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1. A 15 year old boy presenting with complain of joints pain with swelling
in left elbow and then the right knee joint over a period of 10 days. He
also complain of breathlessness while playing. There is history of sore
throat infection 3 weeks back. His vitals are pulse 110/bpm BP 110/80
mmHg reveals soft mild diastolic murmur at mitral areas.(prof 2018
a) Give Dx (rheumatic fever)
b) What investigations should be advised in this case?
c) Write steps of management?
2. A 52 year old business man who has DM and hypertension and is chain
smoker present to ER with h/O central chest pain while he was going to
his office. It lasted for about 8 mints and improved by itself. He felt a
sense of strangulation and broken out in sweat. His ECG done one hour
later shows T wave inversion in all chest leads with ST depression. The
trop T test is negative his bp is 170/100 mmHg RBS 256mg/dl.(prof
a) Give Dx? (stable angina)
b) Give management in ER
c) What drugs will you prescribe on discharge and what advises
will you give him?
3. A 25 year old women is brought to hospital with palpitation and SOB.
Her pulse is 130/min irregular with no pattern set to the regularity. She is
orthopneic has a cough with frothy blood stained sputum crepitation in
her lungs upto mid chest and an opening snap is audible in mitral area
with a mid diastolic rumbling murmur with pre systolic accentuation.
a. Give Dx?(mitral stenosis)
b. What will you do to control the palpitation and breathlessness.
c. What surgical options are available when she stabilize.
4. A 55 year old hypertensive patient came with C/O drowsiness and
irrelevant talk for 3 hours BP is 230/140. There is no focal neurological
a. Give Dx(malignant hypertension)
b. Give DDx
c. Investigations?
d. Enlist management plain in four steps.
5. A 56 year old gentleman known case of hypertension and heavy smoker
presented with history of severe left sided chest pain radiating to left arm,
profuse sweating nausea and palpitation for last 30 minutes ECG showed
ST elevation in anterior chest lead.
a. Give Dx(MI)
b. Treatment in emergency case?
c. Complications.
6. Give ddx of CCF
7. A 35 year old male presented with fever malaise and tiredness he noticed
dark colour urine in last few days. He has developed rash on both legs
and few dark spots on nail bases O/E clubbing and left hypochondrium
mass is felt. A murmur is audible in mitral area (2017,19,21)
a. Give Dx(infective endocarditis)
b. Investigation
c. Treatment
8. A 52 year old gentleman present with acute SOB for last one hour when
seen in ER he could not lie flat. His pulse rate was 120/min BP
240/120mmhg. He had crepitation at back upto middle of the chest his
ecg showed left ventricular hypertrophy with sinus tachycardia
a. Give Dx?(malignant hypertention)
b. Steps of management
9. A 58 year old lady with continuous fever for last 3 weeks. She is febrile
with temperature of 102 she was pale and had pansystolic murmur grade
3/6 at apex radiating to axilla. She had 2cm palpable spleen chest and
CNS examination was normal . she had painful erythematous lesions on
pulp of right third and fourth finger
a. Give DX?(infective endocarditis)
b. Investigation
c. Treatment
10.A 65 year old diabetic patient for 35 years presented with SOB and
orthopnea. On examination pulse is 100/min BP is 160/100mmhg
respiratory rate is 24/min temperature is 95F pedal edema is present JVP
is raised and fine basal crackles on base of both lungs are present apex
beat is also displaced and S3 is audible on auscultation.
a. DX
b. Investigation
c. Treatment


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