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Designation: E 468 - 90 (Reapproved 2004)'1

Standard Practice for
Presentation of Constant Amplitude Fatigue Test Results for
Metallic Materials1
This_standard .is issu~d under the fixed designation E 468; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
ongmal ~doptmn or, th~ case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscnpt epsilon (E) md1cates an editorial change since the last revision or rcopprovol.
1: Non;-Editorial changes were made throughout in October 2004.

1. Scope 3. Terminology Definitions and Nomenclature

1. 1 This practice covers the desirable and minimum infor- 3.1 The terms and abbreviations used in this practice are
mation to be communicated between the originator and the user defined in Terminology E 6 and in Definitions E 206. In
of data derived from constant-force amplitude axial, bending, addition, the following nomenclature is used:
or torsion fatigue tests of metallic materials tested in air and at 3.2 criterion of failure-complete separation, or the pres-
room temperature. ence of a crack of specified length visible at a specified
magnification. Other criteria may be used but should be clearly
Non; I- Practice E 466, although not directly referenced in the text, is
considered important enough to be listed in this standard.
3.3 run-out-no failure at a specified number of loading
2. Referenced Documents cycles.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 4. Significance and Use
E6 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Test-
4.1 Fatigue test results may be significantly influenced by
E 8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials the properties and history of the parent material, the operations
E 206 Definitions of Terms Relating to Fatigue Testing and performed during the preparation of the fatigue specimens, and
the Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data3 the •testing machine and test procedures used during the
E 466 Practice for Conducting Force Controlled Constant generation of the data. The presentation of fatigue test results
Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials should include citation of basic information on the material,
specimens, and testing to increase the utility of the results and
E 467 Practice for Verification of Constant Amplitude
to reduce to a minimum the possibility of misinterpretation or
Dynamic Forces in an Axial Fatigue Testing System
improper application of those results.
2.2 Special Technical Publications:
STP 91 A Guide for Fatigue Testing and the Statistical 5. Listing of Basic Information About Fatigue Test
Analysis of Fatigue Data4 Specimen
STP 588 Manual on Statistical Planning and Analysis
5.1 Specification and Properties of Material:
• 5.1.1 Material Prior to Fatigue Test Specimen
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E08 on Fatigue and Preparation-The minimum information to be presented
Fracture and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E08.05 on Cyclic should include the designation or specification {for example, A
Deformation and Fatigue Crack Formation. 441 ; SAE 1070, and so forth) or proprietary grade; form of
Current edition approved May I, 2004. Published June 2004. Originally
ipproved in 1972. Last previous edition approved in I998 as E 468 - 90 (1998).
product {for example, plate, bar, casting, and so forth); heat
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or number; melting practice; last mechanical working and last
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM heat treatment that produced the material in the "as-received"
SralJdards volume information, refer to the standard's Document Summary page on
condition {for example, cold-worked and aged, annealed and
lhc) ASTM website'
Withdrawn rolled, and so forth); chemical composition; and surface
• A Guide fo; Fatigue Testing and the Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data, ASTM condition {for example, rolled ,md descaled, ground, and so
:P 91A, ASTM International, 1963. Out of print; available from University Micro- forth).
";5· Inc., 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. ,
. Manual on Statistical Planning and Analysis, ASTM STP 588, ASTM lnterna-
honaJ, 1975.

¾right C ASTM International, 1oo Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

• E 468 - 90 (2004r
5.1.1. l It is desirable but not required (unless by mutual specimens were stored, type of protection applied 10
consent of the originator and user of the data) to list the raw specimens, and metho~ used to_remove that protection. ltt~e 1
desirable but not required to hst the average and ran s
material production sequence, billet preparation, results of ge or
out-of-flatness, OUt-or
surface roughness, surface hardness,. . . h
cleanliness analysis, or a combination thereof, when appli- b
cable. straightness or warpage, or a com mat1on t ereof, of all 1 ·
• gue
5.1 .2 Material in the Fatigue Test Specimen: specimens. Mechanical Properties-The minimum data on the 6. Listing of Information on Test Procedures
mechanical properties of the material in a condition identical to
6.1 Design of the Fatigue Test Program:
that of the fatigue test specimen should include the tensile the fat'igue
strength, yield point or yield strength at a specified onset; f to design
6.-1.1 If statistical techniques were. used . .
d 1
test program, the design p1an an 1st o stat1st1cal techni
elongation in a specified gage length; reduction of area when · · ft t bl ques
applicable; and the designation of the test used to procure the (for example, randorruzat10n o es sequence, ocking, eC)
used to accommodate expected or observed heterogene·t· ·
mechanical properties (for example, Test Methods E 8, Tension . . 1 h . I Jes
should be presented. Stat1st1ca tee mques are described i
Testing of Metallic Materials, and so forth). If notched fatigue
STP 91 and STP 588. n
tests were conducted, the notched tensile strength also should
be listed. 6.2 Fatigue Testing Machine:
6.2.1 Minimum information to be presented should includ Metallography-It is desirable but not required
the type of testing machine, the functional characteristic (~e
(unless by mutual consent of the originator and user of the
example, electrohydraulic, crank and lever, rotating mass, etc~r
data) to list the grain size (when applicable), phases, and
frequency of force application, and forcing function (fo,
dispersions characteristic of the fatigue test specimen in the
"ready-to-test" condition. example, sine, square, etc.). If tests were performed on mor~
than one machine, the number of testing machines used should It is desirable but not required (unless by mutual
consent of the originator and user of the data) to show the be listed.
6.2.2 Minimum information should include the method of
locations, in the parent material, from which the specimens
dynamic force verification and force monitoring procedures.
were taken.
5.2 Minimum Information to Be Presented on Design of NoTE 2- For guidance on axial force machines, refer to Practice E467.
Fatigue Test Specimen in the "Ready-To-Test" Conditions: 6.3 Fatigue Test:
5.2.1 Shape, Size, and Dimensions-A drawing showing 6.3.1 Minimum information to be presented should include
shape, size, and dimensions of the fatigue test specimen should the type of test (axial, rotary bending, plane bending, or
be presented including details on test section, grip section, torsion), the derivation (or method of computation) of the test
fillets, radii, swaged portions, holes, and orientation of the section dynamic stresses, and, when applicable, the experimen-
fatigue test specimen with respect to the direction of maximum tal stress analysis techniques (for example, electric resistance
working of the material. When reporting the test results of strain gages, photoelastic coating, etc.) used. The failure
notched fatigue specimens, the geometry of the notch, its criterion and number of cycles to run-out used in the test
dimensions and stress concentration factor, the method of program should be presented.
derivation of the stress concentration factor, and whether the It is desirable but µot required (unless by mutual
stress concentration factor is based on the gross or net area of consent of the originator and user of the data) to include the
the test section should be presented. procedure for mounting the specimen in the testing machine.
5.3 Listing of Information on Specimen Preparation: grip details, and precautions taken to ensure that stresses
5.3.1 The minimum information to be presented should list, induced by vibration, friction, eccentricity, etc., were negli-
in chronological order, the operations performed on the fatigue gible.
test specimen, including the type of process used to form the 6.4 Ambient Conditions During the Fatigue Test-
specimen (for example, milling, turning, grinding, etc.), ther- Minimum information to be presented should include ~e
mal treatment (for example, stress relieving, aging, etc.), and aver~g_e value and ranges of both temperature and relauv~
surface treatment (for example, shot-peening, nitriding, coat- hurrud1ty that were observed in the laboratory during the res
ing, etc.). If the final specimen surface treatment is polishing, program.
the polishing sequence and direction should be listed. If 6.5 Results of Post-Test Examination- Minimum infonna-
deterioration of the specimen surface is observed during ~ion to be presented for each fatigue test specimen should
storage, after preparation but prior to testing, the procedures mclu~e the reason for test termination either achievement_of
that were used to eliminate the defects and changes, if any, in the failur~ criterion or run-out, and, if ;pplicable, a descripuo~
shape, dimensions, or mechanical properties should be listed. of_ t?e failure surface appearance and location of the crac It is desirable but not required (unless by mutual ongm.
consent of the originator and user of the data) to include details
of the operations performed (for example, feed, speed, depth of 7. Presentation of Fatigue Test Results
cut and coolants, thermal cycles, etc.), and the surface residual ·red
( 7j I a ular Presentation- It is desirable but not requt(he
Tt. b
stresses of the specimen, if measured. e)sths by mutual consent of the originator and user of ...,,
5.3.2 Condition ofSpecimens Prior to Fatigue Testing- It is dunt
aa at th f · fow·
When used eth attgue test results be reported in tabular iroe,,"
desirable but not required to list the environment in which the b I
' e ta u ar presentation should include spec

0 E 468 - 90 (2004r 1
·ocation, test sequence (that is, chronologica l order of tant stati stical measures of di spersion (for example, standard
owing: ma x,·_
. two of the foll
ide~Ung,) dynamic stresses (any error of estimate) should be presented.
1cs minimum, mean, amplitude or range, and stress rati o)
1 Nam 3- The above described procedure develops the S- N di agram fo r
n1un ' ]ife or cycles to end .of test, cause of test termination',
. ugue . 50 % survi val when the logarithms of the li ves are described by a normal
Ia ults of post-test exammat,on (see 6.5), when applicabl e,
id res . . distribution. However, similar procedures may be used lo develop S-N
a1 ch fatigue test specimen. If test frequency varies from
<.liagrams for probabil ities of survival other than 50 %.
forc~~ien to specimen, it should also ?e included in the tabular
s:sentation. If more than _one machme was used, the tabular 7.2.1. I Graph ical presentation of the S-N diagram should
Presentation should also include machine identification for include all of the test results as well as the faired or fitted curve.
P1 h specimen. Minimum information to be presented on the S-N diagram
e. ~.Z Graphic~/ Presentation: should include the designation , speci fi cation or proprietary
most common graphical presen-
7_2.t s-N Dwgram-T_he grade of the material, tensile strength , surface condition of
·on of fatigue test data 1s the S-N (stress-life) diagram • Fig • specimen, stress concentration factor of notch when applicable,
1aU , • . •
I. fhe dependent van~ble,_fatigue hfe Nm cycles, is plotted on type of fatigue test, and citation of dynam ic stress parameter
the abscissa, a loganthnuc scale. The independent variable, held constant during generation of the S-N curve data (for
iaximutn stress Smax• stress range Sr, or stress amplitude s in example, in Fig. I, stress ratio), test frequency, en vironment,
~si, ksi,_ MN/m ?r ~Pa, is plo~ted. on the ordinate, a an and test temperature.
arithmetic or loganthmic scale. A hne 1s fitted by regression
analysis or similar mathematical techniques to the fatigue data. 7.2.2 e onstant Life Diagrams-S-N diagrams present fa-
The fatigue test results may be expressed adequately by two tigue life as a function of stress. On the other hand, constant
straight lines, one of which is a horizontal line representing the life diagrc!,mS present the maximum and minimum stresses
fatigue limit (or fatigue .st:rength at run-out), a hyperbola, (Fig. 2) or the stress amplitude and mean stress (Fig. 3) for a
asymptotic to the fatigue limit (or fatigue strength at run-out), given fatigue life. A third type of constant life diagram
a sigmoid, asymptotic to both the tensile strength and the superimposes the stress amplitude-mean stress diagram of Fig.
fatigue limit (or fatigue strength at run-out), or by a more 3 on the maximum stress-minimum stress diagram of Fig. 2 by
general curvilinear relation. If the data are fitted by regression plotting stress amplitude on the ray R = - I and mean stress on
analysis, the equation of the stress-life relation and concomi- the ray R = + 1.


Axial to1:oe fatigue tuts, ASTII A36 ltNI,

ground surfaces, frequenc:y • 26.7 ltz,
R•O, S -63.00 ksl , Tests perfon.d
In • I ruat room t1111P1r•ture.

0 Denotes Conttant Amplitude last
50 axDOXD e Denotes stal rcase test

.,... 0 Id not fa 11 (Numberuboft die
run-®t data polnll denola mulllple N
i ~
"' .2
OOOCC:CKO 3)0 ..."'lo-
• ~

• i
_standard error of estl11111te■o,09925ee

correlation coefflclent-o,9646



4 ,os 10
FATIGUE LIFE, N, c:ycl11

FIG. 1 S-N Diagram

• E 468-90 (2004)•
I '
m 400 sooI
-200 -100 0 100 I


f:IJ -- 400 ~


Yield Po i nt ~ V\ '
w 141
I- e!
Ax j a I force tests, ~
carbon steel, ~
20 Tests performed in air
at room temperature
transverse butt welds,
reinforcement Intact,
5u-60 ksi, frequency•3 Hz.
100 i
20 60 80
-80 -f:IJ -40 -20 0

• , ksi
FIG. 2 Constant-Life Diagram


-200 -100 0 100 200 400

Axia l forcetests, carbon steel,
transverse butt welds, re i nforcement
intact. S =60 ksi, frequency:3 Hz,
i ~
200 ..
.. Tests performed in air at VI

0 room temperature . w
::, 0
I- 20 ::,
::; I-
D. ::::;
~ 100 D.
< ~
VI 10 <
w VI


FIG. 3 Constant-Life Diagram When a constant life diagram is presented, it should (cycles) for each constant life shown, test frequency, environ·
be accompanied by the S-N diagrams from which it was ment, and test temperature.
constructed. Minimum information to be presented on a
constant-life diagram should include the designation, specifi- 8• Example of Fatigue Data Presentation
cation, or proprietary grade of the material, tensile strength,
8· 1 Data for axial force fatigue tests of A36 strUctural
surface condition of specimen, stress concentration factor of
notch when applicable, type of fatigue test, and fatigue life carbon steel are presented in a suggested form in the Appendix-

• E 468 - 90 (2004)• 1


(Nonmandatory Information)


MATE~ . Elongation: 40.1 % in 2-in. (51-mm) gage length.

Grade Des1gnat1on: A36 Structural Carbon Steel Reduction of Area: 64.8 %
Heat Number: 49OTI48l Form of Product: 3/s in. (9.5 mm) Remarks: ASTM micrograin size number, 8.5 (surface and
thick plate . . . . center of plate). Mechanical test performed in accordance with
Melting Practice: Air-melted, sem1-k1lled Surface Condi- Test Methods E 8, Tension Testing of Metallic Materials, on
tion: As-rolled round tension test spe~imens, Fig. 8, Test Methods E 8.
Last Mechanical and Thermal Treatment: Hot-rolled and FATIGUE SPECIMEN
air-cooled .. Shape, Size, and Dimensions: see Fig. X 1.1.
Chemical Compos1t1on: 0.22 % C, 0.52 % Mn, 0.008 % P, Stress Concentration Factor: unnotched
o.013 % S, 0.029 % Cu Preparation:
Tensile Strength: 63 000 psi (434 MPa) Yield.Point: 37 800 Forming: Edges milled, thickness reduced by Blanchard
psi (261 MPa) gi:inding

3/8" dri 11


- -, (X)
2'" 4-


In. mm
¼ 6.3
3/e 9.5
½ 12.7
¾ 19.0
1 25.4
I" 2 50.8
4 101.6
8 203.2
2" thickness .. 0.10 In. (2.5 mm)
FIG. X1 .1 Axlal Force Fatigue Test Specimen

• E468-9 0 (2004t

-- ---- --~~ ~~ ~- -- ---~

Test Sequence Specimen Merk MeKlmum, ksl
TABLE X1 .1 Fatigue Test Data
Dynamic Stresses
Minimum, ksl
Fatigue Life,

(MPa) (MPa)
1 437.8
did not fell
67 37.8 (261) zero 10 000.0
zero did not fall
2 58 36.2 (249) 8 520.0
3 40 37.8 (261) zero
did not fail
8 934.0
zero did not fail
22 24 36.2 (249) 8 000.0
zero failed
23 22 37.8 (261) 63.5
(347) zero failed
24 8 50.4 162.6
47.2 (325) zero 44.9 failed
25 34
18 50.4 (347) zero failed
26 228.4
27 1 44.1 (304) zero
46.2 failed
47 19 50.4 (347) zero

"All fractures were initiated at one comer of minimum transverse cross section (0.5 In. (12.7
mm) wide) of specimen.

Laboratory Temperature: average, 73°F (23°C); range, 12.F

Thermal Treatment : None, Surface Treatment: None
Remarks: surface roughness: average, 40 µin. ( l .0 µm) nns, (± I °C)
range, 32 to 47 µin. (0.8 to 1.2 µm); out of flatness: average, Laboratory Relative Humidity: average, 40 %, range, :t3 %
0.008 in. (0.20 mm), range, 0 to 0.034 in. (0.86 mm). Remarks: specimens gripped by bolts, fixed against rotation
FATIGUE TESTS about both axes. Dynamic stresses are comput~d by dividing
Fatigue Testing Machine: 5000 lbf (22 000 N) Krouse dynamic force by area measured at reduced sectrnn. Specimens
double-dir ect stress machine, crank-and-lever with hydraulic were stored in laboratory environme nt without protection prior
force maintainer. to testing.
Type of Test: axial Number of Machines Used: 1 Test FATIGUE DATA
Frequency: 26.7 Hz Fatigue Test Data: See Table XI . I.
Dynamic Force Verification: Dynamic forces were verified
Remarks: Specimen test sequence I to 23, "staircase" test to
according to the procedures set forth in Practice E 467, for
Verification of Constant Amplitude Dynamic Forces in an estimate mean fatigue limit (mean fatigue strength at 7 million
Axial Fatigue Testing System. cycles). Test sequence 24 to 47, 8 specimens at each of 3 stress
Dynamic Force Monitorin g Procedures: Four-arm electric levels tested in sequence randomize d with respect to stress
resistance strain gage bridge on loading train in series with level. Regression analysis performed on these 24 specimens
specimen, ac transducer conditioner-amplifier, and oscillo- resulting in
scope. log (N) = 11.512 - 0.13523 (Sm._,) (XI. I)
Failure Criterion: complete fracture Run-out: 7 million
with standard error of estimate, 0.09925, and correlation
Number of Specimens Tested: 47 Stress Ratio, R: 0 coefficient, - 0.9646.

with any item mentioned

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
any such patent rights, and the risk
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

be reviewed eve,y five years and

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must
standard or for additional standards
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this
consideration at a meeting of the
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful
received a fair hearing you should
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

Conshohocken, PA 19428_2959,
This standard Is copyrlghte~ by ASTM lnternat(onal, 100 Barr H~rbor Drive, PO Box C700, West
dard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
United States. Individual reprints (single or mulllple copies) of this stan_
or through the ASTM website
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or serv1ce@astm .org (e-mail);


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