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how does a research design differ from a study design?

What role does the

literature review play in deciding a study design.\?

Research design and study design are two important components of research methodology

that are often used interchangeably. However, there are some key differences between the


Research design refers to the overall plan or strategy that a researcher uses to conduct a

study, including the methods and techniques used to collect and analyze data. It

encompasses a broader range of decisions, such as the research question, hypothesis,

sampling strategy, data collection methods, and statistical analysis.

Study design, on the other hand, is a more specific term that refers to the structure and

details of a particular research study. It focuses on the implementation of the research

design in a particular study, such as the sample size, sampling method, data collection

instruments, and data analysis techniques.

The literature review plays a crucial role in deciding the study design by providing a thorough

understanding of existing research and identifying gaps in the literature that need to be

addressed. A literature review helps researchers to identify the most appropriate research

design and study design based on the research question, objectives, and hypotheses. It also

helps researchers to identify the most appropriate data collection methods and data

analysis techniques based on the existing literature.

In summary, research design and study design are two important components of research

methodology that differ in terms of their scope and specificity. The literature review plays a

key role in deciding the study design by providing a comprehensive understanding of existing

research and guiding researchers in the selection of appropriate research methods and


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