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Facial muscles are vital for expressing emotions, speaking,
and mastication. The muscles controlling facial expressi ons
can be divided into two groups: superficial and deep

The superficial muscles include the frontalis, orbicularis
oculi, zygomaticus, buccinator, orbiculari s oris, and
platysma muscles. These muscles are located in the

subcutaneous layer of the face and are responsibl e for facial Fi g1. Sho w superficial muscl e o f facial
exp ressio n(Revise Den tal . (n .d.).
expression (Balan & Anbazhagan, 2018).
The orbi cularis oculi muscles are responsible for eyelid

closure, whil e the zygomaticus muscles are responsible

for movi ng the corners of the mouth during smiling.

The deep muscles comprise the muscl es of facial

expression, mastication, and the pharynx/palate. These

muscles are located beneath the superficial muscles.
The muscles of mastication, including the masseter and
temporalis muscles, are responsible for chewing and
Fi g.2 show deep muscle o f facial
exp ressio n (Farnoosh, G., Ashrafi, A. A.,
biting movements.
& Farnoosh, H. (2020).
The muscles of facial expression, such as the risori us
contri bute to smiling and facial expression (Post et al., 2019).

The pharynx and palate muscles contribute to swallowing, breathing, and


Knowledge of facial muscle anatomy is crucial for diagnosing and treating

neurol ogical disorders that affect facial expression and masti cation. It is also
important for developing new therapies. (Sahni et al., 2020).
In conclusion, The facial muscles include both superficial and deep muscles
that work in harmony to produce various expressions and movements of the

Refer ences:

Balan, J. S., & Anbazhagan, V. (2018). Anatomy and surgical exposure of facial
nerve. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 70(3), 397-

Post, J., Jaspers, R. T., van der Stoel, M., & Meek, M. F. (2019). A closer look at
the anatomy of the facial musculature. Aesthetic Surgery Journal,
39(Supplement_3), S43-S50.

Sahni, H., Komolafe, E. O., Mishra, N., Korsiak, J., & Bailey, B. M. (2020). The
clinical anatomy of facial muscles and its importance in clinical anatomy
education: A systematic review. Anatomical Sciences Education, 13(6), 707-718

1. Farnoosh, G., Ashrafi , A. A., & Farnoosh, H. (2020). Facial Rejuvenation: New
Techniques and Technologies. In Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery (pp. 195-204).
Springer. https://doi .org/10.1007/978-3-030-57931-9_13

2. Revise Dental. (n.d.). Muscles of Facial Expression.


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