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NAMA : Nasrul Maulana

KELAS : C1 Pagi

NPM : 2109010124


Introduce my name, Nasrul Maulana, the best experience in my life is as follows.

This is my school Mts Aw 44 Sei Rampah, the place where I used to study and the place where I first
got to know the outside world. This is where I have left many memories, starting from the
orientation period for new students to the thing that I will never forget, namely my misbehavior at
that time.

In the past I was naughty with my own teacher, which was often not doing assignments or skipping
school. But at that moment I realized that I was actually WRONG!!! Even so, I was responsible at that
time. Don't think it's irresponsible. What do I think.

Even though I was young at that time. But my heart already has a sense of responsibility, like the
feeling I had with my mother. A sense of wanting to be in charge of everything.

Right on the day of Eid al-Fitr, on that holy day, I intend to come to the house of the former teacher,
in the hope of being able to forgive and be able to build a relationship of Sillahturahim. And
Alhamdulillah, thanks to good intentions, that hope has come true to this day.

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