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Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials




Three questions about your life. 30 second for each answer.



I enjoy reading non-fiction in my free time.

I’m interested in politics.
I love listening to traditional Malay music.
I thoroughly enjoy playing with my kids.
When I can, I usually watch TV, in particular the news.
When I have the chance I make my own skirts and dresses on my old sewing machine.
One of my interests is traditional Indian dance.
My preferred leisure activity is gardening. I love to watch my plants grow.
My favourite pastime is shopping. I absolutely love it!

© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials


I have a large/small family.

My family has seven members.
This is my immediate family.
My extended family consists of at least 40 relatives. .
We are a close-knit family and meet each other for family gatherings at least five times a
My family are quite close.
I have been married for 14 years.
I was raised in the city/country.
I have five siblings. I get on well with all of them.


I am a secondary school teacher.

I teach English and science.
My job is very demanding, but it’s rewarding too.
I often work long hours.
Apart from teaching, one of my responsibilities is to organize exams.
In my work I deal with difficult teenagers.
My work involves not only teaching, but running the English Club as well.
This job needs a lot of experience, paper qualifications are no good.
I commute one hour to work.

© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials


It’s incredibly hot today, but it may rain in the evening, as the weather has become quite
unpredictable recently.
It’s boiling hot today, but I hope it will cool down a bit in the evening.
It’s very sunny and, as always, very humid.
It’s a lovely day today, bright and sunny with only a few clouds in the sky.


I enjoy visiting my in-laws. My mother-in-law always prepares my favourite food and my

father-in-law loves playing with my kids.
I adore playing with my nephew. He’s so funny.
I am mad about fashion.
I am crazy about handbags. I’ve got quite a collection now and I now I have my eyes on a
fabulous new one.
I don’t mind doing most household chores, but I absolutely hate ironing.
I thoroughly dislike loud parties.
I can’t stand traffic jams. I get so frustrated when I’m stuck in one, which is almost every


© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

I love learning new things. At the moment I’m learning computer skills and I’m getting
better and better at it.
When I was at school I used to hate maths, but now I am helping my youngest with his
homework and surprisingly, I enjoy it very much
I graduated from the English Department a couple of years ago, but I feel I need to upskill
my knowledge all the time, so whenever I can, I attend conferences and seminars for
I have never had a chance to learn how to swim, so I’ve asked my friend to teach me.


I have never been to Australia, but I want to go there one day.

I have been to the Perhentian Islands a few times and I thoroughly enjoyed the place.
I am planning to go to Japan next summer. I want to do some sightseeing.
When I’m on holiday, I like to put my feet up and do nothing. I sometimes do some
snorkelling and sunbathing, that’s it.
I would like to go on a walking holiday one day.


I spend quite a lot of time watching TV. I mostly watch documentaries.

I occasionally read newspapers, but I mostly read about the news on the internet. My
favourite website is BBC News, as it’s so comprehensive and the information is quite
I often use the internet to search for information, but I find that many websites are
unreliable and the information there is either misleading or simply not true.

© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials


My dream is to visit Australia. I have never been there and sister tells me it’s a really
exciting place.
My ultimate goal is to complete my studies and get a degree.
I’m thinking about changing my job. I would like to work as a secondary school teacher, as
I feel it’s more challenging than my present job.
I’m going to start a family soon, so I won’t have much time for professional development.


I’m now reading a book called The Fault in Our Stars. It’s about teenagers suffering from
cancer, but the book is not gloomy at all. In fact, it’s very funny at times.
I am an avid reader of romantic comedies. I can’t help it!
This book is a real page turner.
The book has a strong plot with twists and turns, likeable characters and vivid
descriptions of the jungle.
It’s the best book I’ve read for a long time.
The book is hilarious so I do recommend it to anyone who wants a good laugh.

I’ve recently seen a really good film. It’s called Gravity and it’s about two astronauts in
the space. The special effects are amazing.

© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

I am addicted to soap operas. I need light entertainment to relax at the end of the day.
The film is based on a true story.
It’s a thriller starring Bruce Willis. It’s not suitable for children, as there is quite a lot of
violence in it.
I do recommend it.
In fact, I’ve never seen such a good film.

A the moment I am on a diet, so I avoid deep fried food, but I make sure I have at least
one nourishing meal a day.
I never skip breakfast.
My family often eat out and our favourite place is Rebung Chef. This restaurant is very
popular, so you need to book a table in advance.
I have a sweet tooth, so my favourite part of dinner is, of course, dessert. I particularly like
chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream on top.


I’m off colour today.
I’m a bit under the weather today. I think I’ve got a cold coming on.
I’m out of shape, so I’ve decided to do some yoga and aerobics in my local fitness club.
It’s important to keep your body in good shape. Besides, exercising also uplifts your mood.


 Who do you spend your free time with? What kind of things do you do together?
 How much time do you spend at home? What do you enjoy doing?
 What sort of music do you listen to? Why do you enjoy it?
 Does anyone you know have an interesting hobby? What does he/she do?

© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

 Have you got any plans for this weekend? What are you going to do?
 Do you prefer to spend your free time on your own or with other people? Why?
 Do you like cooking? What sort of things do you cook?
 What’s your favourite food? Why do you like it?
 Do you like going to parties? Tell me about a good party you’ve been to.
 Tell me about a day you’ve really enjoyed recently.
 Is there something new you’d really like to learn about? Why?
 Are you happier doing mental or physical work? Why?
 Do you prefer working on your own or with other people? Why?
 What kind of work would you really like to do if you could choose?
 Which area of your country would you like to get to know better? Why?
 What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited near here? Tell me about it.
 Have you ever used English on holiday? Where were you? What did you use it for?
 Do you like to plan your holidays carefully or do you prefer to just go? Why?
 Where would you really like to go on holiday in the future? Why?
 How much TV do you watch in a week? Would you prefer to watch more TV than that or
less? Why?
 Tell me about a TV programme you’ve seen recently.
 Do you have a favourite newspaper or magazine? Why do you like it?
 Do you use the Internet? What sort of things do you look for in the Internet?

© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials


Three questions. 45 seconds for each question.

Question One is to describe a picture. DESCRIBE, SPECULATE and REACT.

Who is there? Where are they? What are they doing? What do they look like? How do
they feel? What’s in the background (if important). What’s the weather like (if important).
A general impression is better than separate details. You won’t have time to go into them,

This is a picture of a peaceful place in the country.

There are three people in the picture. I think they are at a family gathering. The woman
on the left is making a speech.
We can see some skyscrapers in the background.

This is a lively, bustling city. It must be Tokyo.
She looks quite surprised. Perhaps she’s forgotten about her own birthday.
I suppose it’s their anniversary.
They all look very smart. The woman on the right is wearing quite formal clothes. They

© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

might be getting ready for some special occasion.

The woman is wearing baggy trousers and an oversized T-shirt. She must be American
The man behind her looks impatient.
They are all wearing casual clothes. They might be getting ready for a picnic.
The child in the middle seems to be exhausted. He must have had a really exciting day.
She must be the child’s grandmother.
She could be his wife.
They seem to be enjoying themselves.
She looks very happy.
He looks worried. Perhaps he’s missed his train.
I get the impression she is not happy about this situation.
It's not clear whether it’s a marketplace or a jumble sale.

I like this photo. It reminds me of my childhood days.
This photo makes me think of my own grandmother and the time we celebrated her
I would love to try this. In fact, I’m going on a trip like that next month.
I like this picture, though I’m scared of heights and I am not keen on trying out things like

Question Two and Three: comparison with own situation.

I would definitely choose picture 1, as I like being on my own.

I guess my first choice would be picture 2.
For me the most important thing is to work with friendly colleagues.
I don’t think it really matters where you go as long as you have good company.
Personally, I would prefer this place.
Of course, the good thing about living in the city is an abundance of facilities and entertainment.
On the other hand, life in the country is much less stressful.

© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

I wouldn’t mind being on a beautiful island like that, but on the other hand I think I would be
bored to death after a couple of days there.
If I had to choose one of these places, I would definitely go for the one in the picture at the top.


3 questions. 45 seconds each.

Question One: describe (expressions from Part Two), compare and contrast. Question Two:
react to one of these situations (expression from Part Two). Question Three: compare with
your own situation (expressions from Part Two)

The pictures are based on a clear contrast. For instance:

 Being with your family or friends vs. being alone
 Working in a team vs., working by yourself
 Active holiday vs. lying on the beach
 Watching a match on TV vs. watching it live in the stadium with a bunch of friends
 Peaceful, quiet countryside vs. bustling, noisy city
 Unspoilt nature vs. a polluted city
 Listening to the teacher vs. studying by yourself in the library
 Learner-centred vs. Teacher-centred
 Outdoors vs. indoors

© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials


Both pictures show a classroom. However, in the top picture the children are listening to the
teacher, whereas in the bottom picture they are working on their own. Apart from that, the
classrooms look quite different form each other.

There are animals in both pictures. In the first one they are in a zoo, kept in cages, while in the other
one they live in the wild.,

Although both pictures show a city, they must have been taken at different times of day, as there are
so many differences between them.

Both of these people look exhausted, but I imagine it’s for very different reasons.

Both pictures show people doing sports, but there are a few important differences between them.

The main difference seems to be that in the first picture it’s their job, whereas in the other picture
they are doing it for fun.


DO NOT describe the picture.

1 minute preparation. Don’t write full sentences, just key words. Plan a logical development
of your talk (from PERSONAL to GENERAL).

A 2-minute talk, based on three questions. Here you’re on your own, but you may want to
use one of the expressions listed before or one of the discourse markers and fillers below.


© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

First of all, Then All the Still, Instead, Of course,

again, same,

Well, Despite  Even so, Similarly, Obviously, Naturally,


Anyway, On top of Another What’s For The first

that, thing is, more, instance thing I’d
like to say

In fact, I mean, What I In other On the At the

mean is words, whole, same time,
Actually, What I'm Now, One of the Because of As a
trying to about the reasons this, matter of
say is next why fact,

I forgot to As a Let me Let’s see, such as In

mention result, think, contrast, 
as well as Besides, In My point is Right, that is

That is to I feel I suppose I’m afraid I guess I reckon


© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

Examples of possible topics:

 Tell me about a good book you read recently.

 What kind of books do you usually read?
 Do you think paper books will be replaced one day by e-books?

 Tell me about a time when you were late.

 How did you feel?
 Are people in your country usually punctual?

 Tell me about something that you have done recently to keep you fit.
 Will you continue doing that?
 What are the reasons people do sports activities?

 Tell me about the time you received some good news by letter or email.
 Did you tell other people about the good news?
 What is the best way to communicate good news: by letter, email, telephone or in person?

 Tell me about the time you enjoyed shopping.

 Did you buy the things you needed?
 Some people enjoy shopping a lot. Why do you think this is?

 Tell me about a recent party you went to.

 Did you enjoy yourself?
 What makes a good party: food, people or the place?

 Tell me about the time you visited an older relative.

 Did you enjoy the time with her/him? What did you do?

© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

 How do people in your country look after older members of the family?

 Tell me about a good film you saw recently.

 Do you usually watch films like that?
 Which films are popular in your country?

 Tell me about a holiday you had recently.

 Did you enjoy it?
 What makes a good holiday?

 Tell me about the time you met your whole family.

 Did you enjoy yourself? What did you do together?
 How important is it to keep good relationships with your relatives?

© The British Council, 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)

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