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We often find aggressive, manipulative, rebellious children and sometimes we don't know how
to act with them to help change those behaviors. These aggressive behaviors will complicate
their social relationships, bringing serious consequences in their adulthood. One of the main
factors is their role model. follow that it is within your family, that environment is either
positive or negative in the child. It is for them that we must help children from an early age
through various strategies


1.Close social environment, his family is responsible for the type of behavior that the child has.
2.An undemanding parent, encourages behavior in children.

3.When we punish a behavior and other times it is ignored.

4.Deteriorated relationships between parents motivate the child to behave aggressively

Frustration and stress: When children face high levels of frustration or chronic stress, it will
increase the likelihood of them acting out aggressively.

Exposure to violence: f parents or caregivers do not consistently enforce rules and

consequences, children will struggle to understand boundaries, leading to aggressive behavior.

Family conflict: Ongoing conflict within the family, such as frequent arguments or divorce, will
contribute to a child's aggressive tendencies.


Keep in mind that parents will be the most important role model for the behavior of children.

Positive reinforcement:

Using positive reinforcement techniques, such as praise and rewards, will encourage and
reinforce positive behaviors in children, motivating them to choose non-aggressive

Education and skills development programs:

These programs focused on emotional regulation and social skills will give them the tools they
need to manage their aggression effectively.

In conclusion, it is evident that understanding the various factors contributing to childhood
aggression will help in devising effective strategies for prevention and intervention.

Taking proactive measures and providing appropriate support, we will be able to foster
healthier environments for children

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