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I/A Series®
Display Commands
July 30, 2007
Invensys, Foxboro, Fox, FoxDraw, FoxPanels, FoxSelect, FoxView, and I/A Series are trademarks of
Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and affiliates.
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright 1990-2007 by Invensys Systems Inc.

All rights reserved


Before using the Invensys Systems, Inc. supplied software supported by this documentation, you
should read and understand the following information concerning copyrighted software.
1. The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your obligations
and usage rights to the software described in this documentation. If any portion of
those license provisions is violated, Invensys Systems, Inc. will no longer provide you
with support services and assumes no further responsibilities for your system or its
2. All software issued by Invensys Systems, Inc. and copies of the software that you are
specifically permitted to make, are protected in accordance with Federal copyright
laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software media provided to you by
Invensys Systems, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes mentioned in the
software license.
Figures.................................................................................................................................... xi

Tables.................................................................................................................................. xiii

Preface................................................................................................................................... xv
Purpose ................................................................................................................................... xv
Audience ................................................................................................................................. xv
Revision Information .............................................................................................................. xv
Reference Documents ............................................................................................................. xv
Conventions ........................................................................................................................... xvi
Glossary of Terms .................................................................................................................. xvi

1. Display Commands ........................................................................................................... 1

Overview ................................................................................................................................... 1
Using Display Commands .................................................................................................... 1
Alarm Manager Commands ................................................................................................. 2
Display Manager Scripting Language ........................................................................................ 2
Specific Commands .............................................................................................................. 2
Examples ......................................................................................................................... 2
Variables ............................................................................................................................... 3
Read-Only Variables ........................................................................................................ 3
Read-Write Variables ....................................................................................................... 3
Initializing and Creating Variables ........................................................................................ 4
Modifying Values of Read-Only Variables ............................................................................ 6
Read-Only Variables that are Typically Customized ............................................................. 6
Using Variables in Commands ............................................................................................. 6
Operators Within Commands .............................................................................................. 7
Using Commands ..................................................................................................................... 7
Scripts .................................................................................................................................. 7
Using Scripts ................................................................................................................... 8
Embedded Scripts ............................................................................................................ 8
Using Object Manager Data Values ..................................................................................... 9
Substituting Text from a Text Object ................................................................................. 10
Building I/A Series Displays .................................................................................................... 12
Configuring Display Manager Menus ................................................................................ 12
Configuring Overlay Displays ............................................................................................ 13
Configuring Reusable Displays ........................................................................................... 13
Formatting a Display Template ..................................................................................... 14
Configuring Substitution Lists ....................................................................................... 15

B0193DF – Rev M Contents

Building Reusable Displays ............................................................................................ 16

Setting Default Ranges .................................................................................................. 17
DM Commands for Annunciator Panel Assignments .............................................................. 17
20/30 Series Annunciator Panels ........................................................................................ 17
Restrictions .................................................................................................................... 18
Model 50 and 51 Annunciator Panels ................................................................................ 18
Display Commands ................................................................................................................. 18
dmcmd - the Built-In Command Prefix ............................................................................. 18
Concatenating Multiple Commands .............................................................................. 19
Using Global Variables with Generic Overlays ................................................................... 19
Bit Extensions ......................................................................................................................... 20
Using Bit Extensions for Input Connections ...................................................................... 20
Using Bit Extensions for Output Connections ................................................................... 21
Rules .................................................................................................................................. 21
Display Manager File Types .................................................................................................... 22
Display Manager Search Paths ................................................................................................ 23
FoxView Search Paths ............................................................................................................. 23
FoxView on a Solaris Workstation ...................................................................................... 24

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands.......................................................................... 25

Use on a Particular Workstation .............................................................................................. 25
Command Reference ............................................................................................................... 28
addalmpnl ............................................................................................................................... 29
alarm_bar ................................................................................................................................ 30
almack ..................................................................................................................................... 31
almack_c ................................................................................................................................. 31
almackone_c ........................................................................................................................... 32
almackpage_c .......................................................................................................................... 32
almbkup .................................................................................................................................. 32
almdel ..................................................................................................................................... 33
almdelpage .............................................................................................................................. 34
almhist .................................................................................................................................... 34
almredir .................................................................................................................................. 35
annun ...................................................................................................................................... 36
applic ...................................................................................................................................... 37
= (assign a value) ..................................................................................................................... 38
backsurf ................................................................................................................................... 38
baklog ..................................................................................................................................... 39
blink ....................................................................................................................................... 40

Contents B0193DF – Rev M

button ..................................................................................................................................... 40
chng_env ................................................................................................................................. 42
chng_menu_bar ...................................................................................................................... 43
clearpick .................................................................................................................................. 43
close ........................................................................................................................................ 43
clralmpnl ................................................................................................................................. 45
# (comment character) ............................................................................................................ 46
csa ........................................................................................................................................... 46
dbar_button ............................................................................................................................ 47
dbar_tmplt .............................................................................................................................. 49
disable ..................................................................................................................................... 49
display_bar .............................................................................................................................. 50
dmexit ..................................................................................................................................... 50
do_lia ...................................................................................................................................... 51
e .............................................................................................................................................. 51
else .......................................................................................................................................... 51
enable ...................................................................................................................................... 52
== (equality) ............................................................................................................................ 52
execute .................................................................................................................................... 53
exit .......................................................................................................................................... 54
frntsurf .................................................................................................................................... 57
ge (greater than or equal to) .................................................................................................... 58
get_select_pt ........................................................................................................................... 58
getenv ..................................................................................................................................... 59
getstr ....................................................................................................................................... 59
goto alms ................................................................................................................................. 60
gt (greater than) ...................................................................................................................... 60
horns ....................................................................................................................................... 61
incwrap ................................................................................................................................... 62
!= (inequality) .......................................................................................................................... 63
initlog ..................................................................................................................................... 64
input ....................................................................................................................................... 64
kill ........................................................................................................................................... 65
le (less than or equal to) ........................................................................................................... 65
lt (less than) ............................................................................................................................. 66
marker_fill .............................................................................................................................. 67

B0193DF – Rev M Contents

marker_size ............................................................................................................................. 67
message_bar ............................................................................................................................ 67
mount ..................................................................................................................................... 68
mruflush ................................................................................................................................. 69
msglin ..................................................................................................................................... 70
next alms ................................................................................................................................. 70
next rdline ............................................................................................................................... 71
nologscr ................................................................................................................................... 72
nostack .................................................................................................................................... 72
ov ............................................................................................................................................ 73
ov_conn .................................................................................................................................. 78
ov_mode ................................................................................................................................. 81
ov_on_top ............................................................................................................................... 81
ov_switch ................................................................................................................................ 82
pageack ................................................................................................................................... 82
passwd ..................................................................................................................................... 83
pick ......................................................................................................................................... 84
plot ......................................................................................................................................... 87
X/Y Plots ....................................................................................................................... 89
Profile Plot Displays ...................................................................................................... 89
dmcmd plot plotname r ................................................................................................. 90
dmcmd plot plotname rw .............................................................................................. 90
dmcmd plot plotname w ............................................................................................... 91
dmcmd plot plotname p ................................................................................................ 91
dmcmd plot plotname d ................................................................................................ 91
prev alms ................................................................................................................................. 91
prev rdline ............................................................................................................................... 92
protect ..................................................................................................................................... 93
prtalmpnl ................................................................................................................................ 95
psc ........................................................................................................................................... 95
quitdm .................................................................................................................................... 96
rcntalms .................................................................................................................................. 96
rdfile ....................................................................................................................................... 97
run .......................................................................................................................................... 98
script ....................................................................................................................................... 99
sdjump .................................................................................................................................. 100
select_pt ................................................................................................................................ 101
set_select_pt .......................................................................................................................... 101

Contents B0193DF – Rev M

setb ....................................................................................................................................... 102

seti ........................................................................................................................................ 103
setl ........................................................................................................................................ 104
setacl ..................................................................................................................................... 104
setenv .................................................................................................................................... 106
setfindex ................................................................................................................................ 107
setglbl .................................................................................................................................... 108
shortcut_menu ...................................................................................................................... 108
shortcut_menu _style ............................................................................................................ 109
showcag ................................................................................................................................. 109
showms ................................................................................................................................. 110
sleep ...................................................................................................................................... 111
source .................................................................................................................................... 112
stack ...................................................................................................................................... 114
status_bar .............................................................................................................................. 114
stddisp ................................................................................................................................... 115
subslist .................................................................................................................................. 116
subst ...................................................................................................................................... 117
time_date_bar ....................................................................................................................... 118
toggle .................................................................................................................................... 118
trend ..................................................................................................................................... 120
umount ................................................................................................................................. 123
unprotect .............................................................................................................................. 123
viewdm ................................................................................................................................. 124
wp_applic .............................................................................................................................. 124
wrtfile .................................................................................................................................... 124

3. Reserved Workstation Variables .................................................................................... 127

ADV_PROT ......................................................................................................................... 127
AHD ..................................................................................................................................... 127
ACKCLR .............................................................................................................................. 127
ALMBUP .............................................................................................................................. 127
ALMCLR .............................................................................................................................. 127
ALMCNT ............................................................................................................................. 128
ALMTEXT ........................................................................................................................... 128

B0193DF – Rev M Contents

AOUT_FP ............................................................................................................................ 128
APLBUG .............................................................................................................................. 129
CADDD ............................................................................................................................... 129
CADTP ................................................................................................................................ 129
CADUS ................................................................................................................................ 129
CBP_PROT ......................................................................................................................... 129
CLR_OPT ............................................................................................................................ 129
CTLFRST ............................................................................................................................. 130
DBA_PROT ......................................................................................................................... 130
DBL_PROT ......................................................................................................................... 130
DBM_PROT ........................................................................................................................ 131
DBN_PROT ........................................................................................................................ 131
DBS_PROT ......................................................................................................................... 131
DMCMD ............................................................................................................................. 131
DM_DEC ............................................................................................................................ 132
DM_DISPLAY ..................................................................................................................... 132
DM_ITXT ............................................................................................................................ 132
DMINIT .............................................................................................................................. 132
DMLOG .............................................................................................................................. 133
DMNAME ........................................................................................................................... 133
DMPID ................................................................................................................................ 133
DMWINDOW .................................................................................................................... 133
DTMFT ............................................................................................................................... 133
ENV ..................................................................................................................................... 134
ENV1 ................................................................................................................................... 134
FPLIB ................................................................................................................................... 134
FVMENU_COLUMNS ....................................................................................................... 134
FVSEL_ASGN ...................................................................................................................... 135
FV_FPOVL .......................................................................................................................... 135
FV_HCLR ............................................................................................................................ 135
FV_RPCLR .......................................................................................................................... 135
FV_SACLR ........................................................................................................................... 135
FV_UPDAT ......................................................................................................................... 135
FXCURSOR ......................................................................................................................... 136
GCLBUG ............................................................................................................................. 136

Contents B0193DF – Rev M

GCRED ................................................................................................................................ 136

HISTNAME ......................................................................................................................... 136
INITDSP .............................................................................................................................. 136
LFPID .................................................................................................................................. 137
MLS_FP ............................................................................................................................... 137
OJL ....................................................................................................................................... 137
OJLOG ................................................................................................................................. 138
OVLMAX ............................................................................................................................. 138
P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 .............................................................................................. 138
PGM ..................................................................................................................................... 139
PICK1 .................................................................................................................................. 139
PICK2 .................................................................................................................................. 139
PICK_TMO ......................................................................................................................... 140
PID_FP ................................................................................................................................ 140
PLB ....................................................................................................................................... 140
PRC_BTN ............................................................................................................................ 141
PRC_PROT ......................................................................................................................... 141
PSV_PROT .......................................................................................................................... 141
REM ..................................................................................................................................... 141
REMOTE ............................................................................................................................. 141
SAA_PROT .......................................................................................................................... 142
SEL_PROT .......................................................................................................................... 142
SELCPSRH .......................................................................................................................... 142
SMDH .................................................................................................................................. 143
SSPROMPT ......................................................................................................................... 143
SEL_PROT .......................................................................................................................... 143
SEQ ...................................................................................................................................... 143
SSOPT .................................................................................................................................. 144
STA ...................................................................................................................................... 144
ST0 ....................................................................................................................................... 145
ST1 ....................................................................................................................................... 145
SYS_PROT ........................................................................................................................... 145
TLC_PROT ......................................................................................................................... 145
TLD_PROT ......................................................................................................................... 146

B0193DF – Rev M Contents

TND_PROT ........................................................................................................................ 146

TNDACK ............................................................................................................................. 146
TNDUNACK ....................................................................................................................... 146
TRD_RESCALE .................................................................................................................. 146
USR_DIR ............................................................................................................................. 146

Appendix A. Bit Extension Acronyms................................................................................ 147

ALMOPT ............................................................................................................................. 147
ALMSTA .............................................................................................................................. 147
BLKSTA ............................................................................................................................... 148
INHALM ............................................................................................................................. 150
INHSTA/ALMOPT ............................................................................................................. 150
Other Block Parameters (Not Listed Above) ......................................................................... 151

Appendix B. Examples of Read/Write File Operations ...................................................... 153

Example 1 – Network Display .............................................................................................. 153
Example 2 – Dependent Sequence Block Code Display ........................................................ 154

Index .................................................................................................................................. 157

B-1. Network Display (Example) ...................................................................................... 153
B-2. Dependent Sequence Block Code Display (Example) ................................................ 154

B0193DF – Rev M Figures

2-1. Display Commands ..................................................................................................... 25

B0193DF – Rev M Tables


This document provides information about display commands, which are used by the I/A Series®
display managers (FoxView™ and Display Manager).
These topics are described:
♦ Uses for display commands
♦ Display manager scripting language
♦ Read-only and read-write workstation variables
♦ Search paths
♦ Display commands (alphabetical list)
♦ Reserved workstation variables (alphabetical list)
♦ Bit extension acronyms.
This document describes the considerations involved with:
♦ Creating scripts that execute when a display button is picked
♦ Setting up scripts embedded in displays
♦ ExpertSelect functionality.

This document is intended for process and software engineers who are responsible for developing
process control and application displays.
This document assumes that you are familiar with the I/A Series system and the UNIX® and/or
Windows NT® operating system.

Revision Information
For this revision of the document (B0193DF-M), the following change was made to reflect Fox-
View/FoxDraw Software Version 9.0.3 and Version10.2:
Chapter 2 “Alphabetical List of Display Commands”
♦ Added the display command “clearpick” on page 43.

Reference Documents
Refer to these documents for additional information:
♦ Alarm and Display Manager Configurator (B0700AM)
♦ Display Builder for 50 Series Workstations (B0193MP)
♦ Display Configurator for 50 Series Workstations (B0193NL)

B0193DF – Rev M Preface

♦ Display Engineering Utilities (B0193WU)

♦ FoxDraw™ (B0193WG)
♦ FoxView (B0193WH)
♦ Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX)
♦ Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV)
♦ Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0193AW)
♦ Process Alarm Configuration (B0193AU)
♦ Process Operations and Displays (B0193MM)
♦ Workstation Alarm Management (B0193RV)
♦ Workstation Configuration (B0193AG).
Also, refer to the on-line Help for the following applications:
♦ Alarm/Display Manager Configurator
♦ Alarm Manager
♦ FoxView application (“FoxView”) [available only on Windows NT]
♦ FoxDraw application (“FoxDraw”).

The following conventions are used in the command descriptions in this document:
♦ The term FoxView/DM means FoxView or Display Manager.
♦ Arguments within square brackets [ ] are optional.
♦ Arguments that appear in italics are replaced by actual string or numerical values.
♦ A vertical line ( | ) indicates “OR”. For example, a | b means “a” or “b”.
♦ Braces { } delimit a set of choices from which the user must choose one.
♦ In all cases, the command syntax is one continuous string (no embedded carriage
♦ Multiple commands are separated by semicolons.

Glossary of Terms
This document uses the following terms:

display manager The user interface to the process (Display Manager or FoxView)

Display Manager The traditional (Pre-V5.0) display manager

FoxView The new (V5.0 or later) display manager

Remote terminal A terminal running X Window System™.

FV The FoxView software.

1. Display Commands
This chapter provides an overview of display commands, scripts, text substitutions, object
manager data values, built-in commands, global variables, bit extensions, file types, and search
Display commands are powerful utilities for developing I/A Series displays. In addition, display
commands perform process functions that define the role a particular display serves in the
I/A Series graphical user interface.

Display commands are part of a scripting language used by Display Manager and FoxView. Use
display commands in displays or script files to provide the functionality associated with operator
The Alarm Manager also has a scripting language and command interface. You can use Alarm
Manager built-in commands and keywords to utilize alarm tasks and information in other appli-
cations. Built-in commands and keywords extend Alarm Manager functionality and facilitate a
link from the Alarm Manager to your own applications to meet your plant-specific needs.

Many concepts apply to both display manager programming and Alarm Manager

Using Display Commands

You typically use display commands to:
♦ Configure operator actions on process graphics
♦ Create environments, including menu bars and display bars
♦ Change process variable values
♦ Call up displays and overlays
♦ Create re-usable display templates
♦ Start up additional application processes.
Display commands are used in:
♦ Display buttons
♦ Script files
♦ Menu bar definitions
♦ Annunciator key and FoxPanels™ button definitions
♦ Sending messages to a display manager.
With careful planning you can create a consistent user interface using display commands
to coordinate system data with graphic objects displayed on the workstation screen.

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

Unless otherwise noted, display commands are used by both styles of display man-
agers (Display Manager and FoxView).

Alarm Manager Commands

You typically use Alarm Manager (AM) commands to:
♦ Use alarm tasks and alarm information in other applications
♦ Configure button actions, menu items, and new alarm actions
♦ Call up operator instructions for a selected alarm from a user-defined alarm response
manual application
♦ Select a point in alarm and automatically trend the point.
You can also issue Alarm Manager commands from a command line.

Display Manager Scripting Language

The display manager scripting language allows you to use the display manager as a programmable
framework for your specific operator-to-process interface.
The display manager scripting language includes two parts:
♦ The specific command
♦ Local variables that can be used in the language

Specific Commands
The command portion of the scripting language is made up of two parts: the specific command
and additional arguments.
command <arg1> <arg2> <arg3> ...
Not all commands have arguments.
Invensys Foxboro provides many display commands; refer to “Alphabetical List of Display Com-
mands” on page 25 for a complete list.

The specific command is “toggle”, and the argument is “COMPOUND:BLOCK.MA”.
This command toggles the value of the.MA parameter of the COMPOUND:BLOCK block.
= P1 /usr/menus/display
The specific command is “=” and the arguments are P1 and /usr/menus/display. This command
sets the variable P1 to the value /usr/menus/display. The command is logically equivalent to P1 =
/usr/menus/display, where P1 is a local variable used in scripting.

1. Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Due to the scripting language’s required format (command <arg1> <arg2>...), the
command syntax is:
= P1 /usr/menus/display, not P1 = /usr/menus/display.

The display manager scripting language provides several variables you can use to program com-
mands. Variables fall into two categories: read-only variables, and read-write variables.
Read-only variables contain configuration information for the workstation. The value of a read-
only variable cannot be changed with a DM command.
The value of read-write variables can be read and changed within commands.

Read-Only Variables
Read-only variables cannot be modified from within commands. Read-only variables contain con-
figuration information for the workstation. There is only one copy of each variable for the work-
station as a whole. These variables can be read by any FoxView, Display Manager, or Alarm
Manager on the workstation.
Applications on other workstations cannot access the value of a read-only workstation variable.
Read-only variables are often used to specify configurable behavior for workstation applications.
You can customize read-only variables to change the default behavior of FoxView, Display Man-
ager, and Alarm Manager. Refer to “Modifying Values of Read-Only Variables” on page 6 for
more information.

Read-Write Variables
The value of read-write workstation variables can be modified from within commands. Each
instance of FoxView, Display Manager, and Alarm Manager has its own copy of these variables.
Setting a read-write variable from within one FoxView, for example, does not affect the value of a
variable with the same variable in another FoxView.
Read-write variables are used extensively throughout display button configuration. For example,
when an operator selects the OUTPUT field on a block detail display, the following command
This command sets the PICK1 variable to the value of COMPOUND:BLOCK.OUT,
allowing the PICK1 variable to be used as part of another command.
Read-write variables are implemented as Object Manager (OM) shared string variables. They are
accessible from anywhere in the I/A Series network, similar to other OM variables.

OM Shared Variable Name

The DM/FV/AM name is pre-appended to a read-write string type variable name, creating an
OM shared variable:

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

The DM/FV/AM name is appended to the read-write floating or integer type variable name,
creating an OM shared variable:
For example, suppose a workstation is configured for two display managers, a Display Manager
and a FoxView, named DM0001 and DM0002, respectively. Each display manager has its own
copy of the PICK1 variable. As implemented in the Object Manager, the names of the OM vari-
ables are DM0001PICK1 and DM0002PICK1.
When DM0001 executes the command = PICK1 COMPOUND:BLOCK.MA, the DM0001PICK1
string variable is set to the value of COMPOUND:BLOCK.MA. Similarly, when this same com-
mand is executed from within DM0002, the DM0002PICK1 variable is set to the value of
These shared variables can be read or set from anywhere on the I/A Series network, as standard
shared variables.
Object Manager shared variable names are limited to a length of 14 characters. Because the six-
character DM/AM/FV name is prepended to the read-write variable name, the read-write vari-
able’s name is limited to eight characters.

Initializing and Creating Variables

Variables are initialized and created when a workstation is booted. Default values for variables are
contained in the /usr/fox/wp/data/wp51_glbls.* file, which is an ASCII file supplied by Invensys

Do not edit these files.

These are the names of the wp51_glbls files on various workstations:

Filename Used on these workstations

gc3_glbls WP20, WP25
gc4_glbls WP30
wp51_glbls.all Model 51 and Model 70
wp51_glbls.1 Model 51 (only)
wp51_glbls.2 Model 70 (only)

The wp51_glbls files contain the following information:

♦ The type of variable (read-only or read-write)
♦ Initial value of the variable
♦ Variable length (in the case of OM read-write variables), indicating the maximum
length of the string that can be stored in the variable.

wp51_gbls.* File Syntax

The syntax of a read-only variable specification is:

1. Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

XXXXXX is the name of the variable
<value> is the value to be assigned to the variable. <value> can be blank.
Specifying a read-write string variable requires two pieces of information: the size of the variable
and its name.
gctsize is a reserved word, indicating the size (in characters) of the read-write variable.
<size> is the size (in characters) of the next set of read-write variables. The maximum size
is 255.
The syntax of a read-write string variable is:
dmtlist is a reserved word, indicating that a list of read-write variables follows
<variable(s)> is a list of read-write variable names. A separate variable is created for each
configured display manager name. The maximum length of the variable name is eight
Specifying a read-write long integer variable requires one piece of information: its name.
dmllist is a reserved word, indicating that a list of read-write long integer variables fol-
<variable(s)> is a list of read-write variable names. A separate variable is created for each
configured display manager name. The maximum length of the variable name is eight
Specifying a read-write floating variable requires one piece of information: its name.
dmflist is a reserved word, indicating that a list of read-write floating variables follows.
<variable(s)> is a list of read-write variable names. A separate variable is created for each
configured display manager name. The maximum length of the variable name is eight

Examples from the wp51_glbls.all File

fox=/usr/fox # A read-only variable defining the standard
# directory for Foxboro files
ENV_DIR=/opt/fox/env # The read-only variable specifying the directory
# containing the FoxView environment files
gctlist=255 # Creates the next variables with a size
# of 255 characters
dmtlist=DMCMD,PICK1 # The variables DMCMD and PICK1 will be created
# with a size of 255 for each configured FV/DM

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

Modifying Values of Read-Only Variables

If you want to change the value of read-only variables or read-write variables, do not edit the
Invensys Foxboro supplied wp51_glbls.* files, because these files are overwritten during an
I/A Series software upgrade.
Instead, customize the variables by editing the /usr/fox/wp/data/init.user file. The init.user file is
not overwritten during a software upgrade. Edits are not lost following upgrades.
The definitions in this file override definitions in the wp51_glbls.* files. The init.user file:
♦ Changes the values of default variables
♦ Specifies the creation of new variables.
Invensys Foxboro provides a template file, /usr/fox/wp/data/init.user.rel. You can copy this file to
init.user and use it as a template for specifying customizations.

Read-Only Variables that are Typically Customized

Refer to “Reserved Workstation Variables” on page 127 for a list of read-only variables that are
often customized.

Using Variables in Commands

Use the $ character to replace the value of a variable in a command. For example, if the PICK1
variable has been previously set to contain COMPOUND:BLOCK.MA, Display Manager and
FoxView interpret the command
toggle $PICK1
Each time the value of PICK1 changes, the toggle $PICK1 command is interpreted differently.

Both read-write and read-only variables can be accessed with the $ operator. How-
ever, only read-write variables can be set within commands.

If the same variable name has been defined as both a read-write variable and read-only variable,
the read-write variable is used in the “$” expansion.

Expanding Environment Variables

The $ operator expands UNIX and Windows NT environment variables. For example, you can
use the $PATH variable in display commands.
The order of “$” expansion is as follows:
♦ First, read-write variables are expanded
♦ Next, environment variables are expanded
♦ Last, read-only variables are expanded.
For example, if the DIR variable is defined as both a read-only variable and an environment vari-
able, the environment variable value is used when $DIR is referenced. You can use environment
variable values to override read-only variable values for specific instances of an application.

1. Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Use the $$ operator to delay the expansion of the variable until the next time FoxView or Display
Manager processes the command. For example, when you configure the FoxView display bar, the
dbar_button 1 $$ST1 command always calls in the previous display when the button is selected.
FoxView processes the command when it reads the display bar configuration file, and processes
the command again when the button is selected.

Operators Within Commands

The following operators are available for use in commands.

Operator Description
$ Value of variable
| Specifies a range
‘ Retrieves contents of control parameter (refer to “Using Object Manager
Data Values” on page 9)
; Separates commands
. References specific bits in control variable (refer to “Bit Extensions” on
page 20)
@ Extracts text from display text object (refer to “Substituting Text from a
Text Object” on page 10)

Using Commands
Display commands are most often used to configure display buttons. You perform display config-
uration by using either FoxDraw or Display Builder; refer to FoxDraw (B0193WG) or Display
Configurator (B0193NL) for information on display configuration.
Commands are also used in script files. Scripts can be invoked from displays or from menu bar
Scripts and commands are also used in configuring display bar files, environment files, and
annunciator keyboards and FoxPanels software.

Display manager script files (scripts), which include one or more DM built-in commands, are exe-
cuted by a display manager. Display manager script files resemble UNIX shell scripts or
MS-DOS® batch files, but contain commands recognized only by display managers.
You can create a script as you would any ASCII file, using a text editor. Each line of a display
manager script file contains a separate command.

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

Using Scripts
Each display manager script file must begin with the dmcmd prefix. Refer to “dmcmd - the Built-In
Command Prefix” on page 18.
To ensure that commands execute sequentially, write each command on separate lines. Each line is
limited to 80 characters for 20/30 Series workstations and 255 characters (including $ expansion)
for 50/70 Series workstations. The 50/70 Series display manager recognizes a backslash (\) at the
end of a script line to indicate command continuation on the next line.
If a line is too long, the WP20/30 display manager truncates the line; the 50 Series display man-
ager aborts the script and notifies the operator by displaying a message in the message line.

The line length limit applies to the length of a command line after the $ has been

This is an example of a script:
dmcmd script
subst temp REACTOR12:TIC1000.MEAS
The first line notifies the display manager that this file is a script.
The second line creates a substitution line, requesting the display manager to retrieve Reactor12’s
compound, block, and parameter data and to store it in the substitution name, temp.
The last line is transferred to the /usr/disp directory where a display receives and presents the data
by substituting REACTOR wherever <temp> appears.
The following example 50/70 Series script uses trailing backslashes:
dmcmd script
# call in one of three overlays, based on the UNACK status of 2 blocks
== ‘$P1 .ALMSTA.UNACK‘ 1 ov /usr/menus/overlay1 1 else \
== ‘$P2 .ALMSTA.UNACK‘ 1 ov /usr/menus/overlay2 1 else \
ov /usr/menus/overlay3 1

Embedded Scripts
Only 50 Series and 70 Series workstations support embedded scripts.

An embedded script is comprised of a set of display commands. These commands, which are
embedded in a display file, are executed by the display manager when the display is invoked after
all Object Manager lists are opened and after all other display call-up actions are performed. The
script is processed as the last part of the call-up process.
Embedding a script in a display file provides a convenient means of handling a script associated
with calling a display. This feature is used in implementing ExpertSelect functionality.
You perform embedded script functions using the 50 Series Display Builder or FoxDraw. Use the
appropriate software to create or edit the display-embedded commands.

1. Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Refer to Display Builder (B0193MP) or FoxDraw (B0193WG) for information on creating and
editing an embedded script.

Using Object Manager Data Values

The display manager permits evaluation of Object Manager data values within display com-
mands. The syntax ‘COMPOUND:BLOCK.PARAMETER‘ (C:B.P) within a display com-
mand line is interpreted as a request to retrieve the value of C:B.P from the Object Manager and
to insert its value into the command line.

These are examples of the use of this syntax:
== `CMP:BLK.MA` 1 /usr/menus/disp1 # if .MA is set, call disp1
!= `CMP:BLK.MA` 1 /usr/menus/disp2 # if .MA is not set, call disp2
Bit extensions are allowed in the backquote (`) expression. The value of a parameter with
bit extension is 0 or 1. This syntax is also used by the display manager to display bit-extension
trend data. By using bit extensions, the previous example can be configured as:
== `CMP:BLK.ALMSTA.MA` 1 /usr/menus/disp1 # if .MA is set, call disp1
!= `CMP:BLK.ALMSTA.MA` 1 /usr/menus/disp2 # if .MA is not set, call disp2
An optional second argument is allowed within the backquote expression to support the $PICK1
functionality. The previous example can also be configured as:
= PICK1 CMP:BLK.OUT # .OUT parameter is picked
== `$PICK1 BLKSTA.MA` 1 /usr/menus/disp1 # if .MA is set, call disp1
!= `$PICK1 BLKSTA.MA` 1 /usr/menus/disp2 # if .MA is not set, call disp2
The evaluation of the backquote expression converts into an ASCII integer. For example, if
CMP:BLK.MEAS is currently 85.538, the expression:
expands to:
= P8 86
which sets the WP variable P8 to “86”.
When evaluating display command lines, the display manager first expands any “$” expressions,
and then expands the backquote (`) expressions. For example, if:
P8 = CMP1:BLK.P1
P7 = CMP2:BLK.P2
setb $P8 `$P7`
expands to:
setb CMP1:BLK.P1 `CMP2:BLK.P2`
which sets CMP1:BLK.P1 to the current value of CMP2:BLK.P2

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

♦ Nesting backquote expressions is not supported. For example, the following is not
setb CMP1:BLK.P1 ``C:B.P`` # nested backquotes are not valid
♦ Any command line may contain backquote references. The backquote syntax supports
shared variables in addition to Control Processor variables.
♦ If the backquote expression can not be evaluated, the command is aborted and a mes-
sage displays on the top message line; for example:
invalid C:B.P syntax
point is not found on the network

Substituting Text from a Text Object

The display manager allows some buttons on displays to be configured by “extracting” the text for
the command from the picked text record. Use a @ character in a command line to substitute the
text from the picked text record within the command line.

Substituting text has the following rules and limitations:
♦ It is available only on display picks.
♦ It cannot be included in scripts, as there is no text object from which to extract text.
♦ Only text objects can substitute text.
♦ The configured function must be:
♦ A display command (FoxView only)
♦ execute (Display Manager only)
♦ open display
♦ open overlay
♦ set relative pick
♦ If the configured function is set relative pick and the text object is subsequently
updated with new text, the text object becomes unpicked; that is, the highlight box is
removed and PICK1 is cleared.

Example 1
If the text object is configured for set relative pick and contains the text
COMP1:BLK1.PNT1, picking this object expands
= PICK1 @
PICK1 would then be set to COMP1:BLK1.PNT1, and the text object would be highlighted.
If the actual displayed text was updated (changed in any way), PICK1 would be cleared and the
text object would not be highlighted.

1. Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Example 2
If the text object contains a multi-word string used as a single argument, surround the @ with quo-
tation characters (“ ”).
For example, if the text object contains the text COMP1 BLK1 PNT1, picking the object
expands the command line from
= PICK1 “@”

Example 3
If the text object contains a multi-word string intended as separate arguments, do not include
quotation characters (“ ”).
If the text object contains the text COMP1:BLK1 PID, when picked, the command line
stddisp @
expands to
stddisp COMP1:BLK1 PID

FoxView and the 50 Series Display Manager (Version 3.3 or later) support individual word selec-
tion during expansion of a @. This syntax allows individual words to be extracted from the dis-
played text.
@[ #num[#] ]
The num argument must be preceded by the pound character (#).
The num argument may optionally be terminated with a # to allow for numbers in the text follow-
ing the @#num sequence.
Here are examples of this feature’s use:

Text Record
Contents Configured Action After Substitution
Hello World = PICK1 @#1 = PICK1 Hello
Comp Block Param = PICK1 @#1:@#2.@#3 = PICK1 Comp:Block.Param
Comp Block Param = PICK1 @#1#9:@#2.@#3 = PICK1 Comp9:Block.Param
Comp Block = P1 @#1 ; = P2 @#2 = P1 Comp ; = P2 Block
Comp Block toggle @#1:@#2.MA toggle Comp:Block.MA

You can use these replacement types in conjunction with a Read-File menu. A Read File might list
a set of recipes with descriptions, with the recipe name as the first word of the text field.
The relative pick function requires only the name of the recipe, and therefore can be assigned as =
PICK1 @#1.

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

Building I/A Series Displays

You create graphic displays with Display Builder or FoxDraw, and you use the I/A Series Display
Configurator or FoxDraw to assign display manager (DM) commands to display objects.
Display commands enable you to customize display applications by modifying existing displays
and creating new ones.
DM commands are the key to:
♦ Modifying existing displays such as the menu bar
♦ Creating data displays such as substitution lists
♦ Writing scripts.
DM commands can be inter-related. For example, you can write a script executed from a menu
bar selection that calls a substitution list.
For information on DM commands and customizing I/A Series displays, refer to:
♦ “Display Commands” on page 18
♦ “Using Global Variables with Generic Overlays” on page 19.

Configuring Display Manager Menus

For 20/30 Series workstations, you customize or create menus with the I/A Series Workstation
Configurator. Refer to Workstation Configuration (B0193AG). The Workstation Configurator
enables you to customize any environment menu with built-in commands by creating new menu
picks or editing existing menu picks.
For 50 Series or 70 Series, there is no Workstation Configurator. The features of environment
files are implemented through DM commands using DM scripts.
Assign commands to the configurator path field, as shown below:

Workstation Access Configurator (20/30 Series only)

Environment: environment name here
Label Path
1 Sys /usr/fox/sys
2 keep
10 Select dmcmd stddisp

The numbers under the Label heading, one through ten, correspond to ten positions on the menu
bar, from left to right. Menu fields appear on the menu bar only when you associate a path with a
label name. Specifying a path tells Display Manager where to search for a command.
For example, the pickable Select field appears on the right-most position on the menu bar. When
a user chooses it, the built-in stddisp command executes.

1. Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

You may find it helpful to see how Invensys Foxboro uses display commands, partic-
ularly in the Initial environment. Use the Workstation Configurator to access and
view default environments.

Configuring Overlay Displays

The display manager provides two commands that permit an overlay to be called in (without a
button pick) to a specific location on the screen: ov and ov_conn
You can use these commands in scripts or in the Execute Program dialog box.

Command Description
ov This command requires that variables (such as P1 and P2) or substitution lists
be used with the associated overlay display file to specify the COM-
POUND:BLOCK connection. Using the ov command, the same overlay dis-
play file can be opened multiple times, to connect to multiple
ov_conn This command provides call-up of an overlay such that its associated COM-
POUND:BLOCK name is defined when the overlay is opened, not when it is
built. Like the ov command, the same overlay display file can be opened mul-
tiple times to connect to multiple COMPOUND:BLOCKs. However, for
each call-up of the overlay using ov_conn, connection is made only to the
explicitly-specified COMPOUND:BLOCK. Because the COM-
POUND:BLOCK name is defined when the overlay is opened, each time the
overlay displays, it is assured that every connection (every dynamic input and
operator connection) connects to the specified COMPOUND:BLOCK. The
use of ov_conn is the preferred choice when security is an issue.

Using the ov and ov_conn commands is similar, in effect, to configuring a button on a base dis-
play to open an overlay into a specific location on the screen. However, when using ov or
ov_conn, the specified position overrides the overlay position specified in the overlay display file.
This permits scripts to call up overlays without configuring the overlay position in the display file.

Configuring Reusable Displays

Reusable displays enable you to change data on the workstation screen by creating or modifying
files rather than building new displays.
Build reusable displays by merging two files: a source file and a target file. The former substitu-
tion list contains text or data. The latter packed display contains a graphic template.
Within a template, you can substitute these items into the substitution list:
♦ Connection names, such as COMPOUND:BLOCK.PARAMETER
♦ Text strings, such as headings
♦ Built-in commands that execute when selected from a display object
♦ Global variables that “expand” their values.

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

Both files share a grouped identifier or keyword, for example, <301> or <reactor>, where the data
and template merge. Executing the subslist built-in command merges the two files, resulting in
a reusable display.
For detailed information on building and configuring displays, refer to:
♦ Display Builder for 50 Series Workstations (B0193MP)
♦ Display Configurator for 50 Series Workstations (B0193NL).

Formatting a Display Template

You format a display template with Display Builder and the Display Configurator.
You must determine the length of text or data you want to display on the template. Use between 6
and 27 characters for the identifier or keyword names, including grouping characters.
Once you have formatted the display, invoke the Display Configurator and attribute passive con-
tents to template fields.

You can use any of these three pairs of grouping characters: angle brackets (< >), braces ([ ]), or
<,(,[ 6 to 27 characters ],),>
Grouped keywords or identifiers precede the lines where text or data merge into the template.
A line cannot exceed 200 characters.
Use underscore characters to the right of the grouped keywords or identifiers. For example:
<201>___________ XXXXXXX <401>___________
<202>___________ XXXXXXX <402>___________

If <semi> or <port> types of text are on the display, do not configure them for con-
tents < as suggested. Only the xxxxxx type field, not substitution field, should be
configured for contents <.

If the allocated space for substitutions is too short when the data or text merges with the template,
they are truncated to the right.

To attribute passive contents

1. Highlight a template field.
2. From the pull-down menu, choose contents <.
3. Insert the same grouped keyword or identifier found on the template field.
You can also format your display without the grouping characters by using XXXXXXs or another
display object. When doing so, insert a grouped keyword or identifier with underscore characters,
as described below.

1. Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

To insert a grouped keyword or identifier

1. Highlight a template field.
2. From the pull-down menu, choose contents <.
3. Insert a grouped keyword or identifier with underscore characters no less than the
number of XXXXXXs on the display template, as follows:
After formatting and installing the display template, install the display from the Display Configu-
rator and configure one or more substitution lists.

Configuring Substitution Lists

A substitution list accesses the display template. The display template and substitution list merge,
substituting the grouped fields on the display with the corresponding grouped fields in the substi-
tution list. In addition, you can enter these items in a substitution list:
♦ Connection names such as COMPOUND:BLOCK.PARAMETER
♦ Built-in commands that execute when selected
♦ Global variables that “expand” their contents.
Open a file with a text editor, such as vi on UNIX or Notepad on Windows NT, to create and
configure a substitution list.

The display template and substitutions list’s keywords or identifiers must match
exactly. For example, <abc> is different from (abc).

All substitutions take place before the display appears on the screen. Then subsequent displays
called to the screen clear previous substitutions.

The following substitution list passes its text and connection names (data) to the display template
found in the previous section:
<201>=Furnace Press PT1
<202>=Furnace Press PT2
The first line of the file must begin with subs: followed by the display template’s file name.
The equal signs (=) define keywords or identifiers with text or data. The keywords or identifiers
on the display template that match the substitution list’s keywords or identifiers receive the
defined text or data.

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

Building Reusable Displays

The subslist built-in references the specified substitution list and merges it with the display tem-
plate specified after subs:, as shown in the example below:

dmcmd subslist /usr/disp/template/subslist_name

path to substitution list
<201>=Furnace Press PT1
<202>=Furnace Press PT2
Calling the subslist built-in command builds the display from the display template to the
merged display, as shown below:

Display Template
<port>__________<201>__________XXXXX <401>___________
<semi>__________<202>__________XXXXX <402>___________

Merged Display
PT0101 Furnace Press PT1 23.1 PSIG
PT0102 Furnace Press PT2 233.2 PSIG
You can use the same display template with another substitution list. You can create new substitu-
tion lists by copying the original list, editing the new list, and saving it with a different name than
the original list. For example, the following substitution list is called subslist_name2:

dmcmd subslist /usr/disp/template/subslist_name2

path to substitution list
<201>=Boiler PT1
<202>=Boiler PT2
Notice above that the Furnace Pressure and Boiler Pressure substitution lists use the same display
template. Except for different headings, the two displays are identical.

1. Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Setting Default Ranges

You may want to create a reusable display that indicates changes in process variables, such as tem-
perature in one instance and pressure in another. One display object can do this. However, differ-
ent types of variables usually require differently calibrated display objects. For example, one
process variable may require a 0-100 scale, but a different process variable may require a 0-200
scale using the same filled bar.
You can specify default ranges with the following syntax:
x is I (input) or O (output)
# is the range parameter number (1-8)
D is the optional deviation range.
For detailed information on various control blocks and configuring their parameters, refer to:
♦ Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0193AW)
♦ Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).

For example, configure your display object by specifying the default range of the following global
variable P7:
Then, in the script file, assign P7 the following connection value:
= P7 REACTOR1:FC1000
When you build the display:
♦ The P7 variable expands, creating the connection to REACTOR1:FC1000.MEAS
♦ The RI1 range parameter (high and low scale input ranges) for the
REACTOR1:FC1000 block is requested from the Control Processor
♦ The display object receives the ranges
♦ The REACTOR1:FC1000.MEAS display conforms to the ranges.

DM Commands for Annunciator Panel Assignments

20/30 Series Annunciator Panels
To decrease the call-up time for a display from an annunciator panel key pick, the display man-
ager reads and processes the annunciator panel configuration file during initialization, rather than
the alarm alert (AA) subsystem. As a result, a user may assign a subset of display commands
(dmcmds) directly to the keys rather than assigning a script that contains the command. This capa-
bility is limited, but it allows fast access to some functions without requiring a file read or any
form of network access.

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

As an example, by assigning the following to the program entry with the annunciator panel con-


the System Management subsystem is invoked when the annunciator key is pressed. This elimi-
nates the need for the display manager to read a script file containing this command, thereby
slightly speeding up the access time.
In the following example, when key 2 on panel 3 is pressed, the annunciator light is extinguished
before calling up the assigned display, North_Tower.


PROGRAM NAME annun 2 3 4

Be aware of these restrictions regarding the display commands assigned to annunciator keys.
1. The entire command must fit within 14 characters.
2. The command must contain at least one space, that is, the command cannot be a sin-
gle-word command.
3. The display manager executes the program entry before the display entry.

Model 50 and 51 Annunciator Panels

For a Model 50 workstation, the alarm panel file is an alarm server script created with a text editor
(or created using the Annunciator Configurator on a Model 51 workstation).
For a Model 51 workstation and 70 Series stations, the alarm panel file is generated by the
Annunciator Configurator or FoxPanels Configurator.

Display Commands
Display manager built-in commands begin with dmcmd and follow certain rules. Commands fall
into distinct categories.

dmcmd - the Built-In Command Prefix

The display manager recognizes the letters dmcmd as a prerequisite for using two separate, but
related display manager applications:
♦ Built-in commands
♦ Scripts.

1. Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

The lowercase dmcmd built-in command is entirely different from the uppercase
DMCMD global variable.

Built-In Commands
Before executing most built-in commands, Display Manager requires the dmcmd prefix;
FoxView does not require this prefix. dmcmd is required only in single-word commands. The let-
ters dmcmd direct the display manager to check its list of built-ins. The display manager checks its
command list, recognizes the command, and then executes it.
The dmcmd prefix must be separated from the built-in command with a space. For example,
dmcmd stddisp.

Script Files
Both FoxView and Display Manager require that each script file (script) be identified with dmcmd.
The first letters on the first line of every script must be “dmcmd”. See “DM Commands for
Annunciator Panel Assignments” on page 17.

Concatenating Multiple Commands

Within scripts, you can concatenate multiple commands with a semicolon (;) surrounded by
spaces (for example, protect 10 ; unprotect 22).
For 50 Series and 70 Series, semicolons may be used with all commands.
For 20/30 Series, this syntax works only with the following built-in commands that require a lim-
ited number of arguments:
= msglin setacl setfindex protect
setb seti setl unprotect

Using Global Variables with Generic Overlays

Exercise extreme care when defining and re-defining global variables that are used in
generic overlays when more than one of these overlays are to be displayed at the
same time.

An example of this situation is the execution of a display manager script that sets a display man-
ager variable (such as PICK3) to a COMPOUND:BLOCK path that invokes a generic overlay
that has objects configured with a path of “$PICK3.Parameter”.
When a pick invokes a display manager script that sets display manager variables and then calls a
generic overlay, if a second display manager script is called (which also uses the same generic over-
lay and redefines the PICK3 variable), if an operator selects a parameter on the first overlay to
modify, the parameter on the second overlay is modified. This occurs because the PICK3 variable
was redefined to the second overlay’s path.

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

If multiple overlays are to display at the same time, use a unique variable (such as PICK3 and
PICK4) for each of the overlays. This ensures the use of the intended path when an object on an
overlay is selected.
Do not define the PICK2 display manager variable in a display manager script that invokes a base
display or overlay display, because while loading the graphic, the display manager sets PICK2 to
the null string.

Bit Extensions
Use bit extensions to reference specific bits within packed Boolean and packed long parameter
data types.
Parameter bit extensions contain logical operators and one of the following: a value mask, a list of
Boolean numbers, or a list of bit acronyms.

Using Bit Extensions for Input Connections

This is the syntax in bit extensions for input connections (trend connections and back quote eval-
uation of Object Manager (OM) data values):
[~]{& | A | X} {bitmask | bit_acronym_1, bit_acronym_2,...bit_acronym_n}

Symbol Function
~ Inverts the Boolean result.
& result = bitwise AND of source value and mask, then compare whether
the result equals the mask. The result is true if all the bits defined by the
mask are set in the value.
A result = bitwise OR of source value and mask. The result is true if any bit
defined in the mask is set in the value.
Not needed if ORing the bits and bitmask or bit_acronym_1 does not
start with an “A”. For example, to connect to the MA BLKSTA bit, the
expression Comp:Block.BLKSTA.MA is valid and it is identical with
Comp:Block.BLKSTA.AMA. When connecting to the Active BLKSTA
bit, the connection Comp:Block.BLKSTA.ACT is invalid; the valid
expression is Comp:Block.BLKSTA.AACT.
X result = bitwise XOR of defined bits. If all defined bits are the same, the
result is 0; otherwise, the result is 1. For example, the result of the con-
nection Comp:Block.Param.XB3,B6,B7 is:
when Boolean numbers 2, 6, and 7 are all 0 or all 1, the result is 0; oth-
erwise, the result is 1.
bitmask Hexadecimal bitmask; 4 digits if masking a packed boolean, 8 digits if
masking a packed long.

1. Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Symbol Function
bit_acronym Multiple bit acronyms or Boolean numbers separated by commas. You
can mix bit acronyms and numbers. Boolean numbers have the follow-
ing syntax and range:
Data Type Syntax OM data bit numbers
Packed Long B1,B2,...B32 (bit 31, bit30, ... bit 0)
Packed Bool B1,B2,...B16 (bit 15, bit14, ... bit 0)
B1 represents the most significant bit; B16/B32 represent the least sig-
nificant bit (OM data is bit 0). Refer to “Bit Extension Acronyms” on
page 147 for a list of bit acronyms.


Using Bit Extensions for Output Connections

This is the syntax in bit extensions for output connections (toggle, setb, momentary contacts):
[-] {bitmask | bit_acronym_1, bit_acronym_2,...bit_acronym_n}

- Inverts the resulting bitmask.

bitmask Hexadecimal bitmask; 4 digits mask a packed boolean, 8 digits
mask a packed long.
bit_acronym Multiple bit acronyms or Boolean numbers separated by commas.
You can mix bit acronyms and numbers. Boolean numbers have
the following syntax and range:
Data Type Syntax OM data bit numbers
Packed Long B1,B2,...B32 (bit 31, bit30, ... bit 0)
Packed Bool B1,B2,...B16 (bit 15, bit14, ... bit 0)
B1 represents the most significant bit; B16/B32 represent the
least significant bit (OM data is bit 0). Refer to “Bit Extension
Acronyms” on page 147.

Use a period (.) to separate the parameter name from the bit extension name. Use two periods (..)
to separate a shared variable name from its bit extension. The syntax is as follows:
If you use $ substitution, do not separate bit extensions from the parameter name. For example,
do not use the “$P1.bitextension” connection expression, because utilities such as convdisp2_20
evaluate the bit extension as a parameter name, and a bit extension without a parameter name has
no meaning.

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

When using $ substitutions, substitute only compound or block names, as in “$P1.parame-

ter.bitextension”. Refer to “Bit Extension Acronyms” on page 147 for a cross reference of the bit
extension acronym versus bit number.

Display Manager File Types

Three display manager files enable you to coordinate and orchestrate display actions:
♦ Display files
♦ Script files
♦ Substitution lists.

WP20s and WP30s recognize an additional file type, an environment file.

On both Windows NT and Solaris® workstations, the display manager recognizes the file type by
checking the file’s first two bytes, called the UNIX magic number.
For display files and environment files, both binary files, the display manager checks the magic
number. For the script and substitution list files, both ASCII files, the display manager searches
the file’s contents for the characters “dm” and “su”, respectively.
Each display manager file has the following magic numbers and display actions:

UNIX Magic
Display File Type Number Display Manager Action
Packed display f0d0 Presents the display on screen.
(20/30 Series)
Packed display f1d0 Presents the display on screen.
(50 Series)
Foxboro Display File f3d0 Presents the display on screen.
FoxView (50 Series)
Foxboro Display File f2d0 Presents the display on screen.
FoxView (70 Series)
Environment f0b0 Changes to named environment.
(20/30 Series)
Script dm Executes the script.
Substitution list su Makes data substitutions and
presents the display on screen.

Each of the above actions is accomplished in a variety of ways, as described in “Display Manager
Search Paths” on page 23.

1. Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Display Manager Search Paths

The following information applies only to Display Manager on 50 Series worksta-
tons. It does not apply to FoxView.

The Display Manager uses the following sequence to open and read files:
1. It attempts to open the desired file on the local (WP) disk.
2. If this attempt fails, it attempts to open the file (of the same name and path) on the
AP that is currently mounted.
3. If this attempt fails, it attempts to open a file of the same name and path, but relative
to the /usr/fox/ia16 directory on the same AP as the previous step.
This sequence is followed for all files that the Display Manager reads explicitly, including display
files, scripts, programs, and directories.
The only exceptions to this sequence are files specifically configured to be called up from remote
locations, for example, if a button is configured to call up a display $REM/usr/custom/
New_Initial_Display. When searching for these files, the Display Manager does not attempt to
open the file on the local disk.
Searching can have an adverse impact on display call-up speed, but it does allow for placing files
in a central location on an AP for access by multiple 50 Series WPs. When call-up speed is critical,
ensure that:
♦ Copies of desired files are on the local disk
♦ Displays are converted and repacked.
This sequence is used only for files that the Display Manager reads. It is not used for programs the
Display Manager may attempt to run, and it does not utilize or change the PATH environment

FoxView Search Paths

The following section does not apply to Display Manager.

FoxView has a search path mechanism that allows displays for both Display Manager and
FoxView to reside on the same disk. Display Manager display files and FoxView display files can
co-exist because FoxView automatically looks for display files in both the /opt and /usr
When FoxView is passed a filename starting with “/usr”, FoxView automatically replaces the
“/usr” directory with “/opt” and first checks whether the file exists in the /opt directory structure.
If it does, FoxView uses this file. If not, FoxView checks the /usr directory structure.

B0193DF – Rev M 1. Display Commands

For example, if an “open display” button pick on a display is configured to open the file
“/usr/menus/display”, FoxView first checks whether the file “/opt/menus/display.fdf ” exists. If it
does, the file in /opt is opened. If not, FoxView checks for the file as specified in the /usr directory
structure, and opens that one if it exists. This allows FoxView display file to reside in the /opt
directory, while Display Manager files are located in the /usr directory structure.
In a similar way, FoxView also has a searching mechanism that is used when accessing standard
Invensys Foxboro delivered files. For example, the library objects that are shipped as part of
FoxView/FoxDraw are delivered in the /opt/fox/displib directory structure. If you modify files in
this directory, these edits are lost when a new software release is installed.

To prevent this from occurring, place modifications or additions to the standard
Foxboro library objects in the directory structure /opt/customer/displib.

FoxView automatically searches for display library files in the /opt/customer/displib directory
before accessing the files in /opt/fox/displib. In addition to /opt/fox/displib, FoxView also applies
this approach when opening files in the /opt/fox/env directory. First the directory structure
/opt/customer/env is checked for the file. If not found there, the file is located in the /opt/fox/env

FoxView on a Solaris Workstation

Although the 51 Series FoxView supports mounting remote file systems, it does not search for
files on the remote disk in the way Display Manager does. FoxView can access files on remote sys-
tems by explicitly referencing the remote file in the filename.
For example, FoxView on 51 Series stations can call up the following remote file from a mounted
file system:
The explicit $REM prefix must be used to indicate the file is on the remote station. The remote
station is the one FoxView last mounted through the “mount” command.

2. Alphabetical List of Display
This chapter alphabetically lists and describes display commands.

Some commands listed in this chapter are no longer handled by the display man-
ager, but are instead handled by a different application, such as the Alarm Server
Task (AST). Commands not handled by a display manager are indicated in the
command’s Remarks section.

Use on a Particular Workstation

Use the following table to determine whether a display command can be used on a particular
I/A Series workstation.

Table 2-1. Display Commands

I/A Series Workstation

30 or
Display Command 20 PW 50 51DM 51FV 70
= (assign a value) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
== (equality) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
!= (inequality) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
# (comment) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
addalmpnl No No Yes No No No
alarm_bar No No No No Yes Yes
almack Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
almack_c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
almackone_c Yes Yes Yes No No No
almackpage_c Yes Yes Yes No No No
almbkup No No Yes Yes No No
almdel Yes Yes Yes No No No
almdelpage Yes Yes Yes No No No
almhist No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
almredir Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
annun Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
applic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Table 2-1. Display Commands (Continued)

I/A Series Workstation

30 or
Display Command 20 PW 50 51DM 51FV 70
backsurf Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
baklog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
blink Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
baklog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
button Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
chng_env No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
chng_mbar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
clearpick Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
close Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
clralmpnl No No Yes No No No
csa No No Yes Yes No No
dbar_button No No No No Yes Yes
dbar_tmplt No No No No Yes Yes
disable No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
display_bar No No No No Yes Yes
dmexit No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
do_lia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
e Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
else No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
enable No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
execute Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
exit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
frntsurf Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
ge No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
get_select_pt No No No Yes Yes Yes
getenv No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
getstr Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
goto alms Yes Yes Yes No No No
gt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
horns Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
incwrap Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
initlog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
input Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
kill Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
le No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Table 2-1. Display Commands (Continued)

I/A Series Workstation

30 or
Display Command 20 PW 50 51DM 51FV 70
lt No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
mount No No Yes Yes Yes No
mruflush No No No No Yes Yes
msglin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
next alms Yes Yes Yes No No No
next rdline Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
nologscr No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
nostack Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ov No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
ov_conn No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
ov_mode No No No No Yes Yes
ov_on_top No No No No Yes No
ov_switch No No No No Yes Yes
pageack Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
passwd No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
pick No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
plot Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
prev_alms Yes Yes Yes No No No
prev_rdline Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
protect No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
prtalmpnl No No Yes No No No
pcs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
quitdm No No Yes Yes No No
rctalms Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
rdfile Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
run Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
script Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
sdjump Yes Yes No No No No
select_pt No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
set_select_pt No No No No Yes Yes
setb Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
seti Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
setl Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
setacl Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
setenv No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Table 2-1. Display Commands (Continued)

I/A Series Workstation

30 or
Display Command 20 PW 50 51DM 51FV 70
setfindex Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
setglbl Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
shortcut_menu No No No No Yes Yes
shortcut_menu_style No No No No Yes Yes
showcag No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
showms No No Yes Yes No No
sleep Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
source No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
stack Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
status_bar No No No No Yes Yes
stddisp Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
subslist Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
subst Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
toggle Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
trend No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
umount No No Yes Yes Yes No
unprotect No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
viewdm No No Yes Yes Yes No
wp_applic No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
wrtfile Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Command Reference
The following information is provided for each command:

Category Contents
Workstations Icons indicating the workstations on which this command can
S/W Release: You can use the command on this version (or later)
Use Purpose and description of the command
Syntax Command syntax, including all arguments
♦ An icon indicates when an argument applies only
to a certain workstation
Remarks Additional information

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

The following icons represent workstations on which the particular command can be used.

Icons with a slash indicate that the command can not be used on this workstation.

The “30” icon also indicates use on a PW.


On Model 51 workstations and 70 Series workstations, this command is read by the
Alarm Server Task (not the Display Manager or FoxView).

S/W Release:


Use: For alarm panel configuration at run time, adds a path for a chain of
annunciator key (or soft alarm panel button) actions

Syntax: addalmpnl panel key type path

panel equals 1-12, identifying the soft panel
key equals 1-16, identifying the panel’s key
type equals the category of definition
♦ P equals Program
♦ C equals Command
♦ D equals Display
♦ T equals Target Display Manager Name
path equals definition to be added to the specified category. If definition is
null, all definitions for the key are deleted.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Remarks: Refer to Process Alarm Configuration (B0193AU) and Workstation Alarm

Management (B0193RV) for usage information.
See also clralmpnl and prtalmpnl.
Although the addalmpnl command is not serviced by the Display Man-
ager or FoxView on Model 51 workstations and 70 Series workstations,
the above “Use” and “Syntax” definitions are valid when directing this
command to the Alarm Manager’s Alarm Server Task (AST).
pref -WRKSTN ascmd “addalmpnl 1 3 D D:\path\file.ext”
The above command temporarily stores a soft panel assignment until a
reboot command or clralmpnl command is issued. After entering this
addalmpnl command, pressing the annunciator key at panel 1 key 3 pre-
sents “file.ext” at the designated display manager.
You can save temporary key assignment(s) to a file for future use. To save a
temporary assignment (so it can be used after a reboot), issue the
prtalmpnl command to the AST.
pref -WRKSTN ascmd “prtalmpnl \usr\fox\alarms\SAVECFG.PRT”
If a reboot occurs, the WRKSTNAApan file remains untouched, and the
\usr\fox\alarms\SAVECFG.PRT file, which contains both the WRKST-
NAApan data and the temporary configuration data, is available.
To load a previously saved alarm panel configuration file, perform the fol-
pref -WRKSTN ascmd "loadalmpnl \usr\fox\alarms\SAVECFG.PRT"
Doing this is a fast way to temporarily configure soft panel assignments
using the definitions that were saved.
At run time, to clear out all temporary alarm panel definitions, issue the
clralmpnl command.
pref -WRKSTN ascmd “clralmpnl”


S/W Release: FoxView 99.2.

Use: Displays or removes the alarm bar.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Syntax: alarm_bar on | off

on enables display of the alarm bar.
off disables display of the alarm bar.

Remarks: This command displays or removes the alarm bar at the top left of the
FoxView window. The alarm bar contains the System and Process buttons.


S/W Release: all

Use: For alarming, acknowledges an alarm

Syntax: “dmcmd almack <COMPOUND:BLOCK>”

Remarks: This command sends an alarm acknowledge message to a particular block.

For example,
dmcmd almack REACTOR:PID01
sends an alarm acknowledge message to the REACTOR:PID01 block and
sets the block’s UNACK parameter to 0.


S/W Release: 4.0

Use: For alarming, acknowledges alarms for all blocks in a specified compound

Syntax: dmcmd almack_c <COMPOUND>

Remarks: This command sends an alarm acknowledge message to the specified com-
For example,
dmcmd almack_c REACTOR
sends an alarm acknowledge message to the REACTOR compound and
sets the UNACK parameter of each block in the compound to 0.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: 4.0

Use: For alarming, acknowledges the compound of the selected alarm on the
alarm display

Syntax: dmcmd almackone_c


S/W Release: 3.0

Use: For alarming, acknowledges all the compounds on the alarm display page

Syntax: dmcmd almackpage_c

Remarks: This command sends a compound-level alarm acknowledge message to all

compounds on the alarm display page.


S/W Release: 3.0

Use: For alarming, recovers alarms from another WP when multiple WPs
receive the same alarms.

Syntax: dmcmd “almbkup WPLBUG” -or- dmcmd “dmcmd almbkup”

If no letterbug is specified, the preconfigured WP letterbug from
/usr/fox/alarms/commgrp.cfg is used.

Remarks: This command permits alarm recovery, during initialization, of WP alarm

information from another active WP in the system. The alarm informa-
tion includes the CAD entries and the annunciator LED status if config-
ured with the same annunciator table configuration.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

You can automatically recover alarm information during WP initialization

by entering a backup WP letterbug in the Common Alarm Group config-
uration file (/usr/fox/alarms/commgrp.cfg). You can invoke alarm recov-
ery with the display manager almbkup command.

WPs at Version 3.3 may only back up other 50 Series Version 3.3 worksta-
tion alarms.
The following actions cause the WP alarm recovery to abort:
♦ Mismatch in the number of annunciator assignments between
sending and receiving WPs
♦ Communication errors during transfer of the alarm tables
♦ The backup WP is busy sending alarm tables to another WP
♦ Incompatible station types.
If the alarm recovery aborts before completion, all tables initialize (that is,
the CAD list is not kept if annunciator tables are not sent successfully). In
addition, the message WPLBUG Unable to recover alarm tables from
backup appears on the message line, indicating that the recovery was not


S/W Release: all

Use: For alarming, clears the selected alarm from the alarm display and the
Alarm Alert database

Syntax: dmcmd almdel

Remarks: This command clears the selected alarm from the alarm display and the
Alarm Alert database.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: all

Use: For alarming, clears all the alarms on the alarm display page and the Alarm
Alert database

Syntax: dmcmd almdelpage


S/W Release: all

Use: For alarming, invokes the Alarm History Display from the local Historian


dmcmd almhist

dmcmd almhist [-match matchfile]

-match matchfile indicates the matchfile (.ams file) applied to the dis-

Remarks: Displays the alarm history file from the local Historian.
For Model 51 workstations, this is the Historian on the currently
mounted AP. Historian access can be changed by mounting a different AP.
For Model 51 workstations, the match argument can be used. When the
match argument is specified, the file is accessed from the /usr/fox/cus-
tomer/alarms/amspec directory.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M


S/W Release: 3.0

Use: For alarming, overrides preconfigured CAD redirection

Syntax: dmcmd almredir

Remarks: During normal operation, many users maintain their Current Alarm Dis-
play (CAD) on one of their WPs at all times. From this graphic, three
types of displays may be called up that are related to active alarms:
♦ A user graphic associated with a picked alarm
♦ A Block Detail Display for a picked alarm
♦ A user graphic for the highest priority alarm being held by the
Alarm Manager subsystem.
You can install an optional set of CAD buttons to override CAD redirec-
tion. This optional set of buttons contains a new button, DISP LOCL.
Redirection is overridden by clicking DISP LOCL, which causes the next
display to be called up on the current WP where the CAD is being dis-
played. This button acts as a toggle; two sequential picks causes the redi-
rection to again be enabled.
These displays may be redirected to other WPs, allowing the CAD to
remain on the CRT.
The following rules further define the redirection feature:
♦ Each type of display (user graphic, Block Detail Display, or top
priority display) may be redirected to different WPs.
♦ CAD redirection is configured through the /usr/fox/alarms/com-
mgrp.cfg file.
♦ You can temporarily override the redirection, via the DISP LOCL
button (see above).
♦ Clicking PREV DISP on the CAD returns to the previous display
on current WP.
♦ Each time the CAD is invoked, the redirection is automatically
♦ Redirection is not available from the Alarm History Display.
♦ The redirected display file must be on the redirected WPs hosting
AP or local disk.
♦ Display commands (dmcmd’s) that have been assigned to the
DISPLAY NAME field in the alarm panel configuration file are
not redirected.
♦ Displays from annunciator key picks are not redirected.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: all

Use: For alarming, modifies annunciator light setting

Syntax: dmcmd annun <panel> <key> <light>

Remarks: Use this command to affect an annunciator light on the annunciator key-
board from a WP:
♦ From flashing to steady (on)
♦ From steady (on) to off.
Use the values in the chart below to specify the annunciator key’s panel,
the annunciator key, and the state of the annunciator key light.
Workstation Annunciator Value
Model 50/51/70 Panel 1-12 (if multi-headed)
Key 1-16
Model 70 Light steady 3
Model 70 Light off 4
Model 50/51/70 Light flashing 5

For example,
dmcmd annun 2 7 4
issues a command to annunciator panel 2, key 7 to turn off a flashing
dmcmd annun 2 7 3
issues a command to annunciator panel 2, key 7 to turn a flashing light to
steady (on).

On a WP20/30 or PW, you can not change a light that
is off to either steady or flashing. You can not change a
steady light to flashing.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M


S/W Release: all

Use: Runs UNIX executable programs and UNIX scripts from a WP on an AP.
For 70 Series, refer to the note below.

Syntax: dmcmd applic [(path/program_name) <arguments>] &

Remarks: This command starts a program on the host AP or currently mounted AP

for a 50 Series WP.
For example,
dmcmd applic /usr/fox/bin/Program1A $p1 $p2 $GCLBUG &
passes the contents of free global variables (p1 and p2) and the letterbug
global (GCLBUG) to Program1A.
You must add an ampersand (&) to the end of an applic command.
This example starts an application on an AP from a WP. After executing
the applic command, the display manager awaits another command.

This command writes to the named pipe /FSD/shell
which runs on the AP. Sometimes a program require
specific environmental parameters, such as PATH.
Since you cannot enter these parameters from a
display, set the parameters from a script file before
executing the program or script on the AP.

/FSD/shell directs its standard output and standard error to /dev/null. To

change these settings, run a script that sets them according to your
requirements while the program runs on the AP.
Invoking the applic command when the host is not currently mounted
causes the DM to mount the last mounted host. This may or may not be
the host intended for the application.
When trying to invoke the applic command, a test is made of the cur-
rently mounted file system. This check results in one of the following:
♦ The remote file system is currently mounted, and a check for pre-
vious remote file I/O errors is performed.
♦ The remote file system may have a mount pending. For example, a
dmcmd mount command may have been issued and the rmount
failed at that time.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

♦ A temporary mount must be performed. This temporary mount

will be unmounted after the file is read. The last mounted file sys-
tem is the file system on which the mount is attempted.
Use the dmcmd mount APname command to ensure that the intended host
is mounted.
See also wp_applic and global variables.
70 Series Mounting remote disks is not supported by FoxView running on
70 Series stations. When a FoxView on a 70 Series station processes this
command, the command is forwarded to the FoxView on the remote
workstation where it is processed as a wp_applic command.

= (assign a value)

S/W Release: all

Use: Assigns a value to a global variable

Syntax: = (variable) <value>

Remarks: The equal character (=) assigns a value to a variable. This command is a
shorthand version of the setglbl command.
For example,
dmcmd = p7 xyz
stores the xyz string in the global variable p7. The value of $p7 is now xyz.
If the global variable does not exist, the Display Manager creates it. This
does not apply to FoxView.
See also setglbl.


S/W Release: all

Use: Invokes a display on the back surface

Syntax: dmcmd backsurf [(display_filename)]

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Remarks: This command directs a display to appear on the screen background (the
back surface) of the WP screen. The background displays all 32 colors
available on a WP20, WP30, or 50 Series workstation. The display file-
name is optional.
Providing the display filename causes the display manager to set the cur-
rent surface, front or back, as the default surface. The front surface dis-
plays dialog boxes and pull-down menus only. If you do not provide the
display filename, the display manager sets the back surface as the default
See also frntsurf.


S/W Release: all

Use: Copies the current display manager error messages file to log.bak

Syntax: dmcmd baklog

Remarks: A file maintained on the AP contains all the display manager error mes-
sages that have displayed on the message line. Informational messages
(such as those displayed when using the Current Alarm Display) are not

The log file is /usr/fox/hi/WPLBUG/log.

The log file is /usr/fox/wp/data/WPLBUG/DMNAME/DMlog.bak,

where WPLBUG is the letterbug of the WP and DMNAME is the name
of the display manager.
The log file is initialized (cleared) when the WP is rebooted, or when the
file reaches 4096 (4K) bytes in length.
In addition to logging messages that appear on the message line, other
errors may be logged to the log file. These error messages contain error
numbers only and appear in the form:
time STATE: dmerr SUBSYS: subsys subsyserr subsyserr msg
time = The time of the error

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

dmerr = The display manager error number (found in the file

subsys = The subsystem reporting the error (DM, AA, IPC, OM, HI,
RFS, or HST)
subsyserr = The error number associated with the subsystem, printed in
decimal and hexadecimal. Refer to the appropriate error file, such as
msg = Optional identification string associated with the error (file name,
and so on).
See also initlog.


S/W Release: all

Use: Makes menu fields blink

Syntax: Blink (path) [<state>]

Remarks: Use the following state values to change the blink condition or state of a
menu field:
0 – solid
1 – blink
For example, dmcmd blink /usr/fox/sys 1 makes the menu bar fields
pointing to the /usr/fox/sys directory blink.


S/W Release: all

Use: Creates or deletes menu bar fields.

Changes existing menu bar fields.

Syntax: button [(num) [(label) <path>]

Remarks: Use this command in a script file to define selections and buttons from the
menu bar at the top of the WP screen.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

FoxView requires all arguments. The num argument, though not used by
FoxView, is required as a place holder.
Omitting the path deletes a menu button name or label, but leaves the
current path definition unchanged.
Omitting the label and path deletes the button from the menu.
The menu bar in all environments holds up to ten positions, numbered 0
to 9. Specify the field to change in the num argument.
For Display Manager, each label has up to six characters.
For FoxView, there is no limit to the number of labels or the length of the
label name. Selecting the menu bar button activates a path of up to 70
characters. The path executes a program, script, or file, or creates a new
menu. For FoxView, a path may point to a menu pull-down file.
For example:

dmcmd button 1 Oven2 /usr/menus/oven2

menu bar

position label path

creates a menu item in the second position (from the left) on the menu
bar, designated by the number one. Oven2 appears as the label on the
menu bar. When you choose the menu item, the path accesses the direc-
tory containing the file or built-in command.

When you specify a directory, you must run the mkmact utility to generate
the file used to create the pull-down menu.

For WP20s and WP30s, there are two ways to generate pull-down menu
♦ From the SftMnt pull-down menu in the Software Engineer’s envi-
ronment, choose New_Menus
♦ From the system prompt in VT100 mode, type
/usr/foxbin/mkmact in the directory containing the menu file
you wish to update.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

The display manager displays only filenames in a pull-down menu that

would appear on a WP20/30. These files:
♦ Do not start with a period character (.)
♦ Use a base name of 14 or fewer characters
For 50 Series, Version 3.3 or later only, the display order of items in the
pull-down menu is set through the .pulldown file located in the directory.
This .pulldown file can specify an access level for disabling entries and can
change the color of entries.

For 50 Series and 70 Series with FoxView, FoxView does not display:
Files have an extension that matches those in the FV_IGNORE variable.
By default, these extensions are .pdf, .g, .m1, .dat, .i, and .bmp.
By default, the ALPHA WP global variable alphabetizes pull-down


50 Series, Version 3.0 or later

70 Series, Version 5.0 or later

S/W Release: all

Use: Logs a script change to the Operator Action Journal (OAJ)

Syntax dmcmd chng_env

Remarks: This command causes the display manager to log the script change in the
Operator Action Journal, using the current value of the ENV WP global as
the “from” value, and the current script file name as the “to” value. Then
the WP ENV global variable is set to the current script filename.

Usage: See also nologscr and passwd.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M


50 Series, Version 6.2 or later

70 Series, Version 6.2 or later

S/W Release: all

Use: Redefines the menu bar without changing environments. This command
provides the same functionality as chng_env, except the change is not
logged as a “change environment” in the Operator Action Journal (OAJ)
and the environment field in FoxView’s status bar does not change.
See also nologscr and passwd.


S/W Release: all

Use: Clears the focus of the selected object

Syntax: dmcmd clearpick

Remarks: This command clears focus of the already selected object.


S/W Release: 50 Series, Version 4.2

70 Series, Version 5.

Use: Closes a display or overlay

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Syntax: dmcmd close [-nonsticky] [-all] [-last] [-first]

[-repick] [-name <fname>] [-cb <cbname>] [-l <location>]

1. On WP20s and WP30s, arguments are not

2. Using this command without arguments closes the

current selected display/overlay.

-nonsticky closes all non-sticky overlays.
-all closes all overlays.
-last closes the last-opened overlay.
-first closes the first-opened overlay. No other regular or sticky overlay is
-relpick closes the overlay that contains a relative picked object.
-name fname closes all overlays that match the filename fname.
-cb cbname closes a generic overlay connected to block cbname.
-l <location> closes the overlay that intersects with <location>. The
location argument is the same as the ov command’s location argument,
and is defined as:
Closes all overlays
location located/intersecting
UL Upper-left quadrant
UR Upper-right quadrant
LL Lower-left quadrant
LR Lower-right quadrant
UP Upper horizontal half of screen
LOW Lower horizontal half of screen
LEFT Left vertical half of screen
RIGHT Right vertical half of screen
MIDDLE Middle of the screen
ALL All overlays

close -l UP
Closes all overlays located in or intersecting the screen’s upper half.
close -l UL -l LR
Closes all overlays intersecting the upper-left and lower-right screen quad-

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Row,Column Coordinates:
You can define coordinates to be virtual coordinates, in percentage of full
screen, or in character locations. Use row,column coordinates to close the
overlays that intersect with the coordinates.
row,column syntax:
This example shows a row, column definition for virtual coordinates:
0<=row <=3455

The defined area is a rectangle with an upper-left corner at (0,0) and a

lower-right corner at (3455,5119).
This example shows a row%, column% for% of full screen:
0.0%<=row <=100.0%

The defined area is a rectangle with an upper-left corner at (0,0) and a

lower-right corner at (100%,100%) which is full screen size.
This example shows rowCHAR, columnCHAR for character location:
0.0<=row <=24.0

Remarks: The defined area is a rectangle with an upper-left corner at character loca-
tion (0,0) and a lower-right corner at character location (24,80).
Multiple options in a single command are permitted, for example:
The command options are executed in sequence. For example, to first
close the non-sticky overlays and then close the last-opened overlay, exe-
cute the close -nonsticky -last command.


On Model 51 workstations or 70 Series workstations, the Alarm Server Task (not
the Display Manager or FoxView) reads the script file.

S/W Release: 3.0

Use: For alarm panel configuration at run time, clears alarm panel definitions
from Alarm Server Task (AST) memory

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Syntax: dmcmd clralmpnl

Remarks: This command, which clears any alarm panel definitions in 50 Series
memory, is used primarily as the first line in an alarm panel definition file.
For more information, refer to Process Alarm Configuration (B0193AU)
and Workstation Alarm Management (B0193RV).
See also addalmpnl and prtalmpnl.

# (comment character)

S/W Release: all

Use: Annotates command lines in scripts

Syntax: # <strings>

Remarks: The display manager ignores characters after the pound sign (#) on a script


S/W Release: 50 Series, Version 4.2

Use: Permits the display manager to display Compound Summary Access

(CSA) menus, providing selection of a CP’s Compound:Block point

Syntax: dmcmd csa [-c | -cb] [-left | -right] [<name> [<blktype> ] ]

-c, -cb By default, CSA menus select a point name (Com-
pound:Block.Parameter). Use the optional -c argument to select a com-
pound name only. Use the optional -cb argument to select a
Compound:Block name only.
-left,-right By default, CSA menus appear in the middle of the
screen. The -left option places the menu on the left side of the screen.
The -right option places the CSA menu on the right side of the screen.
name This optional argument contains a WP or DM global string variable
name, in which the selected compound name (-c option), Com-

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

pound:Block name (-cb option), or Compound:Block.Parameter

(no option) is stored. The minimum variable string length is:
COMPOUND name (-cp): 13 characters
COMPOUND:BLOCK name (-cb): 26 characters

Omitting name stores the selected CSA name (and optional PSAP address)
in the X resource variable SEL_VAR. If the current display manager con-
tains an OM list connection to the selected compound, the compound’s
PSAP address is stored in the SEL_VAR X resource property.
blktype is an optional argument that contains a variable name in which to
store the block type name. When a compound name is the only selection,
this argument is ignored.
csa P1
Stores the selected Compound:Block.Parameter name into variable P1.

When calling up the CSA menus, the display manager does not update connections
or trends. Therefore, when the display manager exits the CSA menus, real-time
trends have lost trend data and display a straight line between the last recorded line
value (just before CSA menus were displayed) and the new line value (the value
recorded after closing CSA menus). The time span of the lost data is equal to the
time that the CSA menus were displayed.


S/W Release: 50 Series, Version 6.0

70 Series, Version 5.0

Use: Specifies the action of a display bar button

Syntax: dbar_button <num> action [-1 <label>] [-i <icon_file>]

[-b <bitmap_file>]
num is the index number of the button being configured
action is the command applied to the button. This can be a set of com-
mands or a display file reference.
-l label is the text to be displayed on the button. By default, the label is
the base name of the file specified in the action.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

-i icon_file is the full pathname of the icon (Solaris) file to be displayed

on the button. This applies only to the icon-type template.
-b bitmap_file is the full pathname of the bitmap file (Windows NT) to
be displayed on the button. This applies only to the icon-type template.

Remarks: Use this command to define the actions of each of the display bar buttons
on the display bar. there are two display bar formats: buttons with icons or
bitmaps; buttons with labels only.
See also dbar_tmplt.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M


S/W Release: 50 Series, Version 6.0

70 Series, Version 5.0

Use: Specifies the template format of the display bar

Syntax: dbar_tmplt <template_name>

<template_name> is the file name of the display bar template

Remarks: This command presents the display bar for the FoxView environments.
There are two template formats:
♦ $FV_DBAR/icon_display_bar is the display bar that has eight but-
tons with a bitmap or icon on each button.
♦ $FV_DBAR/button_display_bar is the display bar that has 18 but-
tons with a label on each button.
See also dbar_button.


S/W Release: 50 Series, Version 3.3

70 Series, Version 5.0

Use: Disables display manager sets of Control Processor (CP) variables

Syntax: disable omsets

Remarks: This command disables the display manager from changing CP variables.
Parameter changes that could have been logged to an Operator Action
Journal log are disabled. This includes operator actions such as ramping,
entering values, acknowledging alarms, and the display manager set com-
mand. Use the enable command to permit changes to CP variables.
See also enable.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: FoxView 99.2.

Use: Displays or removes the display bar.

Syntax: display_bar on | off

on enables display of the display bar.
off disables display of the display bar.

Remarks: This command displays or removes the display bar at the left hand side of
the FoxView window.


S/W Release: 50 Series, Version 3.0

70 Series, Version 5.0

Use: Exits the display manager and closes the display manager window.

Syntax: dmexit [ [exit_num] [originator] ]

Remarks: When exit_num is 0, the 50 Series (Version 3.3 and later) display manager
displays a message on the screen notifying the operator that the display
manager will exit.
dmexit 0 displays a dialog box containing the text “about to exit Dis-
play Manager”.
Using the exit-num originator arguments places the message “about to
exit Display Manager: requested by <originator>” in the dialog box
and logs the exit to the system printer.
After displaying the dialog box, the display manager delays for three sec-
onds, providing time for the operator time to read the message.
See also exit, applic, and run.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M


S/W Release: all

Use: For alarming, invokes the display related to the highest priority loop in

Syntax: dmcmd do_lia

Remarks: This command invokes the user display assigned to the Compound:Block
via the annunciator table/panel configurators. If no user display is
assigned, the command calls up the block detail display.

Use: Executes a display manager script and displays to the local workstation

Syntax: e <display_name>

Remarks: For example, to invoke a display based on the auto or manual state of a
block, enter the following command:
== Comp:Block.MA 1 e /usr/menus/display1
!= Comp:Block.MA 1 e /usr/menus/display2
The first example checks the state of the MA parameter. If the state is one
(auto mode), the display /usr/menus/display1 is invoked.
The second example also checks the state of the MA parameter, but
invokes the display /usr/menus/display2 if the block is in manual mode.


S/W Release: 50 Series, Version 4.0

70 Series, Version 5.0

Use: Executes an action when a condition is not satisfied

Syntax: <conditional expression> <cmd1> else <cmd2>

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Remarks: When converting displays to WP20/30 format, active connections config-

ured with this syntax have their active connection removed. An error mes-
sage is printed during the conversion.
The conditional expressions are: ==, !=, lt, le, gt, and ge.


S/W Release: 50 Series, Version 3.3

70 Series, Version 5.0

Use: Enables the display manager to set Control Processor (CP) or application
processor variables

Syntax: enable omsets

Remarks: Enables the display manager to change CP variables. You can disable this
ability with the disable command or by configuring a display manager to
be view-only.
See also disable.

== (equality)

S/W Release: all

Use: Executes an action when two strings are equal

Syntax: == (string1) (string2) [(built-in cmds) (argument)]

Remarks: This command performs an action when a pair of strings are equal. The
command invokes an action specified by the built-in command following
the strings. Only built-in commands perform actions. However, you can
access scripts, subslists, and files that are not built-ins.
For example:
== ,s1 ,$p2 dmcmd /usr/menus/display
calls a display
== ,s1 ,$p2 script /usr/scripts/myscript
runs a script
== ,s1 ,$p2 subslist /usr/subst/mysubs
runs a subslist

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

== ,s1 ,$p2 execute $GCLBUG /usr/tmp/anyfile

runs an unidentified file
When using global variables with strings, prefix the string with a character
such as a colon (:) or a comma (,) so the display manager recognizes the
expanded global variable even if it is empty.
For example:
== :$p1 :water script genwater
== :$p1 :ice script genice
== :$p1 :steam script gensteam
compares the current setting of p1 and branches.
If the current value of p1 is null (cleared) and there are no colons (:), the
display manager finds the second argument null also. The display manager
does not recognize arguments that otherwise would be passed to the sec-
ond argument.
The == command supports the else command.
See also setglbl and input.

You cannot substitute the == command for connection variables that read and
update data to a display. Therefore, this command does not execute a specific action
when a pending condition occurs such as when X reaches Y, do Z.


S/W Release: all

Use: Coordinates displays on different WPs

Executes programs or scripts on remote WPs

Syntax: dmcmd execute (DM_name) <argument>

Remarks: This command executes arguments such as programs, scripts, built-in

commands, and graphic displays on a display manager different from the
display manager executing the argument.

The Display Manager name is the WP letterbug.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

The display manager name is the configured name on a multi-DM sys-

tem, or the WP letterbug when there is only one display manager.
For example, use a script to bring up two displays, one local and the other
remote. Specify the WP’s letterbug ID to indicate where you want the dis-
play to appear.
The execute built-in is identical to pref (refer to DMCMD in
Chapter 3).
For example,
dmcmd execute WP3EO2 /usr/menus/Overview
executes the Overview file in the /usr/menus directory on the WP3EO2
display manager.

1. The execute command is not permitted in a pref command. Instead, use one of
the following:
pref -DMNAME DMCMD “/user/custom/Initial_Disp”
pref -LBUG DMCMD “= STA DMNAME ; /usr/custom/Initial_Disp”
The first example is the quickest and most efficient way of performing the com-
2. Attempting to send two execute commands to the same display manager rarely
executes both commands. Execute both commands by listing the commands in a
display manager script file and having the WP execute the script.


Limited support on 50/70 Series

S/W Release: all


Starts another program in the WP run configurators when memory is

insufficient to run both Display Configurator and Display Manager
Passes control between the display manager and configurators.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Restarts the display manager (exit 0), or runs or starts new programs for
exit 11 and exit 16

Syntax: dmcmd exit number

Remarks: This command cancels display manager processing and passes control to
another program indicated by number.
For example,
dmcmd exit 2
exits the display manager and runs the Display Configurator (indicated by
the 2).
If you omit number from the exit command, the display manager stops
processing the current display. However, the display manager continues
processing through menu selections and remote commands facilitated by
the global variable DMCMD.

Control Values: The following table shows the control value for the exit command:

Value WP20/WP30 Action

0 Restart the Display Manager

1 Restart the Display Manager

2 Display Configurator (exit WP20
DM only)
3 Display Builder (exit WP20 DM
4 Group Display Configurator (exit
WP20 DM only)
5 Alarm Panel Configurator (exit
WP20 DM only)
6 Alarm Table Configurator (exit
WP20 DM only)
7 Loadable Documentation (exit
WP20 DM only)
8 File Utilities (exit WP20 DM
9 SMDH (exit WP20 DM only)
10 Control Configurator (exit WP20
DM only)

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Value WP20/WP30 Action

11 Run program defined by global
variable PGM (exit WP20 DM

12 ecb_eu (exit WP20 DM only)

13 Shell (exit WP20 DM only)
14 Embedded help (exit WP20 DM
15 Batch Plant Management (exit
WP20 DM only)
16 Run program defined by global
variable PGM (also starts embed-
ded help) (exit WP20 DM only)
17 Exit the Display Manager and run
the program defined by global
variable PGM

18 Exit the Display Manager and run

program defined by global vari-
able PGM (also starts embedded

On WP30 Series and on PWs with sufficient memory, exit codes 2

through 16 do not exit the Display Manager. The Display Manager stays
resident in memory, but is inactive.
Exit 11 written into a script enables you to run C programs in a WP.
For example, dmcmd script
= PGM “/usr/mydir/my_a.out (other prog arg’s)” exit 11
To exit the C program and run another program instead of Display Man-
ager, set PGM using the HIsegcglobal () call. Refer to Human Interface
Calls (B0193BD).

The 50 Series Display Manager has four interfaces to run programs:

applic Runs programs on the currently defined logical host
wp_applic Runs programs on a local WP50

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

run Forks/execs the display manager and starts a new pro-

gram on the 50 Series
exit (n) Forks/execs the display manager and starts a new pro-
gram on the 50 Series

This functionality is identical to that on the WP20/30, with the exception

of the exit command. The Display Manager does not exit from the
50 Series WP. Therefore, previous exit 11 and exit 16 commands do
not cause the DM to exit. Instead, DM performs a run of the arguments
found in the PGM variable.
Note that exit 0, exit 11, and exit 16 are the only exit commands sup-
ported on 50 Series WPs, for backward compatibility. Other exit numbers
are ignored. To start configurators that formerly were started with
exit nn, call their start-up scripts directly.
Although the functionality of these commands has not changed, applica-
tions may want to change their interface to starting new programs. Pro-
grams that previously ran on an AP may want to be run on the WP now. If
making this change, remember that a run command does not write to a
shell, as does the applic command. The run command only does a
fork/exec of the specified arguments. A run command requiring a shell
must include /usr/bin/sh as the first argument. The wp_applic does
applic on local 50 Series.
For more information about the exit command, view the script files
located in /usr/fox/config.
See also dmexit, applic, and run.


S/W Release: all

Use: Defines screen area for display presentation

Syntax: dmcmd frntsurf [(display_file_name)]

Remarks: This command directs pull-down menus and dialog boxes to appear on
the screen foreground (the front surface) of all WPs (except WP10). Seven
colors are available on the front surface.
If you do not provide a display filename, the Display Manager sets the
front surface as the default surface, forcing all selected displays to appear
in the foreground.
If you provide a display filename, the Display Manager sets the current
surface, front or back, as the default surface.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

The frntsurf command cancels or overrides displays created with the

backsurf command.
See also backsurf.

ge (greater than or equal to)

S/W Release: 3.3

Use: Conditionally executes an action based on the relative values of two vari-

Syntax: ge <val_1> <val_2> <cmd>

Meaning: If val_1 is greater than or equal to val_2, execute cmd.

Remarks: val_1 and val_2 are ASCII numeric strings. The comparison is performed
by converting the strings to integers and then making the specified com-
parison. If the comparison is true, the cmd command executes.
cmd may be any display command and may include arguments.
You may use conditional expressions in any display command line, includ-
ing display file commands and DM scripts.
The ge command supports the else command.
Note that this comparison differs from “==” and “!=” comparisons, which
perform string comparisons.
See also: equality (==), inequality (!=), less than (lt), less than or equal to
(le), and greater than (gt).


S/W Release: Display Manager 4.2.

FoxView 99.2.

Use: Gets the variable name on the system clipboard and places the variable
name in the WP string variable wpvar

Syntax: get_select_pt wpvar

wpvar is the WP string variable into which this command places the
variable name saved to the system clipboard by the set_select_pt com-

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Remarks: This command retrieves a parameter name that was previously saved to
the system clipboard by the set_select_pt command (see “set_select_pt”
on page 101). This set of commands provides a copy/paste function for
parameter names. Although the name string that is retrieved need not be
the name of a compound:block.parameter, the length of the string is lim-
ited to 40 characters.


S/W Release: 3.3

Use: Accesses display manager UNIX environment variables

Syntax: getenv variable rw_variable

variable is the name of UNIX environment variable to be gotten
rw_variable is the name of read-write WP variable to set with the con-
tents of variable

Remarks: The display manager sets the value of a read-write WP global rw_variable
to the value of the UNIX environment variable. This command accesses
display manager environment variables for use by other applications or for
display purposes.
See also setenv.


S/W Release: all

Use: Updates a display string

Syntax: dmcmd getstr [screen]

Remarks: The getstr (get strings) command updates passive text connections.
When screen is not defined, the command affects the currently selected
screen. Otherwise, the command updates only the defined screen. Doing
so too often, however, decreases system performance.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

goto alms

S/W Release: all

Use: For alarming, displays a specific page within the Current Alarm Display or
Alarm History Display

Syntax: goto alms page

Remarks: The page argument is the page number within the alarm display. Unless
page is prefixed by a “+” or “-” character, this is an absolute page number.
Using a “+” or “-” character changes the page argument to a relative num-
For example:
goto alms 1 Displays page 1
goto alms +1 Displays the next page
goto alms -1 Displays the previous page

gt (greater than)

S/W Release: 3.3

Use: Conditionally executes an action based on the relative values of two vari-

Syntax: gt <val_1> <val_2> <cmd>

Meaning: If val_1 is greater than val_2, execute cmd.

Remarks: val_1 and val_2 are ASCII numeric strings. The comparison is performed
by converting the strings to integers and then making the specified com-
parison. If the comparison is true, the cmd command executes.
cmd may be any display command and may include arguments.
You may use conditional expressions in any display command line, includ-
ing display file commands and DM scripts.
The gt command supports the else command.
Note that this comparison differs from “==” and “!=” comparisons, which
perform string comparisons.
See also: equality (==), inequality (!=), less than (lt), less than or equal to
(le), and greater than or equal to (ge).

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M


S/W Release: all

Use: For alarming:

♦ Specifies alarming device
♦ Activates or deactivates horns
♦ Specifies the horn type and/or tone

Syntax: dmcmd horns [(device) (state) (tone)]

Remarks: You can independently change the state of each horn. Each device, state,
and tone takes a value that determines its action, as follows:

Second Third
First Argument Argument Argument
Device Name Value State Value Tone Value
Console Horn 1 4 on 3 - 0-15
Console Horn 2 8 on 3 - 0-15
Annunciator Keyboard 1 2 on 3 - 0-15
Annunciator Keyboard 2 32 on 3 - 0-15
Annunciator Keyboard 3 64 on 3 - 0-15
Annunciator Keyboard 4 128 on 3 - 0-15
All horns 238 on 3 - 0-15

0 - 0 - 0

Local mute (Rel 4.2)

-1 - 0 - 0

Local unmute (Rel 4.2)

-2 - 0 - 0

Write horn message (Rel 4.2)

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

For example,
dmcmd horns 2 3 8
sounds the annunciator horn using tone 8.
To silence all horns, substitute a 4 for the 3 in the above example.


S/W Release: all

FoxView 8.0 or later.

Use: Increments or decrements a Compound:Block.Parameter value, and

optionally wraps if the value exceeds the high limit or goes below the low

Syntax: incwrap C:B.P [.PARAM] [lo,hi [,clamp] ] [-incr value ]

-incr value option is only available in FoxView 9.0;
it is not available in Display Manager.

C:B.P is the OM full pathname.
.PARAM is an optional parameter name used for replacing the parameter
portion (.P) of the full pathname (C:B.P) argument.
lo,hi is the range of the parameter. If not specified, the low limit (lo) is -
32768 and high limit (hi) is 32767.
clamp specifies that the value be clamped to the high (hi) or low (lo) limit
if the value goes above the high limit or below the low limit.
-incr value is the amount by which the parameter is to be incremented.
If the value is negative, it is decremented.

Remarks: The incwrap command increments or decrements a parameter value by

the specified amount, and optionally clamps or wraps the results.
Use the incwrap command with short (16-bit) and long (32-bit) integers
with FoxView. Display Manager supports short (16-bit) integers only.
dmcmd incwrap $PICK1 .MEASPR [1,5,clamp] -incr 1
appends .MEASPR to PICK1’s contents, increments its contents by 1 and
and clamps at 1 and 5.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

dmcmd incwrap REACTOR1:TIC05.MEASPR [1,10] -incr 2

increments the MEASPR parameter for the REACTOR1:TIC05 block by 2
within the 1-10 range. Note that a point name argument is not required.
After reaching the range’s high end, it wraps around and goes to the low
end. Omitting the range limits it to 32K (short integer parameter).
If PICK1 already has a point name, the point name is replaced by MEASPR.
For example, if PICK1 = REACTOR1:TICO515.SET, the command dmcmd
incwrap $PICK1 .MEASPR [1,5] still works because the .MEASPR replaces
See also seti.

!= (inequality)

S/W Release: all

Use: Executes an action if two strings are not equal

Syntax: != (string1) (string2) [(built-in cmd) (argument)]

Remarks: This command performs an action when the strings are not equal. This
command invokes the action specified by the built-in command following
the strings. Although only built-in commands perform actions, you can
access scripts, subslists, and files that are not built-ins.
For example,
!= :$p1 :menu setacl 55 -
disables access key lock (setacl) 55 when the colon plus the contents of
the p1 variable do not match the :menu string.
Supports the else command.
See also setglb and input.

You cannot substitute the != command for connection variables that read and
update data to a display. Therefore, this command does not execute a specific action
when a pending condition occurs such as when X reaches Y, do Z.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: all

Use: Clears out the current display manager error messages file

Syntax: dmcmd initlog

Remarks: A file contains each display manager error message displayed on the mes-
sage line. Informational messages (such as messages that display when
using the Current Alarms Display) are not logged.

The file is named /usr/fox/hi/WPLBUG/log.

The file is named /usr/fox/wp/data/WPBUG/DMNAME/DM.log,

WPLBUG is the letterbug of the WP
DMNAME is the name of the Display Manager.
See also baklog.


S/W Release: all

Use: Presets the data entry field with a fixed, default value
Establishes a value for current or pending input without a keyboard

Syntax: dmcmd input <string>

Remarks: The input command enables you to write scripts that simulate input from
a keyboard and saves alphanumeric strings for Display Manager’s use.
Specify values, compound names, blocks, or files.
For example,
dmcmd input 232
fills the next selected field with “232”.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Place the input command in a script file. Use this command to allow a
fixed input to appear in a data entry field when that data entry field is
selected by a mouse, trackball, or keypad.

Current input commands overwrite previous input commands. When two or more
input commands are issued sequentially to the same screen location or data entry
field, the commands overwrite each other.


S/W Release: all

Use: Sends a signal to a WP task

Terminates a WP task

Syntax: kill [(sig)] (taskid)

Remarks: The kill command causes the display manager to send a signal to a pro-
cess in the WP.
If a process is set to receive signals, the signal acts as a software interrupt.
Use a small number in the 1 to 21 range as a signal identifier (sig). If you
do not specify sig, it defaults to 9.
If the process is not set to receive signals, kill terminates the process, as
does the 9 signal.
For more information on signals, refer to a UNIX user’s guide.

The task ID of the most recently run program is $LFPID.

le (less than or equal to)

S/W Release: 3.3

Use: Conditionally executes an action based on the relative values of two


B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Syntax: le <val_1> <val_2> <cmd>

Meaning: If val_1 is less than or equal to val_2, execute cmd.

Remarks: val_1 and val_2 are ASCII numeric strings. The comparison is per-
formed by converting the strings to integers and then making the specified
comparison. If the comparison is true, the cmd command executes.
cmd may be any display command and may include arguments.
You may use conditional expressions in any display command line, includ-
ing display file commands and DM scripts.
The le command supports the else command.
Note that this comparison differs from “==” and “!=” comparisons, which
perform string comparisons.
See also: equality (==), inequality (!=), less than (lt), greater than (gt),
and greater than or equal to (ge).

lt (less than)

S/W Release: 3.3

Use: Conditionally executes an action based on the relative values of two


Syntax: lt <val_1> <val_2> <cmd>

Meaning: If val_1 is less than val_2, execute cmd.

Remarks: val_1 and val_2 are ASCII numeric strings. The comparison is per-
formed by converting the strings to integers and then making the specified
comparison. If the comparison is true, the cmd command executes.
cmd may be any display command and may include arguments.
You may use conditional expressions in any display command line, includ-
ing display file commands and DM scripts.
The lt command supports the else command.
Note that this comparison differs from “==” and “!=” comparisons, which
perform string comparisons.
See also: equality (==), inequality (!=), less than or equal to (le), greater
than (gt), and greater than or equal to (ge).

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M


S/W Release: FoxView 9.0

Use: Specifies whether markers should be filled or unfilled

Syntax: marker_fill ON | OFF

ON fills all markers.
OFF unfills all markers.

Remarks: Use this command to specify whether markers should be filled or unfilled.
All markers in FoxView use the specified setting. The default is for
unfilled markers.


S/W Release: FoxView 9.0

Use: Specifies the size in pixels of marker objects in trends and plots

Syntax: marker_size <size>

<size> is the size in pixels of all markers for displays in FoxView.

Remarks: Use this command for setting the size of the markers for displays in
FoxView. The specified marker size is applied to trends and plots in
FoxView. The default size is 4.


S/W Release: FoxView 99.2.

Use: Displays or removes the message bar.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Syntax: message_bar on | off

on enables display of the message bar.
off disables display of the message bar.

Remarks: This command displays or removes the message bar in FoxView. The
message bar is the drop-down list of messages in the center of the FoxView


S/W Release: 3.0

Use: Permits remote file access

Syntax: mount (APname)

Remarks: The mount command unmounts any currently mounted file system and
mounts a new file system to /rem/APname. The newly mounted file sys-
tem must have this 50 Series WP in its dsamap file, with the correct per-
missions. A busy file is opened on the remote AP to keep the connection
Using the mount command without the APname argument displays the cur-
rently mounted AP name on the message line.
The name of the last AP to be mounted is stored in the WP global
REMOTE. This global is not “read” by the DM, but is set to the current
AP so other applications can determine the AP to which the DM is
The 50 Series WP does not have a host AP associated with it. However, a
number of files must be retrieved from a “host” AP:
♦ Alarm History data file
♦ Sequence Code data
♦ PLB displays.
For this purpose, the 50 Series WP has one special AP designated as the
logical host.
The Display Manager’s start-up script rmounts the logical host. The
default Historian for trending and alarm history is the Historian on this
AP. The name of the logical host is found in the /etc/fox/loghost file.
Remote file access does not require the DM to mount a remote file sys-
tem. An automatic temporary mount of remote APs is done for remote file
access. For temporary mounts, a umount is done when the file access is

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

The Display Manager identifies files as being remote if they are prefixed
with the $REM global. For example, the alarm history file is defined as
The $REM flag is an indication to the DM that the file is located on the
currently defined remote AP. Subsequent mount commands change the
definition of the remote AP, and will, for example, display different alarm
history files, or allow access to different sequence code pages.
The currently defined remote AP is also the AP where applic commands
are run.
Applications that use mounted APs and logical hosts are described below:
Alarm History Display (AHD) is called up on a 50 Series WP; the data is
retrieved from the currently mounted AP. While there is no information
to this effect displayed as part of the AHD, you can use the mount built-in
to display the currently mounted AP on the message line.
Similarly, Operator Action Journal (OAJ) reports are generated using the
Historian database on the currently mounted AP.
See also unmount.


S/W Release: 6.0

Use: Clears out the Most Recently Used list of displays

Syntax: mruflush

Remarks: The mruflush command is included in the default FoxView environment

files. It is a security feature that removes previously called displays from
the current list of displays accessible from the File menu.

There is no previous display after this command is used until another display is

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: all

Use: Writes a message to the message line

Assists in debugging programs

Syntax: dmcmd msglin <string>

Remarks: The msglin command displays messages on the message line (the first line
of a display). You can display a message up to 63 characters long.
For example:
dmcmd msglin “Good Morning”
The string to be displayed must be surrounded with a double-quote
When sending this command to a display manager, use this syntax:
pref -DMNAME dmcmd ‘msglin “more than one word”’
You can display a blank line by inserting all blank spaces into the
msglin command, for example:
dmcmd msglin “ ”

blank spaces

next alms

S/W Release: all

Use: For alarming, calls up more pages of the Current Alarms Display (all WPs,
except WP10 and PWs) or the Alarm History Display

Syntax: dmcmd next alms

Remarks: The next command calls the next page of a historical alarm when the
Alarm History Display or Current Alarms Display is on the screen.
See also prev alms.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

next rdline

S/W Release: all

Use: Used in conjunction with read/write file operations (rdfile and wrtfile)
to scroll records in blocked text files.


next rdline

next rdline [base_num]

Remarks: This command causes an increment to the next record, and that record is
The base_num argument allows actions for multiple read/write files to be
configured within the same display file. This optional argument must be
in the range of 1-5. The command sets the dedicated base global and then
updates all the read/write file connections that use the default base global
(indicated by the character I in the rdfile/wrtfile command) or the
same dedicated base global (indicated by the sequence I<base_num>,
where <base_num> is an integer number from 1-5). For more information,
refer to rdfile and wrtfile.
base_num must match I[base_num] in the wrtfile/rdfile commands.
When using base_num and a scroll command (next rdline, prev rdline,
or setfindex) is executed, the configured action (read/write file connec-
tions) is updated when the base_num argument to the scroll command
matches that in the configured action.
A file indexed by I[base_num] beyond its current end returns empty lines
for rdfile and extends the file for wrtfile by the appropriate number of
records. These record extensions are filled with null characters when no
information was written. If rdfile is used, it considers those records to be
blank or empty.
Space used by extending a file beyond its end does not consume disk space
until a non-null value is written in a record. Skipping large areas simulates
a “space” matrix that consumes very little disk space. The hole created is

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

recognized by UNIX and hidden. When the file is read, it appears large.
Backup operations that copy the file system directly (for example, stcopy)
maintain the holes.
See also prev rdline.

Copying a file with holes consumes space in the destination because copy reads the
entire file. Be prepared when an extended file (one with holes) is copied to a floppy


S/W Release: 3.0

Use: Delays logging script to the Operator Action Journal

Syntax: dmcmd nologscr

Remarks: This command (first line of an environment script) informs the display
manager to delay logging this script to the Operator Action Journal until
successfully processing of the passwd command. Refer to chng_env for
command usage.
See also chng_env and passwd.


S/W Release: all

Use: Prevents the placement of a display in the display queue

Syntax: dmcmd nostack <number>

Remarks: This command keeps base displays out of the display queue. number indi-
cates how many displays to not enter into the display queue.
For example,
nostack 3
calls three base displays without interrupting the display queue.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Because the nostack 3 command overrides stack commands, before exe-

cuting another stack, you must first execute three stack commands, or
call three displays.
The fourth base display, when called, then becomes the current display in
the display queue.
See also stack.


S/W Release: 50 Series, Version 4.2.

Use: Opens an overlay that can be placed anywhere on the screen.

You can specify the kind of overlay (sticky or regular), and whether to
close other open intersecting overlays.

The ov command overwrites overlay data configured through the Display Builder’s
Display Attributes dialog box (Model 50 and 51) or the Overlay tab of FoxDraw’s
Display Properties dialog box. When, for example, an overlay (with its sticky
overlay flag set) is being opened, and the -sticky option is not specified in the ov
command, the overlay is opened as a non-sticky overlay. This is also true for all of
the other options (position, on-top, tiling, and so on).

Syntax: dmcmd ov filename [-sticky] [-ontop] <ovl_position>

dmcmd ov filename [-sticky] [-ontop] [-rootsize] [-pick]
[-relpick] [-offset <coord>] -l <location>
dmcmd ov filename [-sticky] [-ontop] [-rootsize] -tile
[-area <tile_area>] [-size <tile_size>] [<tile_location>]
dmcmd ov [<...all existing arguments...>] <mode>
filename is the full pathname of the overlay to be opened.
-sticky Opens as a sticky overlay. Opening an overlay as a “sticky over-
lay” prevents the overlay from being closed when other overlays open. A
sticky overlay closes only when explicitly commanded to be closed.
-ontop Places the overlay on top of all other overlays. This option pre-
vents the closing of any of the overlays beneath this opened overlay.
ovl_position A number (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15) to open the over-
lay in a quadrant or half screen (the same as in previous I/A Series
releases). FoxView supports an overlay position of 0 to indicate that the
display/overlay information is inherited from the display file itself (config-
ured via Display Builder or FoxDraw).

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

-l<location> The location of the overlay. location can either be an

acronym (see below) or a row-and-column coordinate.
UL Upper-left corner
UR Upper-right corner
LL Lower-left corner
LR Lower-right quadrant
UP Centered along top border
LOW Centered along bottom border
LEFT Centered along left border
RIGHT Centered along right border
MIDDLE Centered in middle of screen

row,column coordinates:
Coordinates can be defined in:
♦ Virtual coordinates
♦ Percentage of full screen
♦ Character locations.
This is the syntax:
row,column for virtual coordinates
0<=row <=3455
0<=column <=5119
row%,column% for % of full screen:
0.0%<=row <=100.0%
0.0%<=column <=100.0%
rowCHAR,column CHAR for character location:
0.0<=row <=24.0
0.0<=column <=80.0

For more information, refer to the description of row,column coordinates

under the close command.
When you specify a screen position that is out of range, the display man-
ager clamps each coordinate to a valid limit. When the screen location is
in range, however, the screen location (which is the upper-left corner of
the overlay) plus the overlay size, places the overlay partly off screen; the
DM moves the overlay to a valid position such that the entire overlay is
within the DM window.
-offset<coord> changes the -l <location> location with a specified
offset. The offset must be a coordinate specification (row,column) as spec-
ified under row,column coordinates above.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

-pick places overlay next to picked area.

When using this option from a display, picking an active area configured
with the -pick argument opens the overlay adjacent to the picked area.
The location of the overlay is determined by the -l location argument
(for example, -l LEFT places the overlay on the left side of the picked
area). You must use the -l acronym locations; the use of coordinates is not
When the overlay does not fit at the specified location (partly or totally
off-screen), the DM clamps the overlay location such that it is totally on
screen and does not cover the picked area (unless -l MIDDLE is specified).
For example, a pick area is in the upper-left corner (coordinates 0,0), and
an overlay is being opened with the command:
ov fname-pick-l UP
The DM tries to open the overlay above the picked area, but there is no
room to display it. Instead, the DM places the overlay beneath the picked
area, as if the command option were ov fname-pick-l LOW. Next, the
DM determines that the overlay is still a little over the left window border.
The DM clamps the column position to column location 0.

The -pick option may only be used within a display
file. Pref ’ing the ov command with the -pick option
defined, or placing it in a dmcmd script, is of no avail
because there is no area selected when this command is

-relpick places the overlay adjacent to the current selected (relative

picked, highlighted) location. The location of the overlay is adjacent to
the relative picked object. Where the overlay appears on the screen
depends on the -l position configuration. The location of the overlay is
determined by the -l location argument (for example, -l RIGHT places
the overlay on the right side of the picked area). You must use the -l acro-
nym locations; the use of coordinates is not supported.
When nothing is selected, the overlay is not displayed.
Clamping and positioning of the overlay are the same as for the -pick
-rootsize, if specified, sets the overlay size to the Root Group size. If
-rootsize is not specified (default), the screen size is as defined by the
Display Builder’s New Overlay menu.
The Root Group is the highest level group of a display. All the embedded
display objects are a member of the Root Group, and the Root Group size
is the smallest screen size of all of the embedded objects.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

When Display Manager opens a full-screen overlay, the screen size coordi-
nates are defined (via the Display Builder’s New Overlay menu) in virtual
height, width: 3456,5120
This covers the entire Display Manager window.
When opening the same full screen overlay using ov or ov_conn command
with the -rootsize option not specified, and assuming the entire display
consists of two objects (text and rectangle) with the coordinates:
upper-left lower-right
object row,column row,column
text 1500,2400 1600,2544
rectangle 1400,2500 1500,2640

then the Root Group coordinates are:

1400,2400 1600,2640

Opening the overlay with the -rootsize option defines the overlay screen
size as:
1600-1400,2640-2400 = 200,240

This allows you to build a small overlay in a full-screen display, and thus
have enough cut, paste, and resize room to edit the overlay’s object.
-tile is an optional argument that tiles overlays instead of placing them
in specific locations.
-area <tile_area> is an optional argument that specifies an area on the
screen that is tiled. By default, the tiled area is the full screen.
The syntax of tile_area is as follows:
These values can be virtual coordinates, percentage of screen, or character
0,50%:100%,100% The right half of screen is tiled area
0,2560:3455,5119 Same as above
0,0:10CHAR,100% The first 10 character lines are the tiled area.

The DM tile algorithm spaces the tile locations. It actually adds eight vir-
tual coordinates (two pixels for a default DM window) to the size of the
overlay. This means that tiles are not glued together but are spaced.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

For example, if the overlay width is exactly 1/4 the width of the screen
(5120/4 = 1280), the tile algorithm uses 1288 (1280 + 8). This means that
only three overlays will fit in a tiled row.
To overwrite the DM size tiling algorithm, use the -size option.
-size <tile_size> This optional argument defines the size of each tile.
Each tile has a specific width and height. By default (-size not used), the
width and height are defined by the overlay size (or by the screen size
when the -rootsize option is not used). When you are tiling different
size overlays, the tile size and the final overlay location are different for all
the different size overlays. The -size option allows you to define the tile
size. Because all the tiles must have the same size, only one tile size has to
be provided. The syntax of tile_size is:

These values can be defined in virtual coordinates, in percentage of full

screen size, or in number of character lines/width.
<tile_location> This argument determines the overlay placement (loca-
tion) into the tiled area. When this argument is not defined, the position
of the overlay into the tiled area is performed automatically. That is, the
next free tile location is the location of the overlay. When all tiles are in
use, this overlay replaces the overlay in the tile location 1.
When the tile_location argument is defined, the overlay is placed at
that specific tile location. The tile_location is an integer value, ranging
from one to the maximum number of tile positions in the tiled area.
When the tile_location exceeds the maximum number of tiles, the
tile_location is clamped to the maximum number of positions within
the tiled area. You can position an overlay to always appear at the last tile
position (regardless the tiled area size) by defining tile_location as 999.
Tile positions are calculated from left to right, then from top to bottom.
The first tile position (1) is located in the upper-left tiled area location.
The next tile position (2) is located to the right of the first one. (If it does
not fit in this row, it is positioned into the next tile row.) The last tile posi-
tion is located at the lower-right corner of the tiled area. Vertical tiling
(top to bottom, then left to right) or reversed tiling (right to left, bottom
to top) is not supported.
<mode> may be either -move or -stat. The -move argument specifies that
the overlay be displayed as a movable overlay that the user may relocate.
The -stat argument specifies the overlay be displayed as a stationary one.
If neither of these is specified, the overlay is displayed as configured in
FoxDraw. However, the -move or -stat argument overrides the move-
able/stationary setting specified when the overlay was built with FoxDraw.

The <mode> argument is valid for FoxView 9.0.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: 4.2

Use: Opens a generic overlay. Connections in this overlay are defined by a user-
defined Compound:Block name

Syntax: ov_conn [-cb <comp_block>] [-dir <directory> |

-file <filename>] <ov_cmnd_agruments>
-cb comp_block is an optional argument that must contain the Com-
pound:Block name (or a dollar substitution variable, such as $P1 which
contains the Compound:Block or the Compound:Block.Parameter
When comp_block is not defined, ov_conn gets the Compound:Block
name from the Select X-property buffer and flushes this buffer.
The Select X-property buffer is set through the Select & Assign method
(select a Compound:Block.Parameter name from a user graphic) or by
dmcmd csa.
-dir <directory> By default (when the -dir and -file options are not
defined), ov_conn loads a file that has the block type name. For example,
when connecting to a PIDA block, the filename loaded is PIDA.
The directory name is defined by the DM FPLIB environmental variable
and, by default, is set to /usr/displib/Faceplates.
The defaults for FoxView are FV_FPOVL or /opt/fox/displib/Over-
Using the command line:
ov_conn -cb UC01_LEAD:SINE -l UR

opens the /usr/displib/Faceplates/PID file (Display Manager) or /opt/fox/dis-

plib/OverlayFaceplates/PID.fdf (FoxView), connects to
UC01_LEAD:SINE, and displays the overlay in the upper-right corner.
Using the -dir<directory> option overwrites the directory name. For
ov_conn -cb UC01_LEAD:SINE -dir /usr/displib/CustomFaces -I LL
opens the /usr/displib/CustomFaces/PID file, connects to
UC01_LEAD:SINE, and displays the overlay in the lower-left corner.
Use this command line feature to open a generic overlay that connects to
different block types. This functionality has been applied to the scratch-
pad Group Displays.
-file<filename> Use the -file option to determine which file should be
opened. The filename is defined by the filename argument. For example:

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

ov_conn -cb BOILER:PIDA

-file /usr/displib/tmplts/PIDA_BTN_ovl -1 UP
loads in the generic overlay:

and connects to the PIDA block BOILER:PIDA. The overlay is centered

along the top border.
ov_cmnd_arguments are required argument(s) that specify the location of
the overlay. These arguments are identical to the ov command arguments
with the filename (fname) omitted. The ovl_position argument may not be
used. The arguments are:
[-sticky] [-rootsize] [-ontop] [-pick] [-relpick]
[-offset <coord>] -l <location>
[-sticky] [-rootsize] [-ontop] -tile [area <tile_area>] [size
<tile_size>] [tile_location]

Remarks: Connection and text substitution assignments are nearly identical to that
of building Faceplates or User Groups in the Display Builder (using
Import & Config functionality) or linking faceplaces in FoxDraw.
Connection assignments:
For every passive and active connection that contains a .PARAMETER or
.PARAMETER RANGE name, the Compound:Block name is prefixed. If
a connection already has a Compound:Block name, it is replaced with the
ov_conn comp_block argument. This guarantees that all connections con-
nect to the ov_conn defined comp_block name.
connections in overlay: after reassignment:
C:B.PARAM <comp_block>.PARAM
.PARAM <comp_block>.PARAM
<.PARAM>______ <comp_block>.PARAM
$VAR SHARED_VAR <subs_name>

Do not use shared variables (Object Manager variables). In the case where
the DM opens the OM list optimized, the shared variable are not able to
connect. When the list is opened unoptimized, the list cannot connect to
more than one station, making either the comp_block variables or the
shared variable unconnectable.
For a real substitution name, the connection name will be blank because
the overlay is not invoked through a substitution list. Therefore, you are

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

not allowed to connect generic overlay connections to a shared variable or

use substitution names in the connection.
Piped ranges are required for a connection that requires high/low scale val-
ues. The piped range assures that fill levels (marker locations, ramp func-
tions, and so on) scale appropriately. Omitting the range from the
connection displays inappropriate graphics.
The deltas of the dynamic input connections are hard-coded by the dis-
play manager. The value that the display manager stores into the OM list
is 0.001. The delta values of the display value connections are ignored.
The deltas of the trend line connection are calculated as 0.5% of the
parameter’s high/low scale range.
Contents < Text connections (Display Manager only):
In contrast to the Display Builder Import & Config functionality, con-
tents < text connections are not removed. The overlay connects to the
specified string parameter(s). Examples of text connections are:
.EI1 engineering units
.DESCRP block description
.NMO state name

Trend connections (Display Manager only):

When a trend line connection contains a Compound:Block point connec-
tion, the substitution of trend line connections is the same as in input
(passive) connections.
When a trend line does not have a connection configured, the DM assigns
the default trend line connection as specified in the gdblk50.db (using the
TLn keywords for a specific block type). This allows, for example, scratch-
pad Group Displays to open a trend display without any trend connection
specified and defaults to the appropriate parameter, block type dependent.
Text substitutions (without a contents < text connection) (Display Man-
ager only):
Static text (text objects without a passive (input) connection), that con-
tains a substitution name (for example., <stg1>) will have the text substi-
tuted with the default gdblk50.db names. Substitution takes place when
the following conditions occur:
♦ The comp_block’s block type is specified in the gdblk50.db
♦ The gdblk50.db block type contains the text substitution names
defined in the STRINGS list
If the substitution name is not defined in the gdblk50.db, the text object
is a blank.
The text substitution is identical to the Display Builder Import & Config
function, with the following exceptions:

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

♦ The Display Builder allows prefixed text and trailing text after the
substitution name.
♦ The Display Manager allows only a substitution name.
♦ The Display Builder allows the user to overwrite the default


S/W Release: FoxView 9.0.

Use: Specifies the way in which all subsequent overlays are to be invoked in

Syntax: ov_mode <mode>

<mode> specifies whether subsequent overlays are to be displayed as
moveable, stationary, or in the FoxDraw built mode. <mode> can be
-move, -stat, or -fdconfig.
-move specifies that the overlays be displayed as movable ones that the user
may relocate. -stat specifies that the overlays be displayed as
stationary ones. -fdconfig specifies that the overlays be displayed in their
FoxDraw configured mode.

Remarks: This command changes the way in which all subsequent overlays are
invoked in FoxView. To change the setting, you must issue the ov_mode
command again. The default setting is fdconfig.


S/W Release: FoxView 9.0.

Use: Positions all the moveable overlays on top of the FoxView window on
Solaris workstations

Syntax: ov_on_top

Remarks: This command moves all the currently opened overlays so that they are
now visible on top of the FoxView window. On Solaris workstations,
moveable overlays can be moved behind the main FoxView window. You

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

can use this command to bring all moveable overlays to the front of the
display stack.


S/W Release: FoxView 9.0.

Use: Changes a currently displayed overlay from stationary to moveable, or

from moveable to stationary

Syntax: ov_switch <mode>

<mode> specifies whether the currently displayed overlay is to be switched
to moveable or stationary. <mode> can be either -move or -stat.
-move specifies that the overlay be displayed as a movable one that the user
may relocate. -stat specifies that the overlay be displayed as a
stationary one.

Remarks: This command switches an overlay that is currently opened to either

stationary or moveable. The ov_switch command is issued from a
selectable object on the overlay or a shortcut menu command. If a
moveable overlay is changed to stationary, the overlay loses its window
frame, and is located within the FoxView window frame.


S/W Release: 3.0

Use: For alarming, acknowledges all blocks that have an .UNACK or

.ALMSTA parameter connection present on the graphic.
With FoxView, this command also acknowledges all blocks with the
parameters designated in the list.

Syntax: dmcmd pageack [n] [-params <list>]

where n is a CRIT value.
where -params is a list of block parameters (used with FoxView only)

Remarks: This command allows you to configure a display button that acknowl-
edges all blocks that have an unacknowledged (.UNACK) or alarm status
(.ALMSTA) connection present on the graphic.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

For FoxView, the -params argument expands the block parameters to be

acknowledged via pageack. In addition to blocks with .UNACK or
.ALMSTA status, the blocks with the specified parameters (for example, -
params .STAIND, .BLKSTA) are also acknowledged.
You may prevent high priority alarms from being acknowledged by speci-
fying a critical (CRIT) value 1-5 in the command so that if the .ALMSTA
parameter shows a CRIT value greater than that specified in the com-
mand, the .UNACK parameter remains unchanged. This command may
be assigned to an annunciator panel key. It affects only the graphic display
from which it was invoked. If invoked from an annunciator key or Display
Manager script, it affects only those .UNACK (.ALMSTA) parameters
assigned to the base display. Overlays are not affected. This function
applies only to user graphics and not to the CAD display.


S/W Release: all

Use: Provides password protection

Syntax: dmcmd passwd [user_id]

Remarks: When processing this command, the display manager displays the pass-
word dialog box, prompting the user for a password. If the command does
not specify user_id, the user_id defaults to the basename of the script
being processed. Otherwise, the entered user_id is used.
For example, if dmcmd passwd is encountered while processing the file

the user_id defaults to Proc_Eng_Env.

Successful password entry removes the dialog box and processes the rest of
the script.
Unsuccessful password entry (clicking the dialog box’s CANCEL button)
removes the dialog box and aborts the processing of the script.
Password entry is successful under the following conditions:
♦ Correct password entry through dialog box.
♦ The user_id does not have a password associated with it.
♦ The user_id is not found in the password file.
♦ No password configuration file is found.
Passwords and descriptions can be edited using the dmsepass utility.
See also chng_env and nologscr.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: 4.0

Use: Selects a display object from a display command

Syntax: pick name [.name1] [-l screen_location] [-nolog]

Remarks: Display file active connections can be given a user-specified name. A DM

command can use this command to simulate an operator pick.
name The user-specified action name, as configured in
the display file.
name1 Optional .P replacement for .P defined in “name”.
For example, if the required argument “name” is
C:B.P and name1 is .P2, the action name trans-
lates into C:B.P2.
screen_location Optional argument, specifying the location of a
specific display/overlay within the DM’s window.
This location is either an acronym associated with
a display/overlay, or the bitmap value associated
with the screen quadrants. See the table below.
nolog No error notification occurs if the pick command
cannot be executed for any reason.

The bitmap values are the same as those used in the ov command.
screen_location values and their meanings are:

Display/Overlay Acronym Value

All opened displays (blank) (blank)
-or- ALL -1
Current display from display pick THIS -2
Last opened display (non-display THIS -2
Base display BASE 0
Upper-Left Quarter UL 1*
Upper-Right Quarter UR 2*
Lower-Left Quarter LL 4*
Lower-Right Quarter LR 8*
Upper Half UP 3*
Lower Half LOW 12*

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Display/Overlay Acronym Value

Left Half LEFT 5*
Right Half RIGHT 10*
Full FULL 15*

*Overlay locations are generated using the following location bitmaps:

1 2
4 8

When the display manager executes a pick command, each active action
name on the specified displays is compared against the requested action
name. When a match is found, the action is executed, and the search for
matching action names stops.
If the action name is not found in the specified screen location (or the
specified screen location does not contain a display/overlay), a message
displays on the top message line, unless the -nolog argument is used.
The active connection referenced by the pick name must be currently
pickable. If it is not, the pick command is ignored and a message displays
on the top message line, unless the -nolog argument is used.
Actions may be unpickable because:
♦ The access level is not enabled
♦ The graphic object is invisible .
If you are specifying an overlay location in screen_location, the overlay
location acts as a bitmask. Any overlay in the position occupying the over-
lay location is considered a match. For example, if the screen_location
specified is 10 (2 and 8), an overlay in position 2 (Upper Right) or posi-
tion 8 (Lower Right) or position 10 (Right Half ) is considered a matching
This is the search order for overlays to match action names:
1. If pick is issued from a base display or overlay, start with that display.
2. Continue with newest overlay and work toward the oldest.
For example, if three overlays are currently on display and have been called
up in the following order:
1. Upper Left
2. Lower Left
3. Upper Right
and the command
pick action_name -l FULL
was picked from an overlay in Lower Left position (4), the search order for
action_name is:
Lower Left
Upper Right

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Upper Left
If the same command was issued, but not from a display (as in a menu or
an annunciator key pick), the search order for action_name would now be
the opposite of the overlay call-up order:
Upper Right
Lower Left
Upper Left
Including the -l FULL argument in the pick command excludes the base
display from the search list. If the base is also to be included, use the
-l ALL argument. The search would be identical to that listed above with
the addition of the base display at the end of the list.
Issuing a pick command without an -l screen_location argument is
identical to specifying the -l ALL option.
Using the -l THIS option searches only the one display, as follows:
1. If the command is called from display, search that display only.
2. If the command is not issued from a pick on the display, search only the
newest display.
Active connection names must be unique within each display file. When a
pick command is executed by DM, the list of action names is searched
only until a matching name is found. If there is a subsequent matching
action name in the display file, this name is not executed even if the first
match was unpickable. Action names are assigned by the Display
For security reasons, only the following active connection types may be
♦ Execute program
♦ Open display
♦ Open overlay
♦ Set relative pick
♦ Close display/overlay
♦ Momentary contact (timed only).
The following active connection types may not be named:
♦ Write text to file
♦ Ramp
♦ Momentary contact (hold-down only).

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M


S/W Release: all

FoxView 99.2 or later

Use: Allows a FoxView or Display Manager operator to plot data points on

an X/Y plot

Syntax: plot <plotname> <options> [<filename>] [-rel num]

plotname is the name of the plot as assigned in FoxDraw or Display

Options can be concatenated.

Plot Command Options (X/Y Plots)

Code Action
c Clears the plot area on the screen. This does not affect the
data buffer in memory. Use this option to temporarily
clear out the plot and start “fresh”. If the d option (draw)
is issued, previously cleared data is not redrawn.
p Places the plot in the “pause” state. A paused plot contin-
ues to receive updates, but the updates do not display
until the plot is unpaused (g option).
s Stops real-time updating and data collection. This applies
to all relations within the plot area. No data are added to
the internal buffer.
g Resumes real-time updating. This option “unpauses” the
plot and displays any buffered data.
f Flushes the data buffers. All buffered data for all relations
within the plot area are cleared from FoxView memory.
d Draws the buffered data. Use this option while the plot is
paused to draw any accumulated buffered data. This
option does not affect the pause state of the plot.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Plot Command Options (X/Y Plots)

Code Action
w Writes the buffered points to the file named in filename.
This option requires a filename argument.
If the optional -rel num relation argument is specified,
the data for pen num (1 to 4) is written to a file named file-
If the optional -rel num argument is not specified, the
data for all pens is written to individual files named file-
name.1, filename.2, and so on.
r Reads and draws points from the file named filename.
This option requires the filename argument.
If the optional -rel num relation argument is specified,
the data read from the file is applied to relation num
(1 to 4).
If the optional -rel num argument is not specified, the
data read from the file is applied to the first relation.

Options that allow the -rel (FoxView only) argument
are mutually exclusive in a single command. This
includes the clear (c), write (w), and read (r) options.

The read (r) option reads data from a file into the specified relation. This
data is added to any data currently contained in the relation’s data buffer.
The readfile data is added in the order it is contained within the data file.
If a read (r) option is issued for a relation that is currently updating, the
new data is added just as though the data had been received as an update.
Readfile data can be distinguished from updating data by configuring a
different color for plotted data read from a file.

Plot Command Options (Profile Plots)

Code Action
r Reads data value and print number
w Sends readout data value to process
d Redraws the profile plot
p Toggles the pause state

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

X/Y Plots
Specifying a filename is optional unless you wish to read or write X/Y plot
For example:
plot xyp1 cdws /usr/tmp/plotout
locates the X/Y plot named xyp1. The script then clears the plot, redis-
plays the currently buffered points, writes them to the /usr/tmp/plotout
file on the AP, and stops real-time updating.
You can store up to 600 X and Y values in FoxView and up to 512 X and
Y values in Display Manager in the circular memory buffer. In FoxView,
data points are displayed up to the maximum configured in FoxDraw.
When the limit is reached, old data points are removed from the plot. In
Display Manager, displayed data points accumulate until you clear the
graph with a clear command. Depending on an overlay position, the plot
area may not clear.
Use the pause command to suspend the real-time display of values. Issu-
ing the pause command, however, does not interrupt the reading of values
into the circular buffer. Because the pause command acts as a toggle,
reversing the command’s current state, issuing another pause command
cancels the command’s prior state. All data associated with the graph clears
and its buffer empties.

Profile Plot Displays

You can use the plot command in conjunction with Profile Plot Displays
for WP30s, 50 Series and 70 Series workstations, and PWs. Profile Plot
Displays contain the following objects (library elements) that can be used
by an application:
Object Description
Pause Button A pushbutton that toggles pause state.
Read-Out Bar A rectangular object underneath the profile plot
that executes a display manager plotname r or
plotname rw command. This performs Read-Out
Send Button A button to send the Read-Out values. This button
should contain a display manager plotname w
Redraw Button A button to redraw a single profile plot.

For a description of Profile Plot Displays, refer to FoxView (B0193WH).

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Picking the plot area executes a display manager built-in command, allow-
ing the operator to execute any built-in command (for example, open
overlay or read out profile).

dmcmd plot plotname r

Use the Display Manager plot plotname r command to perform a trend
readout. When executed, the command displays the point value and point
number in the profile readout fields. The operator must pick an X-coordi-
nate that maps into the profile plot area. The Y-coordinate is disregarded.
For example, you can configure a command line to perform a data readout
function. Once the display is in operation, the exact data point can be
picked from the plot area, and the point value and number is saved in
In addition, if the profile plot contains the readout text records (for exam-
ple, in PPlot_512ful), the point value and point number display on the
The command operates as follows:
♦ Checks X coordinate (must be within the plot area limits)
♦ Gets line with the most number of points
♦ Using the line with the most number of points, calculates the clos-
est point to the picked X coordinate
♦ Gets point value of all lines
♦ Gets point number of all lines
♦ Stores point value(s) and number(s) in memory
♦ If profile graph contains the Values group (as in profile
PPlot_512ful), the point value and point number for every line
displays on the screen
♦ When completed, acknowledges action by displaying a message on
the message line
The point number readout is a 1-base point number, adjusted with the
starting Offset:
Point_Number = Data_Array_index + Start_Offset + 1
Data_Array_Index is the index into the data array, from where the value is
Start_Offset is the starting data array offset.
Data readout operates in the paused and unpaused modes.

dmcmd plot plotname rw

This is a combination of the r and w commands. Refer to the dmcmd plot
plotname r and dmcmd plot plotname W commands.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

dmcmd plot plotname w

The send (write) value command is an extension of the readout (r) com-
mand. Once the value is read out and stored in memory, you can send the
point value and number to a Compound:Block.Parameter or shared
The command operates as follows for all configured lines:

If there is no readout data, do next line.

♦ If a value connection name is configured, send value to process.

♦ If a point_nr connection name is configured, send point_nr to
♦ When finished, acknowledge action by displaying a message on
the message line.

dmcmd plot plotname p

This command is issued by clicking the Pause button, as in X/Y plots to
toggle the Pause state. While the plot is in the paused mode, update of the
plot area is paused, and a message line indicates this action.
Unlike real-time trends, changing the plot to the unpause mode does not
reset the hairline. When the plot area updates with new data, the hairline
resets and the readout values are cleared.

dmcmd plot plotname d

This command redraws a profile plot. The redraw function may be used
when a specific profile displays expanded (zoomed-in) data from a profile
that contains many points.
For example, a profile plot could be expanded along its X-axis by display-
ing the “expanded” plot in a secondary plot. In the second plot, a plot line
could be connected to the Start/End offset variables. By changing the Start
and/or End offset values, and clicking the Redraw button, the operator is
able to scroll along the X-axis, viewing “zoomed-in” data. The same
applies when expanding along the Y-axis (changing the scale values).

prev alms

S/W Release: all

Use: For alarming, calls up previous pages of the Current Alarm Display
(all WPs, except WP10 and PWs) or Alarm History Display

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Syntax: dmcmd prev_alms

Remarks: This command calls previous alarm pages to the screen only when the
Current Alarm Display or Alarm History Display is on the screen.
See also next_alms.

prev rdline

S/W Release: all

Use: Used in conjunction with read/write file operations (rdfile/wrtfile) to

scroll down records in blocked text files.


prev rdline [base_num]

prev rdline

Remarks: This command decrements the previous record, and that record is
The base_num argument to this command allows actions for multiple
read/write files to be configured within the same display file. The optional
base_num argument must be in the range of 1-5. The command sets the
dedicated base global and then updates all the Read/Write File connec-
tions that use either the default base global (indicated by the character I in
the rdfile/wrtfile command) or that use the same dedicated base global
(indicated by the sequence I<base_num>, where <base_num> is an integer
number from 1-5). Refer to rdfile and wrtfile.
base_num in this prev_rdline command must match I[base_num] in the
wrtfile/rdfile commands. When the base_num is used, and a scroll
command (next_rdline, prev_rdline, setfindex) is executed, the con-
figured action (read/write file connections) is updated if the base_num
argument to the scroll command matches that in the configured action.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

A file can not be “negatively indexed.” Attempting to decrease the record

number (index) below 0 produces 0. For example, if rdfile/wrtfile has
i5I[base_num] as part of its format code, the record index can not be
below 5.
See also next rdline.


S/W Release: all

Use: ♦ Enables protection for all or specified access locks

♦ Disables protection for all or specified access locks
♦ Defines user access,

Syntax: protect [all | value [range] | name [names]]

unprotect [all | value [range] | name [names]]
all protects/unprotects all active areas
value range specifies the set of numeric access levels to be affected. range
is in the format:
x a single value
x-y is a range of values from x through y
x,y,a-b is a combination of range and single values
name = name is a list of the action names to be protected. This list con-
tains no spaces. Names are separated by commas. If specifying action
names starting with a “.” (for example, .OUT), all action names ending
with this string are affected. For example:

protect name .OUT

protects all action names ending with .OUT. This allows the generic name
.OUT to apply to all output active areas, including both those on Block
Detail Displays and preconfigured Group Displays.

Description: The protect command sets and the unprotect command clears all access
key locks or the locks specified in a list of locks. Key locks within the list
are separated by commas (,). There is no limit to the number of locks in
the list.
Key locks must be within the range of 0 to 255. If a lock is not within this
range, that lock specification is ignored. Other key lock specifications in
the list are still processed.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

For example,
dmcmd protect value 1,1000,10-20,30-4
protects locks 1 and 10-20. The 1000 and 30-4 are invalid ranges.
Similar to all display command multi-word arguments, the list of locks
must be surrounded by “” characters or contain no white space.
For example,
dmcmd unprotect value “0, 10, 20, 30”
unprotects the specified locks.
dmcmd unprotect value 0, 10, 20, 30 protects only key lock 0.

Remarks: After building displays with Display Builder, you can assign Access Key
Lock (ACL) values to display objects in the Display Configurator’s Protec-
tion field. This creates a “keyhole” on the WP that “locks” display objects.
Locking or unlocking display objects (making them selectable or unselect-
able) depends on an environment’s “keys”. Use the protect and unpro-
tect commands to create environments corresponding to users or system
When a user accesses a display, the display manager checks the object’s
protection class against the WP’s ACL. If the user does not have the same
display object ACL key, that object cannot be selected. The protect or
unprotect command immediately affects the current display. You do not
need to recall the display.

The protect or unprotect command does not group or rank protection classes.
However, the protect or unprotect command offers you the flexibility to prevent
unauthorized users access to other users’ environments or system responsibilities.

dmcmd script
dmcmd protect all # Clears all protections
dmcmd unprotect value 1-10 # Clears protection locks 1-
dmcmd unprotect value $PROC_ENG,$SW_ENG # If PROC_ENG = 20-29
and SW_ENG = 40-49,
locks 20-29 and 40-49 are
dmcmd protect name .OUT # Protects all actions with
.OUT extension
dmcmd unprotect name aname # Unprotects actions named

See also setacl.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M


For Model 51 workstations and 70 Series workstations, this command is read by the
Alarm Server Task (AST), not by a Display Manager or FoxView.

S/W Release: 3.0

Use: Prints current alarm panel definitions to a file

Syntax: dmcmd prtalmpnl (filename)

Remarks: Use this command to save the current alarm panel definitions currently in
the Alarm Server Task (AST) memory. The file can then be used as an
input file, that is, as the actual ASCII alarm configuration file.
If no filename is specified, the default filename is:
For example, the following command, when issued at run time, saves the
current alarm panel configuration to a file. Upon reboot, the contents of
the saved file becomes the workstation’s alarm panel configuration.
pref -LBUG dmcmd “prtalmpnl”
For more information, refer to Process Alarm Configurator (B0193AU) and
Workstation Alarm Management (B0193RV).
See also addalmpn and clralmpnl.


S/W Release: all

Use: Prints the currently displayed screen

Syntax: dmcmd psc

Remarks: This command performs a screen dump to the printer of whatever cur-
rently appears on the WP screen. The printer is set from DM Select
Printer menus file stored in the Printer global variable. Once this com-
mand executes in the WP, it runs without interruption from other display
manager tasks.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Displays do not update while reading the screen.

This command works only when display manager is active. If the display
manager is not active, the psc command is ignored.


S/W Release: 3.3

Use: Enables/disables the Quit pick from the Display Manager’s Window

Syntax: quitdm [state]

the state of the quit option is either ON or OFF

Remarks: This command enables or disables the Quit command from the Window
menu. The -q ENABLE option must have been previously specified in the
DM_WIN variable before this option can be turned on, or the Display Man-
ager must not be configured to come up on WP boot. The dm typecode
must be a value other than B before this option can be turned on.
See also disable.


S/W Release: all

Use: For alarming, displays the Recent Alarm Display (WP10 only) or the Cur-
rent Alarm Display (all WPs, except WP10 and PWs). Displays the speci-
fied alarm display on WP/AW51 (Version 4.2 or later)

Syntax: dmcmd rcntalms

dmcmd rcntalms [-type disp][-match matchfile] (WP/AW51 only)
no argument defaults to the Current Alarm Display

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

-type disp is defined with one of the following acronyms:

Acronym Display Type

OPR Operations Display
MRA Most Recent Alarms
CAD Current Alarm Display
AHD Alarm History Display
NEWALM New Alarms Display
UNACK Unacknowledged Return-to-Normal Alarms
ACKED Acknowledged Alarms

-match matchfile indicates the matchfile (<file>.ams) applied to the dis-


Remarks: As configured by Invensys Foxboro, ALARM on the menu bar invokes

this command.
For Model 51 workstations, you may apply additional arguments to access
any of the alarm displays, and you may apply a match file (.ams file) to the
display. The match file is accessed from the /usr/fox/customer/alarms/
amspec directory. For example:
Command Initiates
dmcmd rctalms The CAD display on the associated
dmcmd rcntalms -match The CAD display on the associated
section3 AM with the match specified in:
dmcmd rcntalms -type The UNACK display on the associ-


S/W Release: all

Use: Reads text or data from blocked text file records

Syntax: rdfile (filename) {fmt} [<arguments>]

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Remarks: Because the {fmt} rdfile syntax does not allow spaces, concatenate the
{fmt} options.

Format Options
{fmt} Description
b Blocked text
l Stop on line feed
n Terminated with the ASCII null
B Buffered (hold last file open)
r num Record size override
w num Field width (default = record size)
o num Field offset (default = 0)
i num Index record (default = 0)
I [base_num]*, ** Add glbl base to index (set base with setfindex)

* [base_num] is used with 50 Series systems, Version 3.3 or greater. It is not used with 20/30 Series
** To examine or change default global variables, refer to global variables in Display Engineering for 50
Series Workstations (B0193MQ).

For example,
rdfile text bw6o10i15n
instructs rdfile to:
♦ Open the block text (b) file named text
♦ Examine the record size of all records
♦ Move to the 15th record (i15) and locate and read a six-character
field (w6) with an offset of ten characters from the beginning of the
record (o10)
Refer to Chapter 1 for more examples of read/write file operations.


S/W Release: all

Use: Loads and runs a WP application

Syntax: dmcmd run (filename) [(arg1) (arg2). . .]

Remarks: This command causes the display manager to load and run a program in
the WP. The program arguments access read-only, read/write, and free WP
globals in a C environment.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

When a WP application starts running in the WP, it runs uninterrupted

by other display manager tasks unlike the exit built-in command and the
PGM global variable, which cancel or suspend display manager control.

The display manager stops updating displays if the
application started by run preempts the back surface.
If the WP has insufficient memory to run an applica-
tion, the message Can’t start application appears.
The process ID is stored in the read/write global

A run command does not write to a shell, as does the applic command.
The run command does a fork/exec of the specified arguments. The run
commands that require shells must include /usr/bin/sh as the first


S/W Release: all

Use: Executes a display manager script

Syntax: dmcmd script (filename)

Remarks: This command informs the display manager to execute additional com-
mands or another script file (if specified).
The display manager checks the first two file bytes, known as the UNIX
magic number, to determine the file type. Checking a file’s type typically
takes extra time; however, the script command overrides this procedure
and processes the file immediately.
For example,
dmcmd script /usr/menus/script
opens the file named script faster than
dmcmd /usr/menus/script
which causes the display manager to open the file to check its file type.
Once the display manager begins to execute the file, the first line must
declare its file type as a script.
For example:
dmcmd script
= p2 $ENV
!= $p2 $ENV setacl 50 +

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

The second line assigns global variable ENV ’s contents to p2.

The last line sets the access key lock (setacl) to 50 when the contents of
p2 and ENV are unequal.
You can also chain script files by calling another script in the script’s last
See also subslist.


S/W Release: all

Use: Reallocates the shared devices between WPs in a multi-screen cluster

Syntax: sdjump [WP-letterbug | +n | -n]

Remarks: Use this command to “jump” the peripherals (mouse, keyboard, and so
on) from the WP that currently owns them to another specified WP. The
WPs must be configured within the same multi-screen cluster. The com-
mand must be directed to the WP that currently owns the devices.
You can use the sdjump command in a script to achieve the same effect as
the multi-screen overlay.
In the first format of this command, the shared devices are reassigned to
the WP named by WP-letterbug.
In the second format, the shared devices are reassigned to the WP that is n
positions ahead in the configuration. For example, +1 reassigns to the next
WP, +2 assigns to the WP following that one, and so on.
In the third format, the shared devices are reassigned to the WP that is n
positions back in the configuration. For example, -1 reassigns to the previ-
ous WP, -2 assigns to the WP before that one, and so on.
The cluster is considered to be circular. The first WP in the cluster follows
the last WP in the cluster; the last WP wraps around to the first.
Suppose that GC3001, GC3002, and GC3003 are three WPs configured
in a multi-screen cluster and GC3001 currently owns the shared devices.
The command sdjump GC3003 directed to GC3001 reassigns the shared
devices to the WP named GC3003.
The command sdjump +2 directed to GC3003 reassigns the shared
devices to the WP that is two positions ahead of GC3003 in the cluster

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

The command sdjump -1 directed to GC3002 reassigns the shared

devices to the WP that is one position back from GC3002 in the cluster


S/W Release: 4.2

Use: Changes the appropriately connected fields on all displays within the dis-
play manager into pickable areas for the point selection process.

Syntax: select_pt

Remarks: This command applies to all opened displays. Any pick within the display
manager window turns this state off, even if a pickable area was not
The get_select_pt command can retrieve the selected point name.
For more information, refer to “Select and Assign Function” in Process
Operations And Displays (B0193MM).


S/W Release: FoxView 8.0 or later.

Use: Copies the specified object name to the system clipboard

Syntax: set_select_pt -name <object name>

- name <object name> specifies that the <object name> string be copied
to the system clipboard.

Remarks: This command specifies copying a string to the system clipboard. Other
FoxView instances can then use this string. For example, a user can paste
the name from the clipboard into a trend object.
The <object name> argument is not validated. This name can be any text

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: all

Use: For a Control Processor (CP) variable, manipulates Boolean compound

and block parameters

Syntax: setb connection_name <value>

connection_name is the complete connection name or the WP globals
representing the full pathname (for example, $PICK1). The
connection_name can be a Compound:Block.Parameter or a shared
When setting Packed Boolean bits, the bit extension must be defined. The
format of the bit extension is:
.[.][-]{bitmask | acronym_1, acronym_2,... acronym_n}
If the data type is not packed boolean or packed long, the bit extension is
ignored and removed from the connection. If the data type is packed bool-
ean or packed long and the bit extension is not defined in the path name,
the setb function is aborted.
For setting shared variable packed booleans, use the following
connection_name syntax:
shared_var..bit extension
value represents a hexadecimal value for packed boolean and packed long
data types. For any other data type, use 0 or 1.

Remarks: Use setb to set or reset one or more packed Boolean bits in one execution.
setb supports parameter bit extensions.
Setting packed booleans is not supported on WP20 workstations. When
the setb function reads a connection name with a bit extension, the func-
tion is aborted and an error message displays in the message line.
Refer to Appendix A for a list of bit acronyms.

Examples: setb Cname:Bname.Pname.C000 8000

Sets boolean 1 and resets boolean 2 (OM bits 15 and 14)

setb Cname:Bname.Pname.B1,B2 8001

Sets boolean 1 and resets boolean 2 (OM bits 15 and 14)

setb Cname:Bname.Pname.FFFF AAAA

Sets parameter value to hexadecimal AAAA

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

setb Cname:Bname.Pname.-F0000000 0FFFFFFF

Sets all booleans except 1-4 (OM bits 28-31)


Sets Lo Meas Alarm bit

setb Cname:Bname.INHALM.-LMA 0
Resets all bits except Low Meas Alarm bit

setb Cname:Bname.MA 1
Sets the MA Boolean parameter to 1

setb sharedvar..B1,B2 C0000

Sets booleans 1 and 2


S/W Release: all

Use: For a Control Processor variable, manipulates compound and block



Remarks: Use the seti command to set integer values. Most integer control block
parameters are 16-bit (short) integers. This command works only with 16-
bit parameters.
This dmcmd set command alters control parameters.

Examples: seti FURNACE:FC1000.PRI 2

Sets block FURNACE:FC1000 to alarm priority 2.

The length of the parameter type (integer or long)
must match the set command length.

For a list of parameters, refer to these documents:

♦ Compound parameters, Integrated Control Configurator

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

♦ Block parameters, Integrated Control Block Descriptions

See also toggle, incwrap and setl.


S/W Release: all

Use: For a Control Processor variable, manipulates compound and block



Remarks: Use the setl command to specify parameter values. Most integer
sequence control block parameters are 32-bit (long) integers. This com-
mand works only with 32-bit parameters.
This dmcmd set command alter control parameters.

Examples: setl FURNACE:SEQ1000.I00001 54321

Sets block FURNACE:SEQ1000 integer output to 54321.

The length of the parameter type (integer or long)
must match the set command length.

For a list of parameters, refer to these documents:

♦ Compound parameters, Integrated Control Configurator
♦ Block parameters, Integrated Control Block Descriptions
See also toggle, incwrap and seti.


S/W Release: all

Use: Defines user access

Protects display objects

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

The preferred commands are protect and unprotect.

Syntax: setacl (0-255) <+-.>


After building displays with Display Builder, you can assign software
access key locks (ACL) to display objects in the Display Configurator Pro-
tection field. This creates a “keyhole” on the WP that “locks” display

After building displays with FoxDraw, you can attach an operator action
to display objects. This creates a “keyhole” on the WP that “locks” display
An access key lock of zero (0) enables all users to select an object. Use
these three symbols to control the 255 access locks:
Access Symbol
Enable +
Disable -
Unchanged .

For example,
dmcmd setacl 125 +-.
sets access lock to 125 and only 125. The plus sign (+) enables access lock
125. Users with access 125 can select objects in 125. The minus sign (-)
disables access lock 126. Users with access 126 cannot select objects in
126. The period (.) after the minus sign leaves access lock 127,
unchanged. You can use multiple plus signs (125+++.+), minus signs (125-
--), and/or periods (125...) to specify access locks.

Place the setacl command in the path field of the Workstation Configu-
rator preceded by the dmcmd command in the label field where keep
appears, or place a script name in the path field to execute several setacl
commands. The dmcmd command does not cause a soft key to use up any
of the ten possible positions on the menu.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

The environment files are implemented through DM built-ins using DM

scripts. This command can be handled in a script.
When an operator accesses a display object, the display manager checks
the object’s access lock against the WP’s ACL. If you do not have the same
display object ACL key, you cannot select that object. The setacl com-
mand immediately affects the current display. You do not have to recall
the display.

The setacl command does not group or rank protection classes. However, the set-
acl command offers the flexibility to prevent unauthorized users access to other
users’ environments or system responsibilities.

See also protect and unprotect.


S/W Release: 3.3

Use: Sets UNIX environment values

Syntax: setenv variable value

variable is the name of environment variable to set
value is the value to set variable to


The display manager sets the value of a UNIX environment variable to the
string specified in value. On fork/exec, all variables set with this call are
reset to their previous values. If there are no previous values, they are reset
to the read-only variable values. This prevents configuration information
from passing to child display managers. The UNIX DMNAME and DIS-
PLAY variables are not reset.
See also getenv.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M


S/W Release: all

Use: For reading/writing files, used in conjunction with read/write file opera-
tions (rdfile/wrtfile) to increment or decrement the record number
read/written in a file.


setfindex <+number> [base_num]

setfindex <-number> [base_num]
setfindex <number> [base_num]
dmcmd setfindex
where number is the relative/absolute file record number. Preceding number
with a “+” increases the index relative to its current value. Preceding num-
ber with a “-” decreases the index relative to its current value. Without a
prefix to number, the command sets the index to the absolute value of the
Without an argument (dmcmd setfindex), the command causes a screen
refresh of all text connected to files with rdfile/wrtfile. With an argu-
ment, the offset is set into the file, and the screen is refreshed.

Remarks: Use this command in sequence block detail displays to jump to a particu-
lar line in the source listing. You can also jump to particular records in
your own database file.
The base_num argument allows actions for multiple read/write files to be
configured within the same display file. This optional argument must be
in the range of 1 - 5. The command sets the dedicated base global and
then updates all the Read/Write File connections that use either the
default base global (indicated by the character I in the rdfile/wrtfile
command) or that use the same dedicated base global (indicated by the
sequence I<base_num>, where <base_num> is an integer number from 1 -
5). Refer to the rdfile/wrtfile commands for more information.
base_num in this (setfindex) command must match I[base_num] in the
rdfile/wrtfile commands. When base_num is used, and a scroll
(next rdline, prev rdline or, or setfindex) command is executed, the
configured action (read/write file connections) is updated when the
base_num argument to the scroll command matches that in the configured

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: all

Use: Assigns a value to a global variable

Syntax: setglbl (variable) <value>

Remarks: This command sets a global variable to a value.

For example,
setglbl PICK1 5
sets global variable PICK1 to 5.
See also assign value (=).


S/W Release: FoxView 9.0.

Use: Changes the name of the FoxView menu definition file used by the short-
cut menu.

Syntax: shortcut_menu -type <object | display> [-file <filename>]

| [-clear]
-type specifies the type of menu file being defined; either a file for
updating objects or a file for the base display.
<filename> contains the full pathname to a shortcut menu file.
-clear deletes the current FoxView shortcut menu filename.

Remarks: This command sets the name of the FoxView menu definition file to be
used by this instance of FoxView for the specified type of menu. For this
instance of FoxView, all subsequent shortcut menus use the contents of
this menu file.
The -clear option removes the filename from the default menu file

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

shortcut_menu _style

S/W Release: FoxView 9.0.

Use: Specifies the type of shortcut menu to be displayed when a user right-
clicks over an updating field in FoxView.

Syntax: shortcut_menu_style default | configurable

default specifies using the shortcut menu style available with
FoxView 8.0
configurable specifies using the shortcut menu style from the configura-
tion files for the object and display menus.

Remarks: This command specifies the type of shortcut menu to be displayed when a
user right-clicks over an updating field in FoxView. The default style is
the style available with the 8.0 version of FoxView. The configurable
style uses the configuration menu files, and allows the user to configure
the text and actions contained within the shortcut menu.


S/W Release: 3.0

Use: Shows the state of CAG redirection variables

Syntax: showcag

Remarks: This command displays (on the top message line) the current state of the
CAG redirection variables and the state of the redirection switch.
See also showms.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: 3.0

Use: Shows the current state of the single/multi switch

Syntax: showms

Remarks: This command displays the current state of the single/multi switch and
the name of the Display Manager to which the next display will be
The 50 Series WP supports display redirection by using the same proce-
dure as WP20s and WP30s: using the Multi-screen pull-down menu pick
to display the multi-screen overlay (the same overlay which is commonly
used to move peripherals from one WP to another), and then selecting the
pictured Display Manager to which the next display is to be redirected.
On a 50 Series WP, this overlay is a Display Manager dialog box (not a
display file as on WP20s and WP30s). The Display Manager constructs
this dialog box upon bootup based on the contents of the
/usr/fox/sp/data/gc_link file. This file is normally created by the System
Configurator and Software Install. This file is an ASCII file, and can be
edited manually using any text editor. Any changes to the file become
effective once the 50 Series is rebooted.
The gc_link file consists of zero or more lines of the form:
where there is one line for each Display Manager in a cluster. A Display
Manager cannot be in more than one cluster.
DISKLBUG is the letterbug of a WP20’s or WP30’s host AP or the letterbug
of the 50 Series WP (which is self-hosting).
CLUSTER is an integer indicating which WPs belong to a cluster. Lines with
the same value for CLUSTER belong to the same cluster.
POSITION (1-10) is where the WP is physically positioned.
1 3 5 7 9
2 4 6 8 10

DMNAME is the name of the Display Manager in the cluster. For 20/30 this is
the WP letterbug.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

For example, the following file has two clusters, each with one WP20 and
one WP50 Display Manager:
AP2001 1 1 WP2001
WP5001 1 2 WP5001
AP2001 2 9 WP2002
WP5002 2 10 WP5002

Any displays for redirection must exist on the local disk of any WP50s and
on the hosting AP of any WP20s and WP30s on which they are to be dis-
played. The display file is not transmitted from one WP to another as part
of the normal redirection process; only the request to display the file is
transmitted. Thus, the file must be accessible to the receiving WP.
50 Series WPs do not support peripheral sharing. That is, the QWERTY
keyboard and mouse/trackball cannot be moved from one WP50 to
another, nor among WP50s and WP20/30s.
See also showcag.


S/W Release: all

Use: Delays or suspends an executing script

Creates display demonstrations and presentations
Coordinates display at specified times to demonstrate and present pro-
gram functions

Syntax: sleep (number)

Remarks: This command pauses the display manager and delays executing pro-
grams. Express the specified sleep period in number of seconds. The dis-
play manager continues executing the script once the sleep period expires.
For example:
dmcmd script
sleep 20
sleep 15
sleep 10
sleep 5

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

This script executes a demonstration of four furnace displays. The demon-

stration runs from 20 to 5 seconds, each display running 5 seconds less
than the previous one.

Activating sleep suspends display updates and operator input. To execute sleep,
uninterrupted by other display manager tasks, use the applic built-in command to
start a shell script or C program containing a sleep command.


S/W Release: all

Use: Gets the source connection of a given Control Processor’s Com-

pound:Block.Parameter point.

Syntax: dmcmd source path [(d)]

source is the name of the display command.
path is a display manager global (using PICK1, P1, P2, and so on) or a
combination of multiple globals ($p1:$p2.$p3), or a full pathname
d is an optional argument that immediately calls up the detail display. If
not specified, the source overlay is displayed containing source name of

Remarks: The source command allows the operator, with only one or two picks, to
go through a process loop upstream.
The user connects the execute program connection function, for exam-
ple, to a rectangular object on the screen using the Display Configurator.
In the connection, the display manager source command is defined. After
installing the display, picking the rectangular object displays the quarter
screen overlay DMCMD overlay (see below). When, for example, the
source button is configured as “source $PICK1”, you should first pick a
parameter (relative pick) and then press the source button (same operation
as the standard default displays).
The full pathname of the overlay display is /usr/fox/tmplts/source_ov1.
The data retrieved is saved in the WP Object Manager globals FOX1 (for
sink path names), FOX2 (for source path names), and FOX3 (for sink

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M





DMCMD Source Overlay

SINK PATH NAME The full pathname of the selected point
SINK STATUS The sink parameter status:
DISCONNECTED – point is discon-
BAD I/O – point had BAD I/O set
OOS – point is Out of Service
ERROR – point is in Error
Okay – none of the above
SOURCE PATH NAME The source name (if applicable) and bit
extension (if applicable)
DETAIL Two detail buttons are provided. One
calls up the sink detail display and the
other the source detail display.
CANCEL Button that closes the overlay

In case of error conditions, the overlay is not opened and a message line
message is displayed. These conditions are:
♦ No input parameter (when getting source of output parameter)
♦ Path not found (when getting source of unknown path).
However, the globals FOX 1, FOX 2, and FOX 3 contain the source con-
nection information which cannot be customized (FOX 1, FOX 2, FOX 3
are set by the display manager).
Supports parameter bit extensions.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: all

Use: Presents a display first

Overrides the previous display queue

Syntax: dmcmd stack <string>

Remarks: This command coordinates the precedence of one display over another in
the display queue. This command does not initiate displays. Specifying a
string argument <string> (such as a display’s filename) places that display
first in the queue, making it the current display. The current display then
becomes a previous display.
The stack and nostack commands work together to create display
sequences. Scripts containing the stack and nostack commands enable
you to coordinate a display sequence.
For example:
dmcmd script
applic /usr/prog
nostack 1
stack “/usr/menus/myscript”
starts the program /usr/prog on the AP. The nostack 1 command pre-
vents the next display from being added to the display queue and instead
calls the mydisp display. The current display becomes a previous display
and myscript takes its place in the queue.
Using the above script technique enables you to call displays indirectly,
without employing the Prev_Disp button or executing the close
See also nostack.


S/W Release: FoxView 99.2.

Use: Displays or removes the status bar

Syntax: status_bar on | off

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

on enables display of the status bar.
off disables display of the status bar.

Remarks: This command displays or removes the status bar at the bottom of the
FoxView frame.


S/W Release: all

Use: Accesses the Select Screen

Accesses a detail display

Syntax: dmcmd stddisp [COMPOUND]

dmcmd stddisp [(COMPOUND:BLOCK) <type>] [-ddisplay]

Remarks: Depending on the specific command syntax, this command displays vary-
ing detail regarding compound, block, and parameter data.
The stddisp command without a Compound or Compound:Block argu-
ment invokes the Select Screen. For example, choosing the SELECT button
from the menu bar executes the stddisp command, displaying the Select
Screen. Specifying the compound invokes the Select Screen with the com-
pound selected.
The stddisp command without arguments invokes the Select Screen or
FoxSelect™ unless there is a Compound:Block.Parameter that has been
selected through the Select and Assign process. In this case, the detail dis-
play for the selected variable is invoked.
For example,
dmcmd stddisp REACTOR1
displays the Select Screen, listing REACTOR1’s blocks.
On workstations, specifying the Compound:Block after this command
invokes the block detail display.
For example,
dmcmd stddisp REACTOR1:FC1000
invokes the REACTOR:FC1000’s block detail display to your screen,
without displaying the Select Screen.

The only displays that queue are detail displays. Dis-
play queues do not include the Select Screen.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

The value held in the read-only global variable $DD accesses the
/usr/fox/dd directory where you find the lowest level detail display tem-
plates such as PID. Each /usr/fox/dd subdirectory corresponds to a block
type containing overlays.
The free global variables $p1, $p2, and $p3 are respectively initialized to
the compound name, block name, and type when you call a template.
When invoking a PLB, the displayed ladder is opened (if it is accessible).
For more information, refer to Display Engineering for 50 Series Worksta-
tions (B0193MQ).

[-ddisplay] This option opens the block detail display instead of open-
ing the ladder (for a PLB) or the SFC Display Manager (for a sequence
For more information about the Select Screen, refer to Process Operations
and Displays (B0193MM). For information on FoxSelect, refer to FoxView
(B0193WH) or the foxview.hlp on-line Help system.


S/W Release: all

Use: Creates generic displays (display templates)

Creates substitution lists (static or connected)
Re-uses displays with multiple data and text substitutions

Syntax: subslist <filename>

Remarks: The subslist command notifies the display manager not to check the
file’s UNIX magic number, which specifies the file’s size and record
lengths. Not checking the magic number enables the display manager to
immediately read the list.
The first line of the substitution list must be subs: followed by the display
filename. In the following example, the file named generic_sublist
accesses another file called display.file, passing text or data to display
areas bounded by < >s..
The equal sign (=) assigns text_data to patterns. Patterns correspond to
graphic objects on the display file. The subslist command passes text or
data to the matching pattern in the display file. Built-in commands and
connection paths to process variables qualify as text data.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

dmcmd subslist /usr/disp/slists/generic_sublist

path to substitution list



All substitutions take place before the display appears on the screen. Then
subsequent displays called to the screen clear previous substitutions.
See also subst.


S/W Release: all

Use: Creates display templates

Creates substitution lists without files
Re-uses displays with few data and text substitutions

Syntax: dmcmd subst [(pattern) <strings>]

Remarks: The subst command performs the same functions as the subslist com-
mand, except with fewer and faster substitutions. The subst command
does not require a display name. The substitution list created with this
command executes when the next display is called, and then it is cleared.
The subst command substitutes text or data in the display file. To suc-
cessfully substitute strings, place brackets (<xxx>) around the display field.
The subst file does not require brackets.
For example,
subst xxx “User filename:”
changes <xxx>, the characters on the configured display, to display -- User
filename: -- as designated by the quotation marks.
For example,
subst temp REACTOR12:TIC1000.MEAS
changes temp, the bracketed characters on the configured display, to the
compound, block, and parameter values displayed.
See also subslist.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

Before actually building the display and creating the substitution, pack the display
with pdfpack -s.


S/W Release: FoxView 99.2.

Use: Displays or removes the time and date bar.

Syntax: time_date_bar on | off

on enables display of the time and date bar.
off disables display of the time and date bar.

Remarks: This command displays or removes the time and date bar in FoxView.
The time and date bar contains the time and date fields in the upper right
corner of the FoxView window.


S/W Release: all

Use: For setting a Control Processor, switches a boolean or packed boolean

Syntax: toggle connection_name [prefpt]

connection_name is the complete connection name or the WP globals
representing the full path name (for example, $PICK1 .MA).
When setting packed Boolean bits, you must be define the bit extension.
The format of the bit extension is:
.[-]{bitmask | acronym_1, acronym_2,... acronym_n}
If the data type is not packed Boolean or packed long, the bit extension is
ignored and removed from the connection. If the data type is packed
Boolean or packed long and the bit extension is not defined in the path-
name, the toggle function is aborted.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

When toggling shared variable packed booleans, use the following

connection_name syntax:
shared_var..bit extension
prefpt replaces the parameter name in the connection name including the
bit extension.
When you specify .prefpt, the Compound:Block is used, but
COMPOUND:blk.prefpt actually changes.

Remarks: Even though you can define the .cpoint (current point) as any parameter
type, this command affects Boolean parameters only.
Refer to “Bit Extension Acronyms” on page 147 for a list of bit acronyms.

Examples: toggle Cname:Bname.Pname.C000

toggle Cname:Bname.Pname.B1,B2
Toggles booleans 1 and 2 (bits 14 and 15)

toggle Cname:Bname.Pname.-F0000000
toggle Cname:Bname.Pname.-B1,B2,B3,B4
Toggles all bits, except 28-31

toggle Cname:Bname.INHALM.LMA
Toggles the Low Meas Alarm bit

toggle Cname:Bname.INHALM.-LMA
Toggles all bits except the Low Meas Alarm bit

toggle Cname:Bname.INHALM.LMA,HMA
Toggles the High Meas and Low Meas alarm bits

toggle Cname:Bname.CINMSK.B1,B32
Toggles booleans 1 and 32 (OM bits 31 and 0)

toggle $PICK1 .MA

Toggles the MA parameter


Toggles the INHALM Low Meas Alarm bit.

toggle sharedvar..B5,B6
Toggles shared variable booleans 5 and 6

For a list of Boolean parameters, refer to the following documents:

♦ Compound parameters, Integrated Control Configurator

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

♦ Block parameters, Integrated Control Block Descriptions

See also set.


S/W Release: 50 Series, Version 4.2 or later.

FoxView 99.2 or later.

Use: Allows trend areas to be configured via a script without using the On-Line
Trend Configurator or an off-line display configurator, Display Builder or

trend [-g trendname] [-trdid n]
[-line # [-name c:b.p] [-descr “dd”] [-range r]
[-hist histname] [-gband g] [-minsp m]
[-name0 0] [-name1 1] [-delta d] [-eng e]
[-lcolor lc] [-marker m] [-dtype d]]
[-scan “su” | -dur “su”]
[-start time | -stop time | -display “du su”]
[-banded | -merged] [-temp | -perm]
[-gcolor gc] [-bgcolor bg]
[-tstamp t] [-gvis gv] [-offnorm h,l]
[-offnrmcolor oc] [-numgrid nli] [-nummkrs nm]]
[-resol “t u”]

FoxView 99.2 supports only the following arguments:
-g trendname, -trdid n, -line #, -name c:b.p,
-descr dd, -hist histname, -gband g, -minsp m,
-name0 0, -name1 1, -scan su, -start time,
-stop time, -banded, -merged, -temp, and -perm.

FoxView 9.0 supports all the above arguments except

for -resol t u, which is valid for the Display Man-
ager only.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

-g trendname is the group name of the trend, identifying the trend on the
display that is targeted with this command. If -g trendname is not speci-
fied, the system defaults to the first trend area configured.
-trdid n selects the nth trend on the display. The range is 1 to 8. Use this
directive when the group name is not known or is not unique.
-line # The # is the 1-based line number to be addressed by the options
that follow. If -line # is missing, the system defaults to line 1.
-name c:b.p c:b.p (or a shared variable) is the connection name to be
assigned to the specified line.
-descr “dd” (FoxView only) Assigns a description string to the
specified line. Use double-quote characters (“dd”) for a multi-word
-range “r” Assigns a range string to the specified line:
value of r Specifies
auto Auto-scale
std For configured ranges
|Rxx To use Rxx parameter range values
R=100,0 A range (high,low). In this example, from 0 to 100.
one A one-shot auto-scale. The scale is determined by the
minimum and maximum values stored for the point.
L=100,0 FoxView only. A high range value and low decade
number for a logarithmic trend
zoom +/- Display Manager only. For “zoom +”, the high scale is
increased and low scale is decreased by a fixed amount.
For “zoom -”, the high scale is decreased and the low
scale is increased by a fixed amount.
shift Display Manager only. Shifts high and low scale values
up (+) or down (-) by a fixed amount.

-hist histname specifies the Historian name (if applicable).

-gband g
-minsp m These are the guardband (-gband g) and the minimum span
(-minsp m) values for auto-scaling. Either value turns on auto-scaling. The
value is in common, floating-point notation.
-name0 0
-name1 1 are Boolean state name descriptions. Use double-quote char-
acters (“ ”) for a multi-word description.
-delta d is the delta value for Object Manager use. This value specifies
the minimum amount of change required for FoxView to receive a
changed value.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

-eng e is the engineering units (six character maximum) associated with

the point name
-lcolor lc is a numeric value specifying the trend line color
-marker m (FoxView only) Uses this marker style to specify the trend
line. For Solaris based workstations, the integer value of m can be 1 to 5,
which assigns ..., +++, ***, ooo, and xxx, respectively. For
Windows based workstations, the integer value of m can be 1 to 14, where
6 to 14 assigns ..., +++, ***, ooo, xxx, square, triangle, diamond,
and double-cross, respectively.
-dtype d specifies the data type (REAL or BOOLEAN).
-scan “su” s specifies the absolute scan rate. u specifies the scan units
[seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), and days (d)].
-dur “su” s specifies the absolute duration. u specifies the duration units
[seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), and days (d)].
-start time specifies the start time (oldest time) of the trend. This value
is one of the following:
- an absolute time stamp in the form “hh:mm:ss dd/mm/yy”
- a relative time in the form “+/- xx u” where:
xx is an integer value
u is a unit value (s,m,d,h)

This option freezes the trend.

-stop time This specifies the end time (newest time). This option
freezes the trend.
-display “du su” FoxView only. d specifies the absolute duration. u
specifies the duration units [seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), and days
s specifies the absolute scan rate. u specifies the scan rate units [seconds
(s), minutes (m), hours (h), and days (d)].
-banded displays trend lines in separated areas.
-merged displays trend lines in a single graph area.
-temp (default) Specifies that changes effected by this command are not
written to the display file.
-perm specifies that changes effected by this command are written to the
display file.
-gcolor gc Specifies the grid line color. Color is a numeric value.
-bgcolor bg Specifies the graph background color. Color is a numeric
-tstamp t Specifies the time stamp. 0 specifies local time. 1 specifies
relative time.
-gvis gv Specifies grid line visibility. 0 specifies no grid lines. 1 specifies
the use of grid lines.

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

-offnorm h,l Defines the region to be shaded in the off-normal color. h

specifies the high off-normal percentage of the range. l specifies the low
off-normal percentage of the range.
-offnrmcolor oc Specifies the off-normal color (a numeric value).
-numgrid nli Specifies the number of grid partitions to display.
-nummkrs nm Specifies the number of trend line markers for each line.
-page time causes Historian trend start/stop times to be shifted by
a relative time.
-resol “t u” (Display Manager only) Provides resolution for historical
t is the numerical value in seconds (for example, -resol “60” sets resolu-
tion to one minute, -resol “28800” sets resolution to eight hours).
u refers to the units, which must be one of d, D, h, H, m, M, s, or S (days,
hours, minutes, seconds).
For example, -resol “2d” or -resol “2D” sets resolution to two days.

Remarks: This command allows changes in contents and general appearance of a

time-based trend after it has been called in. The above options can be
combined within a single trend command. The command does not take
effect (and the trend is not redrawn) until the trend command is com-
pleted. This allows all options to be set before the trend is redrawn.


S/W Release: 3.0

Use: For remote file access, closes a busy file and unmounts the previously
mounted file system

Syntax: umount <APname>

Remarks: The unmount command closes the busy file and unmounts the previously
mounted file system. However, remote file access still uses the last mount
See also mount.

Refer to protect.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands


S/W Release: 3.3

Use: Creates the data for displaying the current run-state of all configured Dis-
play Managers

Syntax: viewdm

Remarks: This command is used in the overlay /usr/fox/tmplts/viewdm which is

called in the dm_usage script.


S/W Release: all

Use: Runs UNIX executable programs and UNIX scripts from a 50 Series WP

Syntax: dmcmd wp_applic [(path/program_name) <arguments>] &

Remarks: This command starts a program on the 50 Series WP. See applic for more


S/W Release: all

Use: Writes text or data to blocked text file records

Creates a blocked text file

Syntax: wrtfile (filename) {fmt} [<arguments>]

2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands B0193DF – Rev M

Remarks: Because the {fmt} wrtfile syntax does not allow spaces, concatenate the
{fmt} options.

Format Options
{fmt} Description
a Append
b Blocked text
l Add new line
n Terminated with the ASCII null
c Create (make a new file)
B Buffered (hold last file open)
r num Record size override
w num Field width (default = record size)
o num Field offset (default = 0)
i num Index record (default = 0)
I [base_num]*,** Add glbl base to index (set base with setfindex)

* [base_num] is used with 50 Series systems, Version 3.3 or greater. It is not used with 20/30 Series
** To examine or change workstation variables, refer to “Reserved Workstation Variables” on
page 127.

For example,
wrtfile text bw6o10i15n mystr
instructs wrtfile to open the block text (b) file text and examine the
record size of all records. Then it goes to the 15th record (i15) and locates
a six-character field (w6), with an offset of ten characters from the begin-
ning of the record (o10). It then replaces the six characters with mystr fol-
lowed by a null byte (n).
Refer to “Examples of Read/Write File Operations” on page 153 for addi-
tional examples of read/write file operations.

B0193DF – Rev M 2. Alphabetical List of Display Commands

3. Reserved Workstation Variables
This chapter provides an alphabetical list of workstation variables used by the display manager.
Two appendixes, one describing bit extension acronyms and the other listing examples of read-
write file operations, are also provided.
This is an alphabetical list of display manager workstation variables.

Purpose Access level for protecting access to the Advanced Trend Configuration
Browser dialog box in FoxView

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Command to execute when silencing the horns from Display Manager or
FoxView. This command is executed when the Alarm top menu bar but-
ton is selected in Display Manager or the Process button is selected in

Configuration 20/30/50/51/70

Purpose List of colors to use for acknowledged alarm

Configuration 30/50/51DM

Purpose Alarm backup workstation

Configuration 30/50 Series/70 Series

Purpose List of colors to use for unacknowledged alarm

Configuration 30/50/51DM

B0193DF – Rev M 3. Reserved Workstation Variables

Purpose Reserved read-only global variable

Use Records the number of alarms of the configured alarm priority

(ALMPRI) and alarm state (ALMRTN) that have been received.

Remarks The alarm text {$GCLBUG}ALMCNT variable is dependent on the configured

ALMPRI and ALMRTN values. The Alarm Manager (AM) monitors the
ALMCNT variable. When the variable changes, the AM executes a user-
defined action. The New Alarms button on the alarm displays flashes,
indicating that new alarms have arrived in the alarm alert database.

Purpose Reserved read-only global variable

Use Records the alarm text associated with the latest alarm priority. The
ALMTXT variable can be embedded in a process display and updated
when the ALMCNT variable is updated.

Remarks The alarm text {$GCLBUG}ALMTXT string variable is dependent on the con-
figured ALMPRI and ALMRTN values.
The ALMTXT variable is a 60-character text string with the following format:
Compound Block Param hh:mm:ss Pri State AlmType PointName
Pri is the priority of the message
State is ALM for in-alarm and RTN for return-to-normal
PointName may not be present if not configured.

* appears in place of the parameter for non-analog alarms such as STATE.

Purpose Allows you to configure display manager prepick variables.

Configuration 20/30/50 Series

Use Uncomment the following lines in the init.user file to remove prepick
functionality from block detail displays (AOUT_DD) or group displays

3. Reserved Workstation Variables B0193DF – Rev M

If in Manual mode, Output is selected.

Purpose Name of configured logical host. This value cannot be modified in the
init.user file.

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Purpose FV/DM name for block detail display redirection.

Configuration 20/30/50/51DM(AM)/51FV(AM)/WP70

Purpose FV/DM name for lia redirection

Configuration 20/30/50/51DM(AM)/51FV(AM)/WP70

Purpose FV/DM name user display redirection

Configuration 20/30/50/51DM(AM)/51FV(AM)/WP70

Purpose Access level for protecting the browser feature of the Advanced Trend
Configuration Browser dialog box in FoxView

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose CAD clear option

Configuration 20/30/50/51DM(AM)/51FV(AM)/WP70

B0193DF – Rev M 3. Reserved Workstation Variables

Purpose Reserved read-only global variable. Flag for order of searching for CP host
when displaying PLB and sequence code detail displays. If set to
CPHOST, the CP's hosting is first checked for the file. If not set to
CPHOST, the local disk is checked first.

Use Sets search order for ladder displays and sequence code (50 Series only)

Remarks When CTLFRST = CPHOST (default), the Display Manager searches for the
requested ladder display or sequence code file as follows:
♦ CP host
♦ Local disk (WP50s only)
♦ Logical host.
When CTLFRST = LOCAL, the Display Manager searches for the requested
ladder display or sequence code file as follows:
♦ Local disk (WP50s only)
♦ Logical host
♦ CP host.
When the CP’s host is not accessible, the LOCAL configuration prevents
Display Manager time-outs if the ladder display or sequence code files are
available on the local disk or the WP’s logical host. The LOCAL configu-
ration, however, does not assure that the user is reading the latest ladder
display or sequence code.
You must distribute the ladder display or sequence code files to the local
disk or the WP’s logical host every time the Control Configurator changes
them. For more information, refer to Display Engineering for 50 Series
Workstations (B0193MQ).
The /usr/fox/wp/data/init.user file contains the CTLFRST (control file first
location) variable.

Purpose Access level for protecting the “Assign” Display Bar menu function

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Access level for protection the “Load” Display Bar menu function

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

3. Reserved Workstation Variables B0193DF – Rev M

Purpose Access level for protection of the Display Bar

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Access level for protecting all Display Bar menu functions

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Access level for protecting the “Save” Display Bar menu function

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Reserved read/write global variable

Use Sets a value to Display Manager variables

Remarks The DMCMD (display command) global variable stores commands. The Dis-
play Manager periodically interprets and executes any command trans-
ferred to the DMCMD global.
After the Display Manager accepts the command, the Display Manager
then clears DMCMD to wait for the next command. If the Display Manager is
busy or has exited, the DMCMD does not clear.
Use the pref tool to send built-in commands to Display Manager in a
command window.
For example,
# pref -01WP02 DMCMD “stddisp MYCOMP:NEWBLOCK PID”
forces the station 01WP02 to display the detail display for PID block
The following command, for example, closes the (above) display by exe-
cuting the close built-in command. In this example, the dmcmd prefix is
required to give the close command at least two words.
# pref DMCMD “dmcmd close”

B0193DF – Rev M 3. Reserved Workstation Variables

The letters dmcmd perform two different functions, either global variable or built-
in command, depending on syntax. To minimize confusion, consistently capitalize
reserved global variables.

Purpose Allows you to specify the position of the decimal point used in automati-
cally formatted numeric update fields in the display manager. List of deci-
mal location for “auto format” values on display. Default is
4,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0. Each entry is a power of 10.

Configuration 20/30/50/70 Series

Use Uncomment the following line in the init.user file and edit the line.
DM_DEC=4 4 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0

Purpose Name of X Server for this DM/FV. This value can not be modified in

Configuration 51DM/51FV/70 Series

Purpose Allows you to specify text that appears below the display manager icon

Configuration 50 Series

Use Uncomment the following line in the init.user file to display text and the
current Alarm and System/SYS button states at the display manager icon.

Purpose Reserved read/write global variable

Configuration 20, 30, 50, 70

Use Indicates the start-up to run when display manager returns

Remarks The DMINIT (display manager initialize) global variable is set to the name
of a script that runs whenever display manager is started.

3. Reserved Workstation Variables B0193DF – Rev M

Standard Invensys Foxboro software stores the name of a script that restores the operator environ-
ment in this global.

Purpose Setting for directing logged messages:
0 = no logging
1 = log to message line only
2 = log to message line and to file $WPDATA/$DMNAME/DM.log

Configuration 50 Series/70 Series

Purpose Display manager

Use Indicates the name of the display manager

Configuration 50 Series/70 Series

Purpose Variable containing the process ID (PID) of Display Manager or FoxView

Configuration 20/30/50/51/70

Purpose Allows you to specify that a display manager window is non-scalable

Use Uncomment the following line to set the display manager as full-size, non-
scalable window.

Configuration 50 Series/51DM

Purpose Format for time in message line
0 (or not set), use format for locale
1, use dd/mm/yy
2, use yy/mm/dd

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

B0193DF – Rev M 3. Reserved Workstation Variables

Purpose Reserved read/write global variable

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Use Set by FoxView or Display Manager to the name of the current environ-


Environment files may be several layers deep via the keep button label. Standard
software makes Display Manager load only the initial environment file plus the
most recent operator environment file after returning from an off-line state via the
exit (num) command. For more information on the keep button label, refer to
Workstation Configuration.

Purpose Name of environment at start-up

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/51DM

Purpose Allows the user to configure the faceplate search path

Configuration 20/30/50/51DM

Use Uncomment the following line and add a search path. The indicated
directory is searched for loading faceplates used by the display manager.
For example, FPLIB=/usr/displib/Faceplates sets the directory to

Remarks This configuration is in the init.user file.

Purpose Maximum number of columns when displaying menus. The default is 7.

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

3. Reserved Workstation Variables B0193DF – Rev M

Purpose Time in seconds before select/assign mode times out

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Name of directory to use as default directory for ov_conn command. The
default is /opt/fox/displib/overlayfaceplates

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Color used to highlight selectable fields

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Color used to indicate relative pick object

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Color used to highlight selectable fields for select/assign

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Allows you to configure FoxView’s update mode. If set to “full”, default
display update mode is full redraw mode. Setting in display file overrides
this value.

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Use Uncomment and edit the following line to configure the FoxView’s update
mode on a per display basis.
After the equal sign (=), place one of these choices:
SELECTIVE updates individual fields as necessary.

B0193DF – Rev M 3. Reserved Workstation Variables

FULL draws all fields every update cycle

This value applies only to displays that have not had
their update mode explicitly set. This is the case for
default displays and displays created with the pdf_fdf

Purpose Allows you to configure the cursor

Configuration 51FV

Use Uncomment and edit the following line to configure the cursor.
For example, FXCURSOR=/opt/fox/wp/foxview/cur-
sor/crosshair_large sets the cursor to a different cursor.

Purpose The workstation’s letterbug

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Purpose Flag to allow redirection of displays. If set to 1, allows redirection to other
Display Managers or FoxViews

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Purpose Name of configured logical host. This value can not be modified in the
init.user file.

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Purpose Allows you to define the name of the initial display

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

3. Reserved Workstation Variables B0193DF – Rev M

Use Uncomment and add the display name.

For example, INITDSP=xxxxx sets the initial display for the display man-
ager to be xxxxx.

Remarks This configuration is in the init.user file.

Purpose Reserved read/write global variable

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Use Stops the most recently run WP task

Remarks The LFPID (last-forked process id) global is set whenever the run built-in
is used to start a WP task. LFPID contains the process id of the last pro-
cess started with a run followed by a comment character (#) and the path-
name of the last run program.
One way to use this command is in conjunction with the kill command;
for example, dmcmd kill $LFPID.

Everything to the right of the pound sign (#) is ignored when LFPID is referenced
in a script.

Purpose Allows you to configure display manager prepick variables

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Use Uncomment the following lines in the init.user file to remove prepick
functionality from Block detail displays (MLS_DD) or group displays

Purpose Name of user for logging to Operator Action Journal. If not set, use
DMNAME. This can be set to GCLBUG.

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

B0193DF – Rev M 3. Reserved Workstation Variables

Purpose Variable containing the current logging status of the Operator Action

Configuration 20/30/50/51/70

Use This variable can be initialized through the init.usr file. The format is:
E|D An E (enabled) or a D (disabled) is required.
<prtname> The name of the printer for logging operator actions.
<histname> The name of the Historian to which the operator action mes-
sages are sent. This field must include six characters.

The format of the variable is fixed. It must contain
five characters, a comma, and then seven characters.

The above variable enables logging to a Historian and printing. The
printer is LP01, and the Historian is hist01.
The above variable enables logging to a Historian, but disables printing.

Purpose Allows you to configure the maximum number of overlays.

Configuration 50 Series

Use Uncomment and edit the following line in the init.user file to configure
the maximum number of overlays allowed in the display manager.
The <number> can be 4 to 20, inclusive.

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8

Purpose Read/write variables available for general use. P1, P2, and P3 are used by
Display Manager and FoxView when calling in Block Detail Displays.

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

3. Reserved Workstation Variables B0193DF – Rev M

Purpose Reserved read/write
(Also refer to the exit global variable)
Name of last application started with the run command. Read/write

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Use Passes values and runs an application program

Syntax = PGM “(filename) (arg1) (arg2)...”

Remarks WP20/30 only. Use this variable to store the command line of the next
process to run instead of Display Manager. Use this command with the
exit command.
The following example causes the Display Manager to exit and start
/usr/fox/user_program. PGM is cleared after a successful exit. PGM is not
cleared when the program cannot start up.
dmcmd script
= PGM /usr/fox/user_program
exit 11

Purpose Reserved read/write global variable used to store the name of the current
relative pick. Cleared each time a base display is called in. Cleared each
time a relative pick is uncleared.

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Use Sets values to selectable display fields or areas

Remarks PICK1 is cleared to the pattern <:.> when a new display is called. It is not
cleared if an overlay is called.
PICK1 is reset when an overlay is closed and it has a highlighted area, that
is, an object is selected. The Display Configurator’s or FoxView’s “set rela-
tive pick” is the recommended method of setting the PICK1 variable.
PICK1 is the standard global used to hold the value of the current pick.

Purpose Reserved read/write global variable cleared each time a base display or
overlay is called in

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

B0193DF – Rev M 3. Reserved Workstation Variables

Use Sets values to selectable display fields or areas

Remarks PICK2 refers to a pickable softkey on a display or the menu bar. The value
assigned to PICK2 may include an optional parameter.
PICK2 is set to the null string when a display or overlay is invoked. Setting
PICK2 in a script that eventually calls a base display or overlay display
resets PICK2 to the null string. Do not set PICK2 within a script that
invokes a display.

Purpose Time in seconds before relative pick will time out

Configuration 51DM/51FV/70 Series

Purpose Allows you to configure display manager prepick variables

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Use Uncomment the following lines in the init.user file to remove prepick
functionality from block detail displays (PID_DD) or group displays
If in Manual mode, Output is selected, otherwise, Setpoint is selected.

Purpose Reserved read-only global variable

Use Accesses PLB ladder display

Remarks The Display Manager PLB variable is created on every workstation and
contains the default directory (/usr/plc) for the ladder displays. The Dis-
play Manager uses this variable as follows:
♦ Compares the base directory of an open display command to the
contents of the PLB variable to determine if a ladder display is to
be opened.
♦ Loads the plb_dir file, that is, [<rmount_pnt>]$PLB/plb_dir.

3. Reserved Workstation Variables B0193DF – Rev M

♦ Sets up the ladder default directories:

20 Series [<rmount_pnt>]$PLB
(that is, [<rmount_pnt>]/usr/plc)
50 Series [<rmount_pnt>]${PLB}50
(that is, [<rmount_pnt>]/usr/plc50)
51 FoxView [<rmount_pnt>]${PLB}FV
(that is, [<rmount_pnt>]/usr/plb50)

Purpose Command to execute when the Process button is selected

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Access level for protection of the Process button pick

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Access level for protecting the Online Trend Configurator’s Permanent
save button

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Indicates that file is remote

Configuration 51DM/51FV

Purpose Contains the path of the currently mounted station

Configuration 50/51

Use Use this prefix to identify files that should be accessed on a remotely
mounted station.
This refers to the initial display on the current remotely mounted station.

B0193DF – Rev M 3. Reserved Workstation Variables

Purpose Access level for protecting the Select and Assign functionality

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Access level for protection of turning compounds on/off within Select
Screen or FoxSelect

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Purpose Allows you to set up the Select screen

Configuration 20/30/50/51DM

Use Uncomment and edit the following line in the init.user file to change the
default CP that displays in the Select screen.
cp_nm_filter is the name to be stored in the CP Search field when
calling up Select
function: ALWAYS The cp_nm_filter is always stored in the CP Search
field when calling up the Select Screen
Leaving this argument blank stores the cp_nm_filter the first time the dis-
play manager is restarted only.
After restarting the display manager, sets the CP Search field to “*”. Oper-
ator entry is used for the remaining inputs.
When calling up the Select screen, the CP Search field is always set to “*”.
This is the default. When a display manager restarts, the CP Search field is
set to be blank. After you enter a CP name, the CP name is used.
When calling up the Select screen, the CP Search field is cleared
When calling up the Select screen, brings up the Compound menu of sta-
tions matching the LBUG filter.

3. Reserved Workstation Variables B0193DF – Rev M

Purpose Command to execute when the System button is selected

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Allows you to configure FoxSelect functionality

Configuration 50/70 Series

Use Uncomment and edit the following lines causing the generation of a con-
firmation message when turning a compound on or off.
The above line requires the operator to confirm the action when turning
on or turning off a Compound.
The above line requires no perator confirmation when turning on or turn-
ing off a compound.

Purpose Reserved read/write global variable

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Use Select Screen protection (SEL_PROT) level to disable access to the Select
COMPOUNDS buttons.

Remarks This Object Manager global should have a range from 0 through 255, and
should be set similar to the graphic object protection classes, configured in
the display configurator.
The content of the global can be defined in the init.cmds script.

Purpose Reserved read-only global variable

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Use Displays sequence code

B0193DF – Rev M 3. Reserved Workstation Variables

Remarks The display manager uses the SEQ variable to identify the location of the
sequence code. The SEQ variable is set to /usr/fox/ciocfg/$p1/$p2.r,
where p1 and p2 are display manager variables set as follows:
p1 is set to <compound name>
p2 is set to <block name>

The display manager uses the SEQ variable as follows:

♦ Sets p1 and p2 through the built-in stddisp function.
♦ Compares the full pathname of a read file path with the contents
of the SEQ variable to determine if sequence code has been

Purpose Can be set to have FoxSelect perform either a Reload or a Refresh when

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Use If this variable is set to -RELOAD, FoxSelect reloads all connected stations
when FoxSelect is started. If set to -REFRESH, FoxSelect refreshes all con-
nected stations. The default behavior (when this variable is left blank) is
for FoxSelect to resume where it left off, which means that FoxSelect’s
database will be identical to the last time it was exited.

Purpose Reserved read/write global variable name of station to which to redirect
next display

Configuration 20/30/50 Series/70 Series

Use Indicates which display manager receives a specified action

Remarks This variable holds the name of the display manager where redirection
takes place. It is often used for multi-screen applications where displays are
diverted from a DM to a different screen. Storing a DM name in STA
determines where the next display is sent.
If STA is cleared, display call-up goes to the original display manager that
initiated it. STA is cleared once it is used depending on the value of the
read-only global GCRED.

3. Reserved Workstation Variables B0193DF – Rev M

Purpose Reserved read/write global variable

Use Queues the current display

Remarks The ST0 variable holds a command that brings up the current display. The
variable ST0 is copied into ST1 when a new display is called up.

ST0 need not be a display file; it may be a built-in command with arguments or a
script name.

Purpose Reserved read/write global variable

Use Queues the previous display

Remarks The ST1 variable holds a command that brings up the previous display.
The variable ST0 is copied to ST1 when a new display is called up. A dmcmd
close command copies them back (exchanging contents) so that an oper-
ator may easily flip between a pair of displays.
Setting ST1 is a way of changing the name of the previous display.

ST1 need not be a display file; it may be a built-in command with arguments or a
script name.

Purpose Access level for protection of the System button

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Use Uncomment the following line to protect the System button.

Add a user-defined access level for the selected configuration option.

Purpose Access level for protecting changes to trend line connection name using
the on-line trend configurator in FoxView

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

B0193DF – Rev M 3. Reserved Workstation Variables

Purpose Access level for protecting changes to trend lone descriptions using the on-
line trend configurator in FoxView

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose Access level for protection for on-line trend configuration from FoxView

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Purpose List of colors to use in the trend alarm field for unacknowledge colors

Configuration 30/50/51DM

Purpose List of colors to use in the trend alarm field for unacknowledge colors

Configuration 30/50/51DM

Purpose Allows you to configure trend redraw time

Configuration 51DM

Use Uncomment and edit the following line in the init.user file to change the
trend redraw time.
The value entered after the equal sign (=) determines the minimal time
interval (in seconds) between trend graph redraws due to a change in
trend line’s high-scale and low-scale values as recalculated by the auto-scale

Purpose Name of the directory where user-written environments are found

Configuration 51FV/70 Series

Appendix A. Bit Extension


Bit Acronyms Boolean
(50 Series) Numbers Definitions
B3 B3 Uninhibit Alarm
PNT1-8 B17-B24 Boolean 17-24 (bits 15-8).
BAD B10 Bad I/O Alarm
HDA B11 High Deviation Alarm
HHA B7 High High Absolute Alarm
HMA B15 High Measurement Alarm
HOA B13 High Output Alarm
LDA B12 Low Deviation Alarm
LLA B8 Low Low Absolute Alarm
LMA B16 Low Measurement Alarm
LOA B14 Low Output Alarm
PTRG B13 Pre-Target Alarm
OOR B4 Out of Range Alarm
OPER B5 Operational Error Alarm
ROC B9 Rate of Change Alarm
STA B6 State Alarm
TARG B7 Target Alarm
TRIP B1 Trip Alarm
UNAK B2 Unacknowledged Alarm

CRIT and PRI are integers mapped into ALMSTA, and are, therefore, not bit

B0193DF – Rev M Appendix A. Bit Extension Acronyms

Bit Acronyms Boolean
(50 Series) Numbers Definitions
B29 B29 Booleans (bit 3). Not used.
ACC B27 Accumulate
ACT B16 Active
ASP B28 Alternate Setpoint
BAD B20 Bad I/O
BADR B31 Bad Redundant I/O
CTL B27 Control
DEV B28 Redundant I/O Deviation
DF B10 Device Fail
DSB B9 Disabled
DSR B10 DSR Mismatch
FBM B24 FBM Failure
FBMR B23 Redundant FBM Failure
FLB B1 Supervisory Fallback
FOL B28 Follow
FS B8 Fail-safe Output
FTN B15 Feedforward Tune Active
FTNI B16 Feedforward Tune Inactive
HLD B25 Hold
HOL B4 High Output Limit
HRQ B13 Hold Request
ILK B11 Interlocked
LM1 B16 Limit Switch 1
LM2 B15 Limit Switch 2
LOL B5 Low Output Limit
LR B22 0 = Local, 1 = Remote
LRO B7 LR Override
MA B21 0 = Manual, 1 = Auto
MAO B6 MA Override
MO B8 Manual Override
MTN B32 Manual Tune
ON B17 Compound On
PAUS, PAU B14 Paused
PTN B30 Pre-tune
RAMP B15 Ramp Option
RED B11 Redundant Inputs

Appendix A. Bit Extension Acronyms B0193DF – Rev M

Bit Acronyms Boolean

(50 Series) Numbers Definitions
REPT B16 Repeat Option
RMP B27 Ramp
SBX B13 Execute SBX Statements
SC B2 Supervisory Control
SE B3 Supervisory Enable
SEL B32 Redundant I/O Select
SIM B14 PLB Simulation Mode
SPDN B13 Setpoint Ramp Down
SPUP B14 Setpoint Ramp Up
STN B31 Self Tune
STRK B23 Setpoint Track
TEST B13 PLB Test Mode
TRIP B15 Tripped
TRK B26 Track
UDEF B18 Undefined
WLCK B32 Workstation Lock. 1=Locked

20 Series bits SPD, SPI, and OPN are no longer used.

B0193DF – Rev M Appendix A. Bit Extension Acronyms

Bit Acronyms Boolean
(50 Series) Numbers Definitions
BAD B10 Bad I/O Alarm
HDA B11 High Deviation Alarm
HHA B7 High High Absolute Alarm
HMA B15 High Measurement Alarm
HOA B13 High Output Alarm
LDA B12 Low Deviation Alarm
LLA B8 Low Low Absolute Alarm
LMA B16 Low Measurement Alarm
LOA B14 Low Output Alarm
OOR B4 Out of Range Alarm
OPER B5 Operational Error Alarm
PNT1 B1 Point 1 Alarm
PNT2 B2 Point 2 Alarm
PNT3 B3 Point 3 Alarm
PNT4 B4 Point 4 Alarm
PNT5 B5 Point 5 Alarm
PNT6 B6 Point 6 Alarm
PNT7 B7 Point 7 Alarm
PNT8 B8 Point 8 Alarm
PTRG B8 Pre-Target Alarm
ROC B9 Rate of Change Alarm
STA B6 State Alarm
TARG B7 Target Alarm
TRIP B1 Trip Alarm

Bit Acronyms Boolean
(50 Series) Numbers Definitions
B17-B32 B17-B32 Boolean 17-32 (bits 15-0) not used.
BAD B10 Bad I/O Alarm
HDA B11 High Deviation Alarm
HHA B7 High High Absolute Alarm
HMA B15 High Measurement Alarm
HOA B13 High Output Alarm
LDA B12 Low Deviation Alarm

Appendix A. Bit Extension Acronyms B0193DF – Rev M

Bit Acronyms Boolean

(50 Series) Numbers Definitions
LLA B8 Low Low Absolute Alarm
LMA B16 Low Measurement Alarm
LOA B14 Low Output Alarm
OOR B4 Out of Range Alarm
OPER B5 Operational Error Alarm
PNT1 B1 Point 1 Alarm
PNT2 B2 Point 2 Alarm
PNT3 B3 Point 3 Alarm
PNT4 B4 Point 4 Alarm
PNT5 B5 Point 5 Alarm
PNT6 B6 Point 6 Alarm
PNT7 B7 Point 7 Alarm
PNT8 B8 Point 8 Alarm
PTRG B13 Pre-target Alarm
ROC B9 Rate of Change Alarm
STA B6 State Alarm
TARG B7 Target Alarm
TRIP B1 Trip Alarm

Other Block Parameters (Not Listed Above)

B1-B32, Boolean numbers 1-32, are used for any 32-bit variables, such as packed long. Booleans
B1 through B32 are equivalent to binary bits 31 through 0.
B1-B16, Boolean numbers 1-16, are used for any 16-bit variables, such as packed booleans. Bool-
eans B1 through B16 are equivalent to binary bits 15 through 0.
Variables other than packed booleans or packed longs can be configured; however, you should
map the Boolean number into the appropriate bit number.

When configuring a path with a bit extension (such as trend lines, dmcmd toggle,
etc.), you may not use bit acronyms for 20/30 Series display files; you may only use
Boolean numbers or a hexadecimal mask.
When you are building 50 Series display files using bit acronyms in the bit exten-
sion, the convert-display-2-20 program (convdisp2_20) converts the bit acronym
into a hexadecimal mask.

B0193DF – Rev M Appendix A. Bit Extension Acronyms

Appendix B. Examples of
Read/Write File Operations

Example 1 – Network Display

You can build a display (Figure B-1) to check and control network connections.
Each NODEi (rectangle N00001 through N00010 on the display) is the object group configu-
rated as a rectangle and two text objects. Each NODEi rectangle object has a color attribute,
which connects through path via “NODEi_AVAIL”. If NODEi is not available, the color of the
rectangle is cyan.
One of the two text objects is simple text, “N000..”. The other text object has the “select”
attribute, which connects through path via the substitution list. When you pick the associated dis-
play object (N00001, ..., N00010), the appropriate substitution is made, and you can then pick
the rectangle NODE OVERLAY, NODE REPORT, or SPECIFIC SN INFO to display the
selected NODEi conditions.

Sys Alarm Help Config Disp Disp_1 Disp_2 SftMnt Select


N00001 N00003 N00005 N00007 N00009

N00002 N00004 N00006 N00008 N00010



Figure B-1. Network Display (Example)

B0193DF – Rev M Appendix B. Examples of Read/Write File Operations

NODE REPORT is an object group having three objects: a rectangle and two text objects. Only
one of the text objects has the “select” attribute, which connects with the action to be taken when
NODE REPORT is picked. This action is “Open Overlay”, and path points to the Overlay Dis-
play location. Open Overlay displays the information, which is read from the user-defined file.
Each text object of Overlay Display has the “select” attribute connected with a “read file” action,
and path points to the filename and record number to be displayed.
For example, text object #3 could have path “$P2 bi3IB”, which would mean that the file “$P2”
(the filename is known after the substitution when the user picks NODEi) is opened as blocked
text (b), is buffered (B) with set default base index (I), and the third record (i3) of this file is read
and displayed.

Example 2 – Dependent Sequence Block Code

A display (Figure B-2) is built by the user to show the code of the sequence control blocks.


ORM_1 90123456789012
ORM_19 80

Figure B-2. Dependent Sequence Block Code Display (Example)

Appendix B. Examples of Read/Write File Operations B0193DF – Rev M

The display is a group with six subgroup objects:

Object Purpose
DEP Handles the display title rectangle (at the top of
the display)
A text object Consists of the words “Dependent Sequence
Block Code”
A rectangle A simple rectangle around ORM_1 through
Horizontal lines Handles the bottom rectangle, which contains
ACK, the “return” stop sign, TOGGLE, and
other buttons
CTRL_BUTTONS The control buttons
CODE_BUTTONS The code buttons

The following presents some details regarding the “lines” group object and the
CODE_BUTTONS group object, showing how a read command is utilized:
The “lines” group object has 20 text objects, each of them having a read file attribute,
which connects through pathname “$SEQ {options}” with the file to be read. The file
name is known after the block selection (in this case, the DEP block). The options are:
b blocked text (the sequence block has the block text file with the
extension *.r)
i# line number (the number is written after i)
I default base index
B buffered file (keep the last file to be opened).


and three text objects. These objects are described as follows:
♦ CODE_FWD (a single down arrow) has four objects. One of them is the rectan-
gle, which has its “select” attribute connected with the action “next rdline”.
♦ CODE_BACK (a single up arrow) has its “select” attribute connected with the
action “prev rdline”.
♦ CODE_FWD_20 (two down arrows) has seven objects. The rectangle object has
its “select” attribute connected with “setfindex +20”.
♦ CODE_BACK_20, CODE_BACK_80, and CODE_FWD_80 are basically sim-
ilar to CODE_FWD_20.
♦ HOME (two up arrows with a horizontal line) has a rectangle with “select”
attributes connected with “setfindex 0”.

B0193DF – Rev M Appendix B. Examples of Read/Write File Operations


!= 63
# 46
= 38
== 52
@ Character, extracting test from a test record 10

Access key locks 94, 105
Acknowledged alarm, list of colors 127
ACL 94, 105
AHD 127
Alarm backup, workstation 127
Alarm Manager, command interface 1
Alarm Text, exporting to other applications 1
Alarm, invoking another application 1
alarm_bar 30, 67
almack 31
almack_c 31
almackone_c 32
almackpage_c 32
almdel 33
almdelpage 34
almhist 34
almredir 35
annun 36
Annunciator panels, display commands 17
applic 37

backsurf 38
baklog 39
Bit extensions
for input control 20
for output connections 21
parameter 20

B0193DF – Rev M Index

uses 20
blink 40
Block detail display redirection 129
Built-in commands, use of dmcfg 19
Button 40

CAD, clearing 129
Calls, display manager 1
chng_env 42
chng_menu_bar 43
clearpick 43
close 43
clralmpnl 45
to highlight selectable fields 135
to highlight selectable fields for select/assign 135
to indicate relative pick object 135
acknowledged alarm 127
unacknowledged alarm 127, 146
!= 63
# 46
= 38
== 52
alarm_bar 30, 67
almack 31
almack_c 31
almackone_c 32
almackpage_c 32
almdel 33
almdelpage 34
almhist 34
almredir 35
annum 36
applic 37
backlog 39
backsurf 38
blink 40
button 40
chng_env 42
chng_menu_bar 43
close 43

Index B0193DF – Rev M

clralmpnl 45
dbar_button 47
display_bar 50
dmexit 50
do_lia 51
e 51
else 51
enable 52
execute 53
exit 54
frntsurf 57
ge 58
get_select_pt 58
getenv 59
getstr 59
goto alms 60
horns 61
incwrap 62
initlog 64
input 64
kill 65
lt 66
mount 68
msglin 70
next alms 70
next rdline 71
nologscr 72
nostack 72
ov 13, 73
ov_conn 13
ov_mode 81
ov_on_top 81
ov_switch 82
pageack 82
passwd 83
pick 84
plot 87
prev alms 91
prev rdline 92
protect 93
prtalmpnl 95
psc 95
quitdm 96
run 98
script 99
sdjump 100
select_pt 101
setacl 104

B0193DF – Rev M Index

setb 102
setenv 106
setfindex 107
setglbl 108
seti 103
setl 104
shortcut_menu _style 109
shortcut_menu_file 91
showcag 109
showms 110
sleep 111
source 112
stack 114
status_bar 114
stddisp 115
subslist 116
subst 117
toggle 118
trend 120
umount 123
unprotect 93
viewdm 124
wp_applic 124
wrtfile 124
Command interface, Alarm Manager 1
Commands, concatenating 19
Comment 46
Compound, turning on or off 143
CTLFRST 128, 130
Cursor, configuring 136

dbar_button 47
Decimal point, specifying 132
Display bar
configuring 130, 131
specifying a button action 47
Display Manager
commands for annunciator panel assignments 17
evaluating OM data 9
exiting 50
file types 22
scripts 7
search paths 23

Index B0193DF – Rev M

Display Manager calls

definition of 1
list of 25
types of 2
Display Manager window, making non-scalable 133
Display redirection flag 136
Display template, formatting 14
Display, defining the initial 136
display_bar 50
building 12
building reusable 16
configuring menus 12
configuring reusable displays 13
overlay 13
DM_DEC 132
dmcfg, syntax 18
dmexit 50
do_lia 51

e 51
else 51
Embedded scripts 8
enable 52
ENV 134
ENV1 134
execute 53
exit 54
ExpertSelect 8

Faceplates, configuring the search path 134
Fields, specifying decimal point placement 132
FoxSelect, configuring 143
FoxView, configuring update mode 135
frntsurf 57

B0193DF – Rev M Index


ge 58
get_select_pt 58
getenv 59
getstr 59
goto alms 60

Horns 61

I/A Series displays
building 12
configuring menus 12
Icon, specifying text 132
incwrap 62
Initial Display, defining 136
initlog 64
input 64
Input control, using bit extensions 20

Key locks 93
kill 65

Letterbug 136
lia, FV/DM name 129
Locks 105
key 94
Loop in Alarm 51
lt 66

Menus, configuring 12
Message line, format for time 133

Index B0193DF – Rev M

mount 68
msglin 70

next alms 70
next rdline 71
nologscr 72
nostack 72

Object Manager data values, using 9
OJL 137
Operator Action Journal 137
Output connections, using bit extensions 21
ov 73
ov command 13
ov_conn command 13
default directory 135
ov_mode 81
ov_on_top 81
ov_switch 82
Overlay displays, configuring 13
Overlays, configuring the maximum number 138

P1 138
P2 138
P3 138
P4 138
P5 138
P6 138
P7 138
P8 138
pageack 82
Parameter, bit extensions 20
passwd 83
PGM 139
pick 84
PICK1 139
PICK2 139
PID_DD 137, 140
PID_FP 137, 140
PLB 140
plot 87

B0193DF – Rev M Index

pref 131
Prepick variable, configuring 128, 137, 140
prev alms 91
prev rdline 92
Process Button, protecting 141
protect 93
Protection class 94
Protection, Select Screen and FoxSelect 142
prtalmpnl 95
psc 95

quitdm 96

REM 141
Reusable Displays
building 16
configuring 13
default ranges 17
Root group 75
run 98

Script 99
annotating 46
Scripts 7
embedded 8
use of dmcfg 19
sdjump 100
Search paths, Display Manager 23
sel.prot 143
Select and Assign, preventing object selection 142
Select Screen, setting up 142
select_pt 101
SEQ 143
set_select_pt 101
setacl 104
setb 102
setenv 106
setfindex 107
setglbl 108
seti 103
setl 104

Index B0193DF – Rev M

shortcut_menu _style 109

shortcut_menu_file 91
showcag 109
showms 110
sleep 111
source 112
ST0 145
ST1 145
STA 144
stack 114
status_bar 114
stddisp 115
subslist 116
subst 117
Substitution lists, configuring 15
System button, protecting 145

Template, formatting 14
Text record, substituting text 10
toggle 118
trend 120
Trend, configuring redraw time 146

Unacknowledged alarm, list of colors 127, 146
unmount 123
unprotect 93
User display, redirection 129

Value, assigning 38
viewdm 124

Window, making non-scalable 133
Workstation, alarm backup 127
wp_applic 124

B0193DF – Rev M Index

wrtfile 124

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