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Essay Answers

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1. Disease Prevention Contribution to Life Expectancy:

In this complex environment, it becomes major question how to improve the chances of
individual to survive longer and enhance the life expectancy rate of the entire population. Due to
the rising number of diseases, it is expected that life expectancy will stop rising if more people
with a history of illness were to live.

Life expectancy is mainly regarded as the number of years an individual expect to liv. It means
that the life expectancy of a person is based on the estimation of the average age that person of a
specific group will be when they die (Mazzuco & Campostrini, 2022). It is a fact that today, life
expectancy rate is decreasing as the number of diseases rising across the word. However,
research conducted by Ebeling & Modig (2020) shows that group of specific population with a
history of diseases usually have a high mortality than the average rate of population, if this
proportion o population grows in a country, this result in the rise of an average rate of life
expectancy. In long run, this may also result in slower rise in diseases that can offset different
parts of this rise. This can be explained by the example of breast cancer among women as today,
women are experiencing breast cancer with a higher rate, the life expectancy of this population
may benefit less from the medical progress or disease prevention. The impact of the rising
chance of survival after the diagnosis of breast cancer would be bigger than the impact of
reducing the number of cases. This is considered good for each survival of this disease but the
reducing the number of women suffering from breast cancer would be better. However, the case
scenario is different with other disease such as heart strokes or attacks as these disease have a
higher contribution to the rise in the rate of life expectancy of the entire population because of
the improved rate and a reducing number of patients who suffer a heart stroke in the world
(Ebeling & Modig, 2020). All these examples clearly shows that disease among a higher number
of population, if prevented, can contribute significantly to life expectancy.

In addition, the rate of life expectancy could be raised by providing adequate and timely
healthcare access to people. The World Health Organization is making significant efforts to
improve the timeliness and availability of quality healthcare because it is a one way to prevent
the spread of disease and promoting better health and well-being of people. The prevention of
diseases contribute to higher life expectancy and this can be explained the by example of China’s
strategy to prevent disease. The country has implemented a dual system for disease prevention in
rural and urban areas where they are providing universal healthcare to its population. The dual
system of health is playing a magnificent role as they are providing free public medical care,
reformed their medical schemes and their older population is enjoying free medical care (Hao, et
al., 2020).

Moreover, disease prevention and improving the rate of life expectancy could be done at the
individual level such as leaving unhealthy diet, as unhealthy diet is one of the reason behind
dangerous diseases such as heart disease, while smoking is another major factor contribute
immensely to the lungs cancer or heart disease. These activities need to be reduced at individual
level or through governmental policies. The governments need to implement laws for limiting
smoking and drugs while should impose band on unhealthy food items in countries (Jamison,
Mosley, Measham, & Bobadilla, 2018).

Conclusively, it has now become a major challenge for countries to manage the rate of life
expectancy. It is regraded quite crucial to provide timely and adequate healthcare facilities to
people so, the diseases can be prevented. It would be suggested that health services needs to be
expanded by using new skills, technologies and arrangements that are important for minimum
standard of care. It is because only preventing diseases can contribute to life expectancy.

2. Theory in Research:

Theory is generally a careful explanation of thoughts for observations of the real world that has
been constructed by using different scientific methods and al thoughts are brought together man
hypotheses and facts. Theory is significantly vital today as it give and guide the actual meaning
to what people see.

Theory plays a massive role in research as it helps in providing efficient explanation,

manfulness and understanding to research. In research, theory provides color, structure,
complexion and beauty to the subject matter being discussed from start to an end. It simply
beautifies the research and provides an intellectual personality to research. Theory also helps in
predicting the actual facts and identify the unexplored areas of research. It is not wrong to say
that research without the implementation of theory is less empathic to form a relation among
variables, attributes and data. It helps researchers t form why and how something is in any kind
of research. It further helps in extending and explaining knowledge about phenomenon. In
addition, theory helps to link the concrete and abstract that result in application of research
practices (ICFAI, 2022).

Besides research, theories play a vital role in psychology. In psychology, theory provides an
efficient framework for understanding the behavior of human, developments and thoughts.
Theories provides a better understanding about why and how of human behavior and help to
better understand ourselves and others. There are different psychological theories, and all
theories provides a context for understanding a specific kind of human behavior. This can be
explained by the example of Behavioral theory of psychology that provides a basic
understanding of how people learn or adapt new things (Joullié, 2021). By using this theory,
people can take a closer look to the different learning ways and other factors that influence
different types of learning. In psychology, there are dynamic theories and concepts get changed
with time as new discoveries are made that result in the modification of theories and adapted to
the account for new data and information. Theories in psychology, data can be fixed or static,
which tends to evolve over time as new research h is explored. This can be explained the
example of Attachment theory, which has grown and expanded to include new explanation of
different styles of attachments (Borghi & Fini, 2019).

However, there are many characteristics of useful theory but five of the most common includes,
a theory should be testable and must be supported by various scientific research or
experimentations. A theory should never be the absolute true as it is an interpretation so, it
should always contain different interpretation. Secondly, a theory should be replicable i.e., must
be able to be repeated or experimented by others. This means that enough data and information
must be provided in theory so others can test the theory with similar outcomes. Thirdly, a theory
should be stable which means that when other try to test the theory, they get the same outcomes,
so, there must not be an evidence of dispute over it. Fourthly, a theory should be simple means, it
should be relevant, useful and informative. Lastly, a theory should be consistent in nature as it
must agree with other theories. It means that no principle in single theory should contradict other
accepted theory (Higgins, 2014).

In addition, the theory is further strengthening science as it not only explains facts but also allow
scientists to make effective predictions of what they need to observe in case a theory is true.
Scientific theories help in providing principles and constructing objectivity by framing the right
experiments and observations (Longo & Soto, 2017)

Conclusively, theory is the most important factor in case of proving something wrong or right. It
is massively utilizing in sciences, research and psychology and various other fields. In case field,
there are wide number of theories proving the ideas or concepts. Simply, theory help in
underlying influences, and causes of observed phenomenon.

3. Prevention or Treatment of Diseases:

In this uncertain and complex environment, people are witnessing wide of diseases and many of
them have become difficult to cure with an immediate outcomes. This is a reason that
“prevention is better than treatment”. The phrase was first introduced by a Dutch philosopher in
15th century who claimed that preventing disease is a major principle of modem system of
healthcare across the world (Mokdad & Lopez, 2014).

It is a fact that cure or prevention are two different words and having different meanings.
Prevention means following the measures that can lower the risks of getting sick while cure
means to get rid of the ailment. Prevention is regarded better in various aspects instead of cure.
Prevention is the most valuable way to keep oneself away from all kinds of diseases and for this,
an individual only needs to maintain a well-disciplined and healthier lifestyle throughout life
while unhealthy and careless life may result in various problems that requires a medical care.
However, there are some diseases which does not have any cure yet such as HIV AIDS. So,
prevention is the only way to protect oneself from such diseases (Mokdad & Lopez, 2014).

It is a general perception that prevention is better than cure. In medical science, people say that
“an ounce of prevention is worth of pound of cure” as it can not only save money but saves lives
as well. According to the World Health Organization, chronic illness are projected to be the
major cause of disability among people and if it is not prevented immediately or managed, it
would become the most expensive illness to be treated in the global system of healthcare. This is
a reason that today the focus of medicine has been shifted from care or treatment of diseases to
prevention. This can be best explained by the current pandemic of the Covid-19 where a wide
number of precautionary measures were taken to prevent the virus. In fact, the entire world was
locked intending to prevent people from disease. People often take health for granted and even
delay screenings or exams because of feeling sick. So, having early detection can help in
preventing lives. It is considered vital that people need to maintain their health to find themselves
living healthier and longer (Rheinberger, Herrera-Araujo, & Hammitt, 2016).

In addition, preventing health means an individual do no have wait until, he/she get sick or get
into a mental health crisis. Instead, people should focus to take certain measures earlier that can
help in avoiding health issues when a person get older such as getting exercise on daily basis or
healthy diet etc., It is a fact that preventing health always encourages one to take positive choices
in life and giving the bets chance to avoid any heart diseases or other issues like addition,
diabetes or mental health problems. In this regard, routine assessments must be made an
important part of lives (Goates, 2013).

Moreover, health psychologists are playing their massive role in determining the role of
prevention in lives. There are many health psychologists who are working in the area of
prevention and focusing on helping people to stop mental health issues before they get started.
This may include helping people in maintaining weight, avoid unhealthy behaviors and
maintaining a positive outlook that can reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Furthermore,
health psychologists are also enhancing the practices of helping in motivating people to become
health-conscious in life and take strict decisions for their diet like not smoking, eating the right
thing and exercise daily etc., (Wahass, 2015).

Conclusively, prevention of diseases is better than cure as it better help to stop things before
happens instead of having it to deal with its impacts after it gets done. It is the most important
factor in the matter of healthcare but falls into other parts of life. Many health psychologists are
making efforts to motivate people to adopt the right behavior that could help them in preventing

Borghi, A. M., & Fini, C. (2019). Theories and Explanations in Psychology. Frontiers in
Psychology, 10: 958.

Ebeling, M., & Modig, K. (2020). The rise in the number of long-term survivors from different
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Goates, B. (2013). Prevention is the Best Medicine. Retrieved from

Hao, L., Xu, X., Dupre, M., Guo, A., Zhang, X., Qiu, L., & Zhao, Y. (2020). Adequate access to
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Joullié, J.-E. (2021). Theory, explanation, and understanding in management research. Business
Research Quarterly.

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Journal of Family and Community, 12(2): 63–70.

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