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The Internet has changed the way all humans live.

Owing to the impossible-to-

quantify amount of metadata that is available on the web, now people are able to
experience new ways of living. The main changes, which the great deal of metadata
being public, have caused are related to education, jobs, and social relations.
These days, it is fair to say that education has adapted well to the sources of
information that the Internet holds. Students have showed that they are capable of
obtaining valuable data from the Internet, and furthermore, teachers have
transitioned from the old learning-teaching methods to the modern ones that utilize
technological devices. To exemplify, it is nowadays possible to be enrolled in
courses that are completely imparted online. Normally, in these types of courses,
all the material is given in the form of links that contain valuable documents for
any course. Therefore, education is one of the principal aspects that is under the
influence of the enormous deal of information available on the Internet.Another
aspect that has been deeply influenced by the accessibility to information is jobs.
In the present, online jobs are more common than ever thanks to connectivity. Then,
since an online worker is not able to get physical documentation because he cannot
be at the facilities of his company, he turns to search for manuals and books
available on the web; therefore, this employee can accomplish his tasks using the
metadata. In consequence, the labor environments are now different, inasmuch as the
information accessible through the global network has modified the classical
working models of companies.At present, social relations have become easier to
form. There are a myriad of different web browsers and applications that help
people find people on the web. Applications use metadata in order to operate.
Because of these many options to make contact with a person, people are getting
more and more comfortable interacting with remote individuals; it is even possible
to establish a conversation without knowing the person we are searching for
directly owing to the fact that the web offers us the contact and social profiles
of that person. Thus, social relations have been impacted by apps that use
information from the web.In conclusion, the availability of information to anyone
in the world through the Internet has changed our lives drastically, especially in
jobs, education, and social relations.

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