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Dajai T., Modesto, California, USA

Genre: Comedic
Description: A teenager accidentally sends a very personal text to the school

Oh-My-God, OH MY GOD! I did not just accidentally send a text to Sky about
the fact that I have a crush on Gaston. Oh no, this is bad, this is really bad.
I’m going to die! Gaston is semi-popular and he is definitely going to find out.
Why does Sky have to be such a gossiper with her amazing looks and
gorgeous hair, although she is still a “four eyes”, but I guess I can’t say
anything (points to glasses). Ugh, I am literally going to die. (Looks at phone)
Oh, she hasn’t read the text message. Okay, Plan B, cover story, come on
think of a cover story. Ummmm… I can text her that I meant “I like shakes
but not protein ones. Those are bad for me. Instead of “I like Gaston, he’s so
cute. But it is bad for me to as him out?” I will tell her it was auto-correct.
(Texting.) Please believe me. “Oh okay, I believe you.” Yes, SHE BELIEVED
ME!! …. Great, now I’m hungry.

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