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Online Learning


“What will happen next” ask myself. It been 3 months after our school has
close down due to virus outbreak. I have been staying home since then. And I have
gone learning online for long time now. Everything around me seem to be boring for
sometimes. I don’t even know what happening out there in the city. All I see in my
daily life are just learning, doing homework, and lecture. When I learn online it a little
bit difficult compare to what I have use to go to school before. But I find this
experience as good this too. Each time I learn there is limit time so time just pass by
quickly that cause teacher to give only few topic to learn and for my Test, Quiz, and
Final Examination. Besides it is also good in learning online because I have even
more time to do others things and they are not fully schedule on learning all day.
Learning online also help me keep myself in private and no one can fully see and
Judge me for what I’m doing. This happen to me sometimes when I’m changing my
clothes and going to toilet when beginning of class to remove waste from my body.

“Were are we going?” ask myself. As time pass by. In learning online, I have
a question that I have wondering since school close down even before school close
too. I have ask this question since the outbreak start. Even till now I’m still asking.
Now and soon school will close and what I see is my home and learning online is one
prison that I am prisoner who just stay at my and do nothing at home just learning
online and eat and other things(My Private Things.). And I was thinking since the
school will close I ask few more questions “What will happen next year? Should I go
to Military? Do I have keep learning online? Will this be my new daily life or world to
live in?” That is thing that I have been asking for now, maybe in the future there
would be more question for me to ask more for no reason, depend on world Pandemic
and my homeland country Thailand. Right now I’m worried and sacred about online
test because there is not really much time to as I have said that the meeting have their
limited for only forty minutes before it close immediately. This give me more
challenging and difficult to ask teacher for help since there is also other disturbing
student who keep interrupting, that may have cause teacher to hear me when I ask for
question I just hope that I can have one on one with teacher on the test privately with
no disturbing from some student. I find it better, because I try this kind with Science
teacher and turns out to be good. I have more concentration and focus on final exam. I
could even ask any time I want. This is the reason why I find it better.

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