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Group 3

WHAT IS? Faculty of Health Sciences - Psychology

What are how does

the signs stress affect INTEGRANTES :
of stress? us ?
Reategui Tapia Kenneth

Cavero Rojas Priscila

 Reyes Hervacio Ozmary
What are the How to Velasquez Valdivieso Nicoll
types of overcome
stress? stress?
What is stress?
Stress is a normal reaction to everyday pressures, but can become unhealthy when it upsets your
day-to-day functioning. Stress involves changes affecting nearly every system of the body,
influencing how people feel and behave.

By causing mind–body changes, stress contributes directly to psychological and physiological

disorder and disease and affects mental and physical health, reducing quality of life.
What are the signs
of stress?
Memory loss Mood swings
Inability to concentrate Irritability
See only the negative Agitation, inability to relax
Anxious and rushing thoughts Feeling overwhelmed
Constant worry Feeling lonely and isolated
Sadness or depression


Headache Eating more or less
Muscle pain or tension Sleeping more or less
Chest pain Social isolation
Fatigue Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
Upset stomach Using drugs, cigarettes or alcohol to relax
Nervous habits (nail biting)
Sleep problems
What are the types of
Acute stress: It is the stress that most people experience and is the cause of the demands
that we impose on ourselves or others. These demands are fed with respect to a recent past,
or in anticipations of the near future.

Episodic acute stress: It is also one of the most treated types of stress in psychological
TYPES OF STRESS BASED ON consultations. It appears in people with unreal demands, both their own and from society.

Positive stress: This type of stress

arises when the person is under Chronic stress: It is the stress that appears in prisons, wars or in situations of extreme
pressure, but unconsciously interprets poverty, situations in which one must be continuously alert
that the effects of the situation can
give them some benefit.
How does stress Stress can affect people of any age, gender, and
personal circumstances. Although it is true that stress
can help us, it can also harm us and cause great damage

affect us? to our health, since it alters our mood, our productivity,
our relationships and our quality of life

Common Causes
Common stressors include:
starting at a new school or job
have an illness or injury
having a sick or injured friend or family
death of a family member or friend
get marry
to have a baby
How to overcome
Manage your time more effectively and prioritize the most important
Adopt a healthier lifestyle rich in fruits and vegetables, and make sure
you get enough sleep.
Give yourself time for activities you enjoy and things that help you relax.
Admit and recognize that there are situations that cannot be changed,
even if you want to, and try to deal with them in the best possible way
by changing some aspects to try to soften them.
Get as far away from the potential source of stress.
Exercise regularly to release tension.
Adopt a more positive attitude towards problems and complex
To try to reduce stress there are several situations.
useful recommendations to achieve it Connect with loved ones.
Getting enough rest at night can help you think more clearly and have
more energy.

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