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Physics 9th class( chap 1)

Encircle the correct option: T.Marks: 9

1. Least count of digital vernier calipers?

A 1mm B 0.01mm C 0.1mm D None

2. Which one is the smallest quantity?

A 5000 ng B .01 g C 2 mg D 100 ug

3. Study of production is known as?

A Nuclear physics B Atomic physics C plasma physics D Geophysics

4. Identify the base quantity in the followings?

A Force B distance C Speed D Area

5. Source of pollution free electricity is?

A Wind turbines B water turbines C Generators D Al

6. In SI unit of Density is?

A Mol B Kg m-3 C m3 D ms-1

7. Distance of moon from earth is?

A 384000000 B 38400000 C 3840000 D 3.84000000

8. A student claimed the diameter of a wire as 1.032 cm using vernier

calipers. Upto what extant do u agree with it?

A 1 cm B 1.0 cm C 1.032 cm D 1.03 cm

9. 1.943 is rounded off as?

A 1.95 B 2.0 C 1.94 D 1.0

Physics 9th class( chap 1)
Attempt all Questions, (each carry 2 marks)

1.which one of the two instruments is more precise and why?

Screw gauge /vernier calipers

2.what do u mean by scientific notation?give its one example?

3.Define prefixes with example and how is precision related to significant figures in a
measured quqntity?

4.Define zero error of measuring instrument?how can we overcome it?

5.your hair grow at a rate of 1mm/day. Find their growth rate in nm s -s?

LONG QUESTIONS. (each carry 5.5 marks)

1 (a) what is ment by significant figures?write any 4 rules to find significant figure in a

(b) differentiate B/W base quantity and derived quantity with 2 examples of each?

2(a) define vernier constant?briefly explain the procedure of zero correction of vernier

(b) A screw gauge has 50 divisions on its circular scale. The pitch of the screw gauge is
0.5mm.What is its least count?

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