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The Second Way

Homebrew Magic
Rules for Chaosium’s
Magic World
Version 2.1
Table of Contents
Revision History ............................................................................................................................................ 3
What is The Second Way?............................................................................................................................. 4
Key Definitions .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Rules of Magic ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Laws of Magic................................................................................................................................................ 5
Basic Spell Casting ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Wizardry Skill............................................................................................................................................. 6
Using the Wizardry Fumble Table ......................................................................................................... 7
The Art of Spell Crafting ................................................................................................................................ 8
Determine Goal & Tactics ......................................................................................................................... 8
Determine Targeting ................................................................................................................................. 9
Determine Spheres & Glyphs .................................................................................................................. 10
Spheres................................................................................................................................................ 10
Glyphs ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Determine Casting Costs ......................................................................................................................... 12
Determine Range & Costs ....................................................................................................................... 13
Determine Area of Effect & Costs ........................................................................................................... 13
Determine Duration & Costs ................................................................................................................... 14
Determine Mass & Costs......................................................................................................................... 14
Determine Common Modifiers & Costs .................................................................................................. 14
Optional Rules ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Creation Spell Casting Time .................................................................................................................... 16
Multi-Affect Spells................................................................................................................................... 16
Readied Spells ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Soul Sphere ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Time Sphere ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Chronicler Notes ......................................................................................................................................... 17
How Anti-Magic Works ........................................................................................................................... 17
How Magic Resistance Works ................................................................................................................. 17
Dealing with Creations ............................................................................................................................ 17
Making Things Permanent ...................................................................................................................... 18

Sample Spells .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Index of Sample Spells ............................................................................................................................ 19
Spell Descriptions .................................................................................................................................... 19

Revision History
Rev # Date Revision Description
1.4 3/28/15 First release draft
1.5 3/30/15 • Various typos corrected.
• Removed the law of magic that prevented casters from transforming one
thing to many things.
• Added descriptions of spells and cleaned up spell summary.
1.6 4/3/15 • Various typos and formatting issues corrected.
• Added, moved and clarified text for better understanding.
• Changed the rules for wizardry skill rolls to account for spell level and
wizardry skill penalties.
• Revised and expanded wizardry fumble table.
• Added optional rules for spells causing multiple effects.
• Added a description for the sample spell Shape Change.
1.7 4/10/15 • Various typos corrected and clarifications made.
• Added to the key concepts section.
• Added to the laws of magic section.
• Added costs for enhancing or diminishing armor, protecting against fire &
frost, creating planar gates and accessing the past and future to the
common modifiers & cost table.
• Added rules for extended casting times for complex creations to the
optional rules section.
• Added the chronicler notes section.
• Added a sample spell index.
• Clarified and expanded sample spells.
• Removed the spell Rope to Nowhere.
1.8 5/11/15 • Added cover art.
• Various clarifications made.
• Corrected the amount of time it takes to cast a non-combat spell.
• Changed the order of spheres on the spell wheel.
• Changed the soul sphere to optional and added it under optional rules.
• Corrected numbers in area of effect & costs table.
• Corrected numbers in duration & costs table.
• Added costs for growing things to the mass & costs table.
• Added costs for enhancing vision and hearing, compelling beast, sentient
and spirit as well as resisting poison to the common modifiers & cost table.
• Added notes on making magical effects permanent to the chronicler notes
1.9 10/27/15 • Various typos corrected and clarifications made.
• Corrected numbers in range & costs table.

• Added comments about magic batteries to the chronicler section.
• Added comments about the MP economy to the chronicler section.
• Added a description to the spell Dip in the Pool.
2.0 5/26/16 • Added definitions for Glyph, INT rank, Level, MOV and MP. These were
inadvertently deleted in the previous version.
2.1 8/24/16 • Corrected the spell Zephyr’s Bubble.
• Replaced the Wizardry Fumble Table.
• Added a Chaotic Features Table.

What is The Second Way?

The Second Way (TSW) is a set of homebrew freeform magic rules for Chaosium’s Magic World setting.
The goal of TSW is to provide a definitive yet flexible way for crafting and scaling spells. Inspired by
Chaosium’s Deep Magic and Atlas Game’s Ars Magica, TSW revises Deep Magic’s spheres and glyphs and
provides new rules for specifying spell range, area of effect and duration as well as for affecting mass,
affecting character condition and casting spells against multiple targets.

Key Definitions
Readers new to Basic Roleplaying (BRP) or Magic World (MW) rules need to understand a few
definitions to use TSW:

Construct. An item created by a spell and designed to have a temporary existence is called a construct. A
construct is practically identical to any other item of its kind in all ways except for the facts that it
radiates magic and ceases to exist once the spell that created it expires. Spell casters may create
permanent items by sacrificing a point of POW. Permanent items that were once constructs do not
cease to exist upon expiration of the spell that created them nor do they radiate magic.

DEX rank. DEX rank is equal to the character’s dexterity score. In the action phase players take action in
order of their DEX rank from high to low.

Fumble. Fumble refers to a critical failure on a D100 skill roll and signifies that the skill not only fails but
fails in the worst possible way. For players with a skill level less than 100 a fumble occurs whenever a 99
or 00 is rolled. For players with a skill level of 100 or more a fumble occurs whenever a 00 is rolled.

Glyph. Glyph takes its name from the same concept used in Advanced Sorcery’s Deep Magic and
represents the verbs of TSW spell casting language. Examples of glyphs include control, create and

INT rank. INT rank is equal to the character’s intelligence score. In the magic phase players cast spells in
order of their INT rank from high to low.

Level. Level refers to the number of MPs spent to cast a spell with a given set of parameters (range, area
of effect or number of targets, duration, etc…). For example a spell that costs four MPs to cast is
considered a fourth level spell.

MOV. MOV refers to movement. Humans have a MOV of 8.

MP. MP is the MW acronym for magic point. MPs are expended to cast magic. The number of magic
points a character has per day is equal to their POW. For example some spells require one MP to be cast
while others require two or more to cast.

POW. POW is the BRP and MW acronym for power. POW represents a character’s willpower and for a
human starts between three and eighteen. POW dictates how many magic points (MPs) – how much
magic power a character has and impacts how successful a character will be casting magic on an
unwilling recipient.

PP. PP is the BRP acronym for power point. For purposes of these rules it is identical to MP.

Round. In combat turns are divided into 25 rounds each lasting 12 seconds.

Specialization. A spell caster is specialized in the spheres and glyphs they have been trained in and can
use those spheres and glyphs without casting costs. Spell casters using spheres or glyphs they have not
specialized in pay additional casting costs.

Spells. Spells in TSW are created from combinations of two or more spheres or glyphs where spheres
are nouns and glyphs are verbs and their antonyms.

Sphere. Sphere takes its name from the same concept used in Advanced Sorcery’s Deep Magic and
represents the nouns of TSW spell casting language. Examples of spheres include fire, body and space.

Turn. In combat turns are 5 minutes long and are divided into 25 rounds each 12 seconds long.

Wizardry skill. Wizardry skill represents a character’s proficiency with magic. The wizardry skill is rolled
against when casting a spell.

Rules of Magic
There are four rules of magic that impose limits on what a spell caster may do. These include:

1. Magic cannot create, transform or destroy a soul.

2. Transformation of a non-living thing into something normally living results in a corpse.
3. Transformation of a living thing into a thing that is not normally living will be alive for a time.
4. For magic to create or transform something permanently a point of POW must be sacrificed.

Laws of Magic
There are four laws of magic enforced by the Wizard’s Council. Failure to adhere to any law is punished
with death. The laws are:

1. Committing genocide against any community, country, people or species is forbidden.

2. Changing the past is forbidden.

3. Foretelling the future for the purpose of changing the economic situation of a person, entity or
culture is forbidden.
4. Trading, selling, or using as currency anything created or transformed with the use of magic is

Basic Spell Casting

To create a spell a caster determines their goal, tactic and combination of spheres and glyphs necessary
to make their spell a reality. Once complete the caster decides the spell parameters (range, area of
effect or number of targets, duration, etc…) and calculates total MP costs. Finally the caster calculates
the spell’s casting time which is equal to the spell’s MP costs in rounds.

Once the spell is created, casting the spell is as simple as making a wizardry skill roll and if successful,
paying the spell’s MP costs. If the roll succeeds, the caster marks off the full MP costs of the spell and
the spell operates its full duration or until it’s dismissed. If the roll fails but isn’t fumbled, one MP is lost
and the spell fails. If the roll is fumbled, all MPs are lost and the Chronicler rolls on the wizardry fumble
table to determine what happens next. Note if the character is distracted in any significant way while
casting, the spell fails and one MP is lost.

If the character successfully completes the spell outside combat, it goes off in 12 seconds multiplied by
the spell’s level.

If the character successfully completes the spell during combat, it goes off during the character’s turn
calculated based on their INT rank, in a subsequent combat round equal to the casting time of the spell
plus the current round. For example if the caster begins casting the spell in round two and the spell
requires three rounds to cast it will go off in round five.

Wizardry Skill
When casting a spell the caster rolls their wizardry skill minus the level of the spell being cast and any
wizardry skill penalties1 to determine if the spell operates correctly. The spell fails or succeeds based on
the success of the role. If the roll fails but is not fumbled the spell fails and 1 MP is lost. If the roll is
fumbled the spell fails, all MPs are lost and the Chronicler rolls on the wizardry fumble table to
determine what happens next.

Like all skills, scores higher than 100% are allowed and the higher the score the better. There are two
benefits to a high wizardry skill:

1. The higher the skill the more likely spells will be cast successfully.
2. When a spell caster receives a certain level of proficiency in a sphere or glyph they are said to be
specialized in that sphere or glyph. Specialization in the first sphere or glyph is gained at 50

See multi-affect spells in optional rules.

points of wizardry skill, the second sphere or glyph at 75 points and a new sphere or glyph at
every 50 points thereafter.

Using the Wizardry Fumble Table

Table one provides guidance for determining fumbled spell effects. The Chronicler should make the
decision based on what is appropriate for their campaign. The following is recommended:

• The duration of the fumbled affect is based on the amount of MPs used in the spell. If the spell
used six MPs or less then the duration is in hours, between seven and twelve MPs the duration
is in days, thirteen or more MPs the duration is in weeks.

Wizardry Fumble Table

Dice Roll Affect
1 – 10 Backlash: Caster suffers 1D3 HPs damage (armor does not deflect).
11 – 20 Drained: The spell takes effect, but an additional 1D6 MPs are consumed.
21 - 30 Crushing Headache: Caster loses 1D3 of INT until healed, -20% to all Intelligence-
based skills (INT returns at rate of one point per day of rest).
31 – 40 Dazed and Withered: Caster loses 1D3 CON until healed, -20% to all Perception-
based skills (CON returns at a rate of one point per day of rest).
41 – 50 Boils and Blisters: Caster loses 1D3 HPs, DEX and MOV until healed (DEX and MOV
return at a rate of one point per day of rest).
51 - 60 Weak: Caster loses 1D3 STR and all physical and combat skills reduced by -20%
until healed (STR returns at a rate of one point per day of rest).
61 – 70 Reversal: The spell is reversed in some manner. Caster and target are switched,
fire becomes ice, flesh turns to stone, etc. Duration (if applicable) is 1+1D4
71 – 80 Chaotic Feature: Make a roll on the Chaotic Features table (Table two) and gains
whatever is rolled for 1+1D4 hours/days/weeks. During this time Appearance is
lowered to 1.
81 – 90 Localized Phenomena: A massive snow / hail / lightning / rain / frog / locus /
ravens / blood storm appears and persist for 1+1D4 hours/days/weeks.
91 – 94 Explosion: Everyone within POW meters of the caster (excluding the caster) is hit
with a blast of fire / ice / rock / electricity. The explosion does D6s of damage
equal to 1/4 of the casters POW.
95 – 98 Laws of Universe Need Not Apply: A very unnatural phenomena occurs localized
on the caster within a POW x 4 meter radius. Water runs uphill, gravity is reversed,
time stops, etc. for 1+1D4 hours/days/weeks.
99 Rip in the Space Time Continuum: A hole in the universe opens (3 SIZ per magic
point) and starts sucking everything into it (10% chance it discharges something
instead) within POW x 4 meter radius for 1+1D4 hours/days/weeks.
00 Roll two times (disregard further rolls of 00).

Table 1 - Wizardry Fumble Table

Chaotic Features Table

Dice Roll Affect
1 - 10 Antennae: Large antenna which sprouts from a random location and grants a
new primary sense. Roll 1D4, 1 = Sonar, 2 = Heat, 3 = Injury, 4 = Magic.
11 - 20 Blistered: Covered in large seeping blisters. Blisters seep corrosive liquid 1D4
21 - 30 Boneless. Can squeeze through any gap.
31 - 40 Clawed: Gain a claw attack. Roll 1D4, 1 = 1D6 damage, 2 = 1D8 damage, 3 =
1D10 damage, 4 = 1D12 damage.
41 - 50 Cloven: Feet becomes cloven as a goat.
51 - 60 Horns. Gain a horn attack. Roll 1D4, 1 = 1D6 damage, 2 = 1D8 damage, 3 =
1D10 damage, 4 = 1D12 damage.
61 - 70 Mandibles: Gain a bite attack. Roll 1D4, 1 = 1D6 damage, 2 = 1D8 damage, 3 =
1D10 damage, 4 = 1D12 damage.
71 - 80 Unsettling: Covered with disturbing features such as baby arms, multiple
mouths, multiple eyes, multiple ears.
81 - 90 Tail: Gain a tail attack. Roll 1D4, 1 = 1D6 damage, 2 = 1D8 damage, 3 = 1D10
damage, 4 = 1D12 damage.
91 - 00 Roll two times (disregard further rolls of 00).
Table 2 - Chaotic Features Table

The Art of Spell Crafting

Determine Goal & Tactics
As described previously, the first thing to do when crafting a spell is to establish the goal that needs to
be accomplished.

Consider example 1 below.

Example 1:

Radon the magician is powerful but not very good at crafting spells. In combat Radon crafts a spell with
the goal of launching a fireball at his opponent.

Alecto is less powerful than Radon but is an expert in crafting spells. In combat Alecto crafts a spell with
the goal of burning her rival.

Barring defensive measures, the fulfilment of Radon’s and Alecto’s goals has the potential of inflicting
damage to their adversaries. However Radon’s goal is about creating a fireball to be launched where
Alecto’s goal is to burn her opponent. Radon’s goal is clearly more tactical defining how he wants
something to happen rather than what he wants to happen. Because Alecto established a higher level,
less tactical, goal she will have more options for crafting her spell and will do so with a higher chance of
success than Radon.

The best way to determine a spell’s goal is to think in terms of the final condition you want to come into
existence. For example if you want an enemy dead select that as the goal. Once the goal is established

choose the tactic that best fits the character’s strengths yet still makes the goal come true. Other
considerations include:

• Am I in imminent danger?
• What spells are readied?2
• What tactics are available to achieve the goal?
• Given my sphere and glyph specialization which tactics are suited to my strengths?
• What will the various tactics costs and how long will they take to casts?

Consider example 2 below.

Example 2:

Radon the powerful needs to provide a way for his party to cross a 500” wide raging river. With plenty of
time to prepare, Radon crafts a spell with the goal of creating a bridge across the river.

Alecto the less powerful also needs to provide a way for her party to cross a 500” raging river. Alecto
crafts a spell with the goal of getting her party across the river

To fulfil his goal, Radon will craft a spell of that uses the flora sphere and create glyph to manifest a 500”
long, 3” wide wooden bridge spanning the river. Radon is specialized in the create glyph but not in the
flora sphere and thus will incur casting cost. More troubling he will also incur a high MP cost for the
creation of 1,500 square feet of wood. Alecto on the other hand will craft a spell that uses the space /
time3 sphere and the control glyph to create a gate opening up on the other side of the river. Alecto is
not specialized in either the space / time3 sphere or control glyph and thus will incur casting cost.
However the MP cost of opening a gate to a destination 500 feet away is much less expensive than
creating 1,500 square feet of wood.

In short keep goals high level and focused on the condition you wish to make happen. Don’t confuse
goals with tactics.

Determine Targeting
Spells directly affecting the makeup of a target including the body, heart, mind and soul of sentient
creatures are said to be direct spells and do not require guidance to their target. These type spells
barring magical resistance always hit. However spells cast on an unwilling target incur a resistance table
roll to see if they resist the spell all together. In general spells directly affecting a target costs less than
spells indirectly affecting a target because no control glyph is used to guide the spell to its target and
because a large area of effect is not required to improve the odds of a successful hit. For example if a
spell is cast to transform a target’s body from flesh to stone, the spell is direct and thus incurs a
resistance roll.

See readied spells in optional rules.

See time sphere in optional rules.

Spells causing an effect that then (later) affects the target are said to be indirect spells and are either
guided to their targets or cast over a wide area of effect to ensure the target is hit. The advantage of
indirect spells is that they require no resistance rolls. However indirect spells usually costs more because
of either the extra control glyph they use to guide the spell to its target or the large area of effect used
to ensure the target is hit. For example if a spell is cast to create a fireball that will then be moved
towards the target, the spell is indirect and does not incur a resistance roll.

Determine Spheres & Glyphs

Many spells involve just one sphere and one glyph while others require two or more spheres or glyphs.
For instance, a spell that lifts a person into the air uses the body sphere because the spell is affecting a
human body and the control glyph because the body is being lifted (controlled). Likewise a spell that
transforms a human body making it taller and thinner with different hair color uses the body sphere
because the target to be transformed is a human body, the transform glyph because something is being
transformed, and a second body sphere because the human body is being transformed into a different
body configuration. Note when constructing spells a sphere is only paid for once. This means that
despite the example making use of two body spheres costs is only incurred for one.

From the list below select the spheres and glyphs needed to represent your spell.

Air. This sphere is used when accessing gases or weather.

Earth. This sphere is used when accessing non-organic solids. While often used to manipulate dirt and
stone it can also be used for sophisticated construction.

Fire. This sphere is used when accessing fire, heat, light or smoke. It is frequently used as a weapon.

Water. This sphere is used when accessing any liquid.

Flora. This sphere is used when accessing plants or trees, living or dead. It is also commonly used in

Fauna. This sphere is used when accessing any non-sentient creature whether the spell involves the
body, heart or mind of the creature.

Body. This sphere is used when accessing the flesh of sentient creatures. It is frequently manipulated to
both harm and heal.

Heart. This sphere is used when accessing the emotions of sentient creatures.

Mind. This sphere is used when accessing the thoughts, memories or knowledge of sentient creatures. It
is frequently manipulated to capture or convey information as well as to enhance or fool the senses.

Soul4. The soul sphere is an optional rule but if allowed, is used when accessing the spirit of sentient
creatures in the current dimension or elsewhere. The Chronicler may choose to allow the soul sphere
but limit its access to souls in the current dimension.

Energy. The sphere of energy is used when accessing any form of power or energy other than fire or
light. It is frequently used to add to or subtract from the effects of electricity, gravity, magic, magnetism,
and radiation.

Space / Time3. This sphere is used when accessing space or location on this or another dimension. The
time sphere is an optional rule but if allowed, is used when accessing the past or future. The Chronicler
may choose to allow the time sphere but limit its access. For example spell casters might be allowed to
see the past or divine the future but not travel to or affect anything in the past of future. Note not a
great deal is known about how to manipulate space or time but what is known suggest that it is
dangerous and often provides problematic results.

Control / Relinquish. This glyph is used to control something or relinquish control of something. Control
is used in a variety of conditions including the forcible takeover of a creature’s body, the lifting of heavy
objects, flying, directing of projectiles, directing magic, summoning creatures and healing (by
accelerating normal processes in a body). Likewise control’s antonym relinquish can be used to prevent
or break control of something

Transform / Reinforce. This glyph is used to transform or reinforce something. Transform is frequently
used to transform enemies into less threatening forms or the caster into a different shape. While POW is
required to make a transformation permanent, transformation may cause the thing being transformed
to be altered forever without POW. For example a crystal vase transformed into ice will regain its crystal
makeup when the spell wears off but if it melts before then, the vase will be permanently altered.
Reinforce may be used to make something resistant against transformation or to make it stronger than
it normally is.

Perceive / Obscure. This glyph is used to augment or diminish perception. Commonly used to enhance
perception by the senses this glyph can also be used to cloak or obscure something from perception.

Create / Destroy. This glyph is used to create or destroy something. Creation is often used in crafting and
construction and can also be used in healing. Creation is usually used to create an independent thing
however, when a point of POW is sacrificed it may also be used to replace missing body parts during

See soul sphere in optional rules.

Determine Casting Costs

Spells cost a minimum of one MP to cast and spells using spheres or glyphs which the caster is not
specialized in can costs much more. Casters casting a spell before they have earned any specialization in
a sphere pay six MPs per unique sphere used in the spell. Likewise casters casting a spell before they
have earned any specialization in a glyph pay two MPs per unique glyph used in the spell.

After a caster has specialized in their first sphere and glyph, casting spells becomes less expensive. A
spell’s casting costs depends on the location of the needed spheres and glyphs on their wheels relative
to those the spell caster has specialized in. For each sphere or glyph traversed either clockwise or
counterclockwise (whichever represents the shorter route) on the appropriate wheel from a sphere or
glyph the spell caster has specialized in to the needed sphere or glyph cost one MP.

Consider example 3 below.

Example 3:

Adriana has wizardry skill of 60% and thus is only specialized in one sphere - the earth sphere. She wants
to cast a spell to destroy a lock and allow her entry to a room. To do this she decides to transform the
lock to water and will need to manipulate the sphere of earth (which she specializes in thus costing her
nothing), and the sphere of water (two spheres away counterclockwise on the wheel of spheres from her
specialization of earth costing her 2 MPs) using the transform glyph (which she pays the full 2 MP costs
because she is not specialized in any glyph). Thus to be successful she needs to expend 4 MPs.

Consider example 4:

Example 4:

Succaba has a wizardry skill of 85% and is specialized in the sphere of body and the glyph of control. He
wants to cast a spell that will open a lock and allow him to enter a room. To do this he decides to control
the tumblers inside the lock and will need to manipulate the sphere of earth (five spheres away clockwise
on the wheel of spheres from his specialization costing him 5 MPs) and the glyph of control (which he
specializes in thus costing him nothing). Thus to be successful he needs to expend 5 MPs.

Determine Range & Costs

Table three is used to calculate the cost of a spell’s distance component. This includes traditional attack,
perception, gate and teleport spells as well as others.

Range & Cost Table

Range Range Cost
(meters) (feet) (MP)
0 (touch) 0 (touch) 0
16 52 1
40 131 2
100 328 3
250 820 4
625 2,051 5
1,562 5,125 6
3,906 12,815 7
9,765 32,037 8
24,414 80,098 9
61,035 200,246 10
Table 3 - Range & Costs

Determine Area of Effect & Costs

Table four is used to calculate the cost of a spell’s area of effect component. This includes traditional
attack, perception, gate and teleport spells as well as others.

Area of Effect & Costs Table

Area of Effect Area of Effect Area of Effect Individuals Cost
(square (square feet) (5ft squares) / Items (MP)
.5 5 0 1 0
1.2 13 0 2 1
2.9 31 1 3 2
7.3 79 3 5 3
18.1 195 7 6 4
45.4 489 19 7 5
113.4 1,221 48 9 6
283.5 3,052 122 10 7
708.8 7,629 305 11 8
1,772 19,074 762 13 9
4,430 47,684 1,907 14 10
Table 4 - Area of Effect & Costs

Determine Duration & Costs
Table five is used to calculate the cost of a spell’s duration component. Note spell duration is specified in
turns each turn comprising 25 rounds each 12 seconds long.

Duration & Costs Table

Duration Duration Cost
(minutes) (turns) (MP)
0 (Instant) 0 (instant) 0
5 1 1
13 2 2
31 6 3
78 15 4
195 39 5
488 97 6
1,221 244 7
3,052 610 8
7,629 1,525 9
19,073 3,814 10
Table 5 - Duration & Costs

Determine Mass & Costs

Table six is used to calculate the cost of a spell’s mass component. Note a spell may have multiple mass
costs if it has multiple affects or targets.

Mass & Costs Table

Weight Weight Create / Grow Transform Lift / Move /
(pounds) (kilos) Cost (MP) Cost (MP) Resist Costs (MP)
2 0.9 0 0 0
5 2.3 1 0 0
12.5 5.7 2 1 0
31.3 14.2 3 2 0
78.1 35.4 4 3 1
195.3 88.6 5 4 2
488.3 221.5 6 5 3
1,220.7 553.7 7 6 4
3,051.8 1,384.3 8 7 5
7,629.4 3,460.6 9 8 6
19,073.5 8,651.6 10 9 7
47,683.7 21,629 11 10 8
119,209.3 54,072.4 12 11 9
298,023.2 135,181 13 12 10
Table 6 - Mass & Costs

Determine Common Modifiers & Costs

Some spells accrue additional MP cost from the ones spelled out earlier. These include spells that
restore or remove hit points through damage or healing; remove or enhance armor points or affect

MOV; cure or cause disease, poison or insanity or create a gate; restore, remove or enhance skills such
as brawling or rapier; restore, remove or enhance characteristics such as strength or intelligence or
affect POW or MP. Table seven is used to calculate the fore mentioned however it should not be used to
calculate changes to size. For those desiring to cast a spell that changes size, table five the mass & cost
table should be used. A spell may have multiple modifier costs if it has multiple affects or targets.

Common Modifiers & Costs

Hit Points MOV / Condition / Skills Characteristics Access Cost
Armor Special / POW / MP Future / (MP)
Points Past
1D4 points 1 point 5 points NA NA 0
2D4 points 2 points 2x Vision 10 points 1 point NA 1
2x Hearing
3D4 points 3 points Disease 15 points 2 points NA 2
3x Vision
3x Hearing
5D4 points 5 points Poison 25 points 3 points NA 3
6D4 points 6 points Compel 30 points 4 points NA 4
7D4 points 7 points Hearing 35 points 5 points 5 minutes / 5
Loss days
9D4 points 9 points Insanity 45 points 6 points 6 minutes / 6
Compel days
10D4 points 10 points Magical 50 points 7 points 7 minutes / 7
Disease days
11D4 points 11 points 55 points 8 points 8 minutes / 8
13D4 points 13 points Compel 65 points 9 points 9 minutes / 9
Spirit4 days
14D4 points 14 points 70 points 10 points 10 minutes 10
/ days
Table 7 - Common Modifiers & Costs

Optional Rules
Creation Spell Casting Time
For situations where highly complex items (or body parts) are being created it’s recommended to triple
casting times. For example a caster creating a stone wall may suffer no additional casting time while a
caster creating an astrolabe has their casting time extended.

Multi-Affect Spells
A spell is a multi-affect spell if the goal of the spell is to cause multiple effects to come into being. For
example one spell might be used to both create a sphere of force around a caster while at the same
time directing a fireball at the caster’s enemies. Multi-affect spells greatly benefit the caster as they
allow the caster to both defend and attack simultaneously and often costs less than casting separate
spells as once paid for in MPs, spheres and glyphs may be reused for additional affects without
additional costs. In practice casting a multi-affect spell is identical to casting a single affect spell except
that the wizardry skill roll incurs a 20% penalty for each affect being created by the spell after the first
one. For example if a spell is cast to create a sphere of force around the caster while at the same time
launching a fireball at a target, a 20% penalty to the wizardry skill roll is incurred. Similarly if a spell is
cast to lift the caster above the battle, create a sphere of force around the caster while at the same time
launching a fireball at a target, a 40% penalty to the wizardry skill roll is incurred.

Readied Spells
A spell is readied by stepping through all the steps and rounds necessary to cast the spell save the last
one where parameters such as duration, range and area of effect, but not spheres or glyphs, are
specified. The spell caster can then, at a time of their choosing, pay the spell’s MP cost, specify pertinent
parameters and cast the readied spell in one round. The spell caster may continue to cast the readied
spell over and over each time in one round as long as they have MPs to fuel the spells. Spell casters may
have as many spells (of any level) readied as they have intelligence divided by three and rounded down.
When a spell caster wishes to change the spells readied they declare which spell is being dismissed and
ready a spell to take its place.

Soul Sphere
The optional soul sphere allows players to access the spirit of sentient creatures in the current
dimension or elsewhere. Among other things this grants the spell user the ability to raise the dead,
minimizes overall character risk and potentially affects the way players approach the game. For that
reason Chroniclers may wish to provide only limited access to the soul sphere. For example a Chronicler
might allow a character access to only those souls in the current dimension; souls that have not yet
moved on.

Time Sphere
In addition to its normal role the chronicler may expand the space sphere to enable the manipulation of
time. This heightens the power of spell users and provides not only the ability to see the past and
foretell the future but also to change the campaign’s storyline. For that reason Chroniclers may wish to

provide only limited access to the time sphere. For example a Chronicler might allow a character to see
the past and divine likely futures but not travel to the past or future, or cast a spell which affects the
past of future.

Chronicler Notes
How Anti-Magic Works
Spells are powered by the MPs allocated to them at casting time and they can be cancelled by
neutralizing those same MPs. In TSW cancelling undesirable magic can be accomplished by casting an
anti-magic spell at either the undesirable item or effect created by the magic or at the spell caster as
they cast the spell.

To create an anti-magic spell the caster selects the sphere energy because magic is being targeted and
the glyph destroy as the undesirable magic is to be neutralized. The caster then determines the range of
the spell or spell caster being targeted as well as the number of opposing MPs they want to neutralize.
Once done they use tables two and six to calculate the cost of their spell.

When cast the Chronicler indexes the number of MPs being neutralized with the level of the undesirable
spell on the resistance table to calculate the probability of success. The player then rolls percentiles
against the resulting probability to see if the undesirable spell is neutralized.

How Magic Resistance Works

In TSW magic resistance is defined as the resistance an individual has to a spell cast against them. This is
modelled by indexing the resistance table with the POW of the individual being targeted and the level of
the spell directed against them to calculate the probability of success and then having the player casting
the spell roll percentiles against that probability to see if the spell takes effect.

To create a spell that enhances or diminishes an individual’s magic resistance the caster selects the
sphere mind because willpower is being targeted and either the glyph reinforce or destroy depending on
if the magic resistance is to be enhanced or diminished. The caster then determines the range of the
spell caster being targeted as well as the number of opposing POW points they want to enhance or
diminish. Once done they use tables two and six to calculate the cost of their spell.

When cast the Chronicler indexes the caster’s POW with the POW of the individual being targeted on
the resistance table to calculate the probability of success. The player then rolls percentiles against the
resulting probability to see if the target’s POW is diminished.

Dealing with Creations

TSW rules assume that a caster with appropriate skill and MPs can create any non-magical item (or body
part) they are familiar with assuming a model exist somewhere in their dimension. Casters may not
create items for which no model exists in their dimension.

Items (or body parts) created with a fixed duration of existence are called constructs. A construct is
practically identical to any other item of its kind in all ways except for the facts that it radiates magic and
ceases to exist once the spell that created it expires.

Making Things Permanent

Spell casters may make constructs and those things transformed by magic permanent as long as the
thing to be made permanent produces no ongoing effect requiring magic. To create a permanent item
or transformation the spell casters must sacrifice a point of POW during the casting of the spell. If the
spell fails normally the POW is not lost however if the spell is fumbled the POW is lost. Permanent items
created in this way are not constructs nor do they radiate magic. For example if a spell caster wants to
create a permanent iron wall a point of POW must be sacrificed during the casting of the spell. Similarly
if a spell caster wanted to permanently transform damaged tissue in a party member’s leg into healthy
tissue a point of POW must be sacrificed during the casting of the spell. If however a spell caster wants
to make permanent an enchantment to a sword that provides an extra 4D4 of hit point damage upon
successful hit no amount of POW points would make the effect permanent as the sword causes an
ongoing effect that requires magic.

Sample Spells
Spells in this section are meant to be used as examples for new spell creation and may not represent the
only or best way to create a desired effect. Since casting costs vary the total costs of spells provided in
this section assume a casting cost of 0.

Index of Sample Spells
Level Spell

1 Disarm Trap 5 Invisible Spy

1 Invisibility 5 Phantom Armor
1 Invisibility to Infrared 5 Shape Change
1 Invisibility to Ultrasound 5 Teleport
1 Neither Seen nor Heard 5 Waiting Grave
1 Overload 6 Dig
1 Prim & Proper 6 Flesh to Stone
1 Sobriety 6 Quick Silver
1 Telepathic Cell Phone 6 Resist Magic
1 Unlock 6 Wings of Hermes
1 Unperceivable Defect 7 Anti-Magic
1 Your Gun is Jammed 7 Bird’s Eye View
2 Airy Bubble 7 Enlarge
2 Create Illusion 7 Flock
2 Cure Disease 7 Forked Lightning
2 Detect Magic 7 Invulnerability Sphere
2 Extended Touch 7 Wall of Brambles
2 Flip the Switch 8 Air to Poison
2 Guide Missile 8 Protection from Flesh
2 Speed Read 8 Protection from Missiles
2 Witch Sight 8 Zephyr’s Bubble
3 Arcane Surgery 9 Electromagnetic Pulse
3 Combine Magic 9 Protection from Fire
3 Combine Will 9 See Future3
3 Eagle Vision 10 Gate
3 Fly 10 Wards
3 Heal 11 See Past3
4 Battering Ram 12 Dip in the Pool
4 Create Item 12 Gate of the Planes
4 Create Light 13 Capture Soul4
4 Fiery Weapon 14 House in the Heights
5 Detect Traps 16 Raise Newly Dead4
5 Detonate 27 Possess Body4
5 Incinerate

Spell Descriptions
Level 1

Disarm Trap(1) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Earth, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control Cost

Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description A trap up to 16 meters away is disarmed. Note the trap must have
been identified to the caster before the spell is cast.

Invisibility(1) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Fire, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Cloaks the target so that light bends around them.

Invisibility to Infrared(1) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Fire, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Mask the target such that the target’s body heat is undetectable.

Invisibility to Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Energy, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Cloaks the target so that sound bends around them.

Neither Seen nor Heard(1) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Fire, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Fire, Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Energy, Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Bends light, heat, and sound around the target making them / it
invisible and soundless. Spell has 3 effects resulting in a skill penalty of

Overload(1) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0
Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Energy, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll 0 Uses POW No
Description Overloads a targeted electrical device connected to external power.

Prim & Proper(1) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Water, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Fire, Mass 2.3 kilos Mass Costs 1
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Cleans the target and their clothes instantly and spotlessly. Spell has 2
effects resulting in a skill penalty of 20%. Note the mass above reflects
the water that has to be created and controlled.

Sobriety (1) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Destroy Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description All alcohol in the body of the target is eliminated making them
completely sober.

Telepathic Cell Phone(1) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Energy, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Create Cost
Mind, Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Creates an invisible cell phone made up of energy and links it
telepathically to the target so they may communicate via thought over
the telephone network. Spell has 2 effects resulting in a skill penalty of

Unlock(1) Duration 0 Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Earth, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass .9 kilos Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Unlocks any non-magically locked lock.

Unperceivable Defect(1) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Earth, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Transform Cost
Mass .9 kilos Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Transforms the targets such that a critical fault specified by the caster
comes into being and then returns to normal. Examples of use might
be to short out an electrical system or damage a natural gas line.

Your Gun is Jammed(1) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Earth, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 5.7 kilos Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Jams a bullet in the receiver or magazine of the targeted gun up to 16
meters away. Note the targeted gun must have bullets in it for this
spell to be effective.

Level 2

Airy Bubble(2) Duration 13 minutes Duration Cost 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Air, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Target’s head is surrounded by an airy bubble providing 13 minutes of
breathable oxygen.

Create Illusion(2) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0

Energy, Area of Effect 1.2 square meters Area of Effect 1
Create Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description An illusion up to 1.2 square meters in any form or level of detail
required is created. The illusion created will have no tactile, olfactory
or audible traits.

Cure Disease(2) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition Disease Condition Costs 2
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Target is immediately cured of any non-magical disease such as flu,
small pox, cancer, leprosy, etc…

Detect Magic(2) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Mind, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Perceive, Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Detect magic out to a 16 meter range.

Extended Touch(2) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Earth, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 14.2 kilos Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Target has fine grain control of any item made up of earth up to 16
meters away.

Flip the Switch(2) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1
Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Energy, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll 0 Uses POW No
Description Stops the flow of electrons through the target.

Guide Missile(2) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Earth, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 14.2 kilos Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Guides one missile to its target whether it be a bullet, arrow, rocket,

Speed Read(2) Duration 13 minutes Duration Cost 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Mind, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Perceive, Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Enables the target to quickly flip through each page of a book and
memorize everything in it for 5 minute. Note comprehension is not
enhanced and is limited by the target’s intelligence.

Witch Sight(2) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Mind, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Perceive, Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Target sees an aura around individuals that allows them to determine
how powerful the individual’s POW is in relationship to themselves.

Level 3

Arcane Surgery(3) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0
Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Mind Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Perceive, Cost
Body, Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 3 characteristic Condition Costs 3
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW Yes
Description Target is healed up to 3 points of characteristic losses incurred
because of a major wound. Note the caster must sacrifice a point of
POW to make the recovery of characteristic points permanent. Spell
has 2 effects resulting in a skill penalty of 20%.

Combine Magic(3) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Energy, Area of Effect 3 individuals Area of Effect 2
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Enables the caster to combine MPs from 3 individuals for their next

Combine Will(3) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Energy, Area of Effect 3 individuals Area of Effect 2
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Enables the caster to combine POW from 3 individuals for their next
spell’s resistance roll. Note this spell cannot be cast on unwilling

Eagle Vision(3) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Perceive Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 3x Vision Condition Costs 2
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Increases the target’s vision by 3x.

Fly(3) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 88.6 kilos Mass Costs 2
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description 195 pound person can fly for 5 minutes.

Heal(3) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 5D4 hit points Condition Costs 3
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description The target is healed 5D4 hit points. Spell does not allow target to
exceed their maximum total hit points.

Level 4

Battering Ram(4) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Air, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 553.7 kilos Mass Costs 4
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Target touched by caster is subjected to a concussive force equal to
553.7 kilos being smashed against it.

Create Item(4) Duration 13 minutes Duration Cost 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Earth, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Create Cost
Mass 5.7 kilos Mass Costs 2
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Any object desired by the caster is created as long as it weighs less
than 5.7 kilos.

Create Light(4) Duration 78 minutes Duration Cost 4

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Fire, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Create Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0

Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description A ball of light is created that illuminates the surrounding area
equivalent to a torch.

Fiery Weapon(4) Duration 13 minutes Duration Cost 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Fire, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control, Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 3D4 hit points Condition Costs 2
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description The weapon the spell is applied to blazes with fire and inflicts 3D4
extra hit points of damage upon striking its target.

Level 5

Detect Traps(5) Duration 78 minutes Duration Cost 4

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Mind, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Perceive, Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Target becomes aware of any trap within 16 meters.

Detonate(5) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Destroy Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 6D4 hit points Condition Costs 4
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Target either partially or completely explodes causing 6D4 hit points

Incinerate(5) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Fire, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Create Cost
Fire, Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 6D4 hit points Condition Costs 4

Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description An orb of fire rushes from the caster to the target causing 6D4 hit
points of damage. Spell has 2 effects resulting in a skill penalty of 20%.

Invisible Spy(5) Duration 31 minutes Duration Cost 3

Spheres & Glyphs Range 40 meters Range Cost 2
Body, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Create Cost
Energy, Mass .05 kilos Mass Costs 0
Body, Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Mind, Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description An invisible orb is created that can both hear and see as a normal
human. Spell caster controls the orb mentally and sees and hears what
the orb sees and hears. Spell has 4 effects resulting in a skill penalty of

Phantom Armor(5) Duration 13 minutes Duration Cost 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Energy, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 5 armor points Condition Costs 3
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description An invisible shell of energy surrounds the target providing 5 armor
points of protection.

Shape Change(5) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Transform Cost
Mass 88.6 kilos Mass Costs 4
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Target is transformed into anything with similar mass as desired by the

Teleport(5) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control, Cost
Mass 88.6 kilos Mass Costs 4
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0

Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Target is teleported to a location specified by the caster up to 16
meters away. An individual teleporting into a solid object takes 6D4 hit
points damage and becomes lost in the void.

Waiting Grave(5) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Earth, Area of Effect 1.2 square meters Area of Effect 1
Control Cost
Mass 221.5 kilos Mass Costs 3
Condition 00 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description The soil or rock below the target’s feet is expelled all around the target
and then piled on top the target after if falls into the resulting hole.
This effectively buries the target. If the target is living it expires from
lack of oxygen after 3 minutes.

Level 6

Dig(6) Duration 0 Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Earth, Area of Effect 1.2 square meters Area of Effect 1
Control Cost
Mass 1,384.3 kilos Mass Costs 5
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Removes 1,384.3 kilos of dirt from a 1.2 meter by 1.2 meter targeted

Flesh to Stone(6) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Body, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Transform, Cost
Mass 88.6 kilos Mass Costs 4
Condition 0 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description A targeted individual up to 16 meters away is transformed into stone.

Quick Silver(6) Duration 5 minutes Duration Cost 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 9 MOV points Condition Costs 6

Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description The MOV of the target increases from 8 to 17. Target is able to do any
physical activity faster and their combat speed is enhanced such that
they get double the normal number of actions. At the expiration of the
spell target is fatigued twice as much as they would be normally.

Resist Magic(6) Duration 13 minutes Duration Cost 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Energy, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Reinforce Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 4 POW points Condition Costs 4
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description The target rolls POW resistance rolls with a POW score 4 points higher
than normal effectively improving the target’s resistance to magic.

Wings of Hermes(6) Duration 13 minutes Duration Cost 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 88.6 kilos Mass Costs 4
Condition 00 Condition Costs 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Small wings sprout out of the target’s feet or shoes. The spell allows
individuals up to 88.6 kilos to fly for 13 minutes.

Level 7

Anti-Magic(7) Duration 0 Duration 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Energy, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Destroy Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 6
Condition 6 magic points Condition 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description 6 points of anti-magic is applied to a target up to 16 meters away. To
determine the effect, a resistance roll is made using the 6 points of
anti-magic against the level of the spell being targeted. If the
resistance roll is successful the spell being targeted dissipates.

Bird’s Eye View(7) Duration 5 minutes Duration 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 1,562 meters Range Cost 6

Mind, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Perceive, Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Spell caster or individual touched is able to see through the eyes of
one targeted bird for 5 minutes and as long as they stay within 1,562

Enlarge(7) Duration 5 minutes Duration 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Transform Cost
Mass 553.7 kilos Mass Costs 4
Condition 0 Condition 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description The target increases in size and mass by 553.7 kilos. For living things
check the size table in the MW book to determine the new total size
of the creature or individual.

Flock(7) Duration 31 minutes Duration 3

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 1 individual Area of Effect 0
Transform, Cost
Mass 88.6 kilos Mass Costs 4
Condition 0 Condition 0
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Target is transformed into a flock of approximately 88 1 kilo ravens.
Birds can fly approximately .5 miles a minute for 31 minutes before
returning back to their normal form. Each bird represents 1/88th of
the target’s characteristics and if any are killed the target loses that
amount of characteristics.

Forked Lightning(7) Duration 0 Duration 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 16 meters Range Cost 1
Energy, Area of Effect 3 individuals Area of Effect 2
Create Cost
Energy, Mass 0 Mass Costs 0

Condition 6D4 hit points Condition 4
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description A bolt of lightning rushes from the caster and forks to strike 3 targets
causing 6D4 hit points of damage to each one. Spell has 2 effects
resulting in a skill penalty of 20%.

Invulnerability Sphere(7) Duration 13 minutes Duration 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Energy, Area of Effect 1.2 square meters Area of Effect 1
Create, Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 6 armor points Condition 4
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Creates a sphere of force surrounding the spell caster and one other
that acts much like a parrying weapon and has 6 armor points. Sphere
can be brought down with a successful anti-magic spell or by doing
more than 6 points of damage in a single attack. In the event more
than 6 points of damage is inflicted upon the sphere in a single attack
it collapses but the additional damage is not passed to the occupants.

Wall of Brambles(7) Duration 13 minutes Duration 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Flora, Area of Effect 2.9 square meters Area of Effect 2
Control Cost
Mass 221.5 kilos Mass Costs 3
Condition 0 Condition 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Causes a wall of 2.9 square meters of brambles to instantly spring
from the ground in any desired configuration. Spell is frequently used
to provide a protective barrier around a spell caster.

Level 8

Air to Poison(8) Duration 5 minutes Duration 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 40 meters Range Cost 2
Air, Area of Effect 18.1 square meters Area of Effect 4
Transform Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0

Condition 2D4 hit points Condition 1
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description Air in an 18.1 square meters area is transformed into poison cloud
starting at a point 40 meters away. Anyone in the radius of the cloud
rolls resistance against a potency of 8 or take 2D4 of damage.

Protection from Flesh(8) Duration 13 minutes Duration 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 1.2 square meters Area of Effect 1
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 35 skill points Condition 5
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW No
Description The hit probability for any sentient creature made of flesh striking,
clawing or biting the target is diminished by 35%.

Protection from Duration 13 minutes Duration 2

Missiles(8) Cost
Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Earth, Area of Effect 1.2 square meters Area of Effect 1
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 35 skill points Condition 5
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description The hit probability for any missile weapon directed at the target is
diminished by 35%.

Zephyr’s Bubble(8) Duration 13 minutes Duration 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Air, Area of Effect 1.2 square meters Area of Effect 1
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 35 skill points Condition 5
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description A sphere of gusting winds reduces the hit probability for any missile
weapon directed at the target by 35%.

Level 9

Electromagnetic Pulse(9) Duration 0 Duration 0
Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Energy, Area of Effect 1,772 square meters Area of Effect 9
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description An electromagnetic pulse spreads out from the caster for 1,772 square
meters destroying all non-shielded electrical devices.

Protection from Fire(9) Duration 13 minutes Duration 2

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Fire, Area of Effect 1.2 square meters Area of Effect 1
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition Fire protection Condition 6
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Normal fires entering the 1.2 square meters surrounding the target are

See Future(9) Duration 5 minutes Duration 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Time, Area of Effect 5 individuals Area of Effect 3
Perceive Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 5 minutes forward Condition 5
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Target sees 5 minutes into the future for each of 5 individuals.

Level 10

Gate(10) Duration 5 minutes Duration 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 100 meters Range Cost 3
Space, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control, Cost
Mass 553.7 kilos Mass Costs 6

Condition 0 Condition 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description A gate is created opening up to a location up to 100 meters away. The
spell expires at the end of 5 minutes or when more than 553.7 kilos
(total) passes through it. If an individual passes through the gate
triggering the weight limit that individual does not emerge from the
gate as they become lost in the void.

Wards(10) Duration 1,221 minutes Duration 7

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Mind, Area of Effect 7.3 square meters Area of Effect 3
Perceive, Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 0 Condition 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description A specific location (such as a campsite) is warded such that any
sentient creature made of flesh entering the 7.3 square meters area of
effect will cause the caster to be notified of their presence. The spell
last 14 hours and is capable of waking sleeping characters as

Level 11

See Past(11) Duration 78 minutes Duration 4

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Time, Area of Effect 2.9 square meters Area of Effect 2
Perceive, Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 5 days backwards Condition 5
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Target sees 5 days into the past for a 2.9 square meter area.

Level 12

Dip in the Pool(12) Duration 31 minutes Duration 3

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0

Earth, Area of Effect 2.9 square meters Area of Effect 2
Transform Cost
Mass 1,384.3 kilos Mass Costs 7
Condition 0 Condition 0
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Transforms 2.9 square meters of earth into a pool of hot water
suitable for bathing. The spell has a duration of 31 minutes.

Gate of the Planes(12) Duration 5 minutes Duration 1

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Space, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control, Cost
Mass 553.7 kilos Mass Costs 5
Condition Planar gate Condition
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description An extra dimensional gate is created opening up to a dimension of the
caster’s choice. The spell expires at the end of 5 minutes or when
more than 553.7 kilos (total) passes through it. If an individual passes
through the gate triggering the weight limit that individual does not
emerge from the gate as they become lost in the void.

Level 13

Capture Soul(13) Duration 0 Duration 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Soul, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition Compel soul Condition 13
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW Yes
Description The soul of the target is removed from their body and stored in a glass

Level 14

House in the Heights(14) Duration 1,221 minutes Duration 7

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0

Earth, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Create Cost
Mass 553.7 kilos Mass Costs 7
Condition 7 Condition 7
Resistance Roll No Uses POW No
Description Creates a fully equipped apartment atop a 90ft tall poll for 14 hours.

Level 16

Raise Newly Dead(16) Duration 0 Duration 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Body, Area of Effect 0 Area of Effect 0
Control Cost
Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition 5D4 hit points, Condition 3+13=16
compel soul Costs
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW Yes
Description The body of a person dead less than 48 hours is healed 5D4 hit points
while their soul is forced back into their body.

Level 27

Possess Body(27) Duration 0 Duration 0

Spheres & Glyphs Range 0 Range Cost 0
Soul, Area of Effect 2 individuals Area of Effect 1
Control Cost
Soul, Mass 0 Mass Costs 0
Condition Compel soul, Condition 13+13=26
compel soul Costs
Resistance Roll Yes Uses POW Yes
Description The soul in the target body is cast into the ether and the soul in the
spell caster or individual touched is moved into the target body. Spell
has 2 effects resulting in a skill penalty of 20%.


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