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Things I am grateful for

1. Clean running water in my house

2. The ability to take a shower anytime I need to
3. The fact of my pantry is full
4. My fiancé, Keaton who is such a light
5. My mother who takes care of me always
6. I have a car and can drive
7. Even when things are financially tight, I’ve never had to worry about my next meal
8. The clouds
9. The sun
10. My dog, Archie
11. My mattress topper, memory foam
12. The nap I took today
13. Gluten free flour
14. YouTube and the ability to learn things online whenever I need to
15. My structural analysis professor, who helps me with assignments
16. Getting an engineering degree
17. My job
18. The job I hope to get & their interest in me
19. My dad
20. Living in Abilene, where my family is from
21. Ginger ale
22. McAllister‘s kids meals
23. The clothes on my back
24. The fact that I have shoes
25. The fact that my skin is clear
26. The fact that my body is healthy
27. My sorority
28. The opportunity to direct Singsong again
29. My ADHD medication
30. My doctors
31. My little sister Anna
32. My little sister Mattye
33. The fact that my fiancé has a loving family
34. Music and Spotify subscription
35. A Netflix subscription!
36. Air-conditioning and heating
37. Being able to study in a coffee shop
38. My writing skills
39. My best friend Sam
40. My roommates
41. Christmas time!
42. The ability to call my family whenever I want
43. The new service dog my family is fostering
44. The rain
45. My safety and the fact that I live in a safe neighborhood in a safe city
46. Flowers
47. The new dress that I bought for my engagement photos today
48. The fact that I can just go and buy a new dress
49. My senior clinic group and how we are blessed with a kind client who helps us out with
our project
50. Being able to breathe properly

Practicing gratitude today was a wonderful experience, I need to do this more often. The things
on my list range from silly little things, like tacos, to the ability to have clean running water in my
house, a blessing and luxury that many people don’t have. I am so thankful for my life and I
really am so blessed. My dog made me smile today when he greeted me at the door, and I was
able to cook a meal that I could eat even with a gluten allergy. Today has been relaxing so far,
and it’s already better than yesterday because one of my classes was canceled so I get to go
home and spend some time with my puppy! I am also taking engagement photos with my fiancé
today so that will be fun. I am thankful to put behind the stress of some of my classes and I am
also grateful that this year I am not in danger of failing any classes. Engineering is a hard
subject, and the classes have been a challenge, but I am grateful that I have improved and I am
doing all right in general in my classes. This practice really spoke to me and I will be revisiting
this list daily and adding to it. I want to pray and thank God for all my blessings. I am thankful
that I am a student and I recently have enjoyed really getting to relish my last year as a senior.
I’m looking forward to the future, but I’m also in no rush to graduate. I am so grateful and I really
am so blessed. I’m praying that God will keep me in his humility and keep me mindful of my
blessings whenever I start to get unhappy or I’m tempted to complain, because I really am very

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