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**Research Proposal**

**Title:** The Influence of Village Savings and Lending Associations (VSLAs) on Poverty Eradication in
Shangombo District (Boma Area)

**Researcher:** [Your Name]

**Affiliation:** [Your Institution]

**Email:** [Your Email Address]


Poverty is a major challenge in Shangombo District, with over 60% of the population living below the
poverty line. VSLAs are a community-based financial institution that offer savings and loans to low-income
individuals and families. VSLAs have been shown to be effective in reducing poverty, by providing access to
financial services, increasing income, and improving financial management skills.

**Literature Review**

There is a growing body of evidence that VSLAs are effective in reducing poverty. A study by the World Bank
found that VSLAs can reduce poverty by up to 20%. Another study by the International Fund for Agricultural
Development found that VSLAs can increase income by up to 50%. VSLAs have also been shown to improve
financial management skills, which can lead to further economic gains.


This study will use a mixed-methods approach to assess the impact of VSLAs on poverty eradication in
Shangombo District. The study will collect quantitative data through a survey of VSLA members, and qualita-
tive data through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. The study will also review existing litera-
ture on VSLAs and poverty eradication.

**Expected Results**

The study is expected to find that VSLAs have a positive impact on poverty eradication in Shangombo Dis-
trict. The study is also expected to identify factors that contribute to the success of VSLAs. The findings of
the study will be used to develop recommendations for improving the effectiveness of VSLAs in reducing


This study is significant because it will provide valuable evidence on the effectiveness of VSLAs in reducing
poverty. The findings of the study will be used to develop recommendations for improving the effectiveness
of VSLAs in reducing poverty.

**Research Questions**

1. What is the impact of VSLAs on poverty eradication in Shangombo District?

2. What factors contribute to the success of VSLAs?
3. What are the recommendations for improving the effectiveness of VSLAs in reducing poverty?
**Data Collection Methods**

The study will collect data using a mixed-methods approach. Quantitative data will be collected through a
survey of VSLA members. Qualitative data will be collected through focus group discussions and in-depth in-
terviews. The study will also review existing literature on VSLAs and poverty eradication.

**Data Analysis Methods**

The quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The qualitative data will be
analyzed using thematic analysis.


The study will be conducted over a period of 12 months. The following is a tentative timeline:

* Month 1-3: Literature review and data collection planning

* Month 4-6: Data collection
* Month 7-9: Data analysis
* Month 10-12: Report writing and dissemination


The total budget for the study is \$10,000. The following is a breakdown of the budget:

* Research personnel: \$5,000

* Travel and subsistence: \$2,000
* Data collection materials: \$1,000
* Data analysis: \$1,000
* Report writing and dissemination: \$1,000

**Ethical Considerations**

The study will be conducted in accordance with the ethical guidelines of the [Your Institution] Institutional
Review Board. All participants will be informed of the study's purpose and procedures, and they will be
given the opportunity to withdraw from the study at any time. The study will also protect the confidentiality
of all participants' data.

**Dissemination Plan**

The study's findings will be disseminated through a variety of channels, including:

* A research report
* A conference presentation
* A journal article
* A blog post
* A social media campaign

This study will provide valuable evidence on the effectiveness of VSLAs in reducing poverty. The findings of
the study will be used to develop recommendations for improving the effectiveness of VSLAs in reducing

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