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My College Story

Incipience at new college sans all of my friends was something that was stew me. But
it was finally here; today was the day that I started at University of Mindanao My
sentiment were all over the locus. I did not grasp whether to titter or yowl. I felt spook,
titillate, agita and antsy, all at the same time. My gut was turning at the thought of
having to go to a new place, where everything was unprecedented to me, but my
relatives were there to siothe me. I felt like I needed more than just reassurance, but it
was down to me to find out how to maneuver. I left my house at smack-dab 8.00am. My
journey to college was only a euchre one but all the time I was worrying. My head was
spinning with thoughts like- am I too early? Am I going to be late? Where do I go when I
arrive? Who am I going to hang around with? By this time my heart was beating so hard
I could hear it. Then, the sound of a bell. The jeep stopped and I got off. I had finally
arrived at college. I ramble towards the college where there were parcel of people, all
just waiting together. I did not know any of them. I felt so lonely and aghast all on my
own, but I realise that there were others in my situation, so I waited patiently . pokily the
groups of people started to move a door, so I followed. I ended up in my ration
classroom where red and sat down. I was so antsy by now. Slowly the room inagurate
to fill with other people, my new classmates. One girl came and sat next to me. She
introduced herself. This was my first new friend. As we got talking I relaxed a little and
my fears began to gradually evanesce. College was not so lousy after all!. As the day
went on I fictitious plenty of new friends. I realised that everyone was in the same
situation. Although they had friends in the college, they were not always with them.
astute this made me feel much better and I was even starting to enjoy college. When
lunch and break times came I met up with my new friend who introduced me to her
friends, who were all really friendly and welcoming. I felt so salve and relaxed; it was
like I had been there before. I felt as though I finally fitted in. Getting to know the college
was the most augean thing to do as I did not know where anything was. But I soon
learnt and my daily routine just fell into place. Once I arrive at college I go into the
quotidian room to meet up with my friends. We have a chat and do all the normal things
that people our age do!!! Then we dross, got to our lessons and meet up again at break
and lunch. Lunch time is great! I use it as time to socialise and relax, before its back to
college for more lessons. College finishes at 12pm, so its back on the jeep and home
for me. I arrive home at 12:30 so I still have time to do things that I want to do. I
absolutely love college now! Lots of people deem that college is all about work, all of the
time, that its really difficult and that you have no time for anything else. But I know that
is not veracious true. I also know that college is not easy, but it is the best place to be. I
am here because I salivate a trot and college is the only way that I can notch it. I am not
lonesome now. College has abetment me addendum self confidence, make new friends
and unfurl other important skills. Before I started here I was so worried that I was going
to be on my own, but visage at me aucourant!!! I have lots of new friends, and I am
really relish what I am doing. Don't be put off college, it's brilliant and you will love it
when you nascence, I did!! I did not reckon that I would like college and enjoy it as
much as I am, but I do, and I am so chuffed that I pellucid to give it a try and so should

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