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Título de tarea o proyecto

Semana: _8_

Nombre del estudiante:

Joana Pastrana
Número de cuenta:
Sede de estudio:
Jackeline Stephany Muñoz
Fecha de entrega:

From: Juana
To: Daniel

From: Juana
To: Daniel

Hi Dani, I haven't written you a letter for a long time, I want you
to know that right now I have a great responsibility in my house
since I have a little baby hahaha it's an earthquake I couldn't
order and after a while it's messy again you'll see haha my
days at home are crazy, I also tell you that cleaning the house
is tedious since the girl takes everything, but I always try to
keep the house clean, more than my dog had baby puppies,
you can imagine, Right now I was thinking of doing the
cleaning of the refrigerator but I'm still thinking about it since
I'm with homework from the university, but I'll try to do what I
can do the most at home

I hope you are very well, we love you very much

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