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I. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. I like this school because it is ___________________ the other one. (big)
2. A car is much ___________________ a bike. (expensive)
3. We need ___________________ actors for this film. (young)
4. He thinks Charlie Chaplin is ___________________ Mr Bean. (funny)
5. He is ________________ than I thought him to be. (clever)
6. My exam results were ________________ than I expected. (bad)
7. I think living in the city is ________________ than living in the country. (good)
8. The house is much ________________ than the flat we had in London. (spacious)
9. Today’s weather will be 5 degrees ________________than yesterday’s. (hot)
10. My garden is a lot ____________________ (colourful) than this park.

II. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the words listed below.

high delicious boring good dirty rich valuable bad large dry

1. That was _______________ movie I’ve ever seen. I almost walked out in the middle.
2. Pizza is _______________ food in the world!
3. Harry is _______________ student in our class. He gets the top grades in every course.
4. The Pacific Ocean is _______________ ocean in the world. It covers about 170 million square
5. The Atacama desert is _______________ desert in the world. It receives just 1 mm of rain per year.
6. He is _______________ speaker I have ever heard. Half the audience fell asleep during his speech.
7. Mount Everest is _______________ mountain in the world.
8. That is _______________ painting in the art gallery. It’s worth a million dollars.
9. Switzerland is one of _______________ countries in the world.
10. Arthur hates to clean. He has _______________ apartment I’ve ever seen.

III. Underline the correct answer.

1. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is (pretty, prettier, the prettiest) of them all?
2. I find French (difficult, more difficult, most difficult) to speak than Italian.
3. Which is (fast, faster, the fastest), a snail or a worm?
4. What is (high, higher, the highest) mountain in your country?
5. This car is too small. We need to get a (big, bigger, biggest) one.
6. This summer is not as (hot, hotter, hottest) as last summer.
7. The ostrich, the (large, larger, largest) bird in the world, does not fly.
8. My exam results are as (good, better, best) as the rest of my classmates.
9. This is (exciting, more exciting, the most exciting) movie I have ever seen.
10. Move your chair a little (close, closer, closest) to the table.
IV. Put the adjectives in the correct form (comparative or superlative).
1. Lake Baikal in Russia is ___________________ lake in the world. (deep)
2. Which is ___________________, the Sahara Desert or the Gobi Desert? (hot)
3. With a high of 979 meters (3,212 ft), Angel Falls is the world’s___________________ waterfall.
4. Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa is ___________________ than Mount Everest in Asia. (low)
5. The Yangtze is ___________________ river in Asia. It is 6,385 kilometers long. (long)
6. Greenland is ___________________ island in the world. It is about 2,2 million km2. (large)
7. The River Thames is much ___________________ than the Nile. (short)
8. The Atacama Desert in Chile is the world’s ___________________ desert. (dry)
9. The Amazon Rainforest covers an area 25 times ___________________ than Britain. (big)
10. Waikiki Beach is one of ___________________ beaches in Hawaii. (popular)

V. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence, using the
adjective in capitals.
1. The first question was easier than the second one. (DIFFICULT)
The second question ___________________________________________________________
2. The black coat is smaller than the brown one. (BIG)
The brown coat ______________________________________________________________
3. The chair isn’t as comfortable as the sofa. (COMFORTABLE)
The sofa ____________________________________________________________________
4. Jim’s suitcase was lighter than Jack’s suitcase. (HEAVY)
Jack’s suitcase _______________________________________________________________
5. His homework was better than mine. (BAD)
My homework _______________________________________________________________
6. The big television is more expensive than the small one. (CHEAP)
The small television ___________________________________________________________
7. The Royal Hotel is more old-fashioned than the Holton Hotel. (MODERN)
The Holton Hotel _____________________________________________________________
8. The weather yesterday was worse than it is today. (GOOD)
The weather today ____________________________________________________________
9. People in the city aren’t as friendly as those in the country. (FRIENDLY)
People in the country __________________________________________________________
10. Life in the city is more interesting than life in the country. (BORING)
Life in the country ___________________________________________________________

So sánh bằng: (+) S + is/am/are + as + ADJ + as + N.

(-) S + isn’t/am not/aren’t + as/so + ADJ + N.
SO SÁNH HƠN = SO SÁNH BẰNG Ở PHỦ ĐỊNH (Đảo chủ ngữ và đại từ)
Ex: I’m taller than her. = She isn’t as tall as me./ She isn’t so tall as me.

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