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Title: Understanding and Addressing the Unemployment Problem among Young Graduates in

Bangladesh: A comparative study on DU students

Introduction: Unemployment is a global issue that has an adverse effect on economic growth,
social progress and the lives of individuals and communities. The young graduates face so much
challenges as they enter the job market with high aspirations but they face many problems at the
same time. Bangladesh, a rapidly developing country, is not out of this trend. A large number of
young people are entering the job market every year. So, addressing and understanding the
unemployment problem among young graduates are so much crucial for the country’s sustainable
Bangladesh has made a great advancement in many sectors in recent years including poverty
eradication, education and health care. As a result, the number of young graduates has increased
all over the Bangladesh. But the job market is not ready to keep pace with the rising number of
young graduates that results in the disparity between the job seekers and available employment
Problem Statement: The problem is high unemployment rate among the young graduates of
Bangladesh. Although they have the educational qualifications and aspirations, a great number of
graduates are remained unemployed that are limiting themselves to contribute to the country’s
economy and social well-being. It is creating challenges not only for the individuals but also for
the country’s fast-growing economy.
Objectives of the Study:
➢ General objectives of the study: To understand the factors regarding the high
unemployment rate in the country.
➢ Specific objectives of the study:
• To identify the specific challenges and barriers in getting their job searching
• To explore the strategies that can be implemented in to address the unemployment
problem among the young graduates.
• To provide the recommendations and policy suggestions to relevant stakeholders
for effective youth employment promotion.
Rationale: Understanding and addressing the unemployment problem among the young graduates
are crucial for many reasons. Firstly, it’s important to invest in the potential youths for the country’s
sustainable development and economic growth. The nation can use the skills and talents of the
country’s youths by creating meaningful employment opportunities that will enable them to
contribute country’s development, productivity and innovation. Secondly, high unemployment rate
can create social unrest and discontent that will annihilate the social stability and cohesion.
Addressing the issue will create a positive environment that will help the youths to flourish. And
finally, finding the challenges and barriers of job searching process, this paper will give valuable
insights to the policymakers and various stakeholders that will help to address the problem
➢ Literature review: I will conduct an extensive review of existing studies, reports and
academic literature related to the unemployment problems among the young graduates of
Bangladesh. It will help me to establish a foundation of knowledge and find the gaps in the
➢ Data collection: I will use a mixed-methods approach to collect the relevant data. This may
involve interviews, focus group discussions with young graduates, employers and other
stakeholders. We will collect qualitative data.
➢ Data analysis: I will analyze the collected data using appropriate statistical techniques. This
may help to understand the current unemployment patterns and relationships among the
factors responsible for unemployment.

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