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SCHEDULE: 19:16-22:46

YEAR: 2023
Unit 4
1. Achieve: To succeed in finishing something, after a lot of work or effort.
 Sentence: After so many auditions, she achieved the starring role.
2. Acquire: To get something.
 Sentence: How he acquired those paintings remains a mystery.
3. Apparently: Used to say that something seems to be true, although it is not
 Sentence: You should take a coat with you because apparently it will be
4. Approach: To come near to something, someone, somewhere, etc.
 Sentence: After saving a lot of money, it looks like I am approaching 100
000 dollars.
5. Behavior: The way that someone behaves.
 Sentence: His behavior at dinner was impeccable.
6. Category: A type or group of things that have the same features.
 Sentence: My favorite category of movies is action.
7. Cognition: The use of conscious mental processes.
 Sentence: Cognition is important in order not to be illiterate.
8. Controversy: A lot of disagreement about something.
 Sentence: There is a big controversy of using steroids in athletes.
9. Unique: Being the only existing one of its type or special in some way.
 Sentence: I have a collection card that is unique.
10. Confront: To face or deal with someone or something.
 Sentence: I had to confront my stage fright to hold a conference.
Unit 5
1. Awesome: A feeling of great admiration or respect.
 Sentence: It is awesome how she built her house in less than one year.
2. Emphatic: Having the ability to imagine how someone else feels.
 Sentence: You must be emphatic with him because he has just lost a
family member.
3. Radically: Extremely.
 Sentence: Some Peruvians want to radically change our Constitution.
4. Inevitably: In a way that cannot be avoided.
 Sentence: It was inevitable that they lost the game because the other team
was superior.
5. Presumptuous: Too confident, in a way that shows lack of respect for other
 Sentence: It would be presumptuous to assume he will accept the first
offer of mine.
6. Tolerable: Of a quality that is acceptable, although certainly not good.
 Sentence: Maxwell has always been tolerable with people who don't
understand his language.
7. Vigorous: Very forceful or energetic.
 Sentence: Angela Markel is a powerful and vigorous diplomat.
8. Immeasurably: In a way that is so large or great that cannot be measured or
known exactly. 
 Sentence: Argentine soccer team improved immeasurably since their
debut against Saudi Arabia. 
9. Punctually: At the expected or correct time and not late.
 Sentence: I was always punctual for any reunion or party.
10. Ultimately: Used to empathize the most important fact in a situation.
 Sentence: Ultimately, Vivian has been preparing for her thesis.
Unit 6
1. Challenge: Something that you need to put all your effort into to be done
 Sentence: I challenged my friend Cesar to see who could score more
goals in a single game. 
2. Donate: To give money or goods for a person or an organization.
 Sentence: Nathalie and her friends made an important donation to her
sister’s NGO.
3. Indignation: Anger about a situation that you think is wrong or not fair.
 Sentence: In the Centre of Lima, Students express their indignation. 
4. Inspire: To make someone have a particular strong feeling or reaction.
 Sentence: Benjamin inspired a generation of businessmen. 
5. Determined: The ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very
 Sentence: My mother is a determined woman.
6. Passion: A very powerful feeling or an extreme interest in doing something.
 Sentence: Eminem possessed a complete passion for rapping.
7. Proposal: A suggestion, sometimes a written one.
 Sentence: Hendricks discusses his proposal with Anne which consists of
becoming her capital partner.
8. Satisfaction: A pleasant feeling that you get when you receive something you
wanted, or when you have done something.  
 Sentence: Mariana got great satisfaction after being accepted to do an
internship in a big organization.
9. Proudly: In a proud way.
 Sentence: She proudly said: “I am world champion”.
10. Ridiculous: Not reasonable in a way that is almost funny.
 Sentence: You look ridiculous in that suit that you are wearing to the
awards ceremony.

Writing 1: 
Ruby the Elephant was an extraordinary animal, who made different kind of paintings.
Many people stand a great time to see her paintings. It's not only watching her work, the
public needed to wait like two years for watching her pictures. She was an elephant
from Thailand, she came to the Phoenix Zoo in 1974, when she was just a little baby. It
took more time to become the zoo's favorite animal because she was the only elephant.
It looks like in her behavior that she felt really sad that she doesn't had other elephants
like her to play. It was a controversial situation for the zoo. So, they decided to bring
other elephants to play with her, but she refused to play with them, especially of their
big size and are too tough for Ruby. 
One day apparently, Ruby was using an stick or other object like the other animals, but
the zoo employee, Tawny Carlson found that she had a great talent to make different
pictures. In that moment they introduced her to paint. After that, all the employees of
the zoo bought her colors and she started to paint and drawing. The employees had a
nice trait of her famous artist and became the main attraction of the zoo.  
As we can see, maybe she wasn't the first elephant to made paintings, but she could
recognize the colors and know what to do at the moment to paint. That's why she is
considered as an extraordinary elephant artist. It was completely obvious that she was
going to become a greatest artist. 
Writing 2:
I never imagine that living longer could be a reality because after years of
investigations, people finally find the way to live longer. Maybe it sounds great living
longer, but there are some downsides too.
Here I am. I am about to turn 204 years old, and I look healthy and in good shape. I've
been married with the love of my life Nathalie, and we have raised two beautiful sons.
Their names are Benjamin and Celeste, and I've gone through many things. I am going
to start by mentioning the positive memories I have after find the way to live longer.
Every morning I open my eyes slowly as my butler's hologram vigorously wakes me
up. After washed my face, I smell the recognizable aroma of a great breakfast: Fruit
Juice, Benedictine eggs, Crispy bacon, French Toast, and its special cappuccino. The
breakfast as always was tasty. Later, I am going to manage the family business, which
focuses on imports and exports of different kinds of products like tv's, tablets, game
consoles and other things. I arrived punctually at 7 am and I prepared the reunions. In
addition, I needed to supervise the interns and be completely tolerable with them. It
reminds me when I was a student and intern at the same time. The positive thing about it
is that I can use my experience to help and motivate them, because it is not only to be a
great professional, but also about being a better person. 
As I mentioned, there are beautiful and positive things about living longer,
unfortunately as there are positive things, there are also negative things about living
longer. There are moments that you feel like you made everything that you propose, and
you want to stop. Maybe it sounds radical, but it's true there are times that you feel
bored and just wanted to stop living longer, but after humanity found a way to live
longer, there isn't a possibility to live as a simple human. 
In conclusion, living longer has its pros and cons of living longer, but in my case, I have
a beautiful and numerous family, I expand the family business and I travel around the
world. I can say that my mission was accomplished, since my life from my childhood to
my old age has been an exciting journey. In other words, I lived a great life and it's
something worth telling.  
Unit 4:
 Grammar 
 Vocabulary
Unit 5:
 Grammar
 Vocabulary

Unit 6:
 Grammar 
 Vocabulary

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