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My Responsibilities
Semana: 8

Integrantes: Cuenta
Leydy Jaqueline Castillo 32221161

Sede de estudio:

Mayra Cubas Cardona


Fecha de entrega:
13 de marzo de 2023

for: Misael Alvarado

From: Leydy Castillo

Subject: Responsibilities at home.

Hello Misael

I want to tell you about the responsibilities that I have at home, in the morning I have to
get up to make breakfast for my husband, and put the food for lunch, when he leaves I
start to fix the bed, I start to pick up the things that are in the floor after that I start to
sweep, then to wash the dishes and I start to wash clothes so that it does not accumulate
and finally I start to mop, on Monday and Friday the water comes and I have to fill water
to cook and purify water on Monday, Wednesday and Friday all the garbage has to be
collected to take it to the garbage truck at night I have to have dinner ready for when my
husband comes it is warm.


Leydy Castillo.

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