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By:Neil Patrick M. Honrubia

1. What are the key concepts that you have learned in this session?


Learning basic knowledge on how to fix problem with our computer will able to save
not only money but also our time. In troubleshooting, we much figure out the reason
why it doesn’t work and find appropriate solution for it. We can fix our own computer
problem in due time and we can able to continue what we are doing.

2. How can you integrate this in teaching and in the field of education?


Knowing how to trouble shoot computers prevent any further problems that may
exist. It is helpful to us educators to secure our files and others important
documents. We can resume immediately to what we are doing especially when we
are in the middle of discussion or presentation. In this ways preventive measure is
apply for effectiveness and efficiency of our teaching.

3. Make a summary of the session either in paragraph or bullet form.


 Approaches to Troubleshooting
 Four steps of Troubleshooting
o Define the Problem
o Identify possible causes
o Determine the most likely cause
o Apply Solutions
 Software Problem
 Hardware Problem
 Common Computer Errors and its Solutions
 Computer is running slow and its Solutions
 Windows blue screen errors and its Solutions
 No display or Black Screen on a Computer Monitor


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