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Pros and Cons of Performance Based Pay that Affects the

Motivation and Job Satisfaction of TCV Beauty Salon

Workers 2022-2023

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Practical Research 1
Accountancy, Business, and Management


Cariño, Danica Ashley A.

Casaljay, Fernando Gabriel C. III
Castillo, Unica Mae M.
Martinez, Jamellah R.
Mendoza, Elyssa Mae C.
Panganiban, Rea Loraine R.
Salvador, Ricardo B. Jr.
Tabug, Juliana G
.III. Research Method and Procedures

Research Design

In the pursuit of investigating the effects of performance-based pay on worker

motivation and job satisfaction, a comprehensive case study approach will be
employed, focusing on the TCV beauty salon from the period of 2022 to 2023. This
approach aims to delve deeply into the intricate dynamics at play within this specific
organizational context, enabling a profound comprehension of the subject matter.

To gather a wealth of rich and contextualized information regarding the salon's

performance-based pay system and its impact on worker motivation and job
satisfaction, a diverse range of data collection methods will be utilized. These methods
include meticulous observations, insightful interviews, and thorough document analysis.
Through these multifaceted approaches, a holistic picture will be painted, shedding light
on various facets of the topic.

By adopting a case study approach, this investigation seeks to unveil invaluable

insights into the distinct factors that influence the implementation of performance-based
pay within the TCV beauty salon. This methodology recognizes that each organization
has its own intricacies and peculiarities, thus necessitating a nuanced understanding of
the relationships between pay structures, motivation, and job satisfaction in a real-world

Ultimately, the case study approach will serve as a powerful tool for comprehending
the interplay between performance-based pay, worker motivation, and job satisfaction.
Through the exploration of the TCV beauty salon's experiences and outcomes, this
investigation aspires to contribute meaningful knowledge to the field, aiding in the
development of effective strategies for optimizing workplace motivation and job
satisfaction within similar contexts.

Locale of the Study

The TCV Beauty Salon, situated in the vibrant locale of Poblacion, Mabini,
Batangas, serves as the pivotal backdrop for the comprehensive data collection and
analysis undertaken in this study. By focusing on this specific operational context, the
investigation aims to uncover the true impact of performance-based pay on worker
motivation and job satisfaction within the salon's unique environment.

The selection of this locale holds significant merit and relevance, primarily due to
the substantial population that actively engages with beauty salons in Mabini, Batangas.
This varied customer base provides an ideal setting for examining the intricate
dynamics between performance-based pay and worker motivation, as it represents a
microcosm of the broader beauty industry in the region.

Moreover, the accessibility of the chosen locale contributes to the feasibility and
convenience of data collection from multiple sources. Surveys, interviews, and
observations can be conducted more easily, given the salon's close proximity to the
research team. This proximity not only facilitates regular engagement with salon staff
and customers but also allows for a deeper understanding of their experiences,
perceptions, and satisfaction levels concerning the performance-based pay system.

By focusing on the locale of Mabini, Batangas, Philippines, this study aligns with
the preferences and expectations of the salon's customer base. It recognizes the
significance of meeting customer demands by ensuring that the salon staff perform their
duties efficiently and effectively. Understanding how performance-based pay influences
worker motivation and job satisfaction within this specific context will not only benefit the
TCV Beauty Salon but also contribute valuable insights to the broader beauty industry in
Mabini, Batangas.

In summary, the selection of TCV Beauty Salon as the primary research site, within the
vibrant locale of Poblacion, Mabini, Batangas, provides an ideal opportunity to examine
the intricate relationships between performance-based pay, worker motivation, and job
satisfaction. The salon's location in a region known for its beauty trends and
preferences, combined with its accessibility and diverse customer base, ensures that
the study captures a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, ultimately
benefiting both the salon and the wider beauty industry.
Population and Sampling Technique

Convenience sampling will be employed as the sampling technique for this

research on the pros and cons of performance-based pay that affect the motivation and
job satisfaction of workers from TCV beauty salon (2022-2023). Convenience sampling
involves selecting participants based on their accessibility and willingness to participate,
making it a practical choice given the specific context of the study. Workers from TCV
beauty salon who are available and willing to participate will be included in the sample,
ensuring a sufficient number of participants to gather meaningful data. While
convenience sampling may limit the generalizability of the findings to a larger
population, it provides a feasible and efficient method for collecting data within the
constraints of the research timeframe and available resources. The use of convenience
sampling will enable the research team to gather valuable insights from the workers of
TCV beauty salon and shed light on the specific dynamics and experiences related to
performance-based pay, motivation, and job satisfaction in this particular setting.

Convenience sampling in this study would entail choosing volunteers from the
population who are easily accessible and willing to take part in the study. The
researcher could hand out a survey or questionnaire to every employee at TCV Beauty
Salon and ask them to participate voluntarily in order to use convenience sampling. As
an alternative, the researcher may speak with staff members to get their feedback.
People who volunteer to participate might have particular traits or viewpoints that set
them apart from people who stay out. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the study's
results cautiously because they might not apply to the entire population of beauty salon
employees. The researcher might think about taking steps to enhance the sample's
variety in order to lessen some of the drawbacks of convenience sampling. This would
help in obtaining a more thorough view on the impact of performance-based pay on
employee satisfaction and motivation at TCV Beauty Salon.

In conclusion, TCV Beauty Salon employees are the population of interest for this
study. The sample method of choice would be convenience sampling, in which
participants would be picked based on their availability and willingness to participate.
Although biases may be introduced by convenience sampling, efforts should be made to
expand the sample to improve the findings' representativeness.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to gather comprehensive and insightful data, this research will employ a
mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative data collection
techniques. The data gathering procedure will unfold in a systematic and ethical
manner, prioritizing participant confidentiality and informed consent.

The initial phase of data collection will involve distributing questionnaires to the
workers of TCV beauty salon. The questionnaires will be carefully designed to capture a
wide range of information pertaining to performance-based pay, motivation, and job
satisfaction. In addition to including closed-ended questions for quantitative analysis,
the questionnaires will also incorporate open-ended questions. These open-ended
questions will allow participants to share their experiences and opinions in a more
detailed and personalized manner, providing valuable qualitative insights into their

Following the distribution of questionnaires, a subset of participants will be

selected for in-depth interviews. These interviews will serve as a powerful tool for
delving into the intricacies of the participants' experiences and perspectives regarding
performance-based pay. The interviews will be conducted in a semi-structured manner,
providing a flexible framework that allows participants to freely express their thoughts
and emotions. The research team will employ active listening techniques to foster an
environment of trust and openness, ensuring that participants feel comfortable sharing
their insights.

To ensure accuracy and reliability, the interviews will be audio-recorded, with

participants' consent, and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts will serve as a crucial
resource for thorough analysis, enabling the research team to conduct a meticulous
examination of the interview data. Through careful coding and thematic analysis,
patterns, themes, and insights will be extracted, providing a deeper understanding of
the pros and cons of performance-based pay in relation to motivation and job

Throughout the data gathering process, ethical considerations will be upheld.

Participant confidentiality will be strictly maintained, with all data anonymized and
securely stored. Informed consent will be obtained from each participant, ensuring that
they fully understand the purpose, procedures, and potential risks and benefits
associated with their involvement in the research. Ethical guidelines and protocols will
be adhered to, ensuring the well-being and rights of the participants at all times.

By employing this mixed-methods approach, incorporating both questionnaires

and interviews, this research aims to collect comprehensive and nuanced data. The
combination of quantitative and qualitative data will provide a more holistic
understanding of the intricate relationships between performance-based pay,
motivation, and job satisfaction within the TCV beauty salon context. This rigorous and
ethical data gathering process will contribute to the validity and reliability of the findings,
ultimately enhancing the value and impact of the research.

These are the sample questions that will be included in the questionnaire:

Question 1. How do you perceive the link between your performance and your pay at
TCV beauty salon?

Question 2. Are you aware of the specific criteria used to assess your performance and
determine your pay?

Question 3. In your opinion, what are the advantages of performance-based pay in the
beauty salon industry?

Question 4. What challenges or disadvantages do you perceive with performance-

based pay in your work environment?

Question 5. Do you feel that performance-based pay accurately reflects your efforts and
contributions to the salon?

Research Instrument

In this research, the primary research instrument employed will be semi-structured

interviews, offering a robust avenue to gather insightful data. The interview protocol will
be meticulously crafted to delve into the participants' experiences, perceptions, and
perspectives concerning performance-based pay, motivation, and job satisfaction. The
questions posed will be deliberately open-ended in nature, designed to elicit detailed
responses and foster a profound understanding of the participants' experiences in
relation to the research objectives.
The construction of the interview protocol will draw upon a careful synthesis of
the research objectives and existing literature, ensuring that all relevant topics are
thoughtfully addressed. By incorporating key elements from the literature, the protocol
will be crafted to capture a comprehensive range of factors influencing performance-
based pay, motivation, and job satisfaction within the TCV beauty salon context. This
approach will facilitate a deeper exploration of the complexities inherent in these

To complement the interview data, observational notes may also be included as

part of the research instrument. These observational notes will serve to capture non-
verbal cues, nuances, and contextual information during the interviews. By incorporating
this multi-modal approach, the study will be able to enrich the data collection process
and gain a more holistic understanding of the participants' experiences beyond what is
conveyed through verbal responses alone.

The interviews themselves will play a pivotal role in generating rich and
comprehensive data. By engaging directly with the participants, the research team will
have the opportunity to delve into their individual experiences, perspectives, and
opinions regarding performance-based pay, motivation, and job satisfaction. The
interviews will serve as a platform for participants to share their unique insights and
offer nuanced perspectives, contributing to a holistic exploration of the subject matter
within the specific organizational context of TCV beauty salon.

Through the careful implementation of semi-structured interviews and potential

inclusion of observational notes, this research aims to amass a wealth of detailed and
contextually rich data. By employing these robust research instruments, the study will
illuminate the complexities and interplay between performance-based pay, motivation,
and job satisfaction in the TCV beauty salon context. The data collected will serve as a
foundation for an in-depth analysis, yielding valuable insights and shedding light on the
multifaceted dynamics at play within this organizational setting.

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