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Si-Users (ISFJs, ISTJs, ESFJs, ESTJs)

 draw on past experience and relay stories about things that have

 relay things and situations in very specific detail.

 skipping over details is anathema to the SJ type. often seeming


 appear down-to-earth and practical,

 focused on real-world activities and experiences rather than conceptual

ideas or theories (unless they are extremely relaxed and comfortable).

 amazing memory for what has worked well before and use that to plan
carefully for the future.

 favor security and routine and like working with what they know.

 usually dedicated, loyal, and responsible,

 strive to be helpful and supportive of their families and communities.

Se-Users (ESTPs, ESFPs, ISTPs, ISFPs)

 absorb all the details and changes happening in the present moment.

 in tune to their environment and are skilled at making the most of their
current experience.

 SPs are adaptable, observant, and adventurous.

 often have a keen physical awareness and know how to maneuver

themselves gracefully through ever-changing physical roadblocks.

 enjoy getting hands-on with the outside world and interacting directly
with ideas and opportunities.

 Their language is literal, linear, and specific.

 tend to appear casual and easy-going, despise pretentiousness more
than nearly anything.

Ni-Users (INFJs, INTJs, ENFJs, ENTJs)

 extremely future-focused.

 take a bird’s eye view of the world and try to determine how things will
play out by noticing patterns, clues, and significant connections.

 attracted to the existential, the unknown, and the theoretical.

 In conversation, they enjoy discussing concepts more than things.

 more interested in the abstract than the literal details of events or


 very singular focus, tend to have a very strong plan and focus for their

 sudden insights, about how things will play out that may seem to
appear out of nowhere.

Ne-Users (ENFPs, ENTPs, INFPs, INTPs)

 driven by the potential in everything they see.

 can extrapolate endless theoretical possibilities from a single idea.

 creative and imaginative, and will use innovative pathways to bring their
dreams to life.

 drawn to abstract ideas and concepts and are determined to envision

future realities that are yet to exist.

 continuously spring forth ideas and possibilities and have a restless urge
to see them become a reality.

 love to brainstorm and explore new and novel ideas with the people
they meet. They are open-minded and adaptable.

Ti-Users (INTPs, ISTPs, ENTPs, ESTPs)

 analytical, logical, and objective.

 Love to learn for learning’s sake,

 care less about whether or not their knowledge is noticed by the outside

 Good grades or admiration from authority mean little to them

 they have an individual, independent standard they want to meet.

 Ti-users like to analyze, classify, and explore concepts deeply.

 less focused on pre-ordained rules and structures

 more focused on forming their own extensive inner blueprint for how
the world works.

Te-Users (ENTJs, ESTJs, INTJs, ISTJs)

 decisive, straightforward, and productive.

 hard workers who plan ahead and focus on achieving goals efficiently.
 less interested in mulling over possibilities or classifications, and more
focused on learning to put something out into the world.

 They thrive on making decisions and delegating to get a job done


 They try to ensure projects are done ahead of schedule and are
impatient with procrastination and wishy-washy behavior.

Fi-Users (INFPs, ISFPs, ENFPs, ESFPs)

 authentic, deeply-feeling, and driven by their values.

 are determined to be true to themselves and their moral code no matter


 usually compassionate and often focused on making a difference for a

select cause or group of people.

 They feel things deeply and have a nuanced and highly personal set of
values and morals that are formed independently of social norms or the
environment they live in.

 hate fakery or phony behavior and are determined to be “real” in all

they do.

 They are reserved about sharing their own emotions with people they
don’t know well.

Fe-Users (ENFJs, ESFJs, INFJs, ISFJs)

 considerate, friendly, and driven to achieve harmony in their


 easily pick up on the moods and emotions of other people and work to
maintain positive morale with everyone they meet.

 try to relate to people and find common ground and shared values.

 are usually polite, conscientious, and aware of emotional needs.

 know how to tailor their speech to influence, comfort, and encourage

 are emotionally expressive and tend to share their feelings with other

 When it comes to making decisions, they focus on group harmony,

values, and ethics.

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