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Teacher Placement Planning

Toni Crawford

Grand Canyon University

EAD 536: Strategic Leadership and Management in the Principalship

Dr. Wood

May 24, 2023


District Policy

Antelope Elementary will need to replace six teachers, based on the team dynamics,

skills/abilities, and personalities I would move Sally S. to first grade and Scott to third grade

based on the support and skills that are needed for the specific grade levels. Sally. S needs a new

team to prevent any further conflict and damage, but also to give her the support she needs from

the two veteran teachers to be successful. Scott must also be moved due to meeting district and

state policies in our SPED program as we want to remain in compliance and be certain our

students’ needs are being met. With that, I would have staff complete a survey to see if anyone

wants to move to a new grade and make all other decisions from there. When it comes to district

and union mandates, I am required to give written notices to all staff by the last day of school. If

an emergency arises leaving no other options, I can also move staff up to a week before the start

of school as there are no seniority rules and it is stated in their contract. Therefore, I will need

one kindergarten, second, fifth, and eighth-grade teacher and two SPED teachers whom I will

accept applicants for.

Screening Procedures

As the district handles all paperwork, testing, and background checks, I will first review

candidates in the transfer pool to find certified, experienced teachers that are looking for new

opportunities. We will first look for certified SPED teachers to fill those vacancies and then look

for remaining teachers. If any additional staff is needed after finding candidates in the transfer

pool, I will then look for teachers in the candidate pool. My leadership team and teachers for the

grade level will be included in the interview process to ensure we find the right candidate for the

students but to also blend well and collaborate with the team. Once we decide on candidates, we

will review references and officially invite them to join the team.


As a leader, I want every team to be successful by building and maintaining relationships

founded on trust, collaboration, and reflection. Sally S. does not get along with her team and if it

continues it will hinder her learning, growth, and mental health; hence moving her to first grade

with veteran teachers who are respected in the school and willing to support her in addition to

receiving strategies and methods from a previous instructional coach to develop her capacity in

new ways. However, Scott is a SPED teacher who is struggling to meet the needs of learners and

is on an improvement plan. With that, it would be beneficial to move him to a team that is

involved in the school and community, excited and passionate, with lots of diverse experiences,

as that can ignite a flame that will encourage and motivate him. Collaboration with staff,

students, leadership, parents, and the community is what guarantees success and student

achievement because we trust one another and are all involved in the decision-making process.

Ethical Principles

Excellence is the goal, not perfection therefore we will build a culture of trust,

collaboration, integrity, selflessness, and accountability for the common good and the success of

the school. Showing compassion for teachers is another way of meeting them where they are and

providing the necessary support for them to reach their highest potential. Hence, the reasoning

for moving teachers to teams where they can become greater instead of allowing them to drown

without giving them the tools for success. Not only that, but as leaders, we want all staff to be

equipped for all stakeholders, especially our students as we all want them to prosper and we can

achieve that goal by maintaining ethical principles in all that we do, especially in decision-


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