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The Crystal Enchanting Lens has 3 charges, which can be recharged by spending 1 hour performing a

special ritual.

Detect Magic

As an action, you can use the Crystal Enchanting Lens to cast the Detect Magic spell.

Analyze Object

As an action, you can use the Crystal Enchanting Lens to analyze an object's innate magical potential. The
lens will reveal any magical properties of the object, including its strengths and weaknesses. Additionally,
you gain advantage on any Intelligence (Arcana) check made to identify the object's properties.

Crystal Infusion

As an action, you can use the Crystal Enchanting Lens to infuse a crystal with magical energy. This
process takes 1 hour to complete, during which time you must be in close proximity to the crystal and
cannot take any other actions or perform any other activities. The infused crystal can then be used to
cast one of the following spells as an action, using the infused crystal as the spellcasting focus: Chromatic
Orb, Magic Missile, or Scorching Ray. Once used, the infused crystal loses its magical properties.

Magical Shield

As a reaction, when you or an ally within 30 feet of you is hit by a spell, you can use the Crystal
Enchanting Lens to create a magical shield around the target. The shield grants temporary hit points
equal to the spell's level plus your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You can use this ability once per

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