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Guidance re Essay:

See the expectation found under Course outline and Evaluation.

See link to this site that will help you write a philosophy essay.

Also, see links to services to help students with their academic writing.

Question: Can I use the first person?

Answer: Yes. APA does not allow first person but you can use first person in this essay.

How should I start?

It is recommended that you state your thesis on the first paragraph. It can be a straightforward as:
in this essay I will argue that…..using utilitarian reasoning.

Length: five pages of test is maximum.

How many references:

Five from academic bioethics literature.
You need to do research to prove your thesis.
Using the text and course materials usually is not enough.
Research in Bioethics text books and academic writings from bioethics literature is
There are some good web-sites such as The Hastings Centre for Bioethics. The Canadian
Bioethics Society web page is another resource.

There are two types of research.

a) For descriptive analysis: these are the facts about clinical condition, laws, standards,
public opinion polls. Here you can refer to newspapers, respectable web-sites,
professional organizations and government laws and documents.
Example. Topic is should measles vaccination be mandatory.
Explain what is measles, how spread, efficacy of vaccination, and laws about mandatory
vaccinations, why people are refusing vaccinations.
These references are not included in the five academic bioethics references.

b) For Conceptual analysis: thesis is where you read more about theories, concepts, and
Using the same example: mandatory vaccination analysis requires in depth understanding
of respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, when choice can be limited or
should not be limited. Informed consent and paternalism are relevant.

What about theories:

Take the theory you prefer and use it. You must accept than answer you arrive at.
Do not theory-shop until you find the answer you like?
Do not prove your point using more than one theory. You use the theory you prefer.

Based on deontological theory…….
Based on act-utilitarian thinking
Based on rule-utilitarian thinking…

Be sure with utilitarian thinking you decide on an end and then look for effective and the
least restricted means.
The end of eliminating measles is desired because…..
The means to achieve this end include vaccination clinics and imprisonment of parents
who refuse vaccination, naming unvaccinated children and removing them from school.
These means limit choice considerably and there are privacy issues. Less restrictive
means could be tried first.

Common errors:
Essay is more of a clinical essay than bioethics essay.
Example: most of essay is about measles and vaccination.
References are mainly form clinical literature.

Reliance on experts: ad hominem arguments are a common problem. You cannot rely on
an expert or an organization to prove your point. Discussion of what is expected by
experts, leaders and laws is part of the descriptive analysis. It is important to know what
experts, bioethicists, clinical leaders, and professional standards expect. However, this
knowledge is not enough. Examples: Prime Minster said…., College of Nurses says we
must… My faith leader says it is right to…It is fine and may be needed to state
expectations as part of the context. However, you need to explain why these expectations
are valid.

Mandatory vaccination is ethical because the Minister of Health said….
Voluntary euthanasia of persons is wrong because my faith tells me

The provincial health ministry has not made mandatory immunization a law
because….and I agree with this position because…or I disagree with this position
The Supreme Court of Canada decided that assisted death and voluntary euthanasia
should be allowed for ethical and legal reasons.
I agree or disagree with this position because
String of quotes: when your essay is a string of quotes, your analysis and thinking is
Yes for sure it is good to know what others think. Then you have to use their ideas to
strengthen your line of reasoning.
Example: Downie wrote that all wishes of patients should be respected including requests
for medically assisted death. She makes a strong argument because respect for choice
includes….or I agree with her because….

Disagreeing with policy: yes you can decide that you disagree with a standard, law,
policy, public opinion poll.
Now measles vaccination is voluntary. This policy is unethical because the welfare of the
public should not be put at risk when the vaccination carries minimal risk (be specific)
for children and exclusion for health reasons will be permitted.

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