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2 Photographic Sequence & Reflection On Applications

Delaney Jackson

Assignment 2.2: Photographic Sequence & Application to the Classroom

MEDT 7490 Visual and Media Literacy for Teaching & Learning

Professor Heather Wire

5 February 2023

Original Photographic Sequence

A2.2 Photographic Sequence & Reflection On Applications
Applications of Visual Thinking Strategy (VTS) Exercises in the Classroom

I am an English Language Arts teacher at the moment, and before that I was a Spanish

teacher at the upper levels. So, I am familiar with trying a variety of tactics to get my students to

produce better creative writing in multiple languages. The ones that work best usually include

some sort of visual or drawing element. After practicing a VTS activity, I could tell a difference

in the level of detail and direction in my own creative writing, and I hope that using this type of

activity will increase my students’ ability to add detail and direction to their work as well.

Moreover, my current students struggle with making inferences in literature. Making

inferences in literature is a large part of Georgia’s 8th Grade ELA Standards ELAGSE8RL1 and

ELAGSE8RI1. I recall from the readings that in VTS exercises, teachers are supposed to ask

their students to account for their answers based on what they see in the visual provided. As soon

as I read that, I started looking for illustrations to accompany the short stories that I know we

will be reading throughout the semester; my plan is to have the students analyze the visual I

provide and make inferences so that I can then point out to them that they should be following

the same sort of inference process as we read the story. I hope that this type of connection will

help them to make stronger, more clear inferences!

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