and #4 sometimes takes a while to kick in no
matter how good you are. The better you are trained in the science of success, the shorter this
lag becomes.

There is a road or path that leads to where you want to go

Your goals and dreams are unique, but there is a path that leads to them, no matter how big
or unusual they may seem.

Before 1920, women had no voting rights in the US. A dedicated woman and her supporters
changed that. They made a road where there was none.
Men have walked on the moon; people have swum across lakes and the English channel,
crossed the ocean in a kayak and sailed around the world solo. People have created huge
multi-billion dollar global companies and have created the most inspiring non-profit activities
you could imagine.

You can do what you are inspired to do. There may be something inside you urging you to do
what you really have a passion for, something great but something which may currently be
outside your ´reality´. You can do it.

'Nothing is impossible, there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had
sufficient will we should always have sufficient means'. (Francois de la Rochefoucauld)

You may not have the means right now to do it, whether the knowledge, skill or funding. But
that did not stop Gandhi from creating a passive peace movement with 100 million followers! It
did not stop Oprah from becoming a billionaire and helping numerous people. It did not stop
Lance Armstrong from winning the Tour de France 7 times, even after having and beating

There is a path to where you want to go, even if no one has ever traveled it before. Maybe you
are the one who is destined to beat that path and leave a trail for others to follow. If the path
already exists, that makes it all the easier.

Work on the roots and the leaves will take care of themselves

We have seen people again and again go for the quick solution, the fast buck, the high yield
investment program. I´ve committed the same sin so will not try to set myself apart. But I
have been learning some things and I hope to pass them on.

It is good to go for the more immediate income or result when you see it available. This is
opportunity knocking, as long as your sensible evaluation of the opportunity puts it in a class
that is worthwhile.

This does not include Internet businesses that are illegal Ponzi schemes or that have
unworkable business models that incur more and more future liability as they go. These
abound on the Internet these days and have for years.

When we go for only the fast buck with this type of program, we are liable to lose more than
we gain and thus have less and less to gamble with. And when we involve others, that makes
it even worse if they lose. And even if we win, we still lose in this type of program, as we know
we are winning based on the losses and pain of others.

That is not the road to success but a road of uncertainty, false hope and often serious loss and
failure for ourselves and others. Been there, done that! (2004, 2005)

You will find out as we go that successful people or wealthy people do not run on hope, fads or
quick-fix solutions. They work on the roots based on fundamentals. This means saving,
investment, creating assets, growing the assets and getting more of them or compounding
them, etc.

Successful athletes work on the basic actions, practicing them over and over. They do basic
exercises that make them stronger in the areas they need most. As investors they acquire an
asset (such as a business) and they help it to grow by finding what is blocking growth and
remedying those points.
'Principles are to people what roots are to trees. Without roots, trees fall when they
are thrashed with the winds ... Without principles, people fall when they are shaken
by the gales of existence.' (Carlos Reyles, 19th Century Spanish Author)

If you want a plant or small tree to grow, you focus on making sure the earth under and
around it is fertilized, well supplied with water, etc. You cannot get a big, strong tree by
constantly picking the leaves off this small tree!

But that is exactly what the quick buck mentality is. Instead of putting a solid foundation for
success or wealth there, they pick the leaves over and over and neglect to feed the roots, the
very thing that would make the tree grow into a huge asset!

How many leaves does a BIG tree have? Exactly – millions! And each leaf would represent a
dollar or Euro, a Swiss Franc, etc. I rest my case!
The Magnetic Power of Thought

You become what you mostly think about (Law of Attraction)

Your dominant thoughts determine what you become or what you are.

This is easily seen in that self-made millionaires are uniformly positive people who believed
deep down that they would succeed and then did. This does not mean they were always
positive or that they were always successful or winning. Quite the contrary in almost every
case in fact.

One who regularly engages in thoughts and emotions of misery and self-pity could not be any
other way until they are somehow able to change their mind.

Like attracts like (misery loves company, similar people tend to become friends, whether they
are upbeat or depressed). Similar people tend to stick together, wealthy or poor, upbeat or
depressed, middle class, scientists, police, you name it.

Thus it is best to minimize your time with negative people or those who put others down, as
they will slowly and surely bring YOU down. Work to surround yourself instead with positive
and successful people or those seeking these things. And become part of such groups.

It has been observed that even physical objects do not work as well for people who have a low
mood such as anger, frustration, fear, etc. A car or piece of equipment that works perfectly well
for one person can give another endless trouble.

Did you ever notice how nothing seems to work right when you are angry or frustrated? Things
take forever and 'nothing happens like it should'. The same things seem to work better when
you are upbeat and cheery or even just relaxed.

The Law of Attraction

The hypothesis of the Law of Attraction is that by being in a certain mood or having a certain
intention or emotion, we emanate a certain wavelength out into the universe.

These waves then attract and bring to us things of a similar wavelength, either from our own
mind or from some other source. If we are upbeat, we tend to attract other upbeat thoughts,
emotions and ideas. This can give us ideas that aid in our accomplishments.

This is similar to how a radio set for 104.5 FM or a TV set to channel 33 will pick up and display
to us only THAT exact station and no other. You set the frequency and you receive that
frequency. Each station has an exact wavelength of TV or radio frequency.

Similarly, as knowing beings we tend to ´pick up´ only wavelengths that approximate our own,
however that works exactly. Remember, we do not have to know exactly how or why this
works in order to make it work.

One angry thought or emotion attracts another and they fed off each other. Or one angry
person makes the next one angry by an accusation and a fight starts.

Have you ever noticed that it is hard to get an angry person to receive a cheerful thought or
comment? They reject it, blow it off. It´s not anywhere close to their wavelength so it cannot
be received! They are not set to that station!
But try to talk to them in a slightly angry sounding tone (about what they are angry about,
agreeing with them). Boy, now you can have a great conversation! You are now on their
wavelength and your communication can be received!

Keep this in mind next time your child or spouse or a friend is sad or a bit depressed or angry
or any other emotion that you could not normally ´get through to´.

The way to pick up a different station (wavelength) would be simply to adjust your radio or TV
to a different station. This then changes the receivable frequency inside the device, which then
picks up and displays the exact station called for. This can easily be adjusted back and forth
and these devices are exactly constructed this way.

Well, what about us as human beings? What happens when we adjust our own personal
frequency (our mood, tone or emotion) whether by accident (the environment acting on us) or
intentionally? What are we able to send out and receive? Basically, just about anything.

Shifting Attention, Changing Mood at Will

Try right now to shift your mood a little. Think of the last time you were happy or very relaxed,
like in the bathtub or shower or in your bed. Use any pleasant mood for this. Now try to think
of as many details as you can about that image, sort of being there again.

Did you feel your mood shift, even a little bit? We as human beings are often able to shift our
mood at will, even though it may sometimes seem kind of fixed.

If you want to shift your mood to something more positive but can´t easily do it, listening to
your favorite music, watching your favorite TV show or movie or doing your favorite hobby will
often do the trick. Or try playing with your kids or even your pet!

They shift our attention, our thoughts and our mood merely by drawing our attention to
something else that has a pleasant wavelength. Physical exercise or activity of various sorts
can also do this. If you can think of some things that tend to shift your mood, take notes for
later use!

You will only receive ideas and people that match your general mood. So if you are angry or
irritated or afraid, don´t expect to have bright ideas or good solutions coming to you!

You therefore will want to keep yourself in a higher mood as much as possible, as this will
assist you to attract the ideas and people that will assist your success. If you are having just a
dreadful day, go outside for lunch or whenever you get a chance and take a walk for a half
hour or so.

Look around and notice all the brilliant creations of nature and humankind. Ignore the ugly or
downtrodden things. This will pick you up again. When you see something you admire or that
is beautiful, focus on it and think about it, letting it pick you up!

Recording Bright Ideas

You will notice that you have the most 'bright ideas' when you are not trying to get them. You
might be in the shower thinking idly of things or you might be just waking up or just going to
sleep and are very relaxed.

Since you are engaged in personal advancement, you should record these bright ideas as much
as possible. Some of the wealthiest people have been found to do this, as some of their best
ideas to increase business and revenues come when they are least expecting them! So out
comes the little notebook and the concept is jotted down.
Remember, every profit making action in a business and every personal action you do that
leads to your success will first appear to you as a thought, a concept, an idea. That is then
converted into a plan or direct action and we have SUCCESS.

Every book you read or lecture you listen to is the same. They contain ideas, ideas and more
ideas. You want to find the ones that go ´ping´ and ring true for you. You take the best of
these and put them into action right away in your life.

When something works you keep doing it. When it doesn´t work you throw it out. This is one
of the formulas to success covered later in the book.

Thought precedes action. Action and positive habits precede success.

And self-education provokes a constant stream of new thoughts and potential actions. That is
why it is so powerful.

´Success is a matter of never-ceasing application.´ (Claude M. Bristol)

And since we tend to BE what we most focus on or think about, we want to mostly think about
our goals and the bright ideas and actions that will get us there. And do them. In this way we
will be successful people!

Focused and determined positive thought will magnetize to you the things
you need for success

If you have an all-obsessing desire and faith in the accomplishment of your goals and
executing your ideas, you will find more and more ways to succeed. The more concentrated
your dynamic thought, belief and action, the faster you can advance.

This answers the question of how long it will take you to become successful. The more focused,
intent and active you are on the accomplishment of your goal, the faster you will arrive to it!

It is easy to get distracted by life and lose the mental image of your vision, but with practice it
becomes easier to get it back again and maintain it as a sustained expectancy and belief. Work
on this daily until it is effortless.

The creative life force that comprises your inner invisible world has great magnetic power. I
learned something very profound from Claude Bristol, author of the 1952 classic book ´The
Magic of Believing´. It was this:


Wow, did you really get that? This is how seemingly almost magic or unexpected things
(including good luck) can happen for you when you are positively aligned.

Intention, expectancy and desire are spiritual (non-physical) qualities that can bring about
some unexpected results! Again, don't worry about how it works exactly, just work at it!

Practice bringing your life vision or goal clearly to mind, seeing it in better and better detail
and seeing the actions you are doing to get there. You are superimposing your mental vision
over the physical world and then you take the actions in the physical world until it matches
your vision! You bend the physical world to you will!

This is how you have accomplished anything you have ever done. First comes the thought,
then the action, then the result. The more you focus on this vision, the more dynamic action
ideas will come to mind. Do them and you will accomplish what you have in mind!
It doesn´t matter if you have started off toward your goals at a disadvantage, handicapped,
uneducated or anything else. Your deep and personal belief in what you want will magnetize
the right materials or ideas to you that will tell you how to do the next needed step.

Have you ever been idly browsing in a bookstore or on the Internet and suddenly, right there
in front of you is something you have been thinking about? That is what this is about. If you
are focused on what you want, the universe works to help you get it.

There is always at least some small thing you can do to start or keep moving toward your goal,
and if you are mentally focused and expectant on your goal, the answer will come to you.

When it does, act on it, do it. Success will not come to you without action. You will feel
impelled to contact a certain person or read a certain article or book. Do it. When you find
answers or bright ideas that will move you toward your goal, do them. And keep track of what
you are doing and the results.

There are degrees of good and bad in all of us. The bad is irrelevant and will gradually
disappear as we focus on the positive and work for what we truly want.

We all have negative thoughts, feelings and emotions here and there. They are also irrelevant
and will disappear soon enough if we don´t make a big deal of them. In the Science of Success
we are not really interested in the source of these thoughts. The less attention we give to
them, the less power we give to them and the easier it is to let them go.

I sometimes have some odd negative thoughts first thing in the morning if I've had a rough
day or two. I know for sure never to make any decisions based on these fleeting ideas. Usually
I ignore them, just ´letting them go´ and re-focusing on my vision and what I want to get
done for the day.

The more we focus on what we want and the less on our own mental distractions and the ones
from the environment, the faster we can move to our goals. No one is perfect and we are all
subject to these factors to some degree. We can more or less control and direct our focus and
our actions.

You want to be so effortlessly focused on your goal that it is absorbed into your very core, into
your bones, into every fiber of your body and mind. When it is instilled this deeply into you, it
will project out into the environment around you and magnetize things to you.

What you are really doing is superimposing your expectancy and image over the physical world
as above and working toward that image until the physical world matches and complies with
your mental image. This is like the painter who first has the image of a painting in his mind
and then works with his brushes and paints on the canvass until the full painting appears.

People can pick up on your expectancy when it is strong, as it radiates from you when you
really know what you want and what you are doing. This attracts people and things to you that
will help you. And if it attracts someone to you who you can help on their goals, by all means
take advantage of that and be as helpful as you can. The road to success is a two-way street!

The strength of your image can sweep aside any weaker negative thoughts that you or others
may have. Ignore or let go of any thoughts of failure or fear and reassert your success image.

Tell yourself you can do it, 1,000 times if necessary. Do not share your exact plan with anyone.
Talking about something tends to discharge it and it is too easy to get shot down in flames by
the critic, even if that critic is your best friend!

Your vision starts as a sapling that is too easy to get blown away. Feed it and reinforce it until
it is as strong as an oak.
If the mind can conceive something and believe it, you can achieve it

The human mind and potential is 10 times more powerful than we give it credit for. You have
heard that on average we use only 10% of our potential, leaving another 90% that we only
occasinally tap into.

What if we could somehow tap into this 90% a little more often? This is actually what the
Science of Success is all about. It takes the ordinary and gives you the laws that enable you to
make it extraordinary!

The reason you have everything you have in your life right now is because you first conceived
of it in your mind and believed you could have it. Then you took some actions and acquired
them in the physical world. The things which you want but do not have are often things you
don't believe deep down that you can have. This creates a problem to achieving success.

It is not easy sometimes to just change our minds and decide to believe that we can do or
have something, but that is shortcutting the process. The mind can easily change but more
gradually and in smaller stages.

For example: if you don't believe that you can meet and have a great relationship with a
wonderful woman (or man for you ladies), you never will. You likely have a lot of little
misconceptions that are holding you back and your understanding of the opposite sex is lower
than it could be.

Again, this is not your fault because you don´t learn this in school and you don´t learn it from
your parents. You don´t learn it anywhere, except a bit from your friends!

Self-education opens the door

Self-education is the first answer. Knowledge opens the door to understanding and doing
things. You could for example (for men) subscribe to free newsletters from a few of the larger
´mens´ websites out there or start reading magazines. You can start to learn in this way.

If you have specific questions, you can easily research them on the Internet: how to treat
women, what they like and don´t like, what they are really after in a man and so on.

After a while you start to see that you had it all wrong and you were thinking of women sort of
as sexual objects. You see that women like to be treated as special. They like long walks on
the beach and meaningful talks that are sincere. They like little gestures like flowers and other
little things like phone calls and text messages so they know you are thinking about them.

You start to see how silly some of your ideas were and how your misconceptions have been
making it impossible for you to relax with a woman. You realize that it is not necessary to get a
woman into bed with you on the first date and that your old college or high school talks with
your buddies were a load of nonsense.

When you start hitting this point you will start to believe that you can actually be more relaxed
and successful in finding a great woman for you. Your mind has gradually changed to believing
you could do it. Success soon follows.

Learning (and letting go of old misconceptions) allowed you to understand. You now only need
to take the actions you are learning, adjust your approach if you fail, learn more and try again
until you succeed.
There are two levels to anything, mental and physical

Thought and understanding precede action. Goals and plans (forms of thought) precede the
action that causes great results.

Plans based on goals allow the right actions to occur that bring about your success.

Plans are the bridge between goals or thought and action. If you have no plan, you have no
way for your desires to come about in the physical world! You have no map to get to your
intended destination!

Action is the bridge between thoughts or plans and success. How can you get to where you
want to go if you never leave your home?

Thus, the invisible (mental and spiritual) and physical worlds connect to bring about your
success. The road to success begins in your mind and proceeds through a plan and then action
into the physical world.

Having your vision and plan clearly in your mind and consistently believing you can do it takes
you an important step closer to real accomplishment. Consistent action then finishes the job.

Your mind is capable of re framing your past, present and future

Our mind has the brilliant capacity to re frame (reinterpret) things that are happening or that
have already happened and tp see them in a completely different light.

We do this sometimes without knowing it, but our lives would be better if we had more control
over it. This is one of the specialities of the Science of Success.

As an example, your son loses a baseball game and is completely bummed out, feeling like a
failure. That's not good. Encourage him to find what he could have done better in the game
and then practice that certain skill with him. And take every opportunity to acknowledge things
you see him do well in the sport.

Acting as above, your son's state of mind will improve and the loss turns out some positive
feedback that was used to improve his skill. You have re-framed the loss into a learning
experience by finding the lesson in the apparent failure.

We can reinterpret almost anything like this, whether it is happening now, in the past or
something we predict happening in the future.

Some people look to the future and see only bleakness. That is obviously just an idea or
interpretation, since the future has not even happened yet! The past and present are also wide
open to interpretation, and thus are completely open to reinterpretation to your benefit!

It has been said that 50% to 90% of life are interpretation! This means that an event can be
interpreted or framed in widely different ways, from making a seemingly bad thing great to
making a great thing bad!

Imagine your wife or husband coming home after a long day at work and saying that they just
had a terrible day. Their business is making so much money that they don´t know what to do
with it all and now they will have a lot of taxes to pay and everyone will be wanting a piece of
it, etc.!
Wow, what a horrible fate! Obvious misinterpretation, in this case finding a dark lining in a
silver cloud! How reversed can you get!

Losing a job could be a curse or a blessing. Some people have found much better opportunities
after losing a job, proving that new doors always open when old ones close and that if your
world is aligned to possibility thinking then your future is wide open for you.

A year of bad luck can be followed by a life of abundance or just another year of bad luck. It
will be what you make it. And what you make it will depend on your state of mind
(interpretation) and your resulting actions.

Your limitations are only those that you impose

No one except you is capable of assigning how much or little you are capable of. You can do
just about anything you believe you are capable of.

Someone, even someone well meaning, can come along and say, ´you can´t do that´. But in
all honesty, there is very little in this world that you are not capable of, either right now or
after learning more about it.

"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It
will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only
plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." (Bruce Lee)

For me real estate was a bit of a mystery and quite theoretical until I went offshore, started a
project, purchased a property, did the planning and started. Once you do something, it is kind
of obvious how it is done and you have to wonder how it was ever a mystery to you!

Look at anything you want to do in that light. If it seems complex now, project yourself a year
or so into the future and look back at the completed fact. If you persist in following your vision
with consistent action, that image is sooner or later what will occur.

Where you are successful (and you always are, at least in some small things) you simply take
the actions to get the physical world to come into compliance with your image or vision of what
you want. This is even true of something simple like going to work in the morning. You get an
image of yourself at work and then take the actions until that comes about!

This ultimate simplicity is often departed from when someone imagines achieving a goal. Too
often the image is put aside or covered with so much complexity that they no longer see it or
take action on it. This is a shame.

Side note: 'therapists´ such as psychologists often give you the false idea that 'you have to
adjust to your environment' or 'adjust to reality'. Wow. They just put people into a victim mode
instead of doing what they should be doing - helping a person find more self-determination!

Getting the physical world into compliance with your vision is exactly how anything ever gets
done! Not by agreeing with and adjusting to what is there but changing it so IT agrees with

That is how the Statue of Liberty came about and how the biggest bridges, tunnels and
buildings in the world were created. That is how humankind went from horses to cars and
airplanes. That is how thousands of people have gone from broke or bankrupt to self-made
millionaires. That is how the most beautifully landscaped properties came about. It is also how
you acquired your computer your car or your home. You get the idea!
Never put yourself down for having a big goal and a good imagination. And don´t let anyone
else put you down either! You can do it, period. You may have to break it down into workable
chunks and do each part with a plan and projects one at a time. That is how our cities and
countries were formed, piece by piece over a longer period.

And don´t ever let 'time' scare you. It is a myth, an illusion. There is only now. The future is
simply an infinite number of wide open moments of now that are yet to happen. There is a
huge clean slate there that you can write or draw anything on that you want. It is called the
future and it is NOT predetermined or fixed. You create it as you go!

You can ask yourself what you would need to know and do in order to bring about the vision
you have. But never believe for a second that you cannot do it no matter what ´expert´ tells
you it cannot be done. An expert is only an expert when they can uniformly get a result. If
they can´t do it, of course they will tell you it cannot be done!

Medicine and Health Care

The medical profession is in this position. They have their uses to set broken bones or save our
lives if we are bleeding to death, so we are grateful to have them. But they cannot cure many
diseases even when natural medicine and remedies can cure things from diabetes to cancer.

Seem like a mystery? Not when you realize that the medical field is surrounded by vested
interests that benefit from you being ill. The longer you are ill the more medications are used
to hide the symptoms of your illness (without curing anything, mind you). It is not profitable to
cure you, as they would then lose a customer!

Medicine is a business and the game is profit. Your game is get completely healthy and fit so
you almost never need more than maybe an occasional aspirin or anti-biotic. Health care and
medicine are multi-billion dollar per year business only because people don´t really know how
to be healthy!

This is why in LSI we have an special course on health and fitness (coming soon) that covers
all this in great detail and gives you the resources to make yourself fit, healthy and youthful
for life. The course is free to LSI members. You cannot enjoy success if you are ill, so we take
a holistic approach to success.

The point is not to put any limitations on yourself or your health, nor permit anyone else to do
so. People have gotten up off their death beds after being inspired with a cause or purpose or
belief that they could do something or when they saw they had something to live for.

We learned in The Secret documentary that incurable means ´curable from within´. With a
strong will and belief, a good natural remedy can sometimes make you healthy again where
medicine has failed. And even medicine works better where strong faith is present. Never give
up hope until your last breath has expired.

And if it is time to go and you agree that is it time to go (sooner or later this will be the case
for all of us), then peace be with you into your next existence. Only the body dies, the spirit
lives on. So there really ARE no limitations after all!

You already possess every personal characteristic needed for success

You may not believe this until you have some more experience with the Science of Success,
but the sooner you see it and really KNOW it, the sooner you will make a breakthrough.

There is an inner and invisible world that is part of our overall ´being´. Call it the spirit and
mind or whatever you want, but it is the non-physical part of us.
There is nothing in your life right now that was not first conceived in your inner world and
there is nothing missing that you did not decide consciously or otherwise to be missing. Our
physical life that surrounds us 24/7 is a reflection of our innermost attitudes and beliefs.

You have within you right now an inexhaustible supply of the life force or energy that creates
everything that is or could be in your life. Tap into this and you have found gold. The first thing
to know is that it is there. The second thing is to believe that it can help you achieve
everything you desire and much more.

The only reason you cannot fully access this is right now is that it has become covered or
suppressed out of view. Be confident in the belief that you can uncover it piece by piece and
eventually have access to abilities that you possibly only dreamed were there.

You occasionally tap into this accidentally when you are on a winning streak or you just KNOW
who is on the phone before you pick it up or when you feel someone is staring at you and sure
enough, there they are! Or 'when things are really going good for you' somehow lately and you
don´t know why.

You tap into this when you get yourself 'psyched up' for something or when an emergency or
deadline (necessity) calls for action beyond what you would normally be able to do. We are
capable of far more on a routine basis than we permit ourselves to believe and the above is
the proof of it.

Successful people come to have an above average faith and belief in their ability to make their
dreams happen (nothing that any of us cannot do). Faith is that unique belief that allows you
to know something is true even when all current evidence indicates the contrary. You have an
unlimited ability to have faith and belief in your goals and what you can do.

When you are driving at night, for example, you cannot see beyond what is illuminated by your
headlights about 100 feet ahead on the current road you are on. But does that mean you do
not know where you are going? You have your map and your destination and the piece of road
ahead of you, whether it be smooth, rough or a detour. Or whether it is day or night. You
KNOW where you are and where you are going.

Applying the laws and formulas of success one by one as they seem to apply will get you more
and more aligned to natural law and take the stops off your personal growth. Anything will
grow if it is not being stopped or held back. These laws and this information will help you to
start letting go of factors that have been limiting you.

You will bring into being in your life no more and no less than you deeply believe can or should
be there. Believe in your dream or your goal and keep walking towards it. Soon enough you
will arrive.

The Science of Success helps you to be more of the extraordinary person that you know you
are inside. The Life Success Institute will ensure you get there.


The above subject is covered further in the e-book ´Possibility Living: Your Handbook for Life
Change, which has a section and procedure for how to bring out the best in you, specifically
how to bring out particular personality traits or characteristics that you desire. You can
download the book here in PDF format (free).

Being precedes Doing and Having

Many of us want to be successful or wealthy or have a high income and wonder what we have
to do to achieve it. We are always looking for the simple actions that will get us there, but
there is something missing in this thought process.

Almost anyone wants to be a millionaire without really knowing what it means to be a

millionaire. You just need to have $1 million right? Well, actually no!

A millionaire is a wealthy person. Wealthy people think and do things in a certain way that is
pretty much opposite from 90% of the populaton. The ARE a certain way, they have a certain
BEING that consists of what they know and what they can do.

There is a learning and personal growth process that precedes BEING a millionaire and without
this inner process, the physical world aspect does not happen. It can't! Ditch diggers, store
clerks and taxi drivers are not millionaires and never will be as long as they ARE these jobs.

There is nothing wrong with these jobs but they are simply not aligned to being a millionaire!
Millionaires are successful investors (real estate or otherwise), business owners, store owners,
executives or leaders, competent managers, bankers, etc.

They have a certain mindset (BEING) that is conducive to a high income and to building assets
and wealth. They have accumulated this mindset gradually in their fields through various
means covered in this book.

So there is a sequence to success of any kind.

A. Decide what you want to HAVE. Write it down in detail. If it is a car, write what kind (sports,
family, executive), color, new or 'pre-owned', etc. Create a very clear image for yourself of
what you want.

B. What would you have to DO to get that? Would you need to make more money? Save?
Invest in real estate or other things to create extra income?

C. What would you have to BE in order to do those actions? An investor? A better employee? A
real estate investor part time? And what would you have to learn in order to truly BE that? Do
a course? Read a book? On what subject?

Then you work on it in the reverse sequece. You work to BE what you have isolated in 'C.'
above, including learning what you need to learn. Then you can start to DO the actions
associated with that BEING. Only after this can you sooner or later HAVE what you want.

It is too easy to get fixed on what you want to have, which takes you out of the sequence in
which things work in the real world. If you do things out of sequence or have no sequence at
all then you will not get the result you want!

You can come to BE something through learning daily as a dedicated campaign. Then you can
do what you need to do to have what you want.

If for example you want a handsome and devoted husband in the next year or two, you can
study all you can find about men on the Internet, in magazines, in books and from
conversations with your friends. You find what they want, how to make them happy, what
makes them tick and what makes them devoted.

In other words, how do you have to BE and what do you have to DO to attract the kind of man
you want?
Then you can start to do the actions that would connect you with such a man, maybe hanging
out more in your circle of friends, at the gym, keeping your eyes open at work and in places
you normally hang out, meeting friends of friends, etc.

You keep your image of what you want in mind and gradually get to know more men until you
find the one you want.
Traps of Society

You are either following your own goal or someone else´s

Self-determination is the condition where you are comfortably in control of your actions and
thoughts and creating your life the way you want it. This is the ideal situation for us to be in.

But do you ever do something and wonder why you did it? Do you ever buy on impulse and
later regret it? Do you sometimes feel fear or anxiety after watching the news or reading the

If you do not have goals and plans of your own firmly in mind every day, you can be sure that
some other influence is going to enter and try to determine what you will do and have.

If you haven't noticed, society is designed to control you to be a certain way and do certain
things 'that everyone else is doing'. In other words, to be average.

´There is mass hypnosis around us in every human activity´. (Claude M. Bristol)

We are bombarded on a daily basis with news, advertising, suggestions, proposals,

commercials, offers, deals, discounts, you name it. The repetitive nature of these messages
becomes somewhat hypnotic.

Have you ever had the strange feeling you are walking around in a fog or trance? Well we often
are! We are mesmerized by all this stuff coming at us all the time. These are all ideas entering
our minds to try to influence us to do something or buy something or to think a certain way.

When you see or hear something 1,000 times from seemingly reputable or different sources, it
will seem true to you even if it is complete nonsense.

A Note on Banking

We have come to have faith in the banking system for example, even when they bleed us dry
of our money over a whole lifetime. It´s like wolves taking care of sheep.

Mortgages and credit cards help you to have what you want (or what you think you want)
short- term and help you to pay double for everything long term! Is that good economy? Does
that help you become successful or wealthy? Heck no!

The running hypnotic message from the banks is 'keep your money with us, buy investments
from us, borrow from us, use our credit cards and pay your mortgage with us! We will even
generously give you 25 or 30 years to pay us back!'

PS: in case you didn´t know, the banks ARE the credit card companies! They are cooperatives
between the big banks.

So we keep all our extra money in the bank because it seems 'convenient'. They pay us 1%
per year interest on our money and loan it straight back to us at 6% to 24% per year in
mortgages, car loans and credit cards!

But we only put $2,000 in the bank and borrowed $20,000 ... how does that work? Well, that
is the whole trick! The banks can legally loan out 10 times the amount they have on deposit!
Nice work when you can get it!
Influences of Society

We hear how great it is to have this or that and we see our friends have one so we buy it, even
though we don´t really want it or need it. We see our friends upgrading to bigger homes in
more expensive neighborhoods every few years so we want to do it too in order to keep up.

We see commercials for chocolate, ice cream, perfume, on and on and we buy it. We see ads
for vacations to Europe and we love the idea. We take a second mortgage on our home at the
friendly suggestion of our travel agent and banker and we splurge!

At the end of the year we look around and we have all this junk, huge debts and no reserves
or assets! The only equity we had in our homes went to Europe with us on vacation and never
came back! Of course we also ´max´d out´ our credit cards while there and doubled our

So now we not only have no equity and a large debt but we have to pay DOUBLE to settle all
this with the bank over the next few years due to interest payments!

But wait…where are the hypnotic ads to build assets, to invest money, to systematically
increase our holdings and net worth so we REALLY have the money to enjoy life without going
broke? Oh yes, those are the super-boring black and white ads that no one ever reads!

Meanwhile we are encouraged over and over by loud, bright and colorful ads with sexy people
in them to spend, spend, spend and use credit, loans and mortgages! We get more and more
in debt and have to work more hours or jobs to try to keep up!

Our time freedom disappears and now we can´t even think about taking a vacation this year or
next because our lives have become total pressure and our home is about to be foreclosed as
we are 3 months behind and … ouch!

The good news: all this hypnosis becomes ineffective or nullified with a greatly heightened
personal awareness. It may take you a while in your study of the Science of Success to
become fully conscious of all the obvious and not so obvious hypnotic suggestions you are
being bombarded with every day, but be alert and work on it!

Hope this helps!

The physical world we call ´reality´ is full of illusion and pretense

I apologize if this sounds overly harsh or critical, but many things that we encounter in our
lives are given authoritatively and appear to be ´the way it is´ or ´the way it is done´.

We are convinced by so-called experts that it is ´reality´, that we cannot do anything about it
and that we have to learn to 'adjust to it' or cope with it. Bull.

A lot of what passes for ´reality´ is pretense, a lot of what passes for ´authority´ is nonsense
and a lot of what comes to you as news is slanted opinion that benefits only vested interests.

We are told it is good to be ´well-adjusted´, meaning we need to adjust to our environments

and learn to accept ´reality´. Sorry, that is a lie. Successful people get that way by
disagreeing with the status quo or using it to their advantage. They are not satisfied with the
way things are and do not accept and agree with everything that comes along!

The only way you have ever accomplished anything was by setting your mind to do something
or have something and then doing what it took to get it.
When we want to accomplish something we mentally superimpose what we want over the
physical world and take action day by day to bring about our vision. That is what we do. And
that has nothing to do with being ´adjusted´.

Yes, follow the laws of your country and be courteous and helpful to others. But at the same
time, realize that the bulk the population is NOT successful or wealthy and their habits and
advice are for the birds!

A Word on the Medical Establishment

We are told by medical experts that there are incurable diseases and that our loved ones have
to die well before their time. If you want to get well and healthy, always get a second (or third)
opinion and find a good nutritionist or other natural health care pro with a track record of
dealing with what is ailing you or your loved ones.

I recently saw a video of diabetes being successfully treated on a group of people in 30 days
with natural foods. Blood sugar levels came completely and stably within normal ranges in a
few days and stayed there. Unwanted pounds came off. Insulin injections were no longer

It can be done with the right treatment under proper supervision. Trying it randomly on your
own without supervision is not the answer and can be dangerous.

´Swine flu´ is the latest major health threat that the medical establishment is scaring the
world to death with. And as always, the huge pharmaceuticals with their new vaccines are ´the

The ´authorities´ point out that this flu may kill 1 million people, as the last similar new flu
virus did. And sure enough, the newspapers faithfully report the deaths as they occur and
emphasize how many countries it is spreading to.

What they fail to include in their reports is a balanced view to help us understand what is really
happening and the alternative treatments that could be done, both preventative and curative.

They don´t tell us that the ordinary flu (the one that comes around every year in flu season)
kills 250,000 to 500,000 people each year already! What have their existing vaccines and
treaments done to solve that?

By all means take the suggested precautions, but be alert for potential side effects of
medications and consult a qualified natural health care professional for options. The remedy is
sometimes worse than what it is trying to cure! And a lot more expensive!

The medical field and related organizations are supposedly experts, yet cannot cure the most
important diseases that kill endless millions of people every year (diabetes, heart disease,
cancer and high blood pressure leading to stroke).

The US solves this by making it illegal to cure anything and shutting down the natural cure
centers which DO effectively treat the actual CAUSE of these illnesses. You have to go to
another country such as Mexico or Austria if you want a real treatment that works!

The real source of these apparently incurable diseases is chronic stress and an accumulation of
toxins and harmful substances in the body. Stress is the #1 killer and accounts for 50% or
60% or more of the illnesses that we suffer from, including the big killers. This is an
acknowledged medical fact!

Yet they continue with medicines that only alleviate the symptoms and never get to the cause
and deal with that! You would think after hundreds of years they would have figured this out.
And since they haven´t, we can only assume that it is more profitable to do it the way they are
doing it. Business is business.
True Causes

Disease is caused by harmful accumulations in the body, partially due to stress and partially
due to a destructive diet. Today´s typical diet lacks in fiber and nutrients and is overloaded
with sugar, salt, fats and other harmful chemicals implanted into our food, such as MSG and its
variations. Fad diets only complicate the problem by creating further deficiencies.

The best way to treat this is before it happens by having a decent high fiber diet that is not full
of harmful chemicals and to clean out the body once in a while of the harmful accumulations.

Any decent natural health care professional can tell you how to do all this at a reasonable cost.
And unlike doctors, they are allowed to be trained in nutrition and natural remedies.

In LSI we will have a full Health and Fitness course that will cover all this and a lot more. And
eventually will even contain recommendations to natural health care professionals in various
countries that can treat cancer and the other bad diseases.

Success includes having the good health and fitness to enjoy it. So stay tuned, as this will save
lives! And the course will be available for free to LSI members!

Global Financial Crisis

We are hearing daily about a financial crisis, with millions of jobs lost last year in America,
major auto companies going bankrupt and banks going under both in the US and in Europe.
Some of these institutions have been around for 100 years!

Trillions of dollars have evaporated out of the stock markets in lost value and investor equity
and further trillions of dollars in home value and equity has vanished into thin air.

This represents the partial destruction of the cumulative net worth of America. People are
losing their homes by the thousands to foreclosure and the US government has gone another
trillion dollars into debt to help alleviate some of the symptoms of the mess.

Isn't it odd that in the midst of all this chaos, the IMF and World Bank report a healthy balance
sheet, ready to loan another $100 Billion to developing countries in need?

The Good News

In the midst of this chaos, there are millions of self-made millionaires in America and around
the world. And more are coming into being all the time. The fact that people are doing it and
can do it paints a very clear picture for us. It is clearly proof that we can do it too, that anyone
can do it. No one has any more right to wealth or success than the next person.

Success, wealth or money favor no master and care not who owns them. While the financial
crisis looms large in the headlines, creating victims by the thousands, many financially smart
people are doing just fine and are not much fazed by the mess.

These are the people who have several streams of income and those who do not depend on a
job but on their own creativity and resources (investment, real estate or business). And those
who have assets working hard for them that they had the foresight to arrange years ago.

Our personal solution is to have our own goals and actively pursue them to create a better life
for ourselves. And to help as many others as possible do the same.

And when we have achieved a high level of success, society may have its troubles but we will
be secure in the knowledge that our diversified resources are working hard for us.
False standards can invalidate good people and their progress

We cannot all be rich and famous Hollywood movie stars, musicians or sexy fashion models.
And we cannot all live in Beverly Hills with $4,000 per month mortgages and the other huge
expenses that go with $2 million homes, Porches, Ferraris and million dollar yachts.

Such images are overrated to say the least and are examples of TV and movies setting a false

Let´s put this in perspective. If your home were paid for, you had no debts, several income
streams and $30,000 in the bank, would you be happy? I would think so. But this does not
mean you could not now have a new goal and a new level to reach for!

Aspiring to wealth and a life of financial freedom are good things, but feeling bad about
yourself because you don´t yet have them will only hold you back.

Success has an interesting balance between being happy with and grateful for what you have
while not being fully satisfied with the way things are and always moving forward to a new

The dissatisfaction prevents complacency from setting in and keeps you motivated to further
improve. The happiness keeps you positively focused and allows you to procure more of what
you already have.

If you are happy with your home and neighborhood, why ´upgrade´ to a bigger home in a
more expensive area just because others did it?

Millionaire Tips

Did you know that the average millionaire or even multi-millionaire lives in a home valued at
less than $1 million? Why? It´s easier to save and build wealth when your entire income and
more is not being absorbed by current expenses!

Do we really need a new car every 1-2 years? Most millionaires in America don´t think so! Do
we really need the latest cell phone with all its features when we never use the phone for more
than to store our numbers and maybe a few songs and photos?

The $3 million beach home on the Pacific Coast is a reality for less than 1% of the population
and is not even a reality shared by most millionaires. The way they got to be millionaires was
NOT by living in the most expensive homes that tend to be complete financial drains.

Or by buying new expensive cars every year that lose 30% of their value in the first year. That
is bad investment (buy high, sell low).

You will be surprised to find that many real millionaires (3% of U.S. households) shop for
bargains, buy in bulk, shop for good pre-owned cars (not Rolls Royces or Porches for the most
part), live in the same $700,000 homes for many years and some other things that would
surprise you.

Don´t let your happiness and dreams be shattered by the false standards of a society that
tries to project us into an unrealistic and unworkable mold.
There are no scarcities except those which are created

There is no scarcity of the valuable things in this world. There is more than enough for all.
There is no lack of land. If you look down from a plane you will notice that most of the land is
still unoccupied.

There is no lack of food or life necessities. We hear about shipments of aid to poor countries
sitting and rotting in harbors due to greed or political nonsense. The ´poor´ countries are
teeming with natural resources beyond belief just waiting for a caring (non-corrupt) and
competent government to come along and utilize them.

There is no scarcity of oil in the world. The news only reports the 'market games' of those who
pull the strings and regulate how much is allowed onto the world markets at any one time. The
U.S. has enough untapped oil in the ground to last for ages. Canada is brimming with it. So is
Venezuela and many other countries.

Did you know that when oil was selling for over $150 a barrel on world markets, you could fill
your tank with gas in Venezuela for $2.00 U.S.? I was there, I know! Gas in Venezuela sells for
11 cents per gallon!

But that is the world scene.

We can start at home. Care about others and be willing to share. By being grateful for what
you have and sharing it when you can, you open the door for more to come to you. Help to
educate others where you can. A lack of education and knowledge is basic to many of the
problems of the world.

Hoarded success or money tends to 'jam the flows' of a person or enterprise. Be a cut above.
Don´t worry about the competition. There is more than enough for all of us.

Look instead for how you or your business can benefit from your competition and what they
are doing. What are they doing well and how can you duplicate it? Give the best service and
products imaginable to your customers.

The world of true success is cooperative, not competitive, taking advantage of all available
resources in a way that does not harm others. You cannot always be #1 in a field but you can
always be #1 with your clients.


LSI is not just a business but an organization with a mission, a true cause. The amazing free
introductory e-books and courses make it possible for anyone to take advantage of the Science
of Success and to start to live a better life.

The intention behind LSI is to create a movement to help as many people as possible over the
world to improve their lives and find success in their own estimation. We had interest from the
very beginning from several areas of the world when the concept of this organization was first
mentioned in 2007. Now it is finally a reality.

If you have not yet signed up for LSI, you can do so any time by following this link. It may
turn out to be one of the best decisions you ever make. And we could use your help to forward
the cause. http://www.lifesuccessinst/signup.html

Working Smart

Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity

I learned from multi-millionaire mentor Stuart Goldsmith that 'luck is found at the crossroads
where preparation and opportunity meet'. I'll never forget that lesson.

You have to take advantage of good opportunities when they come, but in order to do that you
have to be prepared. You have to be working on the roots, as in the law above.

Opportunity knocks all the time, but we usually don´t see it or are too engrossed in current
problems and do not have the resources to be able to do anything about it.

You can take advantage of opportunity only when you are prepared. Bad luck is magnified by
disorganization and tends to disappear when you put in order.

´The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow
sharper.' (Eden Phillpotts, English Novelist)

A well organized life will attract luck.

Competence allows you to organize and get prepared. Competence comes from continual
learning until you are a master of your field and your life.

An old Chinese proverb tells us to dig a well before we are thirsty. Good point!

Luck and success are almost synonymous in our minds.

Let´s add daily learning and preparation to the mix and start to stir up our own luck!

An organized life reduces stress and gives you more time

Stress is the symptom of too much happening at once or things happening in your life that you
cannot understand or easily control.

Life and technology advance fast and leave many of us in confusion and behind the times. The
immediate feeling is one of mental or physical pressure and no time to do things.

Sustained, it results in a whole catalog of mental and physical illnesses including extreme or
chronic frustration, depression, suicide, headaches (including migraines), bowel issues such as
diarrhea or constipation, allergies, ulcers and many other problems.

Stress is the world´s #1 killer and has now been medically confirmed as at least a partial
source of a very high percentage of the world´s illnesses, including the serious ones like
arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. The World Health Organization
revealed in a 2004 study that half or more of the lost working days in Europe are caused by
stress related illnesses such as the above.

A significant cause of stress is a disorganized life. This is overly simplistic but let me give you
the whole concept.
Our stress is related to what? Our personal lives and our accomplishments or lack of them, our
income, our body and its health and fitness, our personal relationships with our mate or
spouse, our friends and family, our job and possibly bigger things we are trying to do.

Putting in Order

To the degree that we have a simple and organized way of dealing with each area, the stress
disappears or greatly reduces. The laws and formulas in the Science of Success give the

There is nothing to be stressed about if we are achieving our personal goals, if we have a
system that works for us to be consistently increasing our level of health and fitness, if our
relationships are loving and mutually supportive and if we are competent at our jobs and the
other fields of interest we are engaged in.

Each area has fundamental knowledge and techniques of how to create success. To the degree
you know them and use them, you reduce or eliminate stress. The stress is caused by the
friction of the parts of the machine of your life not meshing well together.

When the machine is greased and adjusted and running smooth, things tend to get effortless
and the stress disappears. When an area of your life is organized and aligned, it will run

You don't need to 'chase' success if your life is organized well. Success is attracted to a positive
mind and life that does the right actions and creates workable patterns or arrangements.

A relationship based on understanding and mutual support will be relatively smooth. There
may be some rough spots, but they can get resolved fairly easily, especially if most other areas
of your life are running smoothly. People are not always easy to get along with, but the better
you do your part, the easier things will be.

A job that you are learning better and better each day will become a breeze after a while. This
takes self education on the applicable manuals, books, magazines or courses and daily practice
of them. Stress comes from uncertainty and incompetence and this is dispensed with the more
competent you get.

A body that is fit and healthy does not usually get ill or have pain, even in the later years. Pain
is an accumulation of ill health and is unnecessary. This is something that you simply integrate
into your life. By your habits you are either improving or destroying your body a little each
day. Nothing stays the same. As covered, we will have a course for this in LSI.

Assets (including business) create repeating, passive or residual income for you. Jobs create
only a one-time income for work you do, so you have to keep doing it to keep getting income.
When your personal work stops, the income stops. This is not a well organized life.

If you want a lot of nice 'stuff', create the needed assets and buy your 'stuff' from the passive
income that results. Don´t spend your hard earned income on stuff because that is what
everyone else does that has no wealth.

´What you are going to be tomorrow you are becoming today´. (Author Unknown)

A person with her life organized would have her mortgage set up optimally with a low interest
rate (if not already paid off), a large initial down payment with a great discount price on the
home in the first place, would have a system of pre-payments on the mortgage principal, etc.
Or better yet would arrange a 'mortgage checking account'. This is covered in detail in an LSI
special report for members, but is basically a combined mortgage and checking account where
you deposit your income and use the full amount of your check or other income to reduce the
principal balance of your mortgage until the funds are needed for usual expenses.

The result would be her home paid for in one half to one third the usual time.

She would likely have her high interest credit cards either paid or combined with other lower
interest debts. She would pay all debts rapidly by taking the first one that can be paid and
paying it fully as soon as possible. And then she would put the money that was being paid to
that debt toward the next one that can be paid fully and rapidly and so on until all debts are

She might be economizing on personal expenses such as utilities while creating extra income
through renting out her basement apartment. This rental money goes directly to paying the
principal on her home. She might also have an additional rental property that is generating
enough income so that it pays for itself with tenant rents. This further increases her equity and
net worth on a monthly basis.

She might also have a credit line on her home so that she has instant access to cash when a
great investment opportunity pops up that can boost her net worth.

These and 100 other small actions have her life organized so that she is not scrambling to
catch up with bills but is collecting money and working out what to next invest in to expand
her portfolio further.

Your time is regulated by the things you have and the actions you do. If you
want more time, change your actions.

Time is an illusion. There is only NOW, but we have come to think of time as a solid thing
because it is always ticking away when we look at our watch. And the sun always comes up
and goes down the same every day. And a day is 24 hours and there are 365 of them in a year
and so on.

This can tend to give you the idea that time is something fixed and bigger than you and that
you cannot do anything about it. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, time is one
of the most pliable things that exists. There is an infinite amount of it and you can do anything
you want with it.

Case in point: you have 24 hours every day and you wish you had more. Well, if you had
more, what would you do with it? And why aren´t you doing that now? What would it take for
you to be doing what you want to be doing with your time?

Covered elsewhere in these pages is that the employee works for his money and the investor
or business person make their money work for them. Well there is another little thing that the
business person and the investor do. They also make time work for them.

They don´t exchange their time for money like an employee, they create transactions that give
them money and property. They delete time from the equation of making money and can
make money and acquire property regardless of time.

In doing so they create free time for themselves that the employee has committed for good.
This is known as time freedom and is something the business person or investor can have that
most employees do not. And better yet, they can create transactions that not only pay once
like the employee but pay them over and over.
Example: you create a membership business that provides a valuable information service to
many people. You provide great information and value on your own schedule and you track
and deliver everything and this takes you maybe 20 hours a week. You can make almost
unlimited income depending on the size of your business without doing a lot more work.

Then you automate the repetitive mechanical actions connected with it and you get someone
competent to do the customer service functions, paying them a salary or commission. You only
now have the job of providing new content and ideas for further promotion or expansion which
takes a few hours a week at your leisure.

You have essentially done yourself out of most of the work (work = actions = time) but you
still get a good part of the residual monthly income. You now have time freedom; you can
retire early, play more golf, spend more time with your family, etc.

This cycle might take a year or two to do in the physical world, but look what you have done.
You have added a full and permanent income stream to your life and you then deleted your
actions (time) it was taking you to maintain it! So you are left with an income flow that you no
longer have to spend much time on. An employee cannot do this. All their time (daily, weekly,
monthly actions) is committed.

So your time is regulated by the actions you do (work, play) and the things you have in your
life (home, ´toys´, relationships and habits). Only you can decide what actions and things
comprise your life and when it is time for change.

In summary, the business person or investor leverage the seemingly two rarest commodities in
the world (time and money) and make these things work for them.

PS: an employee can and should ALSO be an investor or business person, thus taking
advantage of all the benefits of investment without giving up their job.

Recording and evaluating actions and results permits you to control your

You can routinely start to trace back good (successful) and bad (unsuccessful) results in your
life by keeping a log, a journal or any simple system where you can review your personal and/
or business results.

Some successful people do this once a week on a Sunday night or some other quiet time. You
can do it monthly and yearly in addition to weekly so you get immediate feedback as well as
longer term.

With a running record like this you can compare what is happening this week or month
(results) to the actions you took last week, the week before, last month, etc. You will find soon
enough that there are certain results that follow certain actions. When you see this for yourself
you will believe it.

This opens the door for you to monitor any area of your life and bring about uniformly good
results and even revert the ´bad luck´ that we all face from time to time. The more you drop
out the actions that make things worse and do the actions that make things better, the more
certain your chances of attracting the success that you want.

The amount of work expands to accommodate the time available to do it

This is called Parkinson´s Law.

If you know that you only have 30 minutes to do something, you will likely get it done in that
time. Think of times when you absolutely had to get something done on a deadline. Think of
the thing you really wanted to do when you were a kid but you had to clean your room first.
Think of getting to the hospital after your water breaks and you know your baby is coming!

You speed up, become more efficient or do whatever you have to do to complete the action in
the time that you have if you have a shorter amount of time to do something.

If you have a longer amount of time to do the same thing, you will work slower, go for a coffee
or cigarette, do other things in between, spend extra time on each smaller action connected
with it, maybe think of other things while you are working, etc.

When you have something to do, put a tight deadline on it and work to meet it. Why take 2
weeks to do something that you can do in a week or a few days?

If you want to write an e-book for your business for example, give yourself a week for a
shorter or average length book. You write everything you know, do more research, add to your
text, organize everything into chapters and sections, add some images, proofread, etc. There
is a special report for LSI members on exactly how to do this.

Eliminating Long Mortgages

If you want to get your home paid off in 4-5 years instead of 20 you can do that. The only
reason it takes 20 or 30 years to pay a mortgage is because that is very profitable for bankers
and they have worked out many ways to keep you paying them interest for life. That is their

They give you loans, credit cards, a mortgage and bank accounts in an absolutely brilliant
system. They hold your money in checking and savings accounts and maybe CD´s (Certificates
of Deposit) and pay you 1% or 2% interest per year. Then they loan your money back to you
through brilliant devices called credit cards, auto loans and mortgages and charge you 6% or
10% or up to 24% interest per year!

The kicker in this is that they can legally loan you back 10 times what you have on deposit! So
they not only can leverage your money 10 times but can legally charge you 10 to 20 times
more interest than they pay you in your savings account! Do you see how brilliant this is?

There are ways to do anything you want to do that are far more efficient and that cut out a lot
of the time and effort traditionally involved.

If most people are doing something a certain way and it seems too much to you, you can be
sure that it can be done better or faster.

In the LSI website you will find reports for members on exactly how to do these things if you
are interested (yes, the mortgage too).
Character, Treatment of Others

Personal relations make for 85% of your success

This is something that is a bit hard to swallow but I think you will see the sense in it as we go.
It is something I learned from Dale Carnegie in one of his books and I found it to be true. The
systems of a business make for 15% of it's success, the personal relations, 85%.

Personal relations is caring about people, servicing them, helping them, talking to them,
treating them well, etc. You walk into a good business and the first thing you hear is, ´how
may I help you´? Personal relations.

The good executive or leader got to where they are not only by organizational skill but because
of their personal relations skills. They know how to motivate people, align them to goals and
visions, getting them enthusiastic about their work. Motivated employees help the business
grow in many ways.

The good leader knows how to deal with problems, as these are usually easily solved by
communication, willingness to listen and maybe persuasion.

They know how to get people to get the job done and this is a very valuable skill. It creates
value both for the business and for the staff in the business. This is what earns the leader the
big paychecks.

Personal relations is the grease that oils the relationships of life and the machine of business
and allows things to go smoothly. You have seen many examples of where this breaks down.

The person that doesn´t get along with others, the disinterested bank clerk or store checkout
clerk that makes you feel like you are a bother for asking a question, the boss who is always
on your case for nothing or the rude customer service rep.

These are all people who need some lessons in personal relations but possibly they could also
benefit from finding their own purpose and vision and being able to align with the organization
they are in.

Gratitude opens the way for success

When you are grateful, you are happy with what you have and are appreciative to others for
what they have done and are doing for you.

Look at the grateful person, she is happy and outgoing! Is it not more likely that such a person
could attract more success than a sour ingrate? Who would you feel like contributing to more?

´You cannot exercise much power without gratitude because it is gratitude that
keeps you connected with power. … The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the
best, therefore it will receive the best. Many people who order their lives rightly in all
other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude.´ (Wallace D. Wattles)

Acknowledgment of someone´s actions or contributions is one of the most valued things. Say
'thank you' or some other form of appreciation as often as you can and doors will open for you
in ways you might not expect
Some of the most successful people are amazingly grateful to others for their success.
Whether the gratitude and appreciation is to their parents, family, a spouse, associates or to
God, it is usually there are sincerely felt.

Benjamin Franklin, one of the most successful men of his time is said to have uttered the
words ´thank you´ 200 times a day!

Gratitude is a superior emotion that vibrates on a high wave and tends to attract success.

Generosity (spirit of giving or sharing) expands your success

This can be one of the hardest laws to grasp and put into use, as the society we live in tends
to be fixed on ´everyone for themselves´ as well as a false scarcity mentality that there is only
so much to go around.

This breeds a 'reverse' flow in that we try to get something for nothing, get things for free,
make sure we get our share and so forth. It´s all focused on ´what´s in it for me´?

This is small think and is not the road to success. It also tends to discourage giving and
helping and makes people keep to themselves. What they don´t realize is that this is one of
the things that is keeping them from being able to easily receive the good things that they
want! Their life ´flows´ are jammed in reverse!

´Prosperity is not in the possession of things, but in the recognition of supply, and in
the knowledge of free and open access to an inexhaustible storehouse of all that is
good.' (Charles Fillmore)

The more you open your view of things and see that there is an abundance of everything
around, the more clear this will become to you. There is no scarcity of land, money or anything
else in the world.

Many people have millions of dollars and lots of land. The only thing preventing you from
having the same is your inner beliefs of what you can have or what you deserve or of what is

Based on the law of sowing and reaping, you pretty much get back what you give out in life.
You plant corn, you get corn. You plant an acorn, you get an oak tree. And what you plant
comes back to you usually many times because a few small seeds can make some nice big

To better understand the power of giving, try to look at everything you have as river of
abundance. When you give, you are showing your faith or belief in the abundance that you
have available to you and your gratitude for it. Hording jams the river, like a dam. Giving
makes room for more to come back to you.

Going the extra mile in business or for a friend is an example of this. You give freely of your
time or other resources just to help them, with no thought of return. You will benefit from this
in ways you may not expect.

In business you make sure that your customers get great service and value, far beyond what
they are paying. And you make sure that they are very happy with the product or service.
Following up with them is something not many business people do.

The best consistent salespeople in the world call their customers a few days later to see if they
have any questions and if they are happy with their purchase. They deal with anything as
needed. Note that these are the people who SELL, not customer service as you might expect!
Yet the salesperson who follows up like that makes a friend for life of the customer and not
only gets repeat business but a whole chain of referrals (the person´s friends and associates!)
These people make a lot of money and you can see why.

Practice giving where possible and try going the extra mile every chance you get and see what

Responsibility paves a smoother road to success

It's not the government, tax department, your spouse or family, lack of money, lack of time or
anything else that is responsible for any lack of success you may be experiencing.

The ball is, was and always will be 100% in your court. There is always a first or next step and
there is always something you can do. The simplest things can often make a difference if you
just look around and do what needs to be done. This is being responsible.

There was the story of the man whose house was always leaking when it rained and he was
always determined to fix it as soon as the rain stopped. But when the sun was shining, the
leak was not there and so he would put it off until it rained again. The roof rotted more and
more and eventually collapsed on him.

If there is something important to do to improve your life or business to the next level, even if
it seems hard or even if the sun is shining, DO IT NOW.

The beginnings of a great success, no matter how bad things seem or how far off it may
appear, may be a lot closer than you think and may just be around that next corner.

Calm always follows a storm and if you give up in the middle of a storm you are giving up at
the wrong time. In truth, there is no correct time to give up. It is always too early to quit.

Life balance is more important than fast success

You have your health, your family and friends, your work, maybe pets, your home and other
possessions, your integrity, possibly your church and other factors in your life.

Pursuing money or work while ignoring or destroying other areas, causes imbalances and can
defeat your best efforts in ways you may not immediately see.

Yes, sometimes it is necessary to work extra hours to break through or get to the next level,
but this is also true of any other area above.

Try to maintain a balance of the most important areas. A successful life includes more than
just $1 million in the bank, which will seem of much less value to you if you have a destroyed
marriage, an unhappy family or neglected friends who feel you have abandoned them in favor
of 'the buck'.

Think twice. There is always a way to keep the balance over the long term.
Dealing with Challenges

Correct actions may stir up confusion before producing the desired effect

You don't always get the reaction you expect. Expect the best but be prepared for anything
and never be surprised if you suddenly find your best efforts being blocked or stopped for a

There is no great achievement without opposition or intermediary chaos. Do not worry about
the chaos and confusion, just go ahead with your plans. The world is somewhat chaotic as it is,
and our mission is to make things happen in spite of it. Yes, it is not fair, right or easy, but it is
what it is and when we just look at it straight like that we can be tougher and more successful.

Successful people are not necessarily 'nice' all the time. They have realized that life will kick
you in the teeth if you let it and you have to be ready for anything and take the necessary
actions. The greatest efforts are sometimes opposed the most. Good actions and results may
disturb vested interests that profit from its opposite.

There was a multinational corporation in a South American country some years ago that was
selling water. They managed to get the corrupt government to agree that it was illegal for the
people to collect rainwater on their own lands to drink and use for their daily affairs! It finally
took 100,000 people revolting in the capital city and being ready to literally kill anyone trying
to enforce this to get it finally abolished.

If you are super successful be ready for attacks from odd quarters. You never know whose toes
you are stepping on, especially if you are doing a lot of good for a lot of people. Butting heads
directly with major global influences may cause more harm than good, so there are always
more subtle ways to carry out your goals.

An indirect approach is sometimes better and 'grass roots' campaigns (among the people on
the ground) are more productive of results when mainstream authority is too corrupt or
disinterested to effect a needed change.

Barriers and obstacles are usual on the road to success. Learning how to deal with them is part
of success and each barrier overcome makes YOU bigger.

The chaos or confusion created by attempts at success will disappear as you


As Winston Churchill was famous for saying, 'never give up'. Success is often found just
beyond failure. Do you realize that Abraham Lincoln failed more than 10 times to get a Senate
or Congress seat or other similar positions before he finally became President?

As we covered earlier, the world is a somewhat chaotic place, with multiple interests and
purposes, some not good. We live and work in the middle of this and in spite of whatever may
come our way, we need to effect some control to bring about our vision in the physical world.

The constant change happening in all parts and aspects of the world is another factor in this.
Just when you think you understand something, the rules change and the game takes on a
new look. This can throw you into confusion if you are not ready or are not expecting it.
Constant learning is thus invaluable to staying ahead of the game and being ready for
Controlling chaos is feasible, avoiding it is not. Chaos will persist if you give up, even if only as
an impression in your mind. Never give up.

Barriers and obstacles appear when attempts are made at accomplishment. They were always
potentially there, you just didn´t see them (except maybe in your mind) because you were not
pushing for the result you are now looking for.

If everything in life were smooth and easy, everyone would be successful. So this information
is important to know and you have to keep learning your field until you master it. You need to
keep taking simple actions on your vision and you need to be ready for anything and deal with
it as it comes.

The obstacles, problems and confusion will disappear as you continue to implement your plans
in an orderly way. Growth and bringing about a state of order and progress is natural to us as
human beings. The world has made immense progress over the last few hundred years as a
testimonial to this.

Every step of forward progress for humankind was the result of SOMEONE having a vision and
doing the steps to bring it about. So when you are accomplishing your own success, you are
doing something completely normal in the world of action and progress. Your time has come
and you deserve your success.

Mental barriers stop many people before they even start. They only think about accomplishing
something and the obstacles pop up loud and clear in their minds. That is why you need a
clear and strong vision.

And that is why you need to get into action as soon as possible, not planning and planning
until you decide it cannot be done! That keeps you bigger than the problems.

But whether in your mind or right in your face in the physical world, any problems will melt
away as you persist with your vision and action.

An ability to tolerate or withstand chaos or confusion is part of winning

This apparently odd statement contains more truth that you would at once believe.

As the main formula for success is´ try, fail, adjust and try again´ it is obvious that there is no
success without some learning experience which comes from failure. It doesn´t matter if
something goes wrong, you can make it right and get on with it. The better you can tolerate it
and get on with it the better.

Recently I went to the mall with my family and when we came out I had a note on my car from
parking security saying that I had left my lights on. Sure enough, my battery was completely

So you can imagine me there in the parking lot with my (unimpressed) wife and 6 month old
son, a car that is dead, a grocery cart full of groceries including a bag of ice that is starting to
melt … well, you get the idea!

As covered earlier, things happen. The happening is not important. Only how you view it and
deal with it is important. You could consider it a hiccup and overcome it and carry on. Or you
could consider it a disaster and give up, thinking you are defeated.

To complete the dead battery story above, within 5 minutes I had a taxi there with jumper
cables and we were on our way like nothing ever happened.
Watch people and see how they respond to confusion and stressful circumstances. The truth is
that a good percentage of our problems stem from our reactions and frustrations more than
from the actual things that are happening.

What if a nurse or surgeon could not stand the sight of blood or injury? They would not be
competent and would not be able to do their work! What if a corporate big shot could not stand
market fluctuations that affected the worth of his or her business? How would he or she do the
need actions to continue expansion?

What if a parent could not stand the sound of a crying child? They might be more prone to
shut them up instead of finding out the actual problem and resolving it.

What about an investor or business person who could not tolerate taking a little calculated risk
to expand their holdings to the next level? In studying great investors and businesses, there is
often a theme of intelligent and calculated risks (not gambling) to create expansion.

'Maturity of the mind is the capacity to endure uncertainty.'

John Finlay (19th Century Poet)

Tolerance comes from understanding and familiarity with circumstances that are seen to simply
be part of the natural progression of things. It comes from learning enough about life and
about your field to be truly competent.

When you are truly competent you become unshakable and not much can throw you. The
road to success is the road to competence.

So if your tolerance in an important area is low, do not worry about it. Only ask yourself, what
do I need to learn? How much higher can I raise my competence and certainty? And how can I
get a process of daily learning going to accomplish that?

You are never defeated until the moment you decide you are. You are never stopped until you
personally decide to give up and stop. As long as you are pursuing a worthwhile purpose that
creates value for others, no one can ultimately stop you.

The situation you are faced with is not as important as your response or
reaction to it

Your tolerance of commotion or stressful situations determines your reaction or response to

any situation. The calmer you generally are under stress, the better and faster you will be able
to see the inevitable solution or even an advantage in the situation.

Reaction is often knee-jerk action without thought, the environment controlling you. Response
is more of a decided action based on judgment and is usually superior to reaction. We want to
be able to respond rather than react to situations as much as posible.

We can sometimes get pretty upset about something that happens and during this reaction we
can make things a lot worse. Reacting badly is sometimes unavoidable, but you don´t have to
continue if you can train yourself to have a shorter recovery time.

The way to a shorter recovery time is to know two things and work with them as much as

1. Things happen, get used to it

2. Practice finding the lesson or opportunity in any problem, or
3. Learn to re-frame seemingly bad events into neutral or good things.
An example was covered earlier of your son losing his baseball game. You helped him recover
from that and even made it a learning experience for him, improving his skill as a result.

Another example would be losing your job and not being able to do anything about it. You only
have money for the next few weeks in the bank. You could give up and die or realize that you
need to move forward and that if one door has closed, another is opening for you right now.

Don´t spend so much time looking at the closed door that you fail to see the new one that is
opening! Look for the new opportunity that is on the horizon. Maybe you now have a chance to
launch that home business you have been working on. Or maybe there is a better job offer just
around the corner.

If you strongly believe this to be the case, you will find it a lot easier than the person whose
eyes are closed.

Remember one important trick of the mind. Anything you think or hear over and over will
become true for you, whether it is currently true or not. If you have a negative thought over
and over that you are ´bad´, you will become so, even though you are not.

If you tell yourself over and over that you can reach your goal, even if it is a big one, you will
eventually start to deeply believe it and act on it. Things will start to take off for you.

People tend to talk themselves into the biggest lies just because their mind feeds them a
negative thought over and over. You have to be able to spot these lies and let them go,
because the truth is, you are a positive and powerful being that is unstoppable in reaching
your dreams.

The only one who can ever stop you is yourself. The negativism wins only when you believe the
lie and use it to stop yourself.

If something is not growing or expanding it is being stopped

Think about it for a minute. The natural process of life is growth. What does a seed do when
you plant it and water it? It grows! If it doesn´t grow then you have either put it in bad soil or
the seed is bad or you are not giving it water or fertilizer. Either way, something is preventing
it´s growth. We EXPECT it to grow as that is the natural process!

As with all life organisms, there is a life force or energy within us that operates on this same
law (Law of Growth). This life force has natural tendency to reach out, expand, grow or

What does a baby do? She grows! You expect it and you work with her, teaching her to sit,
crawl, walk, etc. You feed her and take care of her if she gets sick, taking her to the doctor,
etc. If she is not growing as expected, the doctor finds out what is going on and maybe
suggests a bit more formula if the baby is very active. But growth is expected.

What does your business do? It should grow! Natural law applies just as much to a business as
it does to anything else in nature. A business is a live organism that delivers a service or
product to real people. It is not an inanimate thing. It involves real people, action, created
value, energy flows, money exchange, etc.
Assume it should grow and it will. Assume the growth is being stopped when growth is not
happening and you will find what is preventing it. Things don´t just not grow. They are being
actively stopped or prevented by something. Find that thing and remedy it every time growth
stops and soon you will have a successful business, even if you are just starting now with the
first seed!

An amusingly sad story goes along with this. A man was selling hot dogs on the side of the
street very successfully. He had signs up, gave the best service to each person and had
repeating customers as a result. He did well even though not formally educated.

One day his son came from University and said, ´dad, don´t you know the economy is bad,
businesses are failing and we are in a recession? No business can succeed now´. The father
saw his son was educated and sure of himself, so he decided he must be right. So he took
down his signs and cut back his working hours. He noticed his sales went way down and told
himself that his son was right, no business could succeed in a recession! We are truly
influenced by what we believe.

We have an infinite potential to learn and grow. If we consistently learn in our areas of interest
and act on the best ideas, our continued growth and competence will be inevitable.
Chapter IV - Financial Laws of Success

Just as there are laws for success (most of which apply to finance as well), there are specific
laws that apply to money and income.

The poor and middle class work for money, the wealthy make money work
for them

Most people have the concept that has been drummed into us forever – get a good education
so you can get a good job. This presupposes that everyone should be working for someone

The strange thing is that almost everyone I know does not want to be working for someone
else even though they are now stuck in this unwanted game plan!

This is the game plan of working for money and having a fixed income potential because there
are only so many hours that can be worked. You work for someone and exchange your time for
their money.

And after 40 years you retire without any reserves because you spent it as you went and now
you are waiting for your government pension checks.

Well, the wealthy people of the world don´t do that. They don´t work for money and they do
not have the idea that this is the way to do it. They are not workers at all and they know that
real money actually has nothing to do with work and exchanging time for money.

The wealthy create money by creating value and by making their time and money work for
them. They are investors or business people or both. They acquire appreciating real estate or
purchase it when prices are low. They then add value to the property and capitalize on the deal
either when they resell or just in equity increase.

They purchase stocks or shares of companies that are growing in value. They buy when the
value is low and hold onto them as the companies increase in value. This raises their net

The wealthy start businesses and get others to work for them. They know they are of more
worth in creating value for the most people when they organize their work and delegate it to
people who do not mind working by the hour. Their businesses are designed to create value for
others, anything from shoes to airplane flights.

The wealthy as you can see operate on a completely different plane of thought and if you want
to be wealthy you need to jump onto that plane.

When Mr. Average is thinking to go to work for a certain company, Mr. Wealthy is thinking
about buying it. When Mr. Average is thinking of taking out a loan to buy a home, Mr. Wealthy
is planning a new subdivision in an expanding part of town. When Mr. Average is thinking of
asking for a raise, Mr. Wealthy is calculating how to increase the profits in his project from
20% to 25%, giving him a $1.5 million profit instead of only $1 million. When Mr. Average is
thinking of retiring at 65, Mr. Wealthy will already be retired for 15 or 20 years and will be
enjoying life.

Wealthy people think big, they think in possibilities and they always calculate whether a
proposed deal could be profitable and how much risk is involved. They are not afraid of risk
like Mr. Average who avoids investment because it is ´dangerous´.
They are not afraid to start a business or make a win-win deal. They create or invent money
by doing deals that are profitable and add value.

´The Law of Income: You will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver
according to the marketplace.´ (T Harv Eker)

Successful and wealthy people create value for others. The more value you create for more
people, the more income you can make and the wealthier you can be.

Getting and keeping the attention of people and creating interest and desire within them is the
whole key to marketing and business success. The person who can attract the most attention,
convert that to desire and trust and get the person to commit to them, makes the most

Where the most attention is, the money is (homes, cars, entertainment, travel, sex, etc.) If
you want to find a niche to create a business, look where people´s attention is. The spend
money on their desires (emotional), not their needs (analytical). But we are getting ahead into
marketing here, which you will find out a lot more about as part of the Business Course in LSI
should you decide to become a member.

Why is Oprah successful? She gets attention and creates value for people. Donald Trump? He
creates beautiful buildings, offices, golf courses, etc. Sam Walton? Walmart provides
discounted shopping for millions of people. These are some of the billionaires. Their stories
read very similarly one to the next. Each has created a large business that provides value for a
huge number of people.

The wealthiest people are those who have created true value for millions of people. If you have
a huge vision of something that can really help people and you manage to get it into the
physical world, you can become super wealthy.

Our system of railroads, buses and airlines move millions of people every day from where they
are to where they want to go. This is created value. Supermarkets and corner stores provide
the food and other small items we need conveniently so we don´t have to chase all over town
to get our milk, cheese, bread and toothpaste. There were not always corner stores and

Internet providers give us the ability to send communications around the world in an instant by
e-mail and allow us to access the huge on line directory of websites that let us conveniently
research or find information, as well as allowing us to easily shop and buy things without
leaving home. They also enable us to run our own businesses on line with almost unlimited
customer potential. That is value.

Sam Walton had the idea to create a huge discount shopping chain where people all over the
world could go and inexpensively buy many of the items they wanted. This has saved money
for millions of people and in the process made multi-billionaires out of the whole Walton

These are called businesses but they are really simply people facilitators. They make it easier
for us to do the things we want to do. They take care of us and we pay them for it.

These people and businesses follow the laws of success, and in following them they are
creating value. This is what every successful person or business does and if you keep that in
mind you will be able to tap into success a lot more easily.
´Successful people are always looking for ways to do things for other people. The
great majority of underachievers and unhappy people are those who are waiting for
others to do something for them, in advance. They want to get something out before
they put something in.

´But this attitude violates the Law of Sowing and Reaping. You cannot reap until you
have sown. You therefore concentrate on sowing good thought, good ideas, and good
feelings in your relationships with others. You know, as a matter of universal law,
that these same things will come back to you in the most remarkable ways. (Brian

Even in your job, you get paid for creating value. If you have received the same pay and been
on the same job for years, it is quite possible that you are not delivering all the value you can
to the company. You need to study your job and do it 'with a plus'.

Soon you will outgrow it and by natural law will earn a raise or promotion. Or by being very
competent, you are opening the door to starting out on your own in your field and running
your own business if your boss just never 'gets it' and sees your potential for advancement.

Those who understand interest collect it and those who don't pay it

Without knowing it, you are making bankers wealthy from your mortgage loan payments, your
credit card payments, your car loan installment payments and so on. The longer these go on,
the more interest you pay and the more they collect. That means they understand interest and
you don´t.

So how about if we turn the tables on the bankers and use them instead? How?

If you invest in an income property that is a good deal and you borrow money from a bank,
you make sure the numbers work and that you can make more income from the rental than
the mortgage or line of credit costs.

But in brief, let´s say you have 2 income properties and you use the bank´s money to pay for
them (OPM, other people´s money) and you have a way to pay these loans fairly rapidly by
putting all the mortgage factors in YOUR favor.

Those renting your properties are essentially paying the mortgage while you are paying your
own. So you use other people´s money (tenants) to pay for your income properties and your
equity goes up and up.

After a few years you have your home and two income properties paid for and a million dollar
net worth as a result (if the properties are decent).

We have a special report in LSI coming out called ´Mortgage Optimization´ and you are
encouraged to study that and use it. It will be available to upgraded members and of course at
no charge as part of their membership.

Financial power comes from compounding wealth over time

We all know that compound interest is a killer way to build wealth over time. It is the old idea
of doubling a penny every day for a month and ending up with over $1 million.

Successful wealth builders know about compounding wealth as well. This is when you take the
results of an investment or business and put it back into the business to grow it.
As an example, you earn $100 in dividends on some stocks. Instead of taking and spending
that money, you set it up so it is automatically reinvested to buy more shares. In this way you
end up with more and more shares over the years and if you have a stably growing company
each share will be increasing in value as well. You are compounding the wealth.

As another example, you sell a piece of real estate for a $20,000 profit and instead of buying a
new car with that (liability), you hold off on that for a little longer and use those funds to buy
another similar but larger property that you have a found a great deal on.

Based on a certain IRS clause (1033), you are not taxed on the profits of the sale as you have
acquired a new 'like-kind property'.

You have not only saved yourself about $4,000 in taxes that you would have had to pay if you
went and bought the car, but you may have eraned up to an additional $50,000 instant equity
on the larger property, as you got a great deal on it. You have compounded your wealth and as
you can see this is even more powerful and faster than compound interest!

More details of this kind of real estate deal and many others will be found in the LSI Real
Estate course that will be available soon.

'Expenditure rises to meet available income.'

A whole book was dedicated to this law by C. Northcoate Parkinson, who is famous for
'Parkinson's Law'.

The simplicity of this law is that if you have $100 per week to spend you will spend $100. If
you have $1,000 per week to spend you will spend $1,000.

When your income rises you find new things to spend it on or you spend it on those things that
have been pressing and not dealt with.

Or you will notice a new opportunity or a new book or dress or suit or laptop or car or any of a
million other things but you will find them and you will spend money on them. That's only a
law because that is how most people behave!

How do you ever save money then? How do you ever get a surplus? How do you accumulate
wealth from your cash flows? Follow the next law below!

To save money, disguise it as an expense.

The average savings in North America have declined over the decades and are now an average
of approximately ZERO. Most people just don't save anymore.

Debt has increased more and more, people live more for instant gratification (encouraged by
the onslaught of advertising and easy credit cards).

There is simply no money left at the end of the week or month for savings, as there is too
much pressure to spend.

If you want to save or put money into investments that give you future assets, you need to do
it in a form that looks to you like a mandatory expense.
Make investments just another expense and make it one of the first paid. This is the way to
build a retirement account. Make it an automatic deduction from your bank account each time
your paycheck goes in there.

If you want to pay extra on your mortgage, arrange it so that you have a shorter amortization
and thus pay more principal every month or better every two weeks (see LSI Special Report on
Mortgage Optimization).

Or even better yet, set up a Mortgage Checking Account (free report available as part of the
LSI membership).

If you want to buy a home or investment property, a good way to stop wasting money on rent
and gain equity and a large possession and potential asset, you can borrow from your
retirement account in many cases for the down payment.

You then pay back the retirement account over time (enforced savings that serve the purpose
of investment).

You are creating your future and before long will be in the top 5% of the population.

Pay yourself first or you won't get paid at all

Budgets simply do not work for most people and budgets do not lead to savings even when it
is seemingly an important category.

Paying yourself first means giving part of your earnings to yourself BEFORE you pay all the
bills. If you want to add to your RSP or IRA, that is for you and your future. Take it off the top,
pay it before anything else. 10% of your income has been suggested by experts to use for this
but it can be more or less.

If you want to invest in something that will create a future asset for you such as paying extra
on your mortgage, etc., it has to be done first, before you start paying the bills to everyone
else. That is what is meant by paying yourself first.

The illusion of ´paying extra with what is left over´ is that there is never anything left over.

Fortunes can be made in any economy, good or bad

'We are in a recession', 'consumer spending is down', 'business is bad'. These are all poor (and
absolutely false) reasons or explanations as to why your business is not booming right this

As you saw above, if something is not growing, it is being stopped or prevented and you need
to find what needs to be remedied and fix it. Look for something fundamental that you can
directly adjust or control.

Some businesses cut promotion when the economy is reportedly poor. Well, how does that
make any sense? If you promote less you will get less business and that will make your
business go down!

If there is less consumer spending from one type of consumer, you can be sure that another
type of consumer will be buying more and maybe from you. Never believe things that are
stated as generalities.
List all the reasons you can think of that various types of consumers should be buying from
you right now. List ways you can take advantage of the recession. What possible advantages
does it give you and how could you use that to drum up more business? Look for news reports
of areas where spending is UP and who is buying.

Look for ways you can better service your existing customers in the rougher time. How could
you provide more value for them? Is there a new service or product you could provide for them
that would help them in this rough time? How could you create the most value for them? You
can generate more sales from your existing customers!

Assume your business is going to take off and work out several new ways to promote
inexpensively on top of the old methods. Look for ways to better service your existing clients.

If you sell info products, consider expanding your business by starting a membership for it if
you do not already have one. This will take your revenues up.

Expect expansion in any economy and find bright ideas. Study what others busiensses are
doing to expand in THIS economy. There is no good or sensible reason your business is down.
The above will get it energized again!

Where wealth accumulates, someone will try to steal it

This applies to the local robber, the con artist and the government tax department. It applies
to Internet and non-Internet scams and deceptive schemes to defraud older people who have
retirement savings. It applies to hackers who try to steal passwords so they can empty your
payment processor account or bank account.

The more wealth that accumulates in one place, the more someone will be tempted to come
along and take it, or as much of it as they can get away with. This is not something to be
paranoid about, it is something to be alert to and prepared for.

Don´t horde cash in your house or in the bank and talk loudly about it on the street or in bars.
Don´t brag about your wealth but be discreet. Don´t wear expensive jewelry or watches at
night going out and avoid remote or dark locations, especially if you are traveling in an
expensive car alone. You could lose more than your possessions.

Never accumulate your wealth all in one place. The absolute WORST thing you could ever do
would be to sink all your income and life savings into your HOME and have no other

Bang. Dead-easy target for an uncaring litigious lawyer or creditor or IRS, who will take it from
you in a heartbeat if you owe them money. And they will not care that it is everything you
have and that it ruins your life and turns you to near suicide.

Having some offshore property in addition to your home is a much better idea or some other
investment such as gold or diamonds in a foreign safe deposit box, out of the view of anyone
that may want to relieve you of it. Have some property or a business in a trust, a corporation
or other legal entity that has a name other than your own (whether at home or abroad, but
abroad is better).

If an asset is in your name and in your country it is easy to trace and it's a cinch that it will be
found and made a target in case of any litigation against you.

If it is not in your name, it is harder for a lawyer to get his hands on if you are being hit with
the senseless litigation that affects 33% of business owners in the US sometime in their
If the asset is not in your name and is also offshore, that makes it way too hard for the lazy
litigant and they go off prowling for easier prey.

Also, when a business or investment is not in your name, you get the advantage of tax-
splitting, as the corporation is taxed separately from you. This is one of many legal ways to
reduce your taxes and speed your road to wealth.

With a 50% divorce rate in North America and very messy and painful legal judgments being
awarded, your closest love can become your biggest enemy and can ruin you completely for
years. Your ex-spouse can be nasty enough if they are resentful. Their lawyer will be even
worse. So protect your wealth.

In other words, diffuse your wealth a little, spread it around and use different legal entities as
tax shelters and asset protectors. This keeps your estate safer and helps prevent you from
ever losing EVERYTHING.
Chapter V - Success Formulas

There are certain time-tested formulas that work when used. If your plans or projects are not
working for you, scan over these formulas, find one that seems to fit and put it into practice.

#1 – Try, fail, adjust and try again.

This is the first and simplest formula for success and it will never be able to be stated any
more concisely. It is the longest running formula of nature and cannot fail to get you a result if
you are persistent and willing to learn from your mistakes.

This works best with self-education (learning something new every day about your niche or
field), as the more you know, the less mistakes you will make and the faster you can 'adjust'
and get into action again. That speeds the learning curve and makes you win faster.

#2 - Find someone who is successfully doing what you want to do and copy

This is one of the oldest rules in the book and if more people actually did it they would find the
success they are looking for.

It is too easy to read about someone else´s success and assume they are lucky or gifted. This
is only sometimes the case and more often they have worked behind the scenes for some time
in ways that you will only find out by reading more about them.

´Many of the opportunities or problems you´re facing now are old hat to somebody
somewhere. Learning from other people´s experiences – both their successes and
their failures – can take years and millions of dollars off your learning curve.´ Jim
Clemmer, Pathways to Performance

Read books by this person (or people). Find out how they think, what they do, what their
attitude is toward helping others and doing business, even the small things. Record what you
find so you can refer back to it.

Start aligning your own actions to these. Make them your own. As you duplicate (copy) what
they are doing more and more, success will be moving closer to you.

It is said that success leaves a trail that can be read and followed, like footsteps on the beach.
Success breeds success. Follow it.

#3 - Do what has worked in the past

This is a formula that will get you a result almost every time, as what has worked in the past
for you or for someone else will often work again in similar circumstances. This is not always
guaranteed as times and circumstances change. Use your judgment.

1. Pick an area of life where you want to achieve greater success

2. Make a list of what has worked for you in this or similar areas
3. Make a list of what has not worked for you in this area

4. Do the winning actions thoroughly

5. Drop out the things that have not been working or adjust them

6. Continue adding to #2 and #3 and doing #4 and #5

#4 - Create Your Own Luck

The formula for 'luck' is:

a. Prepare for opportunity by being an advancing person and always learning something new
each day. Gradually become a master of your subject or field. Prepare your life by eliminating
debt and increasing assets and income.

b. When a good opportunity comes along that is in alignment with your vision or goal, take full
advantage of it.

This will make you look 'lucky' to others who do not do the above.

You of course know what did it.

#5 – Solve a paradox not by taking sides but by solving both sides

There are many paradoxes in life, tricky situations where you lose if you take either side or
solve only one side of the problem. These can give you a feeling like you can´t win.

Your kids sometimes want to do something or want something they cannot at once have. And
they get plenty upset if they do not get it (think of the screaming kid in the supermarket).

You also will often want something that is not feasible to have at that moment in some area of
life and pursuing it at that moment would cause problems.

There are many conflicts in life, your husband wants to watch the football game and you want
to watch your favorite show, etc.

People have tended to compromise in these situations and although that has some workability,
it only solves half the problem and someone is often still frustrated.

Look for solutions that are not 'one or the other' but that resolve both sides.

This worked well with my daughter when she was a kid. When she wanted something (which
was always), I would simply make deals with her. If she had not cleaned up her toys and
wanted ice cream it would simply be ´sure you can have an ice cream, clean up your toys
(room, clothes or whatever) and let´s go! Win-win. We both got what we wanted.

You want the window open because you are hot and your wife wants it closed as too much dust
is coming in from the construction next door. You have agreed to keep the AC off as much as
possible to save electricity costs. So you put on a fan to cool yourself and everyone is happy.
Life throws constant changes at us in terms of the economy, taxes, government changes, job
changes, personal and family changes, etc. We are often not ready to cope with them and
suffer as a result. We can never seem to get ahead as the resources just don´t seem to permit
it. This is a paradox.

The key word above is ´cope´. As long as we are in a coping frame of reference we will be at
the receiving end of surprises. You will hear me say this many times, but it needs to be

Teach a person to fish and they can eat for a lifetime. Through a daily ingrained habit of self-
education, we will have a constant stream of new ideas entering our minds and lives.

These ideas afford us with faster and better ways to do the things we are already doing. Or
enable us to replace time-wasting actions with focused and productive ones that let us move
forward to our goals. You get more done in all areas with less effort.

Having and following a goal of personal and financial freedom (and having self education as an
integral and necessary part of that) can resolve the most confused and hopeless current
circumstances and allow us to find more time and the success we seek.

And the closer we approach our freedom, the paler and less significant these former big society
changes and menaces look to us.

One of the biggest paradoxes is the unfairness of why some people have a lot of money or
good things and we do not. We know they are not smarter than us.

There are two basic flows to life, things that you get and things that you give. When you truly
find what your purpose is in life and what unique thing you have to give to the world and you
start giving it, you will be able to have everything you ever wanted and much more.

It is not always easy to deal with paradox, but if you keep this formula in mind and spend
some time thinking about common situations you run into, you can start to get a better grip on
it and be able to win. Ultimately, you will win biggest by helping other people win.
Chapter VI - How Well Do You Need to Know this Science?

It depends on whether you want to become moderately successful or if you want to be an

Olympic athlete or a billionaire.

As mentioned earlier, a chess master knows and can deal with thousands of different chess
board patterns. In your job or life, and for your purposes, do you need or want to be a master
or is being an intermediate level player sufficient?

Upper level intermediate may be good enough to become a millionaire and have a very
comfortable life. But if you want to be super-successful, if you want to be a multi- millionaire
to accomplish your high goals or if you are a social entrepreneur who is out to work with
others to try make a real dent in the problems of the world and make it a better place, then
you had best determine to be a master of the Science of Success.

This means you will need to do all three of the major LSI courses and all the smaller support
courses. This makes you a master of success. And there is no up front cost for ANY of these

How well does a competent chemist know chemistry? Or a nuclear physicist know physics?
How well does an Olympian know their sport? How well do Fortune 500 CEO's know their
business? VERY, VERY WELL.

If you want to go to the top you can do it in your field. Just be prepared for a lot of study and
action and to have your life 100% organized for it.

Donald Trump sleeps only as much as he needs to and is up every morning reading magazines
on his fields of interest to keep ahead. He does not watch TV except for educational programs
such as financial news and loves his work so much he never takes a holiday. He doesn't need
to as he loves his work and has found a way to combine business with pleasure on a daily and
weekly basis.

Coby Bryant (pro basketball) spent a recent off season sinking over 100,000 baskets. That's a
lot of practice.

It's a question of how good or great do you want to be

Final Words on the Science of Success

You have in your hands right now materials that have been culled from numerous sources,
aligned with the experiences of the author and made available for you.

Your advantage is that you have it all here in one place. You don't need to go searching
through 100 books and courses to find the key missing piece you may be looking for.

Somewhere here in these laws and formulas or in the extensive Life Success Institute courses,
books and special reports, you will find the answers and solutions you are looking for. And if
you don't, please alert Support so we can remedy that. All the important answers are available
to you. There are no secrets.

This book is a summary of the laws and principles you will find described in much more detail
in LSI. And ALL these materials are being made available to you, in a well laid out sequence,
for only the price of membership in LSI. There are no other upfront costs for any report, book
or course.



That is our guiding principle in LSI, which has been created to help you do extraordinary
things, whether you are already extraordinary or not!

Again, the Science of Success was not invented. And I did not discover it either. It has been
discovered over thousands of years by many people who have used it to become wealthier,
happier, healthier, and more purposeful.

Finding and following your life purpose starts you on the road to success and gives you the
eventual destination. Having a map (your plans and projects) allows you to follow the road,
knowing that sooner or later you will get there.

The happiest times in your life will be those along the way while traveling this road. The
journey is the real fun, the real adventure, the real life changes.

The final destination will be great but will be found to be a bit ´anti-climactic´. So enjoy the
small or large successes and lessons along the way and don´t be overeager to only reach your

You will hit some rougher 'off-road' areas along the way. Life is not always smooth, kind or fair.
To overcome these obstacles you will need your personal 'compass' (your life vision, values
and principles) to get back on the road.

If you have not isolated these yet, do the Empowerment by Certainty Course, as it isolates
your personal vision and values and aligns your actions to them. This alignment tends to
create certainty and power. This free LSI course is available here:

Free Support for the course is available from the LSI website and forum for any questions or
assistance you need.

Stick to your values and principles and persistently follow your dreams with well mapped out
plans and projects and you can't possibly fail. You will easily come back to the road will walk
straight to the end. Your success will be inevitable.

Science is not opinion. It is a body of laws and facts based on long-observed cause and effect
relationships. With what we know now, we can get all the results we want.
And, like math and physics, it is part of your everyday life every time you wonder what you
should do next or whether you did right or wrong. There is almost always an answer to these
questions and your daily self-education will put them in your hands more and more as you
continue through your life.

If you are ever not getting the results that you want at anything, I invite you to review this
book again and find the law or formula that you are missing in application. Follow that law or
formula, do the needed actions and you will soon find you are winning.

I wish you the best always.

Our Organization – The Life Success Institute (LSI)

Science of Success is the basic handbook and concise summary of the extensive materials
found in the Life Success Institute.

It is hoped that after you read this book, you will give away copies of it freely to anyone you
feel could benefit from it. Our aim is to get 100,000 copies of this book distributed and in use
by the end of 2009.

This book is potentially your first step in a concerted quest for success and the Life Success
Institute will always be around to help you solidify your goals and reach them 100%, no
matter how long it takes. Total success can take years. We'll be here for you. LSI is the first
personal advancement organization that actually works with its members from start to finish.

It is the intention of LSI to work with you until you are easily earning a six figure income and
have a $2 million net worth, no matter how long this takes. We have a series of affiliated
organizations and businesses to help with this, including our condo construction project in the
Caribbean (Colibri Villas), our parent company (Wealth Building Enterprises) and an upcoming
sister organization to LSI (The Success Network).

If you want to take this journey all the way, enroll in the Life Success Institute. It has been
designed to be affordable for anyone, as with only two members enrolled under you, your
membership is covered.

And even if you are flat broke you can participate. We have an affiliate program where you can
earn your membership for life just by referring two people. As long as those people stay with
the program, you are covered. And a considerable passive income is possible for years from
each single person you refer. And you can refer people just by giving away this book, one a
day or week on and on. Nothing could be more simple.

LSI is more than personal advancement organization; it is a movement to make the Science of
Success broadly known in the world. It is an opportunity for people to do something
worthwhile that can really make a difference.

If lifetime support dedicated to your success sounds good, and from an organization with a
CAUSE, come and join us today.
About the Author

Ron Sedlak is a Canadian social entrepreneur now living in the Caribbean as an expatriate. He
has been working on line to earn a living since quitting the rat-race in 2003.

He has studied extensively in the fields of philosophy, spirituality, success and business and
worked for decades as a church volunteer, assisting people from many countries and
backgrounds to resolve their issues and situations.

Ron is Founding Director of the Life Success Institute (LSI), the first personal success
membership organization that gives a workable delivery system that anyone can use to access
ALL the valuable LSI services, right to full personal success and financial freedom.

LSI is devoted to making the Science of Success broadly available and accessible to everyone.

Ron is President of the Wealth Building Enterprises Group, the parent organization that
includes several ventures and businesses designed provide an overall system that anyone can
plug into and find the level of success they desire.

Under Wealth Building Enterprises is found the Life Success Institute, the Colibri Villas condo
construction project in Roatan, a series of powerful affiliate programs and The Success
Network (coming soon).

In addition to Science of Success, Ron is author of the book Possibility Living: Your Handbook
for Life Change as well as all the materials and courses found in LSI.

It is his hope that you will take advantage of these materials to create your own personal
success story.

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