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“The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given

the wish to learn.”

Welcome to my portfolio. I am Wenifred A. Balagan jr., a student of Saint Tonis College and Inc., under the
program Bachelor of Secondary Education, majoring in mathematics. I choose to be a teacher because I want
to make a difference. I could have chosen a different field where I could serve the society but I think that
education is the right field where I could fully realize this goal. I believe that education is the most important
asset any one will have, and one asset which has the greatest impact on the person and to everyone around
them. As a future teacher, I have come to the right place to eliminate the misconceptions about these
students. My experience in the off-campus training made me realize that teaching needs require ten times
patience, understanding, compassion, passion and optimism. Teaching is a profession that one cannot be
taken for granted, sometimes it is frustrating and exhausting, but these are taken away by just one small
smile of students.

Education in a traditional definition, is the acquisition of knowledge, development of powers of reasoning

and logic, and preparation of oneself for mature life. Educators basically are the people who will provide all
the needs and opportunities the pupils to learn, grow, and to be mature.

When teaching, one must observe many factors evolving around one student’s life, such as hereditary, home
environment and the society he/she involves in. These factors will help the teacher to come up what
methods and materials that fit the child’s natural inclinations and his/her way of processing knowledge. The
teacher’s primary role is to guide, rather than the source of learning, the students in finding answers to
themselves, and view mistakes as misconceptions, not the learner’s weakness. The teacher must also provide
students’ access to hands-on activities, allow them enough space and time to reinforce the lesson for the
pupils to discover on their own and where construction of knowledge to happen.

Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

Find The Area of a Square

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the class will be able to:

a. derives a formula for finding the area of a square

cooperate actively in finding the formula for the area of a square

explain the formula or method that can be used to find the area of a square

II. Subject Matter

Skill: Deriving a formula for finding the area of a square

Reference: BEC PEL B. 1.3.2, Teacher’s Manual for Mathematics III

Materials: manila paper, flash cards, marker, worksheets

III. Lesson Proper

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer

2. Greetings: Good morning class. (Good morning, sir red, good

morning classmates we are here now.) Checking of Attendance - Raise your hand and say present as I call
your name. (Present,)

Drill - Game

Ask questions that will let them measure object found inside the classroom.

1. What is the length and the width of the box? (24 cm, ma’am)

2.What unit of measure did you use when you measure the book, paper etc. (centimeter,


Motivation - Pairing

Teacher will distribute matches to students.

1. Form a square using the number of matches you have. (Pupils will make a square)

B. Discussion/Activities/Procedure

1. Teacher discussion/demonstration

Present a square figure with grid lines, so that they are able to count the square units. What is a square?
What can you say about the sides? (They have the same length)

What is an area? (It is the number of square units that cover a figure)

What is a square unit? (It is used in measuring an area)

1 small square represents 1 square unit. The square has 16 units, so the area for this square is 16 square
units. Find the area of a square anyway that you can. (Give them few minutes) How do you find out the area
of a square? (By counting the small squares)

2. Pupil Activities

I will group you into 5.

Here is your activity you will do today.

1. Let the students find the area of a square, using any method they want. Some students when they go into
squares will already use the formula A=SxS or A=LxW to solve for the area. Other students who still don’t
know the formula will resort to counting the square units, or they are forced to use A=SxS. If some groups
have finished, ask the following questions:
Please explain how you found the area of a square. (We count all the square units/ We multiply the length
and the width of the square/We multiply the side by itself)

What method did you use? (Side multiply by side/length multiply by width/counting)

Can you tell how the formula works to give you the area of a square?

3. Collaborative Learning (Groupings)

Are you ready for the next activity? (Yes, sir)

Direction: find the area of a square whose side is 6cm

There are students who still draw the grid and count the squares to find the area. There are students who
will have the measurement of the side to make a new method for finding the area. After several minutes, ask
one representative from each group to answer the following questions.

How did you find the area of a square?

Did you find another way which can solve the area of a square?

If you use a formula, how does it work to give you the area of a square?

Answer: A=SxS A=6cm x 6cm

A=S2 A= 36cm2

To find the area, just count the number of square units in the square, or by multiplying the lengthof the
sides. The length of the line is multiplied by itself, therefore s squared.

D. Group Games - Question relay

We will have a game which is called Question relay, do you want to join? (We all want to

join,) Directions:

One will come forward to the board to answer the question. The first group who can answer correctly all the
questions within 4 minutes wins. 1. 3cm2. 9cm 3. 5cm 4. 8dm 5. 7m

E. Generalization

What can you say the sides of the square? (They all have the same length/size, ma’am). How to find the area
of a square? (Multiply the side by itself)

Formula: A = SxS or A = S2

Where A = number of square units which cover the surface

S= side of square
F. Application - flashcards

Find the area of a square. Solve on the board

1. 8cm 2. 5cm 3. 10cm 4.2m

IV. Evaluation

Find the area of a square

1. 10 m 2. 3 in 3.8m 4. 2cm 5. 12cm

V. Assignment

Read the following problems, then solve.

1. A square shaped garden has a side of 6 meters. What is its area?

2. If one side of a family picture measures 12 cm, then what is its area?

3. Mandy bought a square lot with a side measuring 5m. What is the area of a square?

4. You have a square scarf with its area of 81 cm2. Give its side.

5. Draw a square with an area of a 9cm2. What is the length of its side?

Building a Knowledge Base.

The purpose of this phase is to acquire new knowledge and information and to build a conceptual
understanding of it. Activities in this phase might include goal setting, assessing needs, participating in
interactive workshops, and forming a study group.

Observing Models and Examples.

The purpose of this phase is to study instructional examples in order to develop a practical understanding of
theresearch. In this phase, one might participate in activities such as school and classroom visitations, peer
observation and using instructional artifacts.

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