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Calculation report for the Buoyancy check for the 1.2km of 10’’ x 12.7mm pipeline on MJD floater to be
installed on a river crossing location, by slinging the pipe from onshore to be launched in water through
sling wire, towed using a tug-boat.

The design checks to be conducted involve the buoyancy calculation reports, tensile stress calculation to
determine the maximum amount of pull force during installation along 1.2km, bending stress calculation
and hoop stress and the stress utilization ratios which must not exceed unity.

2. Design Codes and Standard:

The following codes and standards were adopted as reference document for this report.

I. API 5L Specifications.

3. Analysis Report:

Design Input Data:

I. Outer Diameter of Pipe, Do = 254mm (0.254m)

II. Inside Diameter of Pipe, Di = Do – 2tn = 254- 2*12.7 = 228.6mm (0.2286m)
III. Design Pressure, P = 12Mpa (Assumed)
IV. Selected Wall Thickness , tn = 12.7mm
V. Mass of pipe + coating, m = 1 ton = 1000kg
VI. Grade of pipe = X52
VII. Density of pipe material (Carbon Steel) ρpipe, = 7850kg/m3
VIII. Density of Water, ρw = 1025kg/m3 ( Where density of river/swamp/sea water ranges from
IX. Specified Minimum Yield Strength, S = 360Mpa ( As par API 5L Specifications for 10 inch pipe)

X. Young Modulus, E = 207Gpa

XI. Bending Radius, Rarc = 500*Do = 500*254 =127000mm
XII. Coefficient of friction of Coated Pipe on ground, µs = 0.2 (Assumed)
XIII. Coefficient of friction of Coated Pipe in water, µm = 0.16 (Assumed)
XIV. Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81m/s 2
XV. Acceleration of the winch, a = 0.2 m/s2
XVI. Diameter of wire sling, D = 50mm
XVII. Length of line pipe, L = 12m
XVIII. Number of pipes on ground, Np = 100
XIX. Distance moved across water surface X: =1200m
XX. Number of pipes on floater, Nf(x) = 1
XXI. Number of floaters per line pipe, nf = 2
XXII. Total number of floaters per line pipe (1.2km), n = 200
XXIII. Width of floater, d = 610mm
XXIV. Density of air, ρair = 1.225kg/m3
XXV. Thickness of floater, tf = 620mm
XXVI. Length of floater, l = 2450mm

Below are the general arrangements and isometric drawing of the pipe on floaters:

i. Plan Elevation

ii. Right Elevation.

iii. Front Elevation

iv. Isometric View



Mass of pipe + coating = 1 Ton = 1000kg/m length of the pipe

Weight of pipe of pipe + coating in N/m, = 9806.65N


a. Buoyancy Force, B = π/4 *n*(ρair*(d-tf)2*g

B = π/4 *200*(1.225*(0.61-0.62)2 *9.81 = 0.188kgm/s2 = 0.188N

b. Submerged weight of pipe, wsub = (∏/4*ρpipe (Do2-(Do-tn)2 + ρfloater ((d2-(d-tf)2)/4 -(ρw


W = mg, >>. ρ = m/v, m = ρv >>> W = ρvg (Submerged weight)

Considering a length of pipe, L =12m, m = 1ton = 1000kg, Area of Pipe = π/4*(Do2-(Do-tn)2 = π/4 *
0.254^2-(0.254^2-0.0127^2) = 0.01m2

ρ pipe = 1000/0.01*12 = 8333.33kg/m 3

For floater, mass of floaters = 2*380 = 760kg, volume of floater, v f = 2*(0.62*0.61*2.45) = 1.85318m3

ρfloater = 760/1.85318 = 410.11kg/m3

Recall, Submerged weight of pipe, w sub = (∏/4*ρpipe (Do2-(Do-tn)2 + ρfloater ((d2-(d-tf)2)/4 -(ρw

Wsub = (∏/4*8333.33*(0.254^2-(0.254-0.0127)^2+410.11*(0.61^2-(0.61-0.62)^2/4 –
(1025*(0.254^2)/4)*9.81 = (41.169+38.139-16.532)*9.81 = 62.776 *9.81 = 615.833N

Submerged weight for a single pipe, Wsub = 615.833N per pipe.

Total submerged weight for 100pcs of pipe = 100*615.833 = 61583.26N

c. Apparent weight of pipeline on floater due to buoyancy = wfsub – B = 61583.26-0.188 =


Fraction submerged = mfl/pfl *pobj/mobj , = Volume of fluid/volume of object.

mfl= mass of fluid, = Weight of the submerged pipe = 61583.068N, >>> 61583.068/9.81 = 6277.58kg

pfl = density of fluid = 1025kg/m3

volume of water = 6277.58/1025 = 6.124m3

mass of object (Pipe+floater) = (200*380kg) + (100*1000kg) = 176000kg

pobj. = density of object: = 8333.33kg/m3, Volume of object = 176000/8333.33= 21.12m3

Fraction submerged = volume of water/ volume of object = 6.124/21.12 = 0.289

The height of floater = 620mm, i.e submerged depth = 0.289*620 = 179.18mm ~ 180mm

The submerged depth = 180mm, and depth above water = 440mm

Total mass of pipe + floater (kg), Mt = 1000 + 2*380 = 1760kg

Total weight Wt = 1760*9.81 = 17265.6N

Total weight of floater = 760kg = 760*9.81 = 7455.6N

Factor of safety, Fs = 1.68 ………………………………………….. (DNVGL OS E301)

Total maximum pulling force along the 1.2km can be calculated as:

Total pulling force T (0.0km) = {Fs*(wp*(L*Np-0.0)* µs+wf*(L-0.0)* µs+wfsub*0.0* µm+Wt*a*0.0}*10^-


= 1.68*[(9806.65*(12*100-0.0)*0.2+7455.6*(12-0.0)*0.2+ 94019*0.00*0.16+17265.6*0.2*0.0)]*10^-3

=1.68*(2353596+17893.44+0+0)*10^-3 = 3984.1N

Total pulling force T (1.2km) = Fs*(wp*(L*Np-1200)* µs+wf*(L-1200)* µs+wfsub*1200*


= 1.68*(9806.65*(12*100-1200)*0.2+7455.6*(12-1200)*0.2+
61583.068*1200*0.16+17265.6*0.2*1200)*10^-3 =1.68*(0.00-
1771450.56+11823949.056+4143744)*10^-3 = 23849.7N
Tmax = 23849.7N (Maximum tensional force needed to pull pipe 1.2km down)


1. δT = Tmax/As

As = ∏/4 * (Do²-Di²) = ∏/4 * (0.254²-0.2286²) = 0.0096m 2

δT = 23849.7/0.0096 = 2384970* 10^-6 = 2.38Mpa

2. Allowable tensile stress, δA = 0.9*S

Where S = 360Mpa for 10 inches ……………….. API 5L Specifications

δA = 0.9 * 360 = 324Mpa

3. Bending stress, δB = E*Do/2Rarc = 207*254/(2*127000)*10^-3= 0.000207Mpa

4. Hoop Stress, δh = P*Do/2tn = 12*254/(2*12.7)*10^-3 = 0.12Mpa
5. Stress Utilization, δC = δT/ δA = 2.38/324 = 0.0074 < 1.0

Tensile stress < Allowable stress, thus δT < δA is OK

Apparent weight of floater on pipe due to buoyancy > Total weight of floater + pipe, OK

The weight of the pipe + floater can be sustained at equilibrium, with total required numbers of
floaters of 200 pieces, at 2 number each per line all through the 1.2km at both ends.

The total maximum pulling force required to pull pipe from onshore to cover the 1200m pipeline
distance in water is calculated to be 23849.7N, using a sling of 50mm diameter, to be pulled using a
tug boat.

The stress analysis checks and stress UC ratio for are with within the tolerance limit for the grade
360Mpa for 10 inch pipe in accordance to the API 5L Specifications.

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