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My Personal Information

Semana: 1

Nombre del estudiante:

Mónica Xiomara Ortiz Velásquez

Número de cuenta:

Sede de estudio:
Ceutec La Ceiba

Mayra Orbelina Cubas


Fecha de entrega:

Dear Valerie,
I wish we can go for a coffee soon, I have so much to tell you! I feel like I can’t
get out of this house, I got to figure out a way. I wish I had less responsibilities
and be able to have more me time. I wake up really early in the morning to
prepare breakfast and after eating I start doing the dishes and cleaning the
kitchen, and then in a blink of an eye I need to start preparing lunch meanwhile I
do laundry and tidy up around the house, by the end of the day I’m exhausted
and guess what? I still haven’t start preparing dinner! I also need to fold all the
clothes, bath my dog and water my plants. I need a girls talk.

I will call you soon,


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