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1. A 26 year old boy presented with history of diarrhea for

last two years , there is also history of mild abdominal
pain, generalized weakness and easy fatigability, patient
has also documented weight loss. O/E he is pale.
a. Give three different DDx.
b. How will you investigate patient.also give possibe
2. A 55 year old gentleman presented with history of
multiple episodes of epigastric pain for last one year and
he is also taking some medication for knee joint pain.
O/E his pulse was 120/min BP was 90/60. Abd
examination showed spleenomegaly and reduced liver
span .
a. What is possible cause of hematemesis in this patient?
b. How will you manage it in emergency?
c. What investigations you will do to find exact cause?
3. A middle aged woman with a BMI of 35 has had long
standing post prandial heartburn worse ongoing to bed.
She now experience difficulty in swallowing solids
unless she drinks large quantities of water and
occasionally has severe retrosternal pain.
a. Give DDx
b. How will you investigate her?
c. What strategies can you advise to reduce gastric
acid secretion?
4. How will you treat patient of h pylori infection
5. A 35 year old business man comes to opd with off and
history of burning epigastric pain O/E abdomen is soft
and non tender. There is no visceromegaly.
a. Dx? (GERD)
b. Give 5 risk factor of disease
c. Management
6. An 18 year old girl present with chronic diarrhea and
weight loss she has blotting feeling in her abdomen and
stools are difficult to flush. She has history of mouth
a. Give Dx?(ceiliac disease)
b. Investigation
c. Immediate measurement
7. A 35 year old man is brought to ER with increasing
abdominal distention pain abdomen SOB and
restlessness. He gave detailed history of off and on
dysentery for last 3 years he also passes mucus and
blood often in stool rescently his symptoms has
exaggerated and he has taken some tablet to stop his
diarrhea O/E he looks ill and restless his BP is 90/60
and pulse is 110/min low volume abd is distended there
is diffuse pain bowel sounda are absent and percussion
note is tympanic
a. Give Dx?(complicated UC)
b. Investigations
c. treatment
8. a 40 year old taxi driver presented to hospital with six
month history of abd pain and vomiting he has good
appetite but got abd pain after eating and vomit out
undigested food he has long history of dyspepsia and was
found to have duodenal ulcer on endoscopy two years
a. Give Dx?(complicated PUD)
b. Investigations
c. Treatment
9. A 35 year old woman coms with history of chronic
diarrhea and lowe abdominal discomfort which is
releived by defecation. Occassionaly she has noticed
some mucus but no blood In stool no history of fever and
weight loss examination is unremarkable.
a. Give dx
b. Investigation
c. Treatment.

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