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Sex Linked inheritance

The female has 2 x chromosomes one is partenal and the other is maternal in origin however with the
exception of some gene near the short hand one of this x chromosome is inactivated in each somatic
cell, this mechmi ensures that the amount of x linked gene product produced in somatic cells of the
female is equivalent to the amount in those in male cells. Dosage compensation applies to all x linked
genes except those near the. Segment at the end of the short arm such as the steroid sophatase gene
and the Xg... Cells antigen

Females produce nearly twice as much of this gene products as males l.. In the process of imagination
the choice between the Matanal and paternal x homologous is ramdom although once established
thesame homologous is inactivated in each daughter cell this the female is rearly mosaic, with a
percentage of cells having the paternal X active and the maternal X active in the remainder, each son or
daughter revives one or other x chromosomes from their mother in contrast the male has only on x
chromosome and hence only one copy of each x linked gene, the y chromosome probably contains
homologous loci for those of the tip, short hand of the x and also contains important male determinant,
in the male the x chromosome remain active in every cell and so any mutant x allel will always be
expressed each daughter must receive her father's x chromosome and each son must receive his father's
y chromosome hence fathers cannot transmit x linked genes to their sons .The genes on the sex
chromosomes are distributed unequally to males and females within the family, this inequality produce
characteristic patterns of inheritance with marked discrepancies in the numbers of affected males and
female the pedigree pattern depends upon which sex chromosome carries the mutant gene and
whether the traits is excessive or dominant, occasionally, this pedigree patterns maybe mimiced by
autosomal traits which show sex limitations as distinguishing features, if the affected males of an
autosomal dominant trait with sex limitations are infertile then the pedigree pattern is identical to an x
linked recessive where males don't reproduce, in this event, the demonstration of lyonisation in carrier
females is an important clue to the correct mode of inheritance

Y linked inheritance (holandd

The inheritance of the sex surface marker detected by the monochlonal antibody 12e7 provide a human
example of y linked inheritance , this marker is determined by the activity of a gene on the short arm of
the x chromosome, that gene is called Mic2 which may be closely related to the gene or the Xg red cell
antigen, however males with a deleted mic2 gene may still express the 12e7 antigen due to a presence
of an active homologous gene on the y chromosome, males carrying this gene transmit it to their sons
but not to their daughters so far no human example of y linked diseases has been established

X linked recessive inheritance

Severe sex linked muscular dystrophy or the duchene muscular dystrophy is an example of an x linked
recessive trait...

Read about how the muscular dystrophy dz progress and draw the pattern for the x linked inheritance

Other x linked recessive conditions

So far 250 x linked recessive traits are known in man some of the commoner and more clinically
important are

1. Reg-green colour blindness

2. Fragile x mental retardation

3. Non specific x linked mental retardation

4. Duchene muscular dystrophy

5. Becker muscular dystrophy

6. Haemophilia A

7. X linked Agama globin

X linked Dominant

The Xg blood group set to illustrate an x linked dominant trait this gene is located near the tip of the
short hand of the x chromosome

Use of an antiserum distinguishes 2 types of individuals Xg+ and - the phenotypes are determined by a
pair of allels at the Xg locus termed Xga and Xg, hence in the male 2 genotypes are possible whereas in
female 3 are found, in males there are XgaY and XgY while in female they are xga, Xga

Overall an x linked dominant disorder will be more frequent in females than in males reflecting the
relatively distribution of sex chromosomes


Xg blood group


Vitamin D resistant ricket

The incontinential pigmentee

Rett syndrome

Other x linked dominant trait

There are 9 known human x linked dominant traits with the exception of the Xg blood group ,all are rare
for x linked dominant dz males have a uniformly severe Dz whereas the female heterozygot tend to be
more variety affected because of lyonisation, in 2 of this conditions the incontinetial pigment and the
Rett syndrome, the affected males are so severely affected that spountenous abortion are usual and
there's married excess of affected female

X linked codominant triat

Restriction fragment length polymorphism(jdd)

Provide several example of x linked codorminat trait that is both allels can be identified in the
heterozygot,one of their rflp is identified by unique sequence Xpro known as lsjsj

This prob maps to the short hand of the x chromosome closed to the centrome with the restriction
enzyme Taq1 33p of males produce a single 9kb band and the remainder produce a 12kb band as they
lack recognition site for this enzyme, female with 2x chromosome maybe homozygous 12kb
heterozygous 9kb.

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