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an idiot
but the context it is used in has a wide

eh sial, go die lah

wahhh, damn nice siaaaal
babi sial lah u

by yeetthefleet March 8, 2019

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a power word able to be used in virtually

any situation. mainly used by teenage
hooligans, almost as a greeting, or a
verbal way of showing excitement, shock,
happiness, exhaustion, or purely just for
noise. derived from the malay term
"sial", sial is used for the opposite reason
opposed to calling someone an idiot.

Timothy: "eh walao Cymon give me back

my g string lah"
Cymon: " *click* sial"

-Exam period-
Sharan: *drops calculator*
rest of teenagers in unison: "sial"

Zenden: "Sharan money now"

Sharan: "seeyial"
Zenden: *takes bottle lol*

by cinnamoncracker October 15, 2019

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siale is a guy that takes everything as a

joke, who is so hilarious and always
wants to have a good time! hes always
down to party and puts family before
anything. Hes usually pretty churchy and
involved in a church group, usually which
plays sports and always have get
togethers on a certain day. A very pretty
girl will be a!er him because of how well
he gets along with her and because of his
personality, she will also think the world
of him because of his cuteness. Siale is
an overly nice, generous person but the
type of person who has been brought up
in a hard family. So this means he does
not like to show his true feelings
otherwise he feels like a pussy, he refers
to himself as gangsta but on the inside he
is a very so! person. He will not be very
into the whole relationship thing but
one day a girl will come along and he will
open his whole heart up to her.

that siale guy is so special

by crazycrazyCRAAZY. June 30, 2011

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Sial is a word to praise someone who is

sexy, handsome, and beautiful, among
the people who are always called sial are
people who are smart and sit in the front

For example: hye Mark! You You are so

sial today

by Rusyaid March 10, 2021

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Sial mean unlucky or shit

Sial teacher come

by Lu pi January 10, 2022

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Commonly used as a curse-word.

It's a word from SEA (South-East Asia).
Somehow, it could mean "bad luck" or
something along the lines of "hardship".

But commonly used like when you say

(But it doesn't mean "Poo")

It may also be used to address someone

(Which you could translate to

Other variants of this are:

-"Sialan" (Another way to say "Sial")

-"Be(r)sialan" (Meaning: Being a shit or

To exclaim or simply curse, you say: Sial!

To address someone rudely, you say:

Hey, Sial.

by Vince0110 January 1, 2022

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sial is mean kind <3

ashraf: arif, youre so sial.

by ydifhjgditufxupih December 8, 2020

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