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Kevin Roy Castillo

11- St. Ignatius of Loyola

Position Paper- Group

Does agreeing to the question "Can ex- lovers be friends again? "actually make you
more matured? Does the chance of reconciliation with your past lover satisfy you? And
to begin with, is there an actual need to revive a connection that died already? Let life
offer you to miss out on it because you're still yearning for the past. This is why,no, you
cannot be friends with your ex lover

In my view,after a break up, even after a few years, you still cannot be friends with
your ex. Simply because what's the point? you guys haven't contacted each other for
long and suddenly, you have or need to? Alongside, if ever you have a new lover, they
probably would be uncomfortable that you're still spending time with them. Let us all be
reminded that friends are intimate in their own platonic way.

According to these researchers, maintaining a friendship with a ex lover can be tough

and emotionally straining. In addition to that, keeping friendship with an ex might make
it harder to

Form new romantic connections because they may feel uneasy (Adams 2018). According
to Kalish and Reynolds (2010), attempting to maintain connection with an ex might
prolong the emotional anguish of the split by preventing both parties from properly
moving on and achieving closure individually.

On the other hand being an acquaintance to someone in the past, may be alright.
Remember to set boundaries so both parties will be fine. It still also possible to not get
caught up with feelings. There is no absolute answer to the question. However, the
decision is ours to make after navigating a lot of times, whether to still be involved with
them or not.

To sum it all up, i don't think that being friends with your past loves will do you any
good. Not getting involved with them won't make you lose anything. At the end of the
day, there is still a reason why you choose to end things. Let new beginnings flourish
within and around you.
Position Paper- Individual
The reason why all this is done, because of the pandemic caused the Covid-19 many
people lost their jobs, due to Covid-19 for us. It is when there is famine and hunger,
because of the pandemic this has become an online class the students are going to
school, may be there are going to school, may be there are children who are struggling
because of the online class, that a void going out to avoid the disease that spread, until
now are still having problems on how to escape this pandemic . We students are still
fighting because of pandemic

the pandemic has improved the mountains because the mountains that we see have
become better and more beautiful and we have gotten to know our families better
because we are with and see them every day, the pandemic has also caused a lot of bad
things but it has become better and more beautiful our environment because only a few
people are allowed to go out due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic. The cities
have also improved because few people can travel or go out, I can say that the
pandemic has improved for me because many places have improved and improved

we have become closer to our family because of the pandemic, because people are not
allowed to go out we need them more during this time. Tite and pepe the pandemic has
also been good for me because crimes have been avoided, the pandemic may have been
bad but the pandemic also has many reasons to improve the environment and bring us
closer to our families

something changed us. We are lazy to wake up in the morning. we are so bored at
home and have nothing to do. Most of the students were affected by the pandemic
because they could not go out or enter school. Due to the pandemic, many have
stopped studying and the number of young mothers and young fathers has also

for me the face to face class is more difficult because you wake up early to go in and
study, the online class is better for me because no matter what time you wake up you
can answer the activities that are given to the genius, but face to is also good face
because we meet and hang out with a lot of people, we learn and know more when we
go to school. The pandemic has done many things today, many people stopped studying
and many did not study well, unlike face to face we become more focused because we
are close to our teachers and classmates. The pandemic has a greater impact on us, but
it has also done some good things to us
Admission Letter

Dear : Harvard University

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It is with great enthusiasm
that I write to submit my application for admission to Harvard University as an
undergraduate student for the upcoming academic year.

Ever since I embarked on my educational journey, Harvard University has stood out as
an institution that epitomizes academic excellence, innovative research, and a vibrant
intellectual community. Its commitment to fostering critical thinking, intellectual
curiosity, and global citizenship aligns perfectly with my own educational aspirations
and personal values.

I am particularly drawn to Harvard's renowned program, as it aligns perfectly with my

passion. The opportunity to learn from distinguished professors, collaborate with like-
minded peers, and engage in cutting-edge research within this esteemed academic
environment is one I eagerly seek. Moreover, the multifaceted approach to education at
Harvard, combining theoretical knowledge with real-world applications, resonates
deeply with my desire to make a meaningful impact in my chosen field.

Beyond the academic realm, I am inspired by the vibrant campus culture that Harvard
University cultivates. The diverse student body, rich with cultural, socioeconomic, and
experiential backgrounds, offers an invaluable opportunity to engage in stimulating
discussions and broaden my perspectives. I am eager to contribute to this dynamic
community through my dedication to community service, leadership experiences, and
involvement in extracurricular activities. I believe that my commitment to allow me to
make a positive and lasting impact on campus.

In closing, I am truly excited about the prospect of joining Harvard University, an

institution renowned for its academic excellence, unparalleled resources, and
commitment to shaping future leaders. It would be an honor to study alongside the
brilliant minds that call Harvard home, and I am confident that the knowledge and
experiences gained at Harvard will equip me to make a positive impact in society.

Thank you for considering my application. I have enclosed all the necessary documents,
including my completed application form, official transcripts, standardized test scores,
letters of recommendation, and any additional materials required. Should you require
any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once again, I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to apply to Harvard University,
and I eagerly await a favorable response regarding my admission. Thank you for your
time and consideration.
Critique Paper

Have you ever been in love? or at some point, have you ever wanted to love someone
with great passion? In this life, a lot of us find the beauty of love so mesmerizing, to the
point that we are very much willing to go length for it, However, what assurance are you
holding onto that at the end of the day, everything will work out, just like how you
wanted it to? let this short strong, May day eve, open a new point of view for you

the line mirror, mirror show to me whose woman i will be" for me portrays the yearning
of a person to be loved and to be in love, This line offers how an individual could long
for romance although risk are present. It was never a sure bet, yet for love, we gamble.
we really do it all for love, don’t we?

As time passes by, there are tons of possibilities that our longing could come to a halt
because it finally came true, Just like the line "It was May, it was summer, and he was
young "young" and deliriously in love" The manifestation to tall deep into love is bow
their reality, The scorching summer heat making the passion for love burn more. It is
finally the time to let warmth envelope you like your lover's embrace

like any love tale, Agueda and Don Badoy's story have their trials too.Theirs just
happen to end in a bad way. They happen to badmouth each other back and forth,
almost forgetting that they are once in love. It was war between former lovers, With
that, i was like to link the line from the story that goes "But, Alas, the heart forgets, the
heart is distracted, and May time passes, summer lends, the storms break over the
rotting orchards and the heart grows old". This states that just like the time we spent in
May, some relationships need to end as well, no matter how painful they may be

In conclusion, Nick Joaquins May Day eve is definitely a good read, This is an eye
opener for a different perspective regarding love. I would recommend this story to
those who are really into reading. Indeed, love cannot be around in magic.

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