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ENGL 1102-01 English Composition 2 - AY2023-T4

ENGL 1102-01 - AY2023-T4 6 April - 12 April Discussion Forum Unit 1

Discussion Forum Unit 1
Due: Wednesday, 12 April 2023, 11:55 PM
To do: Post replies: 4
This week, we will begin the class by creating a short bio of yourself and welcome each other to
the class. To do this, just write a short (one paragraph) introduction that includes your name, why
you want to be at the University of the People and what you expect from the course. You can
include more information if you wish, but the basic information should be covered.

Your instructor will also include a paragraph for him/herself. We are doing this so each of us can
see what a unique group of individuals we have and how we can all work together for a great

Hello and good day to, Prof. Nandhu Matta and Class! I hope everyone is doing OK, and I'm
looking forward to gaining and sharing insights with you. I'm Adil, and I've been a student here
for exactly two years and 223 days. Like everyone else, I enrolled at this university with the end
goal of earning a degree and finding gainful employment so that I may support myself and my
family in a moral manner. I hope to improve my critical thinking, analytical skills, ability to
argue and persuade, capacity for introspection, and ability to select appropriate rhetorical
strategies by taking this course. And I'd like to find out how to read, understand, and incorporate
different kinds of materials into my own work.

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