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Plasma arc lighter

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Final circuit
Now we have to mount this next circuit. We will use one
50 to 100 ohm resistor and one diode. The transistor
could be a N50 high voltage NPN transistor or a IRFz44
mosfet. If you use the MOSFET, just remove the diode
from the circuit. That’s it.

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$5 China
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We make all the connections. Remember to add a heat

dicipator to the transistor otherwise it will burn out.
Solder the resistor and diode together respecting the
direction of the diode. Solder the transistor and make
the connections between the transformer and the
transistor. I will solder some wires and some male pins
to the output and connect this to a power supply. The
applied voltage should be between 3.7 and 7.4 volts. The
plasma arc will be discharged to the closest point of the
output. So for that close a little bit together the pins.
Let’s turn it on.

Prototype PCB From $5

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Prototype PCB From $5


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Un vídeo publicado por ELECTRONOOBS (@electronoobs) el 20 de Ene de 2…

As you can see there is our plasma arc. It is so nice and

the sound that it makes is awesome. As you can see it is
quite powerful. The plasma can even burn wood. It
would be great to make a plasma cutter with this and
use it to engrave wood. Let’s now test the other
transformer that we’ve took out from the LCD screen.
Let’s test it first without any changes to the primary coil.
If you want to increase the power of it you should reduce
the amount of windings of the primary coil. For that
carefully, unwind the primary and flyback coils and make
the same windings as in the previous transformer. I
solder all the components of the circuit. This time I will
use the IRFZ44 mosfet transistor and I will remove the
diode. The rest of the circuit is the same. Solder
everything in place. The commune wire which is the
middle one is positive. Supply around 5 volts to the input
and test it out. As you can see there is our plasma arc.
This circuit draw a lot of current so you should use a
powerful power supply or maybe directly a lipo battery.
If the circuit is not working it could also be because of
low current. This circuit works as well.

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If you don’t want to build this circuit and you only want
the high voltage module you can also buy it very cheap
but that is not as interesting as building it. I’ve bought
this high voltage module from ebay. The specification of
this module tells me that it has a 400 kv output, but I
doubt that. Any way this makes a very high voltage that
creates a powerful arc. The sound that this one makes is
incredible. Be careful, this project is quite dangerous.
Always take all the protection measures while working. If
you are not sure about something, it’s better not to
connect the power supply. This kind of voltage can injure
you so be very careful. Also the plasma arc creates some
radiation so might damage your eyes if you look at it
long enough. Please be careful. So this was my high
voltage arc lighter project. All I need now is to make a
case with a push button to turn it on and off. I’ll design
the case in blender and 3D print it. I think is better if I
give to the case a shape of a taser. Place all the
components inside along with the lipo battery. Put the
push button between the battery and the positive input
of the transformer. This is my final arc lighter. Pretty
cool right? I hope you enjoyed this project. If so please
like and share the video with your friends in order to
motivate me for more videos like this one. Also subscribe
to my channel. If you have any question just leave it in
the comment section below or on my q&a page. All the
links are in the description below as always. Thanks
again and see you later See you later guys.

Un vídeo publicado por ELECTRONOOBS (@electronoobs) el 20 de Ene de 2…

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