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Universidad Central del Ecuador

Facultad de Jurisprudencia, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales


DOCENTE: Teacher Oswaldo Gonzalez
FECHA: 08/08/2020
TRABAJO: No. - 2
TEMA: Writing Unit 8

Writing Unit 8
Do you have an unusual home habit?
I have an unusual habit that I usually do every day, whose process is to always start
when I wake up I make an avocado mask for my hair, because it hydrates and helps me
strengthen my hair and I also usually make a chocolate mask for my face, to avoid and
eliminate the imperfections of my face. That recipe is from my grandmother, from her I
learned many useful things. The bad thing is that I waste a lot of time doing all this
habit. I also usually make cake every day for some strange reason I love making cake
before the day starts. Usually I bring cake for lunch to my work and the cakes I make
are very delicious, because it is a recipe from my grandmother, she has many more
recipes to cook that she does not want to share with almost anyone in the family.
Another unusual habit is that I usually go to college in sleeping clothes because I am
lazy to change or because I don't have any more time. And also every day I write in my
notebook before going to work everything I dream or what I manage to remember
because I don't always remember everything I dream, my dreams are strange but they
usually make me happy.

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