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Selia Redman

Erwc 12
Mrs Jewell

Dear Selia,
Congratulations you have made it to the end of your high school year, that deserves a round of applause.
You have probably experienced the weirdest 4 years of your life. From distance learning, to having to
wear a mask everyday at school, to just now finally coming back to normal. How does it feel to be the
first class in 2 years to walk the stage and graduate, it must feel almost surreal. I would like to think these
years have changed me for the better, i got more on top of my classes and have the best grades i think i've
ever had. Graduating is such a weird feeling. It's like you've been with these people for better and for
worse for 12/13 years of your life and within 2 months everyone will be gone and off doing their own
things trying to make their mark on the world. I hope to come back in a few years and see how everyone
is doing. No matter what happens between anyone here I will always hope for the best for everyone.

College is now swiftly approaching and it is terrifying, I thought I would take this time to try and reflect
on the person I am today. I really want to grow up to be a teacher. I've always wanted to work with
children and now that I've gotten a little taste of it at work I never want to go back. I still have the same
dreams and fears as i did when i was little, i hate the dark it still scares me to this day, i have dreams of
flying just like i did when i was nine, i hope to still have these childlike tendencies when i get older. I'm
proud of the person I am, the fun loving, always laughing jokester who will do anything to put a smile on
everyone's face. That is probably one of the top things I'm proud of. I would say one thing that really
bothers me is when people are overly negative. I understand that sometimes things can be hard but when
people don't even try to see the light in situations it is just sad. I'm a big lover of all things sports, I love
love love Taylor Swift and finally my favorite thing to do is spend time with friends.

I would like to think I left an impact on every teacher I came in contact with at liberty. Sometimes I go
back and see old teachers and they always remember me. I think that is partially due to the fact that I am a
part of TLC. I think that being a part of TLC has allowed me to reach more people then I would have
been able to do on my own. Right now I intern in a sophomore world history class and I believe that in
one way or another I have touched all of them, I've taught them knowledge that will hopefully be carried
with them. We've shared many laughs and I've watched them work through some of the harder parts of
this year. Not only have I taught many lessons, I have had my fair share of lessons taught to me. I've
learned to just relax and take things as they come, it's okay to struggle because it just shows how hard you
are willing to work for something. And finally the most important lesson I've had to learn is to find good
friends and stick with them, you just find the one or two people you really like and trust and never let go.
It's taken me 4 years to figure it out but now that I have, life is going so smoothly.

Throughout my years at liberty I have managed to watch many tv shows and movies whether that be in
class or using them as a reason to distract me from my school work. Some of my favorite tv shows are,
Shameless, Vampire diaries, The originals, Atypical, The wilds, The society and then some of my favorite
movies are Spiderman, iron man, really any marvel movie has my heart, i love The perks of being a
wallflower, Luka, Moana, disney movies are really fascinating and i love all of the lessons that come
behind them. In my spare time i'm always playing video or sleeping. Some of my favorite video games
are Rainbow 6 siege and minecraft. They are so fun and enjoyable plus since i live so far away from my
friends it lets me stay in contact and hangout with them whenever.

Since highschool is coming to an end there are so many friends, teachers, and family i would love to
thank. First I would love to thank my sophomore year history teacher Mr Williamson, he is the one person
who really inspired my love for history. The way he ran the classroom was so fun all of his lessons were
very interactive while also being informative. All of my teachers have managed to impact meso much and
I wouldn't be the person I am today without them. Also thank you to all of my friends i've made and all
the friends i have lost, i've gone through many hard times with some of them and they changed me,
whether it was for the worse or for better they all played a key role. And finally i'm gonna thank my
family, they have been my rock all through out highschool. ANytime i was feeling down or just having a
hard time they were always there to comfort me and they always encouraged me to be my best.

My Bucket List
1. Go skydiving
2. Go outside the country
3. Visit half of 50 states
4. Go bungee jumping
5. Be in 4 states at once
6. Find a job i love
7. Learn how to cook 20 recipes
8. Make homemade bread
9. Get my own dog or cat
10. Learn guitar

Officially 19 days left of being a highschool student. For me high school was the best experience I could
make it out to be. I had fun, made new friends, tried new things, and towards the end I learned to just be
myself and not care what everyone thinks. It was hard and there were always those hard days but I
wouldn't change my experience if I had the chance. Thank you for the best and worse 4 years i could have
possibly had.

Take Care
-Selia Redman

P.s when you look back, remember the good times and all the laughs you shared, those are the most
important moments :)

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