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“ theres his royal majesty now” – metaphor/ sarcasm

“Each thigh was a ton of meat, ivory, and steel mesh.”

,a thousand pounds of white bone, sunk in thick ropes of muscle,

“a ton of sculptured stone, lifted easily upon the sky”

flesh glittered like a thousand green coins

e stink of raw flesh blew down the wilderness

Like a stone idol,

Overall, the T-rex is shown in different view points in the story, I partially agree that the T-rex is

terrifying. In many occasions, the T-rex is imagined to be a scary through a human perspective,

which means the description of the t- rex is exaggerated. Therefore, the t-rex may have a good side

to it, which leads to my next point. The t-rex may look unique and scary but do they have a good

side. Their features are unique so some may admire the appearance or some may run away, thinking

they will get blind from it.


- Like a stone idol,

- Shows how he is slowing dying but also his power will last for generations because he is

turning into this statue.

- “ idol” suggests the t-rex will be forever remembered and will be praised by other species


a ton of sculptured stone, lifted easily upon the sky” n

motif= repeated idea

motif of the t-rex made out of stone suggests it is indestructible

-could also compare to the king of the area like lions are king of the jungle

-alliteration= hard sound suggests the t-rex is full of danger and negativity


flesh glittered like a thousand green coins

-simile suggest the t-rex is made out of a positivity


Soft sound suggests the t-rex is gentle and calm

Green coins suggests he is unique but can mean different interpretations. 1, the unique look is

unfamiliar so people are scared or 2. The unique appearance is viewed positively as something


I partially agree with the statement because the t-rex is viewed in a human perspective and was

described as “flesh glittered like a thousand green coins”, which shows the creature is somewhat a

positive being. The simile openly suggests the t-rex is unique and special towards us humans, and it

is imagined to be as an abstract being which attracts us in different ways. On a positive note, some

may find the creature to be special so they would like to admire it more. The adjective “ green

coins” paint the reader a picture of the t-rex valued at a high point, meaning it doesn’t have ordinary

coins but special ones. This can also be shown when travis said “ there’s his royal highness”, which

also emphasises how the t-rex hold positive power around him. His appearance also gives an idea on

how his power can be used in a good way

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