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Botanical Name: Syzygium cuminii Skeels

Family: Myrtaceae

Chromosome number: 40/ 66(x=11, hexaploidy)

Origin: INDIA

Origin and Distribution

Native to India.

Distributed in Tropical and Subtropical region of India, Thailand, Philippines, Madagascar, West
Indies, East and West Africa, Algeria, Israel, and California.

In India it grows from Indo-Gangetic plains in North to Tamil Nadu in South. It successfully grows up
to an elevation of 1300 m in Himalayas to 1600 m in Kumaon. It grows in UP, GJ, MH, AP, KN, Kerela,
Assam, Andaman Islands.

It grows in wastelands, marshy areas and drought prone regions as well.

Found on roadside, jungles and as windbreaks.

Area and Production

India is the leading producer. MH ranks first in jamun production followed by UP, TN, GJ and Assam.


Dense foliage provides shade thus found growing on roadside as avenue tree.

Windbreaks on bunds.

LEAVES: marriage pandal décor in MH, livestock feed specially during drought, food for tassar
silkworm. Leaves rich in tannin and contain esterase and galloyl carboxylase which are active in
tannin biosynthesis. Essential oil from leaves has turpentine odour and used to scent soap and cheap

WOOD: agriculture equipment, bullock cart, doors, windows, railway sleepers, beams, rafter posts,
oars, masts, well lining and as fuel. Hard durable wood made waterproof by kiln drying.

BARK: 8-19% tannin useful in leather and preserving fishing net. Brown dyes.

Venerated by Buddhists. Tree sacred to Krishna. Leaves and fruit offered to Ganesh.

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